How to send message in my profile with python - python

I know my question may be is not really good. but as a person who is new with python I have a question:
I wrote a code with python that make me login to my page:
import urllib, urllib2, cookielib
email = 'myuser'
password = 'mypass'
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
login_data = urllib.urlencode({'email' : email, 'password' : password})'', login_data)
resp ='')
and now I an connected to my page....
This is my tamper data when I want to send message to site:
How can I send hello with python now?
could you possibly complete the code and tell me how it is done?
I changed my code like so:
import requests
url1 = ''
data1 = {
'email': 'user',
'password': 'pass',
}, data=data1)
url2 = ''
data2 = {
'post_temp_id': '61jm5by188',
'message': 'hello',
}, data=data2)
But no result
Thank you

Although you could start off using urllib, you'll be happier using requests. How to use the POST method:
import requests
resp ='', data={'post_temp_id': '61jm5by188', 'message': 'hello'})
Pretty simple, right? Dictionaries can be used to define headers, cookies, and whatever else you'd want to include in your request. Most requests will only need a single line of code.
EDIT1: I don't have a account, but you may try using this script to test out the POST method. This website will echo what you submit in the form, and the script should get you the same response:
import requests
resp ='',
data={'your_name': 'myname',
'fruit': ['Banana', 'Lemon', 'Plum']})
idx1 = resp.text.index('Parsed values')
idx2 = resp.text.index('No cookies')
print resp.text[idx1:idx2]
From the HTML you received, here's what you should see:
Parsed values</H2>
<UL compact type=square>
<LI>your_name = myname
EDIT2: How to use a session object:
from requests import Session
s = Session()
# Don't just copy this; set your data accordingly...
url1 = url2 = data1 = data2 = ...
resp1 =, data=data1)
resp2 =, data=data2)
The advantage of a session object is that it stores any cookies and headers from previous responses.


Python web scraping login

I am trying to login to a website using python.
The login URL is :
and the 'form action' url is shown as :
When I use the ' inspect element' on chrome when logging in manually, these are the form posts that show up (pt_02 = password):
There a few hidden items that I'm not sure how to add into the python code below.
When I use this code, the login page is returned:
import requests
url = ''
values = {'p_flow_id': '1500',
'p_flow_step_id': '101',
'p_page_submission_id': '3169092211412',
'p_request': 'LOGIN',
'p_t01': 'solar',
'p_t02': 'password',
'p_checksum': ''
r =, data=values)
print r.content
How can I adjust this code to perform a login?
Chrome network:
This is more or less your script should look like. Use session to handle the cookies automatically. Fill in the username and password fields manually.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
logurl = ""
posturl = ''
with requests.Session() as s:
s.headers = {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0"}
res = s.get(logurl)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,"lxml")
values = {
'p_flow_id': soup.select_one("[name='p_flow_id']")['value'],
'p_flow_step_id': soup.select_one("[name='p_flow_step_id']")['value'],
'p_instance': soup.select_one("[name='p_instance']")['value'],
'p_page_submission_id': soup.select_one("[name='p_page_submission_id']")['value'],
'p_request': 'LOGIN',
'p_arg_names': soup.select_one("[name='p_arg_names']")['value'],
'p_t01': 'username',
'p_arg_names': soup.select_one("[name='p_arg_names']")['value'],
'p_t02': 'password',
'p_md5_checksum': soup.select_one("[name='p_md5_checksum']")['value'],
'p_page_checksum': soup.select_one("[name='p_page_checksum']")['value']
r =, data=values)
print r.content
since I cannot recreate your case I can't tell you what exactly to change, but when I was doing such things I used Postman to intercept all requests my browser sends. So I'd install that, along with browser extension and then perform login. Then you can view the request in Postman, also view the response it received there, what's more it provides you with Python code of request too, so you could simply copy and use it then.
Shortly, use Pstman, perform login, clone their request.

Login in a website with requests

I need to log me in a website with requests, but all I have try don't work :
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import requests
s = requests.session()
url = ''
def authenticate():
headers = {'username': 'myuser', 'password': 'mypasss', '_Id': 'submit'}
page = s.get(url)
soup = bs(page.content)
value = soup.form.find_all('input')[2]['value']
auth =, params=headers, cookies=page.cookies)
or :
import requests
payload = {
'inUserName': 'user',
'inUserPass': 'pass'
with requests.Session() as s:
p ='', data=payload)
r = s.get('A protected web page url')
When I try this with the .status_code, it return 200 but I want 401 or 403 for do a script like 'if login'...
I have found this but I think it works in python 2, but I use python 3 and I don't know how to convert... :
import requests
import sys
payload = {
'username': 'sopier',
'password': 'somepassword'
with requests.Session(config={'verbose': sys.stderr}) as c:'', data=payload)
r = c.get('')
print 'sopier' in r.content
Somebody know how to do ?
Because each I have test test all script I have found and it don't work...
When you submit the logon, the POST request is sent to not -- You get redirected to that URL afterwards.
When I tested this, the post request contains the following parameters:
SubmitCreds:Ouvrir une session
So, you'll likely need to supply those additional parameters as well.
Also, the line, params=headers, cookies=page.cookies) is not correct. You should pass headers into the keyword argument data not params -- params encodes to the request url -- you need to pass it in the form data. And I'm assuming you really mean payload when you say headers, data=headers, cookies=page.cookies)
The site you're trying to login to has an onClick JavaScript when you process the login form. requests won't be able to execute JavaScript for you. This may cause issues with the site functionality.

Scrape data from a page that requires a login

I am new to Python and Web Scraping and I am trying to write a very basic script that will get data from a webpage that can only be accessed after logging in. I have looked at a bunch of different examples but none are fixing the issue. This is what I have so far:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib, urllib2, cookielib
username = 'name'
password = 'pass'
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
login_data = urllib.urlencode({'username' : username, 'password' : password})'WebpageWithLoginForm')
resp ='WebpageIWantToAccess')
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp, 'html.parser')
print soup.prettify()
As of right now when I print the page it just prints the contents of the page as if I was not logged in. I think the issue has something to do with the way I am setting the cookies but I am really not sure because I do not fully understand what is happening with the cookie processor and its libraries.
Thank you!
Current Code:
import requests
import sys
EMAIL = 'usr'
PASSWORD = 'pass'
URL = ''
def main():
# Start a session so we can have persistant cookies
session = requests.session(config={'verbose': sys.stderr})
# This is the form data that the page sends when logging in
login_data = {
'username': EMAIL,
'password': PASSWORD,
'LOGIN': 'login',
# Authenticate
r =, data=login_data)
# Try accessing a page that requires you to be logged in
r = session.get('')
if __name__ == '__main__':
You can use the requests module.
Take a look at this answer that i've linked below.

What's wrong with my requests.Session for python crawler?

I'm coding a crawler for, but it seems that I'll be stuck in the login page forever.
Here's my code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
session = requests.Session()
params = {'login': 'my_email', 'password': 'my_password'}"", data = params)
s = session.get("")
print BeautifulSoup(s.text).title
Can anybody find anything wrong with my code? Why does s redirect to login page every time?
There are hidden fields in the login form that probably need to be supplied (I can't test - I don't have a login there).
One is request_token which is set to a long base64 encoded string. Others are invalidPasswordCount and loginCookie which might also be required.
Further to that there is a session cookie that you might need to send with the login credentials.
To make this work will require an initial GET to get the request_token, which you need to extract somehow - e.g. with BeautifulSoup. If you use your requests session then the cookie will be presented in the following POST, so you shouldn't need to worry about that.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
session = requests.Session()
# initial GET to retrieve token and set cookies
r = session.get('')
soup = r.BeautifulSoup(r.text)
request_token = soup.find('input', attrs={'name':'request_token'})['value']
params = {'login': 'my_email', 'password': 'my_password', 'request_token': request_token, 'invalidPasswordCount': 0, 'loginCookie': 'yes'}"", data=params)
s = session.get("")
print BeautifulSoup(s.text).title
Thanks for mhawke, I modified my original code as he suggested and I finally logged in successfully.
Here's my new code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
session = requests.Session()
loginpage = session.get("")
request_token = BeautifulSoup(loginpage.text).form.find("input",{"name":"request_token"}).attrs["value"]
print request_token
params = {"request_token":request_token,
'login': 'my_email',
'password': 'my_password',
}"", data = params)
#print s.cookies.get_dict()
s = session.get("")
print BeautifulSoup(s.text).title

how to send cookies inside post request

trying to send Post request with the cookies on my pc from get request
#! /usr/bin/python
import re #regex
import urllib
import urllib2
#get request
x = urllib2.urlopen(" #GET Request
cookies=x.headers['set-cookie'] #to get the cookies from get request
url = 'http://example' # to know the values type any password to know the cookies
values = {"username" : "admin",
"passwd" : password,
"lang" : "" ,
"option" : "com_login",
"task" : "login",
"return" : "aW5kZXgucGhw" }
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
result =
cookies=response.headers['set-cookie'] #to get the last cookies from post req in this variable
then i searched in google
how to send cookies inside same post request and found
opener = urllib2.build_opener() # send the cookies
opener.addheaders.append(('Cookie', cookies)) # send the cookies
f ="http://example")
but i don't exactly where should i type it in my code
what i need to do exactly is to
send GET request, put the cookies from the request in variable,then make post request with the value that i got from the GET request
if anyone know answer i need edit on my code
Just create a HTTP opener and a cookiejar handler. So cookies will be retrieved and will be passed together to next request automatically. See:
import urllib2 as net
import cookielib
import urllib
cookiejar = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = net.build_opener(net.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar))
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
request = net.Request(url, urllib.urlencode(data))
response =
As opener is a global handler, just make any request and the previous cookies sent from previous request will be in the next request (POST/GET), automatically.
You should really look into the requests library python has to offer. All you need to do is make a dictionary for you cookies key/value pair and pass it is as an arg.
Your entire code could be replaced by
#import requests
url = 'http://example' # to know the values type any password to know the cookies
values = {"username" : "admin",
"passwd" : password,
"lang" : "" ,
"option" : "com_login",
"task" : "login",
"return" : "aW5kZXgucGhw" }
session = requests.Session()
response = session.get(url, data=values)
cookies = session.cookies.get_dict()
response =, data=values, cookies=cookies)
The second piece of code is probably what you want, but depends on the format of the response.

