I currently have an array of desired position vs. time of an object in my plant. I am using an inverse dynamics controller in order to drive the object to this desired position but I'm experiencing some difficulties. Here is how I am doing this:
I created the controller system
ID_cont = InverseDynamicsController(robot=controller_plant, kp=np.array([0.5]), ki=np.array([0.3]), kd=np.array([0.4]), has_reference_acceleration=False)
ID_controller = builder.AddSystem(ID_cont)
I got the controller input and output ports
control_estimated_state_input_port = ID_controller.get_input_port(0)
control_desired_state_input_port = ID_controller.get_input_port(1)
control_output_port = ID_controller.get_output_port(0)
I added a constant state source (likely wrong to do) and a state interpolator
constant_state_source = ConstantVectorSource(np.array([0.0]))
position_to_state = StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative(controller_plant.num_positions(),
I wired the controller to the plant
builder.Connect(constant_state_source.get_output_port(), position_to_state.get_input_port())
builder.Connect(position_to_state.get_output_port(), control_desired_state_input_port)
builder.Connect(plant.get_state_output_port(model_instance_1), control_estimated_state_input_port)
builder.Connect(control_output_port, plant.get_actuation_input_port(model_instance_1))
Next, I am trying to create a while loop that advances the simulation and changes the 'constant vector source' so I can feed in my position vs. time values but I'm unsure if the reason this isn't working out is because this is the complete wrong approach or if this is the right approach but I just have a few things wrong
diagram_context = diagram.CreateDefaultContext()
sim_time_temp = diagram_context.get_time()
time_step = 0.1
while sim_time_temp < duration:
ID_controller_context = diagram.GetMutableSubsystemContext(ID_controller, diagram_context)
sim_time_temp = sim_time_temp + time_step
I added a constant state source (likely wrong to do) and a state interpolator
As you suspected, this is not the best way to go if you already have a desired sequence of positions and times that you want the system to track. Instead, you should use a TrajectorySource. Since you have a set of positions samples, positions (num_times x num_positions array), that you'd like the system to hit at specified times (num_times x 1 array), PiecewisePolynomial.CubicShapePreserving is a reasonable choice for building the trajectory.
desired_position_trajectory = PiecewisePolynomial.CubicShapePreserving(times, positions)
desired_state_source = TrajectorySource(desired_position_trajectory,
The output_derivative_order=1 argument makes desired_state_source output a [position, velocity] vector rather than just a position vector. You can connect desired_state_source directly to the controller, without an interpolator.
With this setup, you can advance the simulation all the way to duration without the need for a while loop.
I'm trying to find the global minimum of the function from the hundred digit hundred dollars challenge, question #4 as an exercise for simulated annealing.
As the basis of my understanding and approach to writing the code, I refer to the global optimization algorithms version 3 book which is found for free online.
Consequently, I've initially come up with the following code:
The noisy func:
def noisy_func(x, y):
return (math.exp(math.sin(50*x)) +
math.sin(60*math.exp(y)) +
math.sin(70*math.sin(x)) +
math.sin(math.sin(80*y)) -
math.sin(10*(x + y)) +
0.25*(math.pow(x, 2) +
math.pow(y, 2)))
The function used to mutate the values:
def mutate(X_Value, Y_Value):
mutationResult_X = X_Value + randomNumForInput()
mutationResult_Y = Y_Value + randomNumForInput()
while mutationResult_X > 4 or mutationResult_X < -4:
mutationResult_X = X_Value + randomNumForInput()
while mutationResult_Y > 4 or mutationResult_Y < -4:
mutationResult_Y = Y_Value + randomNumForInput()
mutationResults = [mutationResult_X, mutationResult_Y]
return mutationResults
randomNumForInput simply returns a random number between 4 and -4. (Interval Limits for the search.) Hence it is equivalent to random.uniform(-4, 4).
This is the central function of the program.
def simulated_annealing(f):
"""Peforms simulated annealing to find a solution"""
#Start by initializing the current state with the initial state
#acquired by a random generation of a number and then using it
#in the noisy func, also set solution(best_state) as current_state
#for a start
pCurSelect = [randomNumForInput(),randomNumForInput()]
current_state = f(pCurSelect[0],pCurSelect[1])
best_state = current_state
#Begin time monitoring, this will represent the
#Number of steps over time
TimeStamp = 1
#Init current temp via the func, using such values as to get the initial temp
initial_temp = 100
final_temp = .1
alpha = 0.001
num_of_steps = 1000000
#calculates by how much the temperature should be tweaked
#each iteration
#suppose the number of steps is linear, we'll send in 100
temp_Delta = calcTempDelta(initial_temp, final_temp, num_of_steps)
#set current_temp via initial temp
current_temp = getTemperature(initial_temp, temp_Delta)
#max_iterations = 100
#initial_temp = get_Temperature_Poly(TimeStamp)
#current_temp > final_temp
while current_temp > final_temp:
#get a mutated value from the current value
#hence being a 'neighbour' value
#with it, acquire the neighbouring state
#to the current state
neighbour_values = mutate(pCurSelect[0], pCurSelect[1])
neighbour_state = f(neighbour_values[0], neighbour_values[1])
#calculate the difference between the newly mutated
#neighbour state and the current state
delta_E_Of_States = neighbour_state - current_state
# Check if neighbor_state is the best state so far
# if the new solution is better (lower), accept it
if delta_E_Of_States <= 0:
pCurSelect = neighbour_values
current_state = neighbour_state
if current_state < best_state:
best_state = current_state
# if the new solution is not better, accept it with a probability of e^(-cost/temp)
if random.uniform(0, 1) < math.exp(-(delta_E_Of_States) / current_temp):
pCurSelect = neighbour_values
current_state = neighbour_state
# Here, we'd decrement the temperature or increase the timestamp, normally
"""current_temp -= alpha"""
#print("Run number: " + str(TimeStamp) + " current_state = " + str(current_state) )
#increment TimeStamp
TimeStamp = TimeStamp + 1
# calc temp for next iteration
current_temp = getTemperature(current_temp, temp_Delta)
#print("Iteration Count: " + str(TimeStamp))
return best_state
alpha is not used for this implementation, however temperature is moderated linearly using the following funcs:
def calcTempDelta(T_Initial, T_Final, N):
def getTemperature(T_old, T_new):
return (T_old - T_new)
This is how I implemented the solution described in page 245 of the book. However, this implementation does not return to me the global minimum of the noisy function, but rather, one of its near-by local minimum.
The reasons I implemented the solution in this way is two fold:
It has been provided to me as a working example of a linear temperature moderation, and thus a working template.
Although I have tried to understand the other forms of temperature moderation laid out in the book in pages 248-249, it is not entirely clear to me how the variable "Ts" is calculated, and even after trying to look through some of the cited sources the book references, it remains esoteric for me still. Thus I figured, I'd rather try to make this "simple" solution work correctly first, before proceeding to attempt other approaches of temperature quenching (logarithmic, exponential, etc).
Since then I have tried in numerous ways to acquire the global minimum of the noisy func through various different iterations of the code, which would be too much to post here all at once. I've tried different rewrites of this code:
Decrease the randomly rolled number over each iteration as in order to search within a smaller scope every time, this has resulted in more consistent but still incorrect results.
Mutate by different increments, so lets say, between -1 and 1, etc. Same effect.
Rewrite mutate as in order to examine the neighbouring points to the current point via some step size, and examine neighboring points by adding/reducing said step size from the current point's x/y values, checking the differences between the newly generated point and the current point (the delta of E's, basically), and return the appropriate values with whichever one produced the lowest distance to the current function, thus being its closest proximity neighbour.
Reduce the intervals limits over which the search occurs.
It is in these, the solutions involving step-size/reducing limits/checking neighbours by quadrants that I have used movements comprised of some constant alpha times the time_stamp.
These and other solutions which I've attempted have not worked, either producing even less accurate results (albeit in some cases more consistent results) or in one case, not working at all.
Therefore I must be missing something, whether its to do with the temperature moderation, or the precise way (formula) by which I'm supposed to make the next step (mutate) in the algorithm.
I know its a lot to take in and look at, but I'd appreciate any constructive criticism/help/advice you can provide me.
If it will be of any help to showcase code bits of the other solution attempts, I'll post them if asked.
It is important that you keep track of what you are doing.
I have put a few important tips on frigidum
The alpha cooling generally works well, it makes sure you don't speed through the interesting sweet-spot, where about 0.1 of the proposals are accepted.
Make sure your proposals are not too coarse, I have put a example where I only change x or y, but never both. The idea is that annealing will take whats best, or take a tour, and let the scheme decide.
I use the package frigidum for the algo, but its pretty much the same are your code. Also notice I have 2 proposals, a large change and a small change, combinations usually work well.
Finally, I noticed its hopping a lot. A small variation would be to pick the best-so-far before you go in the last 5% of your cooling.
I use/install frigidum
!pip install frigidum
And made a small change to make use of numpy arrays;
import math
def noisy_func(X):
x, y = X
return (math.exp(math.sin(50*x)) +
math.sin(60*math.exp(y)) +
math.sin(70*math.sin(x)) +
math.sin(math.sin(80*y)) -
math.sin(10*(x + y)) +
0.25*(math.pow(x, 2) +
math.pow(y, 2)))
import frigidum
import numpy as np
import random
def random_start():
return np.random.random( 2 ) * 4
def random_small_step(x):
if np.random.random() < .5:
return np.clip( x + np.array( [0, 0.02 * (random.random() - .5)] ), -4,4)
return np.clip( x + np.array( [0.02 * (random.random() - .5), 0] ), -4,4)
def random_big_step(x):
if np.random.random() < .5:
return np.clip( x + np.array( [0, 0.5 * (random.random() - .5)] ), -4,4)
return np.clip( x + np.array( [0.5 * (random.random() - .5), 0] ), -4,4)
local_opt =,
neighbours=[random_small_step, random_big_step],
The output of the above was
Neighbour Statistics:
(proportion of proposals which got accepted *and* changed the objective function)
random_small_step : 0.451045
random_big_step : 0.268002
(Local) Minimum Objective Value Found:
With the above code sometimes I get below -3, but I also noticed sometimes it has found something around -2, than it is stuck in the last phase.
So a small tweak would be to re-anneal the last phase of the annealing, with the best-found-so-far.
Hope that helps, let me know if any questions.
I need help to get actual value from gravity sound meter with raspberry pi.
I have a python program to get those details
import sys
import time
from DFRobot_ADS1115 import ADS1115
ADS1115_REG_CONFIG_PGA_6_144V = 0x00 # 6.144V range = Gain 2/3
ADS1115_REG_CONFIG_PGA_4_096V = 0x02 # 4.096V range = Gain 1
ADS1115_REG_CONFIG_PGA_2_048V = 0x04 # 2.048V range = Gain 2 (default)
ADS1115_REG_CONFIG_PGA_1_024V = 0x06 # 1.024V range = Gain 4
ADS1115_REG_CONFIG_PGA_0_512V = 0x08 # 0.512V range = Gain 8
ADS1115_REG_CONFIG_PGA_0_256V = 0x0A # 0.256V range = Gain 16
ads1115 = ADS1115()
while True :
#Set the IIC address
#Sets the gain and input voltage range.
#Get the Digital Value of Analog of selected channel
adc0 = ads1115.readVoltage(0)
adc1 = ads1115.readVoltage(1)
adc2 = ads1115.readVoltage(2)
adc3 = ads1115.readVoltage(3)
print "A0:%dmV A1:%dmV A2:%dmV A3:%dmV"%(adc0['r'],adc1['r'],adc2['r'],adc3['r'])
It's displaying values like
A0:0mv A1:1098mV A2:3286mV A3:498mV
But I don't know how to get actual sound value in decibel unit.
You can find the documentation here:
To anwser your question:
For this product,the decibel value is linear with the output
voltage.When the output voltage is 0.6V, the decibel value should be
30dBA. When the output voltage is 2.6V, the decibel value should be
130dBA. The calibration is done before leaving the factory, so you
don't need to calibrate it. So we can get this relation: Decibel
Value(dBA) = Output Voltage(V) × 50
So you need to check to which connector (A0, A1, A2 or A3) you connected your sound level meter. Take that value (which seems to be in mV) convert it to V and multiple by 50.
Or simple divide your value by 20.
I've got as assignment to implement the heap sort algorithm into either Python or Java (or any other languages). Since I'm not that really "fluent" in Python or Java I decided to do both.
But here I ran into a problem, the running time of the program is way too much hight than it "should" be.
I mean by that, that the heap sort is supposed to run into a O(n * log n) and for current processor running on a clock rate of several GHz I didn't expect for that algorithm to run into over 2000secs for an array of size 320k
So for what I've done, I implemented the algorithm from the pseudo code of this sort in Python and in Java (I also tried the code in Julia from Rosetta Code to see if the running time was similar, why Julia ? Random pick)
So I checked the output for small input size problem, such as an array of size 10, 20 and 30. It appears that the array it correctly sorted in both languages/implementations.
Then I used the heapq library that implement this same algorithm to check once again if the running time was similar. It surprised me when it was actually the case... But after few tries I tried one last thing which is updating Python and then, the program using heapq ran much faster than the previous ones. Actually it was around 2k sec for the 320k array and now it around 1.5 sec or so.
I retried my algorithm and the problem was still there.
So here are the Heapsort class that I implemented:
class MaxHeap:
heap = []
def __init__(self, data=None):
if data is not None:
def toString(cls):
return str(cls.heap)
def add(cls, elem):
cls.heap.insert(len(cls.heap), elem)
def remove(cls, elem):
except ValueError:
print("The value you tried to remove is not in the heap")
def maxHeapify(cls, heap, i):
left = 2 * i + 1
right = 2 * i + 2
largest = i
n = len(heap)
if left < n and heap[left] > heap[largest]:
largest = left
if right < n and heap[right] > heap[largest]:
largest = right
if largest != i:
heap[i], heap[largest] = heap[largest], heap[i]
cls.maxHeapify(heap, largest)
def buildMaxHeap(cls, heap):
for i in range(len(heap) // 2, -1, -1):
cls.maxHeapify(heap, i)
cls.heap = heap
def heapSort(table):
heap = MaxHeap(table)
output = []
i = len(heap.heap) - 1
while i >= 0:
heap.heap[0], heap.heap[i] = heap.heap[i], heap.heap[0]
output = [heap.heap[i]] + output
heap.maxHeapify(heap.heap, 0)
i -= 1
return output
To log the runtime for each array size (10000 - 320000) I use this loop in the main function :
i = 10000
while i <= 320000:
tab = [0] * i
j = 0
while j < i:
tab[j] = randint(0, i)
j += 1
start = time()
end = time()
pprint.pprint("Size of the array " + str(i))
pprint.pprint("Total execution time: " + str(end - start) + "s")
i *= 2
If you need the rest of the code to see where the error could be, don't hesitate I'll provide it. Just didn't want to share the whole file for no reasons.
As said earlier the running time I expected is from the worst case running time : O(n * log n)
with modern architecture and a processor of 2.6GHz I would expect something around 1sec or even less (since the running time is asked in nanosecond I suppose that even 1 sec is still too long)
Here are the results :
Python (own) : Java (Own)
Time Size Time Size
593ms. 10k 243ms. 10k
2344ms. 20k 600ms. 20k
9558ms. 40k 1647ms. 40k
38999ms. 80k 6666ms. 80k
233811ms. 160k 62789ms. 160k
1724926ms. 320k 473177ms. 320k
Python (heapq) Julia (Rosetta Code)
Time Size Time Size
6ms. 10k 21ms. 10k
14ms. 20k 21ms. 20k
15ms. 40k 23ms. 40k
34ms. 80k 28ms. 80k
79ms. 160k 39ms. 160k
168ms. 320k 60ms. 320k
And according to the formula the O(n * log n) give me :
40000 10k
86021 20k
184082 40k
392247 80k
832659 160k
1761648 320k
I think that these result could be used to determine how much time it should take depending on the machine (theoretically)
As you can see the high running time result comes from my algorithm, but I can't tell where in the code and that's why I'm asking here for help. (Runs slow both in Java and Python) (Didn't try to use heap sort in java lib is there is one to see the difference with my implementation, my bad)
Thanks a lot.
Edit : I forgot to add that I run this program on a MacBook Pro (last version MacOS, i7 2,6GHz. In case the problem could also comes from anything else than the code.
Edit 2 : Here are the modifications I did on the algorithm, following the answer I received. The program run approximately 200 times faster than previously, and so now it run in barely 2sec for the array of size 320k
class MaxHeap:
def __init__(self, data=None):
self.heap = []
self.size = 0
if data is not None:
self.size = len(data)
def toString(self):
return str(self.heap)
def add(self, elem):
self.heap.insert(self.size, elem)
self.size += 1
def remove(self, elem):
except ValueError:
print("The value you tried to remove is not in the heap")
def maxHeapify(self, heap, i):
left = 2 * i + 1
right = 2 * i + 2
largest = i
if left < self.size and heap[left] > heap[largest]:
largest = left
if right < self.size and heap[right] > heap[largest]:
largest = right
if largest != i:
heap[i], heap[largest] = heap[largest], heap[i]
self.maxHeapify(heap, largest)
def buildMaxHeap(self, heap):
for i in range(self.size // 2, -1, -1):
self.maxHeapify(heap, i)
self.heap = heap
def heapSort(table):
heap = MaxHeap(table)
i = len(heap.heap) - 1
while i >= 0:
heap.heap[0], heap.heap[i] = heap.heap[i], heap.heap[0]
heap.size -= 1
heap.maxHeapify(heap.heap, 0)
i -= 1
return heap.heap
And it runs using the same main as given before
Its interesting that you posted the clock speed of your computer- you COULD calculate the actual number of steps your algorithm requires... but you would need to know an awful lot about the implementation. For example, in python every time an object is created or goes out of scope, the interpreter updates counters on the underlying object, and frees the memory if those ref counts reach 0. Instead, you should look at the relative speed.
The third party examples you posted show the speed as less then doubling when the input array length doubles. That doesn't seem right, does it? Turns out that for those examples the initial work of building the array probably dominates the time spent sorting the array!
In your code, there is already one comment that calls out what I was going to say...
This operation will go through your list (starting at index 0) looking for a value that matches, and then deletes it. This is already bad (if it works as intended, you are doing 320k comparisons on that line if your code worked as you expected!). But it gets worse- deleting an object from an array is not an in-place modification- every object after the deleted object has to be moved forward in the list. Finally, there is no guarantee that you are actually removing the last object there... duplicate values could exist!
Here is a useful website that lists the complexity of various operations in python - In order to implement an algorithm as efficiently as possible, you need as many of your data structure operations to be O(1) as possible. Here is an example... here is some original code, presumably with heap.heap being a list...
output = [heap.heap[i]] + output
Would avoid allocating a new list AND use a constant time operation to mutate the old one. (much better to just use the output backwards than use the O(n) time insert(0) method! you could use a dequeue object for output to get appendleft method if you really need the order)
If you posted your whole code there are probably lots of other little things we could help with. Hopefully this helped!
I have been playing around with writing my own physics engine in Python as an exercise in physics and programming. I started out by following the tutorial located here. That went well, but then I found the article "Advanced character physics" by thomas jakobsen, which covered using Verlet integration for simulations, which I found fascinating.
I have been attempting to write my own basic physics simulator using verlet integration, but it turns out to be slightly more difficult than I first expected. I was out browsing for example programs to read, and stumbled accross this one written in Python and I also found this tutorial which uses Processing.
What impresses me about the Processing version is how fast it runs. The cloth alone has 2400 different points being simulated, and that's not including the bodies.
The python example only uses 256 particles for the cloth, and it runs at about 30 frames per second. I tried increasing the number of particles to 2401 (it has to be square for that program to work), it ran at about 3 fps.
Both of these work by storing instances of a particle object in a list, and then iterating through the list, calling each particles "update position" method. As an example, this is the part of the code from the Processing sketch that calculates each particle's new postion:
for (int i = 0; i < pointmasses.size(); i++) {
PointMass pointmass = (PointMass) pointmasses.get(i);
EDIT: Here is the code from the python version I linked earlier:
Eric Pavey - 2010-07-03 -
Riding on the shoulders of giants.
I wanted to learn now to do 'verlet cloth' in Python\Pygame. I first ran across
this post \ source:
Which pointed to some good reference, that was a dead link. After some searching,
I found it here:
Which is a 2001 SIGGRAPH paper by Thomas Jakobsen called:
"GDC 2001: Advanced Characer Physics".
This code is a Python\Pygame interpretation of that 2001 Siggraph paper. I did
borrow some code from 'domlebo's source code, it was a great starting point. But
I'd like to think I put my own flavor on it.
# Imports & Initis
import sys
from math import sqrt
# Vec2D comes from here:
from vec2d import Vec2d
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
# Constants
TITLE = "verletCloth01"
WIDTH = 600
HEIGHT = 600
# How many iterations to run on our constraints per frame?
# This will 'tighten' the cloth, but slow the sim.
GRAVITY = Vec2d(0.0,0.05)
TSTEP = 2.8
# How many pixels to position between each particle?
PSTEP = int(WIDTH*.03)
# Offset in pixels from the top left of screen to position grid:
OFFSET = int(.25*WIDTH)
# Define helper functions, classes
class Particle(object):
Stores position, previous position, and where it is in the grid.
def __init__(self, screen, currentPos, gridIndex):
# Current Position : m_x
self.currentPos = Vec2d(currentPos)
# Index [x][y] of Where it lives in the grid
self.gridIndex = gridIndex
# Previous Position : m_oldx
self.oldPos = Vec2d(currentPos)
# Force accumulators : m_a
self.forces = GRAVITY
# Should the particle be locked at its current position?
self.locked = False
self.followMouse = False
self.colorUnlocked = Color('white')
self.colorLocked = Color('green')
self.screen = screen
def __str__(self):
return "Particle <%s, %s>"%(self.gridIndex[0], self.gridIndex[1])
def draw(self):
# Draw a circle at the given Particle.
screenPos = (self.currentPos[0], self.currentPos[1])
if self.locked:, self.colorLocked, (int(screenPos[0]),
int(screenPos[1])), 4, 0)
else:, self.colorUnlocked, (int(screenPos[0]),
int(screenPos[1])), 1, 0)
class Constraint(object):
Stores 'constraint' data between two Particle objects. Stores this data
before the sim runs, to speed sim and draw operations.
def __init__(self, screen, particles):
self.particles = sorted(particles)
# Calculate restlength as the initial distance between the two particles:
self.restLength = sqrt(abs(pow(self.particles[1].currentPos.x -
self.particles[0].currentPos.x, 2) +
pow(self.particles[1].currentPos.y -
self.particles[0].currentPos.y, 2)))
self.screen = screen
self.color = Color('red')
def __str__(self):
return "Constraint <%s, %s>"%(self.particles[0], self.particles[1])
def draw(self):
# Draw line between the two particles.
p1 = self.particles[0]
p2 = self.particles[1]
p1pos = (p1.currentPos[0],
p2pos = (p2.currentPos[0],
pygame.draw.aaline(self.screen, self.color,
(p1pos[0], p1pos[1]), (p2pos[0], p2pos[1]), 1)
class Grid(object):
Stores a grid of Particle objects. Emulates a 2d container object. Particle
objects can be indexed by position:
grid = Grid()
particle = g[2][4]
def __init__(self, screen, rows, columns, step, offset):
self.screen = screen
self.rows = rows
self.columns = columns
self.step = step
self.offset = offset
# Make our internal grid:
# _grid is a list of sublists.
# Each sublist is a 'column'.
# Each column holds a particle object per row:
# _grid =
# [[p00, [p10, [etc,
# p01, p11,
# etc], etc], ]]
self._grid = []
for x in range(columns):
for y in range(rows):
currentPos = (x*self.step+self.offset, y*self.step+self.offset)
self._grid[x].append(Particle(self.screen, currentPos, (x,y)))
def getNeighbors(self, gridIndex):
return a list of all neighbor particles to the particle at the given gridIndex:
gridIndex = [x,x] : The particle index we're polling
possNeighbors = []
possNeighbors.append([gridIndex[0]-1, gridIndex[1]])
possNeighbors.append([gridIndex[0], gridIndex[1]-1])
possNeighbors.append([gridIndex[0]+1, gridIndex[1]])
possNeighbors.append([gridIndex[0], gridIndex[1]+1])
neigh = []
for coord in possNeighbors:
if (coord[0] < 0) | (coord[0] > self.rows-1):
elif (coord[1] < 0) | (coord[1] > self.columns-1):
finalNeighbors = []
for point in neigh:
finalNeighbors.append((point[0], point[1]))
return finalNeighbors
# Implement Container Type:
def __len__(self):
return len(self.rows * self.columns)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._grid[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._grid[key] = value
#def __delitem__(self, key):
def __iter__(self):
for x in self._grid:
for y in x:
yield y
def __contains__(self, item):
for x in self._grid:
for y in x:
if y is item:
return True
return False
class ParticleSystem(Grid):
Implements the verlet particles physics on the encapsulated Grid object.
def __init__(self, screen, rows=49, columns=49, step=PSTEP, offset=OFFSET):
super(ParticleSystem, self).__init__(screen, rows, columns, step, offset)
# Generate our list of Constraint objects. One is generated between
# every particle connection.
self.constraints = []
for p in self:
neighborIndices = self.getNeighbors(p.gridIndex)
for ni in neighborIndices:
# Get the neighbor Particle from the index:
n = self[ni[0]][ni[1]]
# Let's not add duplicate Constraints, which would be easy to do!
new = True
for con in self.constraints:
if n in con.particles and p in con.particles:
new = False
if new:
self.constraints.append( Constraint(self.screen, (p,n)) )
# Lock our top left and right particles by default:
self[0][0].locked = True
self[1][0].locked = True
self[-2][0].locked = True
self[-1][0].locked = True
def verlet(self):
# Verlet integration step:
for p in self:
if not p.locked:
# make a copy of our current position
temp = Vec2d(p.currentPos)
p.currentPos += p.currentPos - p.oldPos + p.forces * TSTEP**2
p.oldPos = temp
elif p.followMouse:
temp = Vec2d(p.currentPos)
p.currentPos = Vec2d(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
p.oldPos = temp
def satisfyConstraints(self):
# Keep particles together:
for c in self.constraints:
delta = c.particles[0].currentPos - c.particles[1].currentPos
deltaLength = sqrt(
# You can get a ZeroDivisionError here once, so let's catch it.
# I think it's when particles sit on top of one another due to
# being locked.
diff = (deltaLength-c.restLength)/deltaLength
if not c.particles[0].locked:
c.particles[0].currentPos -= delta*0.5*diff
if not c.particles[1].locked:
c.particles[1].currentPos += delta*0.5*diff
except ZeroDivisionError:
def accumulateForces(self):
# This doesn't do much right now, other than constantly reset the
# particles 'forces' to be 'gravity'. But this is where you'd implement
# other things, like drag, wind, etc.
for p in self:
p.forces = GRAVITY
def timeStep(self):
# This executes the whole shebang:
for i in range(ITERATE):
def draw(self):
Draw constraint connections, and particle positions:
for c in self.constraints:
#for p in self:
# p.draw()
def lockParticle(self):
If the mouse LMB is pressed for the first time on a particle, the particle
will assume the mouse motion. When it is pressed again, it will lock
the particle in space.
mousePos = Vec2d(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
for p in self:
dist2mouse = sqrt(abs(pow(p.currentPos.x -
mousePos.x, 2) +
pow(p.currentPos.y -
mousePos.y, 2)))
if dist2mouse < 10:
if not p.followMouse:
p.locked = True
p.followMouse = True
p.oldPos = Vec2d(p.currentPos)
p.followMouse = False
def unlockParticle(self):
If the RMB is pressed on a particle, if the particle is currently
locked or being moved by the mouse, it will be 'unlocked'/stop following
the mouse.
mousePos = Vec2d(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
for p in self:
dist2mouse = sqrt(abs(pow(p.currentPos.x -
mousePos.x, 2) +
pow(p.currentPos.y -
mousePos.y, 2)))
if dist2mouse < 5:
p.locked = False
# Main Program
def main():
# Screen Setup
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Create our grid of particles:
particleSystem = ParticleSystem(screen)
backgroundCol = Color('black')
# main loop
looping = True
while looping:
pygame.display.set_caption("%s -- -- LMB: move\lock - RMB: unlock - fps: %.2f"%(TITLE, clock.get_fps()) )
# Detect for events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
looping = False
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 1:
# See if we can make a particle follow the mouse and lock
# its position when done.
if event.button == 3:
# Try to unlock the current particles position:
# Do stuff!
# update our display:
# Execution from shell\icon:
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Running Python version:", sys.version
print "Running PyGame version:", pygame.ver
print "Running"%TITLE
Because both programs work roughly the same way, but the Python version is SO much slower, it makes me wonder:
Is this performance difference part of the nature of Python?
What should I do differently from the above if I want to get better performance from my own Python programs? E.g store the properties of all particles inside an array instead of using individual objects, etc.
EDIT: Answered!!
#Mr E's linked PyCon talk in the comments, and #A. Rosa answer with the linked resources all helped ENORMOUSLY in better understanding how to write good, fast python code. I am now bookmarking this page for future reference :D
There is a Guido van Rossum's article linked in the section Performance Tips of the Python Wiki. In its conclusion, you can read the following sentence:
If you feel the need for speed, go for built-in functions - you can't beat a loop written in C.
The essay continues with a list of guidelines for loop optimization. I recommend both resources, since they give concrete and practical advices about optimizing Python code.
There is also a well-known group of benchmarks in, where you can find comparasions among different programs and languages in distinct machines. As can be seen, there are lots of variables in play that makes impossible state something as broad as Java is faster than Python. This is commonly summed up in the sentence "Languages don't have speeds; implementations do".
In your code can be applied more pythonic and faster alternatives using built-in functions. For example, there are several nested loops (some of them don't require processing the whole list) which can be rewritten using imap or list comprehensions. PyPy is also another interesting option to improve the performance. I'm not an expert about Python optimization, but there are lots of tips which are extremely useful (Notice that don't write Java in Python is one of them!).
Resources and another related questions on SO:
Performance differences between Python and C
Is it reasonable to integrate python with c for performance?
If you write Python like you write Java, of course it's going to be slower, idiomatic java does not translate well to idiomatic python.
Is this performance difference part of the nature of Python?
What should I do differently from the above if I want to get better performance from my own Python programs? E.g store the properties of all particles inside an array instead of using individual objects, etc.
Hard to say without seeing your code.
Here are an incomplete list of differences between python and java that may sometimes affect performance:
Processing uses immediate mode canvas, if you want a comparable performance in Python, you also need to use immediate mode canvas. Canvases in most GUI framework (including Tkinter canvas) is retained mode, which is easier to use, but inherently slower than immediate mode. You'll need to use immediate mode canvas like those provided by pygame, SDL, or Pyglet.
Python is dynamic language, that means instance member access, module member access, and global variable access is resolved at run time. Instance member access, module member access, and global variable access in python is really dictionary access. In java, they are resolved at compile time and by its nature much faster. Cache frequently accessed globals, module variables, and attributes to a local variable.
In python 2.x, range() produces a concrete list, in python, iteration done using iterator, for item in list, is usually faster than iteration done using iteration variable, for n in range(len(list)). You should almost always iterate directly using iterator instead of iterating using range(len(...)).
Python's numbers is immutable, this means any arithmetic calculation allocates a new object. This is one reason why plain python is not very suitable for low level calculations; most people that want to be able to write low level calculations without having to resort to writing C extension typically uses cython, psyco, or numpy. This usually only becomes a problem when you have millions of calculations though.
This are just partial, very incomplete list, there are many other reasons why translating java to python would produce suboptimal code. Without seeing your code it's impossible to tell what you need to do differently. Optimized python code generally looks very different than optimized java code.
I would also suggest to read about other physics engines. There are a few open source engines which use a variety of methods for calculating the "physics".
Newton Game Dynamics
ODE (Open Dynamics Engine)
There are also ports of most of the engines:
If you read through the documentation of those engines you will often find statements saying that they are optimized for speed (30fps - 60fps). But if you think they can do this while calculating "real" physics you are wrong. Most engines calculate physics to a point where a normal user cannot optically distinguish between "real" physical behavior and "simulated" physical behavior. However if you investigate the error it is neglectable if you want to write games. But if you want to do physics, all of those engines are of no use to you.
Thats why I would say if you are doing a real physical simulation you are slower than those engines by design and you will never outrun another physics engine.
Particle-based physics simulation translates easily into linear algebra operations ie. matrix operations. Numpy offers such operations, which are implemented in Fortran/C/C++ under the hood. Well-written python/Numpy code (taking full advantage of language & library) allows to write decently fast code.