Python: Is there a better way to construct a dictionary? - python

There are multiple dimensions and metrics that I want to pull from Google Analytics via their API, and this requires dimension:metric(s) pairing. Naturally, I thought dictionary might be a good option for this. To minimize typing, and increase readability, this is what I tried.
dim_dict = {
metric_dict = {
dim_metric_dict = {
query_dict = {}
for dim_key in dim_dict.keys():
met = []
for metric_key in dim_metric_dict[dim_key]:
Then, I'm using the following code to make API requests:
def get_ga_kpi(start_date, end_date, dimensions='', sort='ga:pageviews'):
service = build('analytics', 'v3', http=http)
metrics = query_dict[dimensions]
if sort not in metrics:
sort = metrics[0]
data_query =**{
'ids': 'ga:#######',
'metrics': '%s' % (','.join(metrics)),
'dimensions': '%s' % (dimensions),
'start_date':'%s' % (start_date),
'end_date':'%s' % (end_date),
'sort': '-%s' % (sort)
return feed['rows']
The code works as intended, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to approach this problem. Thanks for any input!

I don't know if this is much better, but you could use a dictionary comprehension and enumerate to avoid typing out all of the numbers.
For example, the dim_dict construction could become:
dim_list = ['','ga:searchUsed','ga:searchKeyword','ga:pageTitle','ga:operatingSystem','ga:goalPreviousStep3']
dim_dict = {key:value for (key,value) in enumerate(dim_list)}


How to check each key separately from a list in a loop without creating multiple loops. Which may have a KeyError etc

I wrote a code that takes 9 keys from API.
The authors, isbn_one, isbn_two, thumbinail, page_count fields may not always be retrievable, and if any of them are missing, I would like it to be None. Unfortunately, if, or even nested, doesn't work. Because that leads to a lot of loops. I also tried try and except KeyError etc. because each key has a different error and it is not known which to assign none to. Here is an example of logic when a photo is missing:
th = result['volumeInfo'].get('imageLinks')
if th is not None:
book_exists_thumbinail = {
'thumbinail': result['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail']
dnew = {**book_data, **book_exists_thumbinail}
book_exists_thumbinail_n = {
'thumbinail': None
dnew_none = {**book_data, **book_exists_thumbinail_n}
When I use logic, you know when one condition is met, e.g. for thumbinail, the rest is not even checked.
When I use try and except, it's similar. There's also an ISBN in the keys, but there's a list in the dictionary over there, and I need to use something like this:
isbn_zer = result['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers']
dic = collections.defaultdict(list)
for d in isbn_zer:
for k, v in d.items():
Output data: [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '8320717507'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9788320717501'}]
I don't know what to use anymore to check each key separately and in the case of its absence or lack of one ISBN (identifier) assign the value None. I have already tried many ideas.
The rest of the code:
book_import = []
if request.method == 'POST':
filter_ch = BookFilterForm(request.POST)
if filter_ch.is_valid():
cd = filter_ch.cleaned_data
filter_choice = cd['choose_v']
filter_search = cd['search']
search_url = ""
params = {
'q': '{}{}'.format(filter_choice, filter_search),
'key': settings.BOOK_DATA_API_KEY,
'maxResults': 2,
'printType': 'books'
r = requests.get(search_url, params=params)
results = r.json()['items']
for result in results:
book_data = {
'title': result['volumeInfo']['title'],
'authors': result['volumeInfo']['authors'][0],
'publish_date': result['volumeInfo']['publishedDate'],
'isbn_one': result['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['identifier'],
'isbn_two': result['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][1]['identifier'],
'page_count': result['volumeInfo']['pageCount'],
'thumbnail': result['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail'],
'country': result['saleInfo']['country']
filter_ch = BookFilterForm()
return render(request, "BookApp/book_import.html", {'book_import': book_import,
'filter_ch': filter_ch})```

How to get all documents under an elasticsearch index with python client ?

I'm trying to get all index document using python client but the result show me only the first document
This is my python code :
res ="92c603b3-8173-4d7a-9aca-f8c115ff5a18", doc_type="doc", body = {
'size' : 10000,
'query': {
'match_all' : {}
print("%d documents found" % res['hits']['total'])
data = [doc for doc in res['hits']['hits']]
for doc in data:
return "%s %s %s" % (doc['_id'], doc['_source']['0'], doc['_source']['5'])
try "_doc" instead of "doc"
res ="92c603b3-8173-4d7a-9aca-f8c115ff5a18", doc_type="_doc", body = {
'size' : 100,
'query': {
'match_all' : {}
Elasticsearch by default retrieve only 10 documents. You could change this behaviour - doc here . The best practice for pagination are search after query and scroll query. It depends from your needs. Please read this answer Elastic search not giving data with big number for page size
To show all the results:
for doc in res['hits']['hits']:
print doc['_id'], doc['_source']
You can try the following query. It will return all the documents.
result ="index_name", body={"query":{"match_all":{}}})
You can also use elasticsearch_dsl and its Search API which allows you to iterate over all your documents via the scan method.
import elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
client = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch()
search = Search(using=client, index="92c603b3-8173-4d7a-9aca-f8c115ff5a18")
for hit in search.scan():
I dont see mentioned that the index must be refreshed if you just added data. Use this:

Checking if epic issue exists and if not, make a new epic issue

So the problem is an IndexError, which makes sense considering there isn't supposed to be any results for that jql query.
epic_search = 'project = "EXM" and type = Epic and summary ~ "summaryx" '
esearch = jira.search_issues(epic_search)
if esearch[0].key == None:
epic_dict = {
'project': {'key': 'EXM'},
'customfield_12345': 'summaryx',
'summary': 'summaryx',
'issuetype': {'name': 'Epic'},
new_epic = jira.create_issue(fields=epic_dict)
print (new_epic.key)
Is there a way I can check the jql results and if empty, create an epic?
Probably something like
if (count(esearch) > 0):
I assume this is python. I don't do python but there must be something like a count() or maybe esearch.length to tell you how many items are in there.

Example of update_item in dynamodb boto3

Following the documentation, I'm trying to create an update statement that will update or add if not exists only one attribute in a dynamodb table.
I'm trying this
response = table.update_item(
Key={'ReleaseNumber': '1.0.179'},
ExpressionAttributeNames={'attr1': 'val1'},
ExpressionAttributeValues={'val1': 'false'}
The error I'm getting is:
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the UpdateItem operation: ExpressionAttributeNames contains invalid key: Syntax error; key: "attr1"
If anyone has done anything similar to what I'm trying to achieve please share example.
Found working example here, very important to list as Keys all the indexes of the table, this will require additional query before update, but it works.
response = table.update_item(
'ReleaseNumber': releaseNumber,
'Timestamp': result[0]['Timestamp']
UpdateExpression="set Sanity = :r",
':r': 'false',
Details on dynamodb updates using boto3 seem incredibly sparse online, so I'm hoping these alternative solutions are useful.
get / put
import boto3
table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('my_table')
# get item
response = table.get_item(Key={'pkey': 'asdf12345'})
item = response['Item']
# update
item['status'] = 'complete'
# put (idempotent)
actual update
import boto3
table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('my_table')
Key={'pkey': 'asdf12345'},
'status': 'complete',
If you don't want to check parameter by parameter for the update I wrote a cool function that would return the needed parameters to perform a update_item method using boto3.
def get_update_params(body):
"""Given a dictionary we generate an update expression and a dict of values
to update a dynamodb table.
body (dict): Parameters to use for formatting.
update expression, dict of values.
update_expression = ["set "]
update_values = dict()
for key, val in body.items():
update_expression.append(f" {key} = :{key},")
update_values[f":{key}"] = val
return "".join(update_expression)[:-1], update_values
Here is a quick example:
def update(body):
a, v = get_update_params(body)
response = table.update_item(
return response
The original code example:
response = table.update_item(
Key={'ReleaseNumber': '1.0.179'},
ExpressionAttributeNames={'attr1': 'val1'},
ExpressionAttributeValues={'val1': 'false'}
response = table.update_item(
Key={'ReleaseNumber': '1.0.179'},
UpdateExpression='SET #attr1 = :val1',
ExpressionAttributeNames={'#attr1': 'val1'},
ExpressionAttributeValues={':val1': 'false'}
In the marked answer it was also revealed that there is a Range Key so that should also be included in the Key. The update_item method must seek to the exact record to be updated, there's no batch updates, and you can't update a range of values filtered to a condition to get to a single record. The ConditionExpression is there to be useful to make updates idempotent; i.e. don't update the value if it is already that value. It's not like a sql where clause.
Regarding the specific error seen.
ExpressionAttributeNames is a list of key placeholders for use in the UpdateExpression, useful if the key is a reserved word.
From the docs, "An expression attribute name must begin with a #, and be followed by one or more alphanumeric characters". The error is because the code hasn't used an ExpressionAttributeName that starts with a # and also not used it in the UpdateExpression.
ExpressionAttributeValues are placeholders for the values you want to update to, and they must start with :
Based on the official example, here's a simple and complete solution which could be used to manually update (not something I would recommend) a table used by a terraform S3 backend.
Let's say this is the table data as shown by the AWS CLI:
$ aws dynamodb scan --table-name terraform_lock --region us-east-1
"Items": [
"Digest": {
"S": "2f58b12ae16dfb5b037560a217ebd752"
"LockID": {
"S": "tf-aws.tfstate-md5"
"Count": 1,
"ScannedCount": 1,
"ConsumedCapacity": null
You could update it to a new digest (say you rolled back the state) as follows:
import boto3
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', 'us-east-1')
table = dynamodb.Table('terraform_lock')
response = table.update_item(
"LockID": "tf-aws.tfstate-md5"
UpdateExpression="set Digest=:newDigest",
":newDigest": "50a488ee9bac09a50340c02b33beb24b"
except Exception as msg:
print(f"Oops, could not update: {msg}")
Note the : at the start of ":newDigest": "50a488ee9bac09a50340c02b33beb24b" they're easy to miss or forget.
Small update of Jam M. Hernandez Quiceno's answer, which includes ExpressionAttributeNames to prevent encoutering errors such as:
"errorMessage": "An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the UpdateItem operation:
Invalid UpdateExpression: Attribute name is a reserved keyword; reserved keyword: timestamp",
def get_update_params(body):
Given a dictionary of key-value pairs to update an item with in DynamoDB,
generate three objects to be passed to UpdateExpression, ExpressionAttributeValues,
and ExpressionAttributeNames respectively.
update_expression = []
attribute_values = dict()
attribute_names = dict()
for key, val in body.items():
update_expression.append(f" #{key.lower()} = :{key.lower()}")
attribute_values[f":{key.lower()}"] = val
attribute_names[f"#{key.lower()}"] = key
return "set " + ", ".join(update_expression), attribute_values, attribute_names
Example use:
update_expression, attribute_values, attribute_names = get_update_params(
{"Status": "declined", "DeclinedBy": "username"}
response = table.update_item(
Key={"uuid": "12345"},
An example to update any number of attributes given as a dict, and keep track of the number of updates. Works with reserved words (i.e name).
The following attribute names shouldn't be used as we will overwrite the value: _inc, _start.
from typing import Dict
from boto3 import Session
def getDynamoDBSession(region: str = "eu-west-1"):
"""Connect to DynamoDB resource from boto3."""
return Session().resource("dynamodb", region_name=region)
DYNAMODB = getDynamoDBSession()
def updateItemAndCounter(db_table: str, item_key: Dict, attributes: Dict) -> Dict:
Update item or create new. If the item already exists, return the previous value and
increase the counter: update_counter.
table = DYNAMODB.Table(db_table)
# Init update-expression
update_expression = "SET"
# Build expression-attribute-names, expression-attribute-values, and the update-expression
expression_attribute_names = {}
expression_attribute_values = {}
for key, value in attributes.items():
update_expression += f' #{key} = :{key},' # Notice the "#" to solve issue with reserved keywords
expression_attribute_names[f'#{key}'] = key
expression_attribute_values[f':{key}'] = value
# Add counter start and increment attributes
expression_attribute_values[':_start'] = 0
expression_attribute_values[':_inc'] = 1
# Finish update-expression with our counter
update_expression += " update_counter = if_not_exists(update_counter, :_start) + :_inc"
return table.update_item(
Hope it might be useful to someone!
In a simple way you can use below code to update item value with new one:
response = table.update_item(
Key={"my_id_name": "my_id_value"}, # to get record
UpdateExpression="set item_key_name=:item_key_value", # Operation action (set)
ExpressionAttributeValues={":value": "new_value"}, # item that you need to update
ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW" # optional for declarative message
Simple example with multiple fields:
import boto3
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
UpdateExpression='SET #field1 = :field1, #field2 = :field2',
'#field1': 'FIELD_1_NAME',
'#field2': 'FIELD_2_NAME',
':field1': {'S': 'FIELD_1_VALUE'},
':field2': {'S': 'FIELD_2_VALUE'},
using previous answer from eltbus , it worked for me , except for minor bug,
You have to delete the extra comma using update_expression[:-1]

Parsing json file with changeable structure in Python

I'm using Yahoo Placemaker API which gives different structure of json depending on input.
Simple json file looks like this:
When I want to access itemDetails I simply write json_file['document']['itemDetails'].
But when I get more complicated response, such as
the solution obviously does not work.
I use id, prop1 and prop2 to create objects.
What would be the best approach to automatically access itemDetails in the second case without writing json_file['document']['0']['itemDetails'] ?
If I understand correctly, you want to loop through all of json_file['document']['0']['itemDetails'], json_file['document']['1']['itemDetails'], ...
If that's the case, then:
item_details = {}
for key, value in json_file['document']:
item_details[key] = value['itemDetails']
Or, a one-liner:
item_details = {k: v['itemDetails'] for k, v in json_file['document']}
Then, you would access them as item_details['0'], item_details['1'], ...
Note: You can suppress the single quotes around 0 and 1, by using int(key) or int(k).
If you want to access both cases seamlessly (whether there is one result or many), you could check:
if 'itemDetails' in json_file['document']:
item_details = {'0': json_file['document']['itemDetails']}
item_details = {k: v['itemDetails'] for k, v in json_file['document'] if k != 'other'}
Then loop through the item_details dict.

