I am trying to get a list of workset name and id's from the active document using Revit API inside of Python node in Dynamo. I am trying to access workset table but this code returns nothing:
doc = __doc__
workset = ActiveWorkset(doc)
active_id = workset.ActiveWorksetId()
OUT = active_id
For now I was just trying to see if i can get active workset first but even that doesnt work.
I haven't tried this in Dynamo, but my trusty RevitPythonShell thinks this should work:
worksetTable = doc.GetWorksetTable()
activeId = worksetTable.GetActiveWorksetId()
workset = worksetTable.GetWorkset(activeId)
this is based on the example from the Revit 2014 API document in the SDK...
The output:
>>> workset
<Autodesk.Revit.DB.Workset object at 0x000000000000002E [Autodesk.Revit.DB.Workset]>
Based on your example, you probably want to do this at the end:
OUT = activeId
I have a python program that loads an order to a treeview, this order is loaded in the form of documents in a firestore collection from firebase. When I press the order that I want to load, I call the function loadOrder with the necessary id to filter them. But for some reason they don't load.
This is my code:
def loadPedido(idTarget):
docs = db.collection(u'slots').where(u'slotId', u'==', idTarget).stream()
for doc in docs:
docu = doc.to_dict()
nombre = (docu.get('SlotName'))
entero = (docu.get('entero'))
valor = (docu.get('slotPrecio'))
print(f'{doc.id} => {nombre}')
trvPedido.insert("",'end',iid= doc.id, values=(doc.id,nombre, entero, valor))
idTarget is the id to filter, and check with a print that it arrives correctly.
i tried this:
If I write the result of the varable directly in the code, it loads correctly, like so:
docs = db.collection(u'slots').where(u'slotId', u'==', u"2996gHQ32CNFMp5vyieu").stream()
I want to develop a Jupyter Notebook which on executing every time shows the top 10 Twitter trending topics in India in the last 24 hours.
I got everything set up
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(apikey,apisecretkey)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
and when I run trends1 = api.trends_place(23424848), it gives a AttributeError: 'API' object has no attribute 'trends_place'
And if this attribute has been removed then what should I do to get my work done Please help..
You are getting this error because api do not have this trends_place attribute.
If u check the documentation (https://docs.tweepy.org/en/stable/api.html#trends), you will see that instead of using api.trends_place(), the correct syntax is api. followed by the attribute get_place_trends().
So, i suggest the following code to get the desired result:
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(apikey,apisecretkey)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
WOEID = 23424848
top_trends = api.get_place_trends(WOEID)
Note that top_trends is an dictionary inside a list of length 1. Treat it like top_trends[0]['trends'] and so on to get specific values. Example:
To get trending topics near a specific location on Twitter,
Once you've set up:
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(apikey,apisecretkey)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
use trends = api.trends_place(WOEID) to get the 50 trending topics based on the lWOEID
I'm super new in development in general. I'm currently building a webapp that get data from Rally/CA Agile Central and put them in a neat table.
My code:
response = rally.get('UserStory', fetch = True, query=query_criteria)
response_defect = rally.get('Defect', fetch = True, query=query_criteria)
story_list = []
if not response.errors:
for story in response:
#print (story.details())
#a_story['State'] = story.State.Name #if story.State else "Backlog"
a_story['State']=story.BusOpsKanban if story.BusOpsKanban else "unassigned"
#a_story['Status']=Story.Status if story.Status else "unassigned"
a_story['id'] = story.FormattedID
a_story['name'] = story.Name
a_story['Opened']=(datetime.strptime(story.CreationDate, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').strftime('%Y-%d-%b'))
a_story['Requester']= story.Owner.Name if story.Owner else "unassigned"
a_story['Blocked']= story.Blocked
My issue is to get access to the value of the linkid of my customfield (c_ServiceNowID).
When I run a Dict = I see that I have LinkID attributes but when I type
story.c_ServiceNowID.LinkID, I receive an error message telling me there is no such attributes.... How do I access this value using python ?
Thank you
According to the documentation at http://pyral.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html#custom-fields, pyral allows you to reference the field without the c_ prefix
Most Artifact types in Rally can be augmented with custom fields. As of Rally WSAPI v2.0, the ElementName for a custom field is prefixed with ‘c_’. The pyral toolkit allows you to reference these fields without having to use the ‘c_’ prefix. For example, if your custom field has a DisplayName of ‘Burnt Offerings Index’ you can use the String of ‘BurntOfferingsIndex’ in a fetch clause or a query clause or refer to the field directly on an artifact as artifact.BurntOfferingsIndex.
I think what you have should work, unless the ServiceNowID is empty. In that case there will not be a LinkID or DisplayString available on the ServiceNowID object.
If you update your code to check to make sure the Attribute is there, does it work?
if hasattr(story.c_ServiceNowID, 'LinkID'):
How can I make a text search in a specific channel\chat?
In the app & web client you can search with a text and date range,
and you will get list of results + counter.
Is there a method I can invoke?
This is probably what you want introduced in layer 12.
messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
messages.search#7e9f2ab peer:InputPeer q:string filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset:int max_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages;
I have a JSON document in my database that I want to modify frequently from my python program, once every 25 seconds. I know how to upload a document to the database and read a document from it, but I do not know how to modify/replace a document.
This link shows the functions offered in the python module. I see the ReplaceDocument function, but it takes in a document-link. Though how can I get the document link? Where am I suppose to look for this information?
It sounds like you had resolved it. Just as summary, the code below.
# Query a document
query = { 'query': 'SELECT * FROM <collection name> ....'}
docs = client.QueryDocuments(coll_link, query)
doc = list(docs)[0]
# Get the document link from attribute `_self`
doc_link = doc['_self']
# Modify the document
# Replace the document via document link
client.ReplaceDocument(doc_link, doc)
April 2020
If you are reading MS Azure's Quickstart guide and following a supporting git repo, note that there might be some differences.
For example,
from azure.cosmos import exceptions, CosmosClient, PartitionKey
endpoint = 'endpoint'
key = 'key'
db_name = 'cosmos-db-name'
container_name = 'container-name'
client = CosmosClient(endpoint, key)
db = client.create_database_if_not_exists(id=db_name)
container = db.create_container_if_not_exists(id=container_name, partition_key=PartitionKey(path="/.."), offer_throughput=456
# Replace item
container.replace_item(doc_link, doc)
When it comes to doc_link and doc, in the above case, I encountered an error when I used doc['_self']. By using the primary key of the doc, the doc is updated.