I am currently working with BUFR files with wind data. When I read this file on python I get 4 large vectors, latitude vector, longitude vector, wind_direction vector, and wind_speed vector.
Both wind vectors are masked python arrays because there is non-valid data. This happens because the data comes from a non-geostationary satellite. In fact I successfully generated the following image from this BUFR file to show you the general shape that the data takes.
In this image I have plotted a color field to represent the wind speed, while the arrows obviously represent the wind direction.
Please notice the two bands of actual data. Unfortunately the way I am plotting the data, generates a third band (where the color field is smooth), in-between the actual data bands. This is an artefact of the function pcolormesh. If I could superimpose two `pcolormesh plots, each one representing one of the bands, this problem would disappear.
Unfortunately, I do not know how I could separate the data "regions". I have thought about clustering techniques but do not know how to cluster along latlon data using ANOTHER array (the wind data) as the clustering rule.
This is my current code:
import bufr
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import mlab
bfrfile = sys.argv[1]
print bfrfile
bfr = bufr.BUFRFile(bfrfile)
lon = []
lat = []
wind_d = []
wind_s = []
for record in bfr:
for entry in record:
if entry.index == WIND_DIR_INDEX:
if entry.index == WIND_SPEED_INDEX:
if entry.name.find("LONGITUDE") == 0:
if entry.name.find("LATITUDE") == 0:
lons = np.concatenate(lon)
lats = np.concatenate(lat)
winds_d = np.concatenate(wind_d)
winds_s = np.concatenate(wind_s)
winds_d = np.ma.masked_greater(winds_d,1.0e+6)
winds_s = np.ma.masked_greater(winds_s,1.0e+6)
windu = np.cos((winds_d-180)*(np.pi/180))
windv = np.sin((winds_d-180)*(np.pi/180))
# Data interpolation for pcolormesh (needs gridded data)
xi = np.linspace(lons.min(),lons.max(),lons.size/10)
yi = np.linspace(lats.min(),lats.max(),lats.size/10)
Z = mlab.griddata(lons,lats,winds_s,xi,yi)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(xi,yi)
mydpi = 96
fig = plt.figure(frameon=True)
ax = plt.Axes(fig,[0,0,1,1])
for method in (ax.set_xticks,ax.set_xticklabels,ax.set_yticks,ax.set_yticklabels):
mydpi = 96
fig = plt.figure(frameon=True)
ax = plt.Axes(fig,[0,0,1,1])
except ValueError:
print "Warning: Empty data array."
for method in (ax.set_xticks,ax.set_xticklabels,ax.set_yticks,ax.set_yticklabels):
I then usually follow this python code with the following terminal commands to combine the images:
convert bufr_ascat.png -transparent white bufr_ascat.png
convert bufr_ascat_color.png -transparent white bufr_ascat_color.png
composite bufr_ascat.png bufr_ascat_color.png bufrascat.png
Don't abuse clustering for this.
What you need is a simple selection / filtering; not a structure discovery process.
Choose the mean of the masked data. All non-masked data left of that mean is the left part, all non-masked data on the right is the other?
Clustering is the wrong tool for this task.
I have two spatial dataset in netcdf format. They have same time, dimensions, coordinates, and data variable. But they are for different spatial coordinates. In below I tried to show my two dataset by a polygon:
import glob
import xarray as xr
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
file1 = '20190109T071048.nc'
file2 = '20190109T085117.nc'
ds1 = xr.open_dataset(file1, group='PRODUCT')
ds2 = xr.open_dataset(file2, group='PRODUCT')
PATH_TO_GPK = 'Study_Area.gpkg'
SA = gpd.read_file(PATH_TO_GPK, layer='Study_Area')
First dataset plot:
ax = plt.axes()
ds1.qa_value.isel(time = 0).plot(ax = ax, x='longitude', y='latitude')
SA.plot(ax = ax, alpha = 0.8, facecolor = 'none')
Second dataset plot:
ax = plt.axes()
ds2.qa_value.isel(time = 0).plot(ax = ax, x='longitude', y='latitude')
SA.plot(ax = ax, alpha = 0.8, facecolor = 'none')
I want to merge these two netcdf files with xarray.
combined = xr.merge([ds1, ds2], compat='no_conflicts')
MergeError: conflicting values for variable 'latitude' on objects to be combined. You can skip this check by specifying compat='override'.
tried with:
combined = xr.merge([ds1, ds2], compat='override')
but plot of combined was same as above first plot.
Then tried with:
combined = xr.combine_by_coords([ds1,ds2], compat='no_conflicts')
Could not find any dimension coordinates to use to order the datasets for concatenation
Then tried with:
combined = xr.combine_nested([ds1,ds2], concat_dim=["time"])
and plot of combined was again same as first plot.
Based on ThomasNicolas suggestion, I used below code:
ds = xr.open_mfdataset([file1, file2], combine='nested')
But it return this error:
AttributeError: 'Dataset' object has no attribute 'qa_value'
There are not any data in result:
print of the first dataset (for example) shows:
print (ds1)
Dimensions: (corner: 4, ground_pixel: 450, scanline: 3245, time: 1)
* scanline (scanline) float64 0.0 1.0 ... 3.244e+03
* ground_pixel (ground_pixel) float64 0.0 1.0 ... 449.0
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-01-03
* corner (corner) float64 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
latitude (time, scanline, ground_pixel) float32 ...
longitude (time, scanline, ground_pixel) float32 ...
Data variables:
delta_time (time, scanline) timedelta64[ns] 08:07:0...
time_utc (time, scanline) object '2019-01-03T08:0...
qa_value (time, scanline, ground_pixel) float32 ...
Is there any suggestion for merge or combine of these files?
Base on #dl.meteo advice, I used satpy library for solve my problem, it seems that it can merge two netcdf files but not completely, you can see an incorrect part (red boundary) in joined image.
Can satpy do it correctly?
# Read NetCDF files
from satpy import Scene
import glob
filenames = glob.glob('myfiles*.nc')
scn = Scene(filenames=filenames, reader='tropomi_l2')
mask = SA_mask_poly.mask(d, lat_name='latitude', lon_name='longitude')
out_sel = d.compute().where(mask == 0, drop=True)
ax = plt.axes()
out_sel.plot(ax = ax, x='longitude', y='latitude')
SA.plot(ax = ax, alpha = 0.8, facecolor = 'none', lw = 1)
I've come across this problem just now. xarray can't combine values with different coordinates. As your two passes have their own unique coordinates, you can't directly combine them.
One solution for this is to use the pyresample module to resample both granules from their own coordinates onto a common grid. Open each file as a separate Scene and then apply scn.resample() method. This will put both onto the same grid. From there you can combine them.
Another solution might be the experimental MultiScene object, which is designed for this use case. As per the documentation:
Scene objects in Satpy are meant to represent a single geographic region at a specific single instant in time or range of time. This means they are not suited for handling multiple orbits of polar-orbiting satellite data, multiple time steps of geostationary satellite data, or other special data cases. To handle these cases Satpy provides the MultiScene class.
The reason your current solution has artefacts is your Scene object has two separate orbits stuck together as one array. I think the discontinuity in their coordinates will cause stretch/tear artefacts in your quadmesh plot and further processing, such as convolution filtering, is likely to return unexpected results as it expects neighbouring values in an array to be physically neighbours in the final image and not in another orbit.
I have a .dat file containing a list of coordinates (~100k) and a temperature at each coordinate. It has a structure like this:
-59.083 -26.583 0.2
-58.417 -26.250 0.6
-58.412 -26.417 0.4
To visually display the temperature ranges, I created a numpy array and plotted the datasets using the Basemap module for Python. The code I wrote is the following:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np
m = Basemap(projection='mill',llcrnrlat=-90,urcrnrlat=90,\
data = np.loadtxt('gridly.dat')
xcoordlist = []
ycoordlist = []
tempvallist = []
for i in data:
xcoord = i[0]
ycoord = i[1]
tempval = i[2]
xcoord2 = xcoord*111139 #<--- Multiplying converts each coordinate's degrees to meters)
ycoord2 = ycoord*111139
xco = np.array(xcoordlist)
yco = np.array(ycoordlist)
tval = np.array(tempvallist)
gridsize = 100
m.hexbin(yco, xco, C=tval, gridsize=gridsize)
cb = m.colorbar()
When I plot the data, I'm getting almost exactly what I want, however, the hexagonal heatmap is offset for some reason, giving me the following chart:
I've been searching online for what might be wrong but unfortunately couldn't find answers or troubleshoot. Does anyone know how I can fix this issue?
After hours of digging around, I finally figured it out! What was wrong with my code was that I was trying to manually convert the geographic coordinates into point coordinates for the displaying chart (by multiplying by 111139).
While the logic for doing this makes sense, I believe this process broke down when I began to plot the data onto different kinds of charts (i.e. orthogonal, miller projection etc.) because the different projections/charts will have different point coordinates (kind of like how the pixel locations on your computer screen may not align with the pixel locations on a different computer screen).
Instead, the Basemap module has a built-in function that will convert real-world coordinates into coordinates that can be plotted on the chart, for you: m(x, y).
So, the improved and correct script would be:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np
m = Basemap(projection='mill',llcrnrlat=-90,urcrnrlat=90,\
data = np.loadtxt('gridly.dat')
xcoordlist = []
ycoordlist = []
tempvallist = []
for i in data:
lat = i[0]
lon = i[1]
tempval = i[2]
xpt, ypt = m(lon, lat)
xco = np.array(xcoordlist)
yco = np.array(ycoordlist)
tval = np.array(tempvallist)
gridsize = 100
m.hexbin(xco, yco, C=tval, gridsize=gridsize)
cb = m.colorbar()
As you can see where it says xpt, ypt = m(lon, lat), the function converts the real world longitudes (lon) and latitudes (lat) from the .dat file into pottable points. Hope this helps anyone else that may have this problem in the future!
I need to interpolate bilinearly some air data of a hdf4/netcdf4/hdf5 file from a 240x240 structured grid on an arbitrary collection of coordinates. I have no idea on how to do this. I have tried using pyresample but that needs an AreaDefinition of target grid which is not possible in my case of unstructured target data (arbitrary points). Here is my code:
import numpy as np
import pyresample
from netCDF4 import Dataset
air_file = Dataset('air.hdf', mode='r')
air_data = air_file.variables['air_2m' ][:].flatten()
air_lon = air_file.variables['air_lon'][:].flatten()
air_lat = air_file.variables['air_lat'][:].flatten()
air_data = air_data.reshape(240,240)
air_lon = air_lon. reshape(240,240) # grid size is 240x240
air_lat = air_lat. reshape(240,240)
tar_lon = 100 * np.random.random((100,1)) # random points
tar_lat = 100 * np.random.random((100,1)) # random points
source_def = pyresample.geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=air_lon, lats=air_lat)
target_def = pyresample.geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=tar_lon, lats=tar_lat)
result = pyresample.bilinear.resample_bilinear(gmt_1500, source_def, target_def, radius=50e3, neighbours=32, nprocs=1, fill_value=None, reduce_data=True, segments=None, epsilon=0)
I am getting the following error (which is understood as it needs an AreaDefinition for target):
AttributeError: 'SwathDefinition' object has no attribute 'proj_str'
Is there any other way of doing this?
I'm not familiar with the pyresample package, but for bilinear interpolation in python I suggest referring to this earlier stackexchange thread which gives a number of useful examples:
How to perform bilinear interpolation in Python
p.s: By the way, if anyone wants to perform this task from the command line, you can also extract a set of points using bilinear interpolation with cdo too
# some bash loop over a pairs of x and y
cdo remapbil,lon=${x}/lat=${x} in.nc mypoint_${x}_${y}.nc
I'm an new one in python and plotting data with Matplotlib. I really need help and thank you in advance for the answers.
So, I have a netCDF file with v-component of wind data. Grid coordinates: points=9600 (240x40)
lon : 0 to 358.5 by 1.5 degrees_east circular
lat : 88.5 to 30 by -1.5 degrees_north
My code is:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
#read data from NETcdf file ".nc"
my_file = '/home/Era-Interim/NH-EraInt-1979.nc'
fh = Dataset(my_file, mode='r')
lons = fh.variables['lon'][:]
lats = fh.variables['lat'][:]
V = fh.variables['V'][:]
V_units = fh.variables['V'].units
# create figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))
# create a map
m = Basemap(projection='nplaea',boundinglat=30,lon_0=10,resolution='l',round=True)
#draw parallels, meridians, coastlines, countries, mapboundary
m.drawparallels(np.arange(30,90,20), labels=[1,1,0,0]) #paral in 10 degree, right, left
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0,360,30), labels=[1,1,1,1]) #merid in 10 degree, bottom
#Plot the data on top of the map
lon,lat = np.meshgrid(lons,lats)
x,y = m(lon,lat)
cs = m.pcolor(x,y,np.squeeze(V),cmap=plt.cm.RdBu_r)
plt.title("", fontsize=25, verticalalignment='baseline')
As a result, I received a map (you can find in my dropbox folder) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nvy8wcodk9jtat0/AAC-omkPP8_7uINSSXbzImeja?dl=0
On the map, there are white pixels between 358.5 and 0 (360) lon, because I have no data between 358.5 and 0 (360) lon.
The question is: how can I change the size of the grid, regrid it, interpolate data, or something else in order to not have this white sector?
I have found a solution. At the beginning of the script, you must add
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, addcyclic
and further
datain, lonsin = addcyclic(np.squeeze(Q), lons)
lons, Q = m.shiftdata(lonsin, datain = np.squeeze(Q), lon_0=180.)
print lons
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
x,y = m(lon, lat)
cs = m.pcolor(x,y,datain,cmap=plt.cm.RdBu_r)
The difference can be seen in the figures (I still can not post images).
I think in this case some kind of interpolation techniques can be applied.
Check this out. There was similar problem.
Hope it is useful.
The simple answer is 360 degrees is 0 degrees, so you can copy the 0 degrees data and it should look right. I may be interpreting this wrong though, as I believe that the data is representing the pressure levels at each of the points, not between the two points (i.e. at zero degrees, not between zero degrees and 1.5 degrees).
My interpretation means that, yes, you don't have data between 358.5 and 0, but you also don't have data between 357 and 358.5. This seems more likely than just skipping an area. This would mean that the data from 358.5 should be touching the data from 0 as it is just as far away as 0 is from 1.5 which is touching.
Copying the last bit would grant you the ability to change your m.pcolor call to an imshow call (as in Roman Dryndik's link) and use interpolation to smooth out the graph.
I use matplotlib's method hexbin to compute 2d histograms on my data.
But I would like to get the coordinates of the centers of the hexagons in order to further process the results.
I got the values using get_array() method on the result, but I cannot figure out how to get the bins coordinates.
I tried to compute them given number of bins and the extent of my data but i don't know the exact number of bins in each direction. gridsize=(10,2) should do the trick but it does not seem to work.
Any idea?
I think this works.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def generate_data(n):
"""Make random, correlated x & y arrays"""
points = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=(0,0),
return points
if __name__ =='__main__':
color_map = plt.cm.Spectral_r
n = 1e4
points = generate_data(n)
xbnds = np.array([-20.0,20.0])
ybnds = np.array([-20.0,20.0])
extent = [xbnds[0],xbnds[1],ybnds[0],ybnds[1]]
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
x, y = points.T
# Set gridsize just to make them visually large
image = plt.hexbin(x,y,cmap=color_map,gridsize=20,extent=extent,mincnt=1,bins='log')
# Note that mincnt=1 adds 1 to each count
counts = image.get_array()
ncnts = np.count_nonzero(np.power(10,counts))
verts = image.get_offsets()
for offc in xrange(verts.shape[0]):
binx,biny = verts[offc][0],verts[offc][1]
if counts[offc]:
cb = plt.colorbar(image,spacing='uniform',extend='max')
I would love to confirm that the code by Hooked using get_offsets() works, but I tried several iterations of the code mentioned above to retrieve center positions and, as Dave mentioned, get_offsets() remains empty. The workaround that I found is to use the non-empty 'image.get_paths()' option. My code takes the mean to find centers but which means it is just a smidge longer, but it does work.
The get_paths() option returns a set of x,y coordinates embedded that can be looped over and then averaged to return the center position for each hexagram.
The code that I have is as follows:
counts=image.get_array() #counts in each hexagon, works great
verts=image.get_offsets() #empty, don't use this
b=image.get_paths() #this does work, gives Path([[]][]) which can be plotted
for x in xrange(len(b)):
xav=np.mean(b[x].vertices[0:6,0]) #center in x (RA)
yav=np.mean(b[x].vertices[0:6,1]) #center in y (DEC)
I had this same problem. I think what needs to be developed is a framework to have a HexagonalGrid object which can then be applied to many different data sets (and it would be awesome to do it for N dimensions). This is possible and it surprises me that neither Scipy or Numpy has anything for it (furthermore there seems to be nothing else like it except perhaps binify)
That said, I assume you want to use hexbinning to compare multiple binned data sets. This requires some common base. I got this to work using matplotlib's hexbin the following way:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_data (mean,cov,n=1e3):
Quick fake data builder
points = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mean,cov=cov,size=int(n))
x, y = points.T
return x,y
def get_centers (hexbin_output):
about 40% faster than previous post only cause you're not calculating the
min/max every time
paths = hexbin_output.get_paths()
v = paths[0].vertices[:-1] # adds a value [0,0] to the end
vx,vy = v.T
idx = [3,0,5,2] # index for [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = vx[idx[0]],vx[idx[1]],vy[idx[2]],vy[idx[3]]
half_width_x = abs(xmax-xmin)/2.0
half_width_y = abs(ymax-ymin)/2.0
centers = []
for i in xrange(len(paths)):
cx = paths[i].vertices[idx[0],0]+half_width_x
cy = paths[i].vertices[idx[2],1]+half_width_y
return np.asarray(centers)
# important parts ==>
class Hexagonal2DGrid (object):
Used to fix the gridsize, extent, and bins
def __init__ (self,gridsize,extent,bins=None):
self.gridsize = gridsize
self.extent = extent
self.bins = bins
def hexbin (x,y,hexgrid):
To hexagonally bin the data in 2 dimensions
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Note mincnt=0 so that it will return a value for every point in the
# hexgrid, not just those with count>mincnt
# Basically you fix the gridsize, extent, and bins to keep them the same
# then the resulting count array is the same
hexbin = plt.hexbin(x,y, mincnt=0,
# you could close the figure if you don't want it
# plt.close(fig.number)
counts = hexbin.get_array().copy()
return counts, hexbin
# Example ===>
if __name__ == "__main__":
hexgrid = Hexagonal2DGrid((21,5),[-70,70,-20,20])
x_data,y_data = get_data((0,0),[[-40,95],[90,10]])
x_model,y_model = get_data((0,10),[[100,30],[3,30]])
counts_data, hexbin_data = hexbin(x_data,y_data,hexgrid)
counts_model, hexbin_model = hexbin(x_model,y_model,hexgrid)
# if you want the centers, they will be the same for both
centers = get_centers(hexbin_data)
# if you want to ignore the cells with zeros then use the following mask.
# But if want zeros for some bins and not others I'm not sure an elegant way
# to do this without using the centers
nonzero = counts_data != 0
# now you can compare the two data sets
variance_data = counts_data[nonzero]
square_diffs = (counts_data[nonzero]-counts_model[nonzero])**2
chi2 = np.sum(square_diffs/variance_data)
print(" chi2={}".format(chi2))