This is for homework. This particular school offers 0 assistance and the professor is less than helpful. I am just looking for guidance as to why this code isn't working. I have to use Python 2.7. When I run the program it asks me to enter the appropriate amount of pints but then does nothing.
# This program finds the average number of pints collected, the highest amount, and the lowest amount
# Lab 9-4 Blood drive
#the main function
def main():
endProgram = 'no'
while endProgram == 'no':
# declare variables
pints = [0] * 7
totalPints = 0
averagePints = 0
highPints = 0
lowPints = 0
# function calls
pints = getPints(pints)
totalPints = getTotal(pints, totalPints)
averagePints = getAverage(totalPints, averagePints)
highPints = getHigh(pints, highPints)
lowPints = getLow(pints, lowPints)
displayInfo(averagePints, highPints, lowPints)
endProgram = raw_input('Do you want to end program? (Enter no or yes): ')
while not (endProgram == 'yes' or endProgram == 'no'):
print 'Please enter a yes or no'
endProgram = raw_input('Do you want to end program? (Enter no or yes): ')
#the getPints function
def getPints(pints):
counter = 0
while counter < 7:
pints[counter] = input('Enter pints collected: ')
counter = counter + 1
return pints
#the getTotal function
def getTotal(pints, totalPints):
counter = 0
while counter < 7:
totalPints = totalPints + pints[counter]
counter = counter + 1
return totalPints
#the getAverage function
def getAverage(totalPints, averagePints):
averagePints = totalPints / 7
return averagePints
#the getHigh function
def getHigh(pints, highPints):
highPints = pints[0]
counter = 1
while counter < 7:
if pints[counter] > highPints:
highPints = pints[counter]
counter = counter + 1
return highPints
#the getLow function
def getLow(pints, lowPints):
lowPints = pints[0]
counter = 1
while counter < 7:
if pints[counter] < lowPints:
lowPints = pints[counter]
counter = counter + 1
return lowPints
#the displayInfo function
def displayInfo(averagePints, highPints, lowPints):
print "The average number of pints donated is ", averagePints
print "The highest pints donated is ", highPints
print "The lowest pints donated is ", lowPints
# calls main
There is an infinite loop in function getLow() because counter is incremented only when the current value is less than the previous value. e.g. entering values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 will result in an infinite loop, however, the loop will terminate if you entered 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Function getHigh() has a similar problem, but the values must be ascending if the infinite loop is to be avoided. Note that one of getLow() or getHigh() will always produce a loop in your code.
Hint: look at using Python's min() and max() functions.
from microbit import *
from ssd1306 import initialize, clear_oled
from ssd1306_stamp import draw_stamp
from ssd1306_img import create_stamp
from ssd1306_text import add_text
import utime as time
window = []
threshold = 550 # limit
count = 0
sample = 0
beat = False
start = False
good = create_stamp(Image.HAPPY)
bad = create_stamp(Image.SAD)
heart = create_stamp(Image.HEART)
values = []
def mean(datalist):
sum = 0
for i in datalist:
sum += i
if len(datalist) > 0:
return sum/len(datalist)
return None
while True:
if button_a.was_pressed():
while True:
signal = pin1.read_analog()
avg = round(mean(window))
if len(window) == 11:
if beat is False and avg >= threshold+10:
beat = True
count += 1, wait=False)
if count == 1:
t1 = time.ticks_ms()
if count == 11:
t2 = time.ticks_ms()
T = t2 - t1
bpm = round(600*1000/(T))
add_text(0, 0, "Heart rate :")
add_text(0, 3, str(bpm) + " bpm")
if 60 <= bpm <= 100:
draw_stamp(38, 24, good, 1)
else :
draw_stamp(38, 24, bad, 1)
count = 0
if button_b.was_pressed():
count = 0
elif beat is True and avg <= threshold-10:
beat = False
sample += 1
if sample == 250:
threshold = mean(values)
values = []
sample = 0
This is the code connect to the microbit, and the function is about the heart rate sensor, which it will appear the average beat per minute when sensing 10 beats of the heart.
I am thinking of adding a function that if button b is pressed, the loop will pause, and press the button a to start again. I tried to add a break function in the loop, it worked when I click the button b, it pause the loop, however, the count of beat won't reset, and the time between the beat is also recorded although I break the loop.
Is there any way that I can break the loop and reset the count?
You should reset the counter before breaking. In your current code the line for the count is not executing since it breaks out before it reaches it.
if button_b.was_pressed():
count = 0
This is how i have coded, but i am not able to get the result as i want
def arith():
import random
operators = ("+","*")
for i in range(4):
x = random.randint(1,10)
y = random.randint(1,10)
choose_operators = random.choice(operators)
print (x,choose_operators,y)
t1 = int(input("what is the answer:"))
counter = 0
if t1 == (x,operators,y):
counter = counter + 1
if counter > 3:
print("Please ask your teacher for help")
I get the result as
7 * 3
what is the answer:21
3 + 2
what is the answer:5
8 * 9
what is the answer:72
3 * 9
what is the answer:2
That's it!
How do i make it count the number of correct answers and print the command i have written ?
Thanks in advance
The line if t1 == x,operators,y is not operating on x and y. The operator is the form of a string so it is checking if t1 is equal to, for example: (7, '*', 3). To actually do the operation you can use eval() Also, you need to fix some stuff in your code so it only checks counter after the for loop is finished.
def arith():
import random
operators = ("+","*")
counter = 0
for i in range(4):
x = random.randint(1,10)
y = random.randint(1,10)
choose_operators = random.choice(operators)
print (x,choose_operators,y)
t1 = int(input("what is the answer:"))
if t1 == eval(str(x) + choose_operators + str(y)):
counter = counter + 1
if counter > 3:
print("Please ask your teacher for help")
I want to add values to a list but not make it reset every time it loops back to the beginning.
def number():
print "Input a number to add to a list. When done press q"
loop = 0
while loop == 0:
loop = 1
totallist = []
x = raw_input()
if x == 'q':
print "Your total is:"
return totallist
loop = 0
move totallist = [] out of the loop
def number():
print "Input a number to add to a list. When done press q"
loop = 0
totallist = [] # <-- Move it here
while loop == 0:
loop = 1
# totallist = []
x = raw_input()
if x == 'q':
print "Your total is:"
return totallist
loop = 0
This question already has answers here:
Using global variables in a function
(25 answers)
Parameter vs Argument Python [duplicate]
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Sorry about the length of this but I figured more info is better than not enough!!
I'm trying to split the (working) piece of Python code into functions to make it clearer / easier to use but am coming unstuck as soon as i move stuff into functions. It's basically a password generator which tries to only output a password to the user once the password qualifies as having a character from all 4 categories in it. (Lowercase, uppercase, numbers and symbols).
import random
import string
lowerasciis = string.ascii_letters[0:26]
upperasciis = string.ascii_letters[26:]
numberedstrings = str(1234567809)
symbols = "!#$%^&*()[]"
password_length = int(raw_input("Please enter a password length: "))
while True:
lowerasscii_score = 0
upperascii_score = 0
numberedstring_score = 0
symbol_score = 0
password_as_list = []
while len(password_as_list) < password_length:
char = random.choice(lowerasciis+upperasciis+numberedstrings+symbols)
for x in password_as_list:
if x in lowerasciis:
lowerasscii_score +=1
elif x in upperasciis:
upperascii_score +=1
elif x in numberedstrings:
numberedstring_score +=1
elif x in symbols:
symbol_score +=1
# a check for the screen. Each cycle of the loop should display a new score:
print lowerasscii_score, upperascii_score, numberedstring_score, symbol_score
if lowerasscii_score >= 1 and upperascii_score >= 1 and numberedstring_score >= 1 and symbol_score >=1:
password = "".join(password_as_list)
print password
And here is my attempt at splitting it. When i try to run the below it complains of "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'upperascii_score' referenced before assignment" in the scorepassword_as_a_list() function
import random
import string
lowerasciis = string.ascii_letters[0:26]
upperasciis = string.ascii_letters[26:]
numberedstrings = str(1234567809)
symbols = "!#$%^&*()[]"
password_length = int(raw_input("Please enter a password length: "))
lowerasscii_score = 0
upperascii_score = 0
numberedstring_score = 0
symbol_score = 0
password_as_list = []
def genpassword_as_a_list():
while len(password_as_list) < password_length:
char = random.choice(lowerasciis+upperasciis+numberedstrings+symbols)
def scorepassword_as_a_list():
for x in password_as_list:
if x in lowerasciis:
lowerasscii_score +=1
elif x in upperasciis:
upperascii_score +=1
elif x in numberedstrings:
numberedstring_score +=1
elif x in symbols:
symbol_score +=1
# give user feedback about password's score in 4 categories
print lowerasscii_score, upperascii_score, numberedstring_score, symbol_score
def checkscore():
if lowerasscii_score >= 1 and upperascii_score >= 1 and numberedstring_score >= 1 and symbol_score >=1:
return 1
return 0
def join_and_printpassword():
password = "".join(password_as_list)
print password
while True:
if checkscore() == 1:
The primary issue here is that you need to keep track of the scope of the various variables that you're using. In general, one of the advantages of splitting your code into functions (if done properly) is that you can reuse code without worrying about whether any initial states have been modified somewhere else. To be concrete, in your particular example, even if you got things working right (using global variables), every time you called one of your functions, you'd have to worry that e.g. lowerassci_score was not getting reset to 0.
Instead, you should accept anything that your function needs to run as parameters and output some return value, without manipulating global variables. In general, this idea is known as "avoiding side-effects." Here is your example re-written with this in mind:
import random
import string
lowerasciis = string.ascii_letters[0:26]
upperasciis = string.ascii_letters[26:]
numberedstrings = str(1234567809)
symbols = "!#$%^&*()[]"
def genpassword_as_a_list(password_length):
password_as_list = []
while len(password_as_list) < password_length:
char = random.choice(lowerasciis+upperasciis+numberedstrings+symbols)
return password_as_list
def scorepassword_as_a_list(password_as_list):
lowerasscii_score = 0
upperascii_score = 0
numberedstring_score = 0
symbol_score = 0
for x in password_as_list:
if x in lowerasciis:
lowerasscii_score +=1
elif x in upperasciis:
upperascii_score +=1
elif x in numberedstrings:
numberedstring_score +=1
elif x in symbols:
symbol_score +=1
# give user feedback about password's score in 4 categories
return (
lowerasscii_score, upperascii_score, numberedstring_score,
def checkscore(
lowerasscii_score, upperascii_score, numberedstring_score,
if lowerasscii_score >= 1 and upperascii_score >= 1 and numberedstring_score >= 1 and symbol_score >=1:
return 1
return 0
def join_and_printpassword(password_as_list):
password = "".join(password_as_list)
print password
password_length = int(raw_input("Please enter a password length: "))
while True:
password_list = genpassword_as_a_list(password_length)
current_score = scorepassword_as_a_list(password_list)
if checkscore(*current_score) == 1:
A few notes on this:
Notice that the "score" variables are introduced inside the scorepassword_as_list function and (based on the scoping rules) are local to that function. We get them out of the function by passing them out as a return value.
I've used just a bit of magic near the end with *current_score. Here, the asterisk is used as the "splat" or "unpack" operator. I could just as easily have written checkscore(current_score[0], current_score[1], current_score[2], current_score[3]); they mean the same thing.
It would probably be useful to read up a bit more on variable scoping and namespaces in Python. Here's one guide, but there may be better ones out there.
So in my coding class we are required to make a "Dice Poker" game. We need to implement a scoring system, however, mine keeps returning a "None", therefore causing issues when I want to add the accumulated score to the base score of 100, since NoneTypes and integers can not be added. I'm aware that I need to fix whatever is causing the None, but I'm not sure how. I believe the problem could be in the "scoring" function, but perhaps it is more lurking in the later parts (After the #Choosing Last Roll or #Scoring output comments) of the function "diceGame". I'm very new to coding, and after hours of looking at this thing I'm not really sure what I'm looking at anymore. Thank you so much for your help!
Text-based dice game
from random import randint
def rollFiveDie():
allDie = []
for x in range(5):
return allDie
def outputUpdate(P, F):
def rollSelect():
rollSelected = input("Which die would you like to re-roll? (Choose 1, 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 from the list) ")
print(" ")
selectList = rollSelected.split()
return selectList
def rollPicked(toRollList, diceList):
for i in toRollList:
diceList[int(i) - 1] = randint(1,6)
def scoring(dList):
counts = [0] * 7
for value in dList:
counts[value] = counts[value] + 1
if 5 in counts:
score = "Five of a Kind", 30
elif 4 in counts:
score = "Four of a Kind", 25
elif (3 in counts) and (2 in counts):
score = "Full House", 15
elif 3 in counts:
score = "Three of a Kind", 10
elif not (2 in counts) and (counts[1] == 0 or counts[6] == 0):
score = "Straight", 20
elif counts.count(2) == 2:
score = "Two Pair", 5
score = "Lose", 0
return score
def numScore(diList):
counts = [0] * 7
for v in diList:
counts[v] = counts[v] + 1
if 5 in counts:
finScore = 30
elif 4 in counts:
finScore = 25
elif (3 in counts) and (2 in counts):
finScore = 15
elif 3 in counts:
finScore = 10
elif not (2 in counts) and (counts[1] == 0 or counts[6] == 0):
finScore = 20
elif counts.count(2) == 2:
finScore = 5
finScore = 0
return finScore
def printScore(fscore):
print(" ")
def diceGame():
contPlaying = True
while contPlaying:
playPoints = 30
if playPoints > 9:
playPoints -= 10
print("No more points to spend. Game Over.")
contPlaying = False
playing = input("Would you like to play the Dice Game? (Answer 'y' or 'n'): ")
print(' ')
if playing == 'y':
#First Roll
fiveDie = rollFiveDie()
outputUpdate("Your roll is...", fiveDie)
#Choosing Second Roll/Second Roll execution
pickDie = input("Which die would you like to re-roll? (Choose 1, 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 from the list) ")
print(" ")
pickDie = pickDie.split()
rollPicked(pickDie, fiveDie)
outputUpdate("Your next roll is...", fiveDie)
#Choosing Last Roll
pickDie = rollSelect()
rollPicked(pickDie, fiveDie)
outputUpdate("Your final roll is...", fiveDie)
#Scoring output
finalScore = numScore(fiveDie)
playPoints += finalScore
contPlaying = False
def main():