Python: List index out of range, don't know why - python

I'm trying to iterate through a matrix and check for the number of cells touching the current cell that have a value of 1. I'm getting an out of bounds exception and I'm not sure why.
for x in range(0,ROWS):
for y in range(0,COLS):
#get neighbors
neighbors = []
if x!=0 & y!=COLS:
if y!=COLS:
if x!=ROWS & y!=COLS:
if x!=0:
if x!=ROWS:
if x!=0 & y!=0:
if y!=0:
if x!=ROWS & y!=0:
#determine # of living neighbors
alive = []
for i in neighbors:
if matrix[i[0]][i[1]] == 1:
I'm getting the error
IndexError: list index out of range
at this line if matrix[i[0]][i[1]] == 1:
Why is this out of range and how should I fix it?

The problem is that you are using &. This is a bit-wise AND, not a logical AND. In Python, you just use and. For example:
if x!=0 and y!=COLS:
However the real reason why using the bit-wise AND causes a problem is order of operations - it has a higher precedence!
>>> 1 != 2 & 3 != 3
>>> (1 != 2) & (3 != 3)
>>> 1 != (2 & 3) != 3
So even though your logic looks right, order of operations means that your code's actual behavior is drastically different than what you were expecting.
The other issue with your code is that you are checking if x and y are equal to ROWS and COLS, rather than if they are equal to ROWS-1 and COLS-1, which are the true boundary conditions.

Upon further inspection of your code, I found that you're using if x!=0 & y!=0. This is bit-wise AND not logical AND, so it's not going to give you the result you want. Use and instead of & and see if your problem goes away.
I would refactor this slightly to make it easier to read.
for loc_x in range(ROWS):
for loc_y in range(COLS): # btw shouldn't ROWS/COLS be flipped?
# if your matrix isn't square this could be why
x_values = [loc_x]
if loc_x < ROWS: x_values.append(loc_x+1)
if loc_x > 0: x_values.append(loc_x-1)
y_values = [loc_y]
if loc_y < COLS: y_values.append(loc_y+1)
if loc_y > 0: y_values.append(loc_y-1)
neighbors = [(x,y) for x in x_values for y in y_values if (x,y) != (loc_x,loc_y)]
alive = [matrix[n[0]][n[1]] for n in neighbors if matrix[n[0]][n[1]]==1]
Try running this with your code and see if it doesn't solve the issue. If not, you may need to test further. For instance, wrap the alive definition in try/except tags that will give a better traceback.
alive = ...
except IndexError:
print("Location: {},{}\nneighbors: {}\nROWS:{}\nCOLS:{}".format(x_loc,y_loc, neighbors,ROWS,COLS))
As an aside, I've solved this problem before by creating objects that held the linked information and going top-to-bottom left-to-right and having each check the field to its right and below it. E.g.:
class Field(object):
def __init__(self,x,y,value):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.value = value
self.neighbors = neighbors
class Matrix(list):
def __init__(self,size):
self.ROWS,self.COLS = map(int,size.lower().split("x"))
for y in range(ROWS):
self.append([Field(x,y,random.randint(0,1)) for x in range(COLS)])
def plot(self):
for row in self:
for col in row:
except IndexError: pass
except IndexError: pass
Of course this doesn't take care of diagonals. I'm pretty sure you can figure out how to manage those, though!!


Numpy, how can i index an array, to keep items that are smaller than the previous and next 5 items following them?

I'm making a trading strategy that uses support and resistance levels. One of the ways i'm finding those is by searching for maxima's/minima's (prices that are higher/lower than the previous and next 5 prices).
I have an array of smoothed closing prices and i first tried to find them with a for loop :
def find_max_min(smoothed_prices) # smoothed_prices = np.array([1.873,...])
avg_delta = np.diff(smoothed_prices).mean()
maximas = []
minimas = []
for index in range(len(smoothed_prices)):
if index < 5 or index > len(smoothed_prices) - 6:
current_value = smoothed_prices[index]
previous_points = smoothed_prices[index - 5:index]
next_points = smoothed_prices [index+1:index+6]
previous_are_higher = all(x > current_value for x in previous_points)
next_are_higher = all(x > current_value for x in next_points)
previous_are_smaller = all(x < current_value for x in previous_points)
next_are_smaller = all(x < current_value for x in next_points)
previous_delta_is_enough = abs(previous[0] - current_value) > avg_delta
next_delta_is_enough = abs(next_points[-1] - current_value) > avg_delta
delta_is_enough = previous_delta_is_enough and next_delta_is_enough
if previous_are_higher and next_are_higher and delta_is_enough:
elif previous_are_higher and next_are_higher and delta_is_enough:
return maximas, minimas
(This isn't the actual code that i used because i erased it, this may not work but is was something like that)
So this code could find the maximas and minimas but it was way too slow and i need to use the function multiple times per secs on huge arrays.
My question is : is it possible to do it with a numpy mask in a similar way as this :
smoothed_prices = s
minimas = s[all(x > s[index] for x in s[index-5:index]) and all(x > s[index] for x in s[index+1:index+6])]
maximas = ...
or do you know how i could to it in another efficient numpy way ?
I have thought of a way, it should be faster than the for loop you presented, but it uses more memory. Simply put, it creates a intermediate matrix of windows, then it just gets the max and min of each window:
def find_max_min(arr, win_pad_size=5):
windows = np.zeros((len(arr) - 2 * win_pad_size, 2 * win_pad_size + 1))
for i in range(2 * win_pad_size + 1):
windows[:, i] = arr[i:i+windows.shape[0]]
return windows.max(axis=1), windows.min(axis=1)
Edit: I found a faster way to calculate the sub-sequences (I had called windows) from Split Python sequence into subsequences. It doesn't use more memory, instead, it creates a view of the array.
def subsequences(ts, window):
shape = (ts.size - window + 1, window)
strides = ts.strides * 2
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(ts, shape=shape, strides=strides)
def find_max_min(arr, win_pad_size=5):
windows = subsequences(arr, 2 * win_pad_size + 1)
return windows.max(axis=1), windows.min(axis=1)
You can do it easily by:
from skimage.util import view_as_windows
a = smoothed_prices[4:-5]
a[a == view_as_windows(smoothed_prices, (10)).min(-1)]
Please note that since you are looking at minimas within +/- 5 of the index, they can be in indices [4:-5] of your array.

LeetCode: Flood Fill, Recursion in For Loop stuck in endless loop

I was working on this specific LeetCode problem and I encountered a problem where I would be stuck recursing. The way I understand it, if an input type is mutable, the input should be pass by reference, so they should be referencing the same thing. Can someone explain how my method breaks? I really want to try solving this problem using recursion, but I don't understand how to do it using my method. My code first finds north, east,south,west, and then determines if they are valid. It then determines if among those directions if they have the same count as the original node.
Of those that have the same count as the original node, I need to recurse on those and repeat the process until all nodes have the value of newColor
class Solution:
def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, newColor: int) -> List[List[int]]:
top = (sr-1, sc)
down = (sr+1, sc)
left = (sr, sc-1)
right = (sr, sc+1)
# Possible Directions
posDirec = [direc for direc in [top,down,left,right] if direc[0] >=0 and direc[1] >=0 and direc[0] < len(image) and direc[1] < len(image[0])]
# Neighbors that we can traverse
posNeigh = [e for e in posDirec if image[e[0]][e[1]] == image[sr][sc]]
image[sr][sc] = newColor
# print(image, '\n')
print(len(posNeigh), posNeigh, image)
if len(posNeigh) == 0:
for neigh in posNeigh: #top, down,left, right of only valids
self.floodFill(image, neigh[0], neigh[1], newColor)
return image
At the very end, my program should return the image. I want to return the image at the end, however, my code ends up stuck in recursion
Take a look at the following line:
# Neighbors that we can traverse
posNeigh = [e for e in posDirec if image[e[0]][e[1]] == image[sr][sc]]
This condition fails to account for the possibility that image[e[0]][e[1]] has already been filled in with newColor, resulting in an infinite loop between filled cells and a stack overflow.
If we change it to
posNeigh = [
e for e in posDirec
if image[e[0]][e[1]] == image[sr][sc]
and image[e[0]][e[1]] != newColor # <-- added
we can make sure we're not revisiting previously-filled areas.
Given that the list comprehensions have grown quite unwieldy, you might consider a rewrite:
def floodFill(self, image, sr, sc, new_color):
target_color = image[sr][sc]
image[sr][sc] = new_color
for y, x in ((sr + 1, sc), (sr, sc - 1), (sr, sc + 1), (sr - 1, sc)):
if y >= 0 and x >= 0 and y < len(image) and x < len(image[0]) and \
image[y][x] != new_color and image[y][x] == target_color:
self.floodFill(image, y, x, new_color)
return image
A mutable input does not pass by reference. The way I see it, solving it using recursion is not possible. Try an iterative solution.

Creation a tridiagonal block matrix in python [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Block tridiagonal matrix python
(9 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
How can I create this matrix using python ?
I've already created S , T , X ,W ,Y and Z as well as the first and the last line of L.
Something like this (it's a draft!). Make a class that stores 3 lists (diagonal, upper diagonal and lower diagonal) and expose a way of editing those values.
class TBMatrix:
def __init__(self,size):
self._size = size #Has to be square I guess?
self._diagonal = [None for i in range(0,size)]
self._upper_diagonal = [None for i in range(0,size - 2)]
self._lower_diagonal = [None for i in range(0,size - 2)]
def get(self,row,col):
if row == col:
return self._diagonal[row]
if row == col - 1:
return self._lower_diagonal[col]
if row == col + 1:
return self._upper_diagonal[row]
return 0 #or None, if you want a matrix that contains objects
def set(self,row,col,value):
if row == col:
self._diagonal[row] = value
elif row == col - 1:
self._lower_diagonal[col] = value
elif row == col + 1:
self._upper_diagonal[row] = value
#No effect, maybe you want to throw an exception?
This is a quick draft, you'll need to do a bunch of checks to make sure there is no trying to assign an index outside of the list sizes. But this should get you started.
Another alternative is to override the __getitem__ and __setitem__ to return a row full of 0's or None except where it need to hold a spot for self._diagonal, self._upper_diagonal and self._lower_diagonal. But it just seems more complicated.

backtracking not trying all possibilities

so I've got a list of questions as a dictionary, e.g
{"Question1": 3, "Question2": 5 ... }
That means the "Question1" has 3 points, the second one has 5, etc.
I'm trying to create all subset of question that have between a certain number of questions and points.
I've tried something like
questions = {"Q1":1, "Q2":2, "Q3": 1, "Q4" : 3, "Q5" : 1, "Q6" : 2}
u = 3 #
v = 5 # between u and v questions
x = 5 #
y = 10 #between x and y points
solution = []
n = 0
def main(n_):
global n
n = n_
global solution
solution = []
finalSolution = []
for x in questions.keys():
return finalSolution
def Backtracking(k):
finalSolution = []
for c in questions.keys():
solution[k] = c
print ("candidate: ", solution)
if not reject(k):
print ("not rejected: ", solution)
if accept(k):
return finalSolution
def reject(k):
if solution[k] in solution: #if the question already exists
return True
if k > v: #too many questions
return True
points = 0
for x in solution:
if x in questions.keys():
points = points + questions[x]
if points > y: #too many points
return True
return False
def accept(k):
points = 0
for x in solution:
if x in questions.keys():
points = points + questions[x]
if points in range (x, y+1) and k in range (u, v+1):
return True
return False
but it's not trying all possibilities, only putting all the questions on the first index..
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
There are three problems with your code.
The first issue is that the first check in your reject function is always True. You can fix that in a variety of ways (you commented that you're now using solution.count(solution[k]) != 1).
The second issue is that your accept function uses the variable name x for what it intends to be two different things (a question from solution in the for loop and the global x that is the minimum number of points). That doesn't work, and you'll get a TypeError when trying to pass it to range. A simple fix is to rename the loop variable (I suggest q since it's a key into questions). Checking if a value is in a range is also a bit awkward. It's usually much nicer to use chained comparisons: if x <= points <= y and u <= k <= v
The third issue is that you're not backtracking at all. The backtracking step needs to reset the global solution list to the same state it had before Backtracking was called. You can do this at the end of the function, just before you return, using solution[k] = "_" (you commented that you've added this line, but I think you put it in the wrong place).
Anyway, here's a fixed version of your functions:
def Backtracking(k):
finalSolution = []
for c in questions.keys():
solution[k] = c
print ("candidate: ", solution)
if not reject(k):
print ("not rejected: ", solution)
if accept(k):
solution[k] = "_" # backtracking step here!
return finalSolution
def reject(k):
if solution.count(solution[k]) != 1: # fix this condition
return True
if k > v:
return True
points = 0
for q in solution:
if q in questions:
points = points + questions[q]
if points > y: #too many points
return True
return False
def accept(k):
points = 0
for q in solution: # change this loop variable (also done above, for symmetry)
if q in questions:
points = points + questions[q]
if x <= points <= y and u <= k <= v: # chained comparisons are much nicer than range
return True
return False
There are still things that could probably be improved in there. I think having solution be a fixed-size global list with dummy values is especially unpythonic (a dynamically growing list that you pass as an argument would be much more natural). I'd also suggest using sum to add up the points rather than using an explicit loop of your own.

python list of lists index out of range [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I have read in a matrix of numbers and I am trying to work with each cell and perform tests on each one. If the number is != 0 I want to use it so if it is 0 I am currently incrementing x and y to find a non zero number.
In the end I will just be first looking across the top row and then if they are all 0 start looking down the first column and this works fine as long as I am referring to just one (row or column).
Why am I receiving this error? Am I thinking incorrectly about how the cells are set up or is my code wrong?
The matrix looks like this:
When I start trying to do this:
y = y + 5
x = x + 5
node = Alist[x][y]
I receieve an error saying:
node = Alist[x][y]
IndexError: list index out of range
If I was to just write:
y = y + 5
node = Alist[x][y]
print node
It would work completely fine but when I introduce both x and y I start to get list index out of range problems. In my mind it should now read:
node = Alist[5][5]
Which is 0 if you follow the matrix
def create_matrix(file):
with open('network.txt') as f:
Alist = []
for line in f:
part = []
for x in line.split(','):
return Alist
#used to set the start node, used once
def start_node(Alist):
#point node to pos [0][0] of Alist
node = Alist[x][y]
#test if node == 0
while node == 0:
y = y + 5
x = x + 5
node = Alist[x][y]
#create a list to hold co-ordinates
if node != 0:
#return node for processing by check_neighbours
return node, x, y
#def current_node(Alist, x, y)
#test neighbours to see if they can be used
def check_neighbours(node, Alist, i, j):
#print out values of x and y
print "x = %d" %i
print "y = %d" % j
print "node in check_neighbours is " + str(node)
#running of code begins here
def main():
file = ("F:/media/KINGSTON/Networking/network.txt")
Alist = create_matrix(file)
node, x, y = start_node(Alist)
check_neighbours(node, Alist, x, y)
It's the second iteration round the loop that's failing, because it sets x and y to 10, where you only have 7 items in each dimension.
Your loop while node == 0: moves down the diagonal of the matrix five steps at a time, falling off the end. It would fall off the end even if it went one at a time, because that diagonal is all zeros.
Perhaps you meant if node == 0?
I don't know what the code is actually trying to do, but you need to rethink the algorithm. :-)
If I follow your code in start_node you are
a) Not performing any kind of bounds checking
b) Jumping down the diagonal elements of your matrix, which are all zero, until you go out of bounds, as your error tells you. Presumably when you are incrementing only one of your indices you are lucky in that you hit a non-zero element before going out of bounds
In this code, start_node returns the first non-zero "node".
I used mat instead of Alist as I feel it is more Pythonic.
Comments note the changes and tips.
def create_matrix(fname): # don't use built-ins as variable names!!
with open(fname) as f: # you take filename in arguments, but don't use it..
# why not use in-built functions and list comprehensions ?
mat = [map(int,line.split(',')) for line in f]
return mat
#used to set the start node, used once
def start_node(mat):
# for each row in matrix (index)..
for i1 in range(len(mat)):
# for each cell in row (index)..
for i2 in range(len(mat[i1])):
# mat[i1][i2] is the node/cell..
if mat[i1][i2] != 0:
# return node, x, y :)
return mat[i1][i2], i2, i1
# test neighbours to see if they can be used
# same as yours
def check_neighbours(node, Alist, i, j):
#print out values of x and y
print "x = %d" % (i,)
print "y = %d" % (j,)
print "node (in check_neighbours) is " + str(node)
#running of code begins here
def main():
fname = "F:/media/KINGSTON/Networking/network.txt"
mat = create_matrix(fname)
node, x, y = start_node(mat)
check_neighbours(node, mat, x, y)
mat = [map(int,line.split(',')) for line in f]
This is a list comprehension. map is an in-built method.
The for loops in start_node...
for i1 in range(len(mat)): # 1
for i2 in range(len(mat[i1])): # 2
len(mat) is the number of rows in your matrix.
range(len(mat)) gives us the indexes of each row.
len(mat[i1]) gives us the length of the current row.
range(len(mat[i1])) gives us the indexes of each column in that row.
In your code, you were incrementing both x and y (here i2 and i1 respectively) so were moving diagonally.

