Sending automatic SMS alerts Python/Django - python

I'm building a website using Django. And I want that users can be able to receive alerts via SMS when new topics are posted.
I tested textlocal but I had an issue when trying to send SMS to multiple numbers (numbers = ['xxxxx','xxxxx']) .(I don't want to use group_id).
Generally I want to be able to do something like this:
numbers = (SELECT number FROM users WHERE SMS_subscribe=1)
sender = 'mywebsite'
message = 'Hey, a new topic was posted'
send_sms(numbers, message, sender)
My textlocal test code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
from urllib import urlencode
def send_sms(uname, hash_code, numbers, message, sender):
data = urlencode({
'username' : uname,
'hash' : hash_code,
'numbers' : numbers,
'message' : message,
'sender' : sender,
'test' : True
#data = data.encode('utf-8')
request = Request('')
response = urlopen(request, data)
def just_one_sms_message(message, annonce_link, sender):
links_len=len(annonce_link) + len(sender) + 1
sms_max_len = 160 - links_len
if len(message)>sms_max_len:
message = message[:sms_max_len-6]+'... : '
message += ' : '
return message + annonce_link + '\n' + sender
username = ''
hash_code = '3b5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8d83818'
numbers = ('2126xxxxx096','2126xxxxx888')
annonce_link = ''
sender = 'sender'
message = 'New topics..'
message = just_one_sms_message(message, annonce_link, sender)
resp = send_sms(username, hash_code, numbers, message, sender)
print resp
Executing this code I get this error :
{"warnings":[{"code":3,"message":"Invalid number"}],"errors":[{"code":4,"message":"No recipients specified"}],"status":"failure"}
But if I change: numbers=('2126xxxxx096')it works.
What is the best way or web service to do this ?

There are a couple issues you're running into. The first is how tuple literals are defined.
('somenumber') is equivalent to 'somenumber' in python. It's just a string. The parentheses alone do not define a tuple literal. To define a single-element tuple literal, you need a trailing comma of the first element. E.G. ('somenumber',).
The second issue is how urlencode works. For each value in the data dictionary, it asks for the string representation.
In the case of ('2126xxxxx096','2126xxxxx888'), since it's evaluated as a tuple, it's encoded as ('2126xxxxx096','2126xxxxx888'), resulting in %28%272126xxxxx096%27%2C+%272126xxxxx888%27%29.
In the case of ('2126xxxxx096'), since it's evaluated as a string, it's encoded as 2126xxxxx096. Notice the lack of junk characters like %28 and %29.
So, in short, since the value of numbers in the urlencode dictionary is a tuple when you have multiple numbers, you need to convert the tuple into a comma-separated string. This can be accomplished via ",".join(numbers), which in the case of ('2126xxxxx096','2126xxxxx888') produces 2126xxxxx096%2C2126xxxxx888. With the fixed encoding, your message should now send to multiple numbers.


Print json value without quotes for python

I have the following json:
"email": ""
and little test script:
file = open('/Users/user/PycharmProjects/Test/newfile.json')
x = json.load(file)
y = repr(x['email'])
print('My test email is ' + y)
I receive next output:
My test email is ''
My question is:
How to receive JSON value data (print also) without ordinary quotes in output?
To receive:
My test email is
You should not use repr. You can get the value without repr

Python: Printing all Protocol Buffer field options

I have proto message that I need to attach a string containing information about the data (units, scaling factor etc).
I am using custom options as per the proto2 guide. I also have attempted to follow a previous question where they printed custom options for 1 message here. I would like to print out all fields from the message along side the string. I have been struggling to find a solution, so far what i have tried is:
In my .proto file: The Service message contains fields that are themselves messages such as My_Message.
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
optional string formatting_stuff = 50000;
message My_Message
optional uint32 base_frequency_hz = 1 [(formatting_stuff) = "test"];
optional float trigger_frequency_hz = 2 [(formatting_stuff) = "test2"];
message Service
optional My_Message x = 13;
Then in the python file,how would iterate over each field in Service and the nested message My_Message to retrieve both its value and also then extract the 'formatting_stuff'.
This is my attempt, but I can not get the field options to print the custom options:
rsp = self.proto.Service().FromString(
desc = protobuf_file.Service.My_Message.DESCRIPTOR
for rsp_field in response.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
print("Response Field name: ",
print("Response Field value: ", getattr(rsp,
options = desc.GetOptions()
formatting = options.Extensions[protobuf_file.formatting_stuff]
print("Response Field formatting: ", formatting)
The terminal output is:
Response Field name: base_frequency_hz
Response Field value: 720000
Response Field formatting:
Response Field name: trigger_frequency_hz
Response Field value: 3000.0
Response Field formatting:
As you can see, my custom fields are not being printed. Please could you assist me with printing out the custom options.
Kind regards

Django and JSON/AJAX testing

I tried looking around for an answer and gave it a great many tries, but there's something strange going on here. I got some functions in my view that operate on JSON data that comes in via AJAX. Currently I'm trying to do some unit testing on these.
In my test case I have:
kwargs = {'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH': 'XMLHttpRequest'}
url = '/<correct_url>/upload/'
data = {
"id" :
c = Client()
response = c.delete(url, data, **kwargs)
content_unicode = response.content.decode('utf-8')
content = json.loads(content_unicode) is just an integer that comes from a model I'm using.
I then have a function that is being tested, parts of which looks like follows:
def delete_ajax(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
print (request.body)
body_unicode = request.body.decode('utf-8')
print (body_unicode)
body_json = json.loads(body_unicode)
The first print statement yields:
.....b"{'id': 1}"
The other one:
{'id': 1}
and finally I get an error for fourth line as follows:
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 2 (char 1)
What's going wrong here? I understand that correct JSON format should be {"id": 1} and that's what I'm sending from my test case. But somewhere along the way single-quotes are introduced into the mix causing me head ache.
Any thoughts?
You need to pass a json string to Client.delete(), not a Python dict:
kwargs = {'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH': 'XMLHttpRequest'}
url = '/<correct_url>/upload/'
data = json.dumps({
"id" :
c = Client()
response = c.delete(url, data, **kwargs)
You should also set the content-type header to "application/json" and check the content-type header in your view but that's another topic.

send multiple record to a particular user by mail

I need to send mail to particular user from the database. i have data table where 1000 of records are available. each record have some email ids. or some id has assigned to multiple record . i need to send record to the particular email only.
I have form from where i used to select company name and strt date. from these i fetch all the value into list. now worries is how to send record to particular user
let my code example
def sendmail():
form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('select_company',, represent=lambda c, row:get_company_name(c), requires = IS_IN_DB(db,'','%(company)s')),
Field('choose_start_date','date',requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Please choose Start Date')),
Field('choose_end_date','date',requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Please choose end Date')))
if form.accepts(request,session): = form.vars.select_company
session.strtdate = form.vars.choose_start_date
session.enddate = form.vars.choose_end_date
return dict(form=form)
def mailidr():
from import Mail,datetime
#specify server
#specify address to send as
#send the message
list = []
for row in db(( == & (db.tracker.Complience_Status != 1) & (db.tracker.periodicity_due_date >= session.strtdate) & (db.tracker.periodicity_due_date <= session.enddate)).select():
list.append('<tr><td style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;">'+row.Compliance_Area+'</td><td style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;">'+row.law_description+'</td><td style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;" >'''+row.activity_name+'''</td><td style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;">'+str(row.periodicity_due_date)+'</td></tr>')
subject='Compliance and Due_Date',
'<h1>Test Mails</h1>'
'<h2>Dear \t' '</h2>'
'<p>Please note that the fol1ing records are due between ' +session.strtdate+ ' to ' +session.enddate+ '</p>'
'<table border=1>'
'<thead >'
'<th style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;">Compliance Area</th>'
'<th>record</th><th>date (Due Date)</th>'
response.flash='mail send'
return ''
from this code i a able to send mail. but problem is that user get n no mails
if i used to take mail.send to out side the function its not work
from the docs (
Mail returns True if it succeeds in sending the email and False
otherwise. A complete argument list for mail.send() is as follows:
So, for a test you should try capturing the response - e.g. change:
mail_response = mail.send(to=[row.client_owner],
and then return locals() instead of "" so you can see in a test page what (if any) failure you are getting in the send. this is just for testing...
A permanent alternate method is shows here: i am trying send email using web2py with gmail and using smtp setting i have attached all code

Passing a List in Json Function

I have been struggling with the correct solution to manipulating the string I am getting from a parsed Json object.
I want to create a list of words to exclude from the string. I have titled this list as 'ignore' below. I dont get an error but it doesn't really do what I want.
Below is my code:
def extract_info(msg):
created_time = msg['created_time'].replace('T', ' ').replace('+0000', '')
ignore = ["you","all","has","can","that", "the"]
message = msg.get('message', 'Key "message" is not present.').replace('\n', '').replace(',', '').encode('utf8')
for ignore in message:
if ignore in message:
message = message.replace(ignore, '')
user_id = msg['from']['id']
return (created_time, message, user_id)
def main():
ts = FacebookSearch()
data ='dishwasher')
js = json.loads(data)
messages = (extract_info(msg) for msg in js.get('data', []))
write_csv('fb_dishwasher.csv', messages, append=True)
The Problem with the above code is that it doesn't write anything to the .csv file it creates. It is just a blank field.
I want to any words from the 'ignore' list with blank spaces in 'message' but now all I have is blank space:<
I don't understand why it is blank. Also since there is no error that is when I get kinda stuck. I would really appreciate any suggestions or help with what I have missed here.
You define ignore as a list and then try to re-use it in a for loop which probably messes up everything. Further, you don't want to iterate a string! Try instead to do:
ignore = ["you","all","has","can","that", "the"]
message = msg.get('message', 'Key "message" is not present.').replace('\n', '').replace(',', '').encode('utf8')
for word in message.split():
if word in ignore:
message = message.replace(word, '')

