Unable to access dict values indjango view - python

I want to save an array of objects passed from javascript through ajax to me database. This is my view code:
data2 = json.loads(request.raw_get_data)
for i in data2:
obj = ShoppingCart(quantity = i.quantity , user_id = 3, datetime = datetime.now(), product_id = i.pk)
return render_to_response("HTML.html",RequestContext(request))
After the first line, i get this in my dictionary:
[{'model': 'Phase_2.product', 'fields': {'name': 'Bata', 'category': 2, 'quantity': 1, 'subcategory': 1, 'count': 2, 'price': 50}, 'imageSource': None, 'pk': 1}]
(Only one object in the array right now)
I want to be able access individual fields like quantity, id, etc in order to save the data to my database. When i debug this code, it gives a name error on 'i'. I also tried accessing the fields like this: data2[0].quantity but it gives this error: {AttributeError}dict object has no attribute quantity.
Edited code:
for i in data2:
name = i["fields"]["name"]
obj = ShoppingCart(quantity = i["fields"]["quantity"] , user_id = 3, datetime = datetime.now(), product_id = i["fields"]["pk"])

It might help you to visualise the returned dict with proper formatting:
'model': 'Phase_2.product',
'fields': {
'name': 'Bata',
'category': 2,
'quantity': 1,
'subcategory': 1,
'count': 2,
'price': 50
'imageSource': None,
'pk': 1
The most likely reason for your error is that you are trying to access values of of the inner 'fields' dictionary as if they belong to the outer i dictionary.
# Incorrect
# Gives KeyError
# Correct
You have the same problem in your update:
# Incorrect
# Correct
The "pk" field is in the outer dictionary, not the inner "fields" dictionary.

You may try:
The json.loads() returns you a dictionary, which should be accessed by key.


MongoDB updation not working with Pymongo

I wanted to add new keys to an existing object in a MongoDB docuemnt, I am trying to update the specific abject with update query but I don't see new keys in database.
I have a object like this:
{'_id': 'patent_1023',
'raw': {'id': 'CN-109897889-A',
'title': 'A kind of LAMP(ring mediated isothermal amplification) product visible detection method',
'assignee': '北京天恩泽基因科技有限公司',
'inventor/author': '徐堤',
'priority_date': '2019-04-17',
'filing/creation_date': '2019-04-17',
'publication_date': '2019-06-18',
'grant_date': None,
'result_link': 'https://patents.google.com/patent/CN109897889A/en', 'representative_figure_link': None
'source': 'Google Patent'}
I added two new keys in raw and want to update only 'raw' with new keys 'abstract' and 'description'
Here is what I have done.
d = client.find_one({'_id': {'$in': ids}})
d['raw'].update(missing_data) # missing_data contain new keys to be added in raw.
here = client.find_one_and_update({'_id': d['_id']}, {'$set': {"raw": d['raw']}})
Both update_one and update_many will work with this:
missing_data = {'abstract':'a book', 'description':'a fun book'};
ids = [ 'patent_1023', 'X'];
{'_id': {'$in': ids}},
# Use pipeline form of update to exploit richer agg framework
# function like $mergeObjects. Below we are saying "take the
# incoming raw object, overlay the missing_data object on top of
# it, and then set that back into raw and save":
[ {'$set': {
'raw': {'$mergeObjects': [ '$$ROOT.raw', missing_data ] }

How to return a specific fields using Pymongo and MongoDB?

I am trying to return just two fields from my MongoDB database and this query correct sends back my username and posts from the client:
db.users.find({'email_address': /^johnny/}, {'username': 1, 'user_posts': 1, '_id': 0});
I'm trying to switch this to PyMongo so I can query in Python and my query looks like this:
regx = Regex('^{0}'.format('johnny'))
query = {'postcode': regx}, {'username': 1, 'user_posts': 1, '_id': 0}
user_list = mycol.find(query).limit(5)
The bit where it's failing is here:
{'username': 1, 'user_posts': 1, '_id': 0}
As without this filter the documents are sent in full fine. With that I get this error message from PyMongo:
TypeError: filter must be an instance of dict, bson.son.SON, or any other type that inherits from collections.Mapping
I assume that my filter is malformed and it's no longer a dictionary so have tried various alternatives of wrapping in quotes and then .format() etc but cannot seem to hit the magical combination.
The problem is that the following is not a dictionary but a tuple of two dictionaries:
query = {'postcode': regx}, {'username': 1, 'user_posts': 1, '_id': 0}
if you wanted to use it directly you could do it with
user_list = mycol.find(query[0], query[1]).limit(5)
but probably best to actually assign it to two separate variables like so
query, filter = {'postcode': regx}, {'username': 1, 'user_posts': 1, '_id': 0}
and then
user_list = mycol.find(query, filter).limit(5)
Turned out it was quite easy.. I just needed to have two dictionaries. 1 for the query and the other for the filter.
regx = Regex('^{0}'.format('johnny'))
filter_stuff = {'username': 1, 'user_posts': 1, '_id': 0}
Then just build the full query as follows:
user_list = mycol.find(query, filter_stuff).limit(5)

Looping through a function

I am struggling with figuring out the best way to loop through a function. The output of this API is a Graph Connection and I am a-little out of my element. I really need to obtain ID's from an api output and have them in a dict or some sort of form that I can pass to another API call.
**** It is important to note that the original output is a graph connection.... print(type(api_response) does show it as a list however, if I do a print(type(api_response[0])) it returns a
This is the original output from the api call:
[{'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5c9941fcdd2eeb6a6787916e', 'type': 'user'}}, {'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5cc9055fcc5781152ca6eeb8', 'type': 'user'}}, {'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5d1cf102c94c052cf1bfb3cc', 'type': 'user'}}]
This is the code that I have up to this point.....
api_response = api_instance.graph_user_group_members_list(group_id, content_type, accept,limit=limit, skip=skip, x_org_id=x_org_id)
def extract_id(result):
result = str(result).split(' ')
for i, r in enumerate(result):
if 'id' in r:
id = (result[i+1].translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
print( id )
return id
def extract_id(result):
result = str(result).split(' ')
for i, r in enumerate(result):
if 'id' in r:
id = (result[i+8].translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
print( id )
return id
def extract_id(result):
result = str(result).split(' ')
for i, r in enumerate(result):
if 'id' in r:
id = (result[i+15].translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
print( id )
return id
I have been able to use a function to extract the ID's but I am doing so through a string. I am in need of a scalable solution that I can use to pass these ID's along to another API call.
I have tried to use a for loop but because it is 1 string and i+1 defines the id's position, it is redundant and just outputs 1 of the id's multiple times.
I am receiving the correct output using each of these functions however, it is not scalable..... and just is not a solution. Please help guide me......
So to solve the response as a string issue I would suggest using python's builtin json module. Specifically, the method .loads() can convert a string to a dict or list of dicts. From there you can iterate over the list or dict and check if the key is equal to 'id'. Here's an example based on what you said the response would look like.
import json
s = "[{'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5c9941fcdd2eeb6a6787916e', 'type': 'user'}}, {'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5cc9055fcc5781152ca6eeb8', 'type': 'user'}}, {'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5d1cf102c94c052cf1bfb3cc', 'type': 'user'}}]"
# json uses double quotes and null; there is probably a better way to do this though
s = s.replace("\'", '\"').replace('None', 'null')
response = json.loads(s) # list of dicts
for d in response:
for key, value in d['to'].items():
if key == 'id':
print(value) # or whatever else you want to do
# 5c9941fcdd2eeb6a6787916e
# 5cc9055fcc5781152ca6eeb8
# 5d1cf102c94c052cf1bfb3cc

python-marshmallow: deserializing nested schema with only one exposed key

I am trying to serialize a list of nested objects as scalar values by taking only one field from the nested item. Instead of [{key: value}, ...] I want to receive [value1, value2, ...].
from marshmallow import *
class MySchema(Schema):
key = fields.String(required=True)
class ParentSchema(Schema):
items = fields.Nested(MySchema, only='key', many=True)
Given the above schemas, I want to serialize some data:
>>> data = {'items': [{'key': 1}, {'key': 2}, {'key': 3}]}
>>> result, errors = ParentSchema().dump(data)
>>> result
{'items': ['1', '2', '3']}
This works as expected, giving me the list of scalar values. However, when trying to deserialize the data using the models above, the data is suddenly invalid:
>>> data, errors = ParentSchema().load(result)
>>> data
{'items': [{}, {}, {}]}
>>> errors
{'items': {0: {}, '_schema': ['Invalid input type.', 'Invalid input type.', 'Invalid input type.'], 1: {}, 2: {}}}
Is there any configuration option I am missing or is this simply not possible?
For anyone stumbling across the same issue, this is the workaround I am using currently:
class MySchema(Schema):
key = fields.String(required=True)
def load(self, data, *args):
data = [
{'key': item} if isinstance(item, str) else item
for item in data
return super().load(data, *args)
class ParentSchema(Schema):
items = fields.Nested(MySchema, only='key', many=True)

Execute user-defined query on list of dictionaries

I have a set of data that a user needs to query using their own query string. The current solution creates a temporary in-memory sqlite database that the query is run against.
The dataset is a list of "flat" dictionaries, i.e. there is no nested data. The query string does not need to be SQL, but it should be simple to define using an existing query framework.
It needs to support ordering (ascending, descending, custom) and filtering.
The purpose of this question is to get a range of different solutions that might work for this use case.
import sqlite3
items = [
{'id': 1},
{'id': 2, 'description': 'This is a description'},
{'id': 3, 'comment': 'This is a comment'},
{'id': 4, 'height': 1.78}
# Assemble temporary sqlite database
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
cur = conn.cursor()
knownTypes = { "id": "real", "height": "real", "comment": "text" }
allKeys = list(set().union(*(d.keys() for d in items)))
allTypes = list(knownTypes.get(k, "text") for k in allKeys)
createTable_query = "CREATE TABLE data ({});".format(", ".join(["{} {}".format(x[0], x[1]) for x in zip(allKeys, allTypes)]))
qs = ["?" for i in range(len(allKeys))]
insertRow_query = "INSERT INTO data VALUES ({});".format(", ".join(qs))
for p in items:
vals = list([p.get(k, None) for k in allKeys])
cur.execute(insertRow_query, vals)
# modify user query here
theUserQuery = "SELECT * FROM data"
# Get data from query
data = [row for row in cur.execute(theUserQuery)]
YAQL is what I'm looking for.
It doesn't do SQL, but it does execute a query string - which is a simple way to do complex user-defined sorting and filtering.
There's a library called litebox that does what you want. It is backed by SQLite.
from litebox import LiteBox
items = [
{'id': 1},
{'id': 2, 'description': 'This is a description'},
{'id': 3, 'comment': 'This is a comment'},
{'id': 4, 'height': 1.78}
types = {"id": int, "height": float, "comment": str}
lb = LiteBox(items, types)
lb.find("height > 1.5")
Result: [{'id': 4, 'height': 1.78}]

