I having a lot of problem with something I'm sure is pretty easy, but not for me.
I have 2 Models:
Then I've this view, wich purpose is perform the following task (in this order):
Search if the "VIP Code" exists in the "VipPassesModel"
If "VIP Code" exists check if as some User (Profile Model - Foreing Key) asigned to it
If there's no user asigned to that VIP Code, then SAVE the current User logued (Id - Foreign Key) in that VIP Code (this will make this Vip Code no longer available)
My VipPassesModel:
class VipPassesModel(models.Model):
VIP Passes Code Model.
code = models.CharField(max_length = 15)
is_used = models.BooleanField(default=False)
user_asigned = models.ForeignKey(ProfileModel, related_name='profile_name', verbose_name="User Full Name", blank=True, null=True,)
My View.py
def vipcodevalidation(request):
Funcion que recibe el CODE VIP y si es valido, lo asigna al usuario actual
if request.method == 'POST':
form = VipPassesForm(data=request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
vipcode = form.cleaned_data['code']
user_to_asign = request.user
if VipPassesModel.objects.filter(code = vipcode).exists():
# Tomar el objeto y grabarle en "user_asigned" el id del usuario de django logueado actualmente (user_to_asign)
#nada que hacer aqui
form = VipPassesForm()
return render(request,'vipcode.html',{'form':form},context_instance=RequestContext(request))
I'll apreciate any help from you guys. Just to be clear, I'm not getting error messages, just I don't know how to deal with this.
Your view should be:
if VipPassesModel.objects.filter(code = vipcode): #If there is object with that code
vipObject = VipPassesModel.objects.filter(code = vipcode)[0] # Get the object
if not vipObject.user_assigned: #If object doesn't have user
vipObject.user_assigned = request.user.id # Assign actual user
vipObject.save() # Save object
#nada que hacer aqui
When you do if VipPassesModel.objects.filter(code = vipcode): if there is no objects, you get [](empty list) so, if you do if [] it returns false, because the list is empty, if there is one model with tat code, it returns the object like [VipPassesModel] so to access to it you need to do VipPassesModel.objects.filter(code = vipcode)[0]
(la documentación de Django oficial sobre este tipo de querys está bastante bien, te recomiendo que le eches un ojo a Django Queries )
THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!... You're the best... I need more friends like you.
This is the final View Code:
def vipcodevalidation(request):
Funcion que recibe el CODE VIP y si es valido, lo asigna al usuario actual
if request.method == 'POST':
form = VipPassesForm(data=request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
vipcode = form.cleaned_data['code']
user_to_asign = request.user.id
if VipPassesModel.objects.filter(code = vipcode):
vipObject = VipPassesModel.objects.filter(code = vipcode)[0] # Get the object
if not vipObject.user_asigned: #If object doesn't have user
vipObject.user_asigned = ProfileModel.objects.get(pk = user_to_asign) # Assign actual user
vipObject.save() # Save object
# VIP Code encontrado y User Asignado.
# VIP Code encontrado pero ya tiene un User Asignado.
#VIP Code no encontrado o ya tiene un User Asignado
form = VipPassesForm()
return render(request,'vipcode.html',{'form':form},context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Simplistically this is what you can do
vipobj = VipPassesModel.objects.filter(code = vipcode, user_asigned = NULL)[0]
except IndexError:
#no vip code free to assign bail out
vipobj.user_assigned = user_to_asign
In real production level code, you should make these in a transaction sol that 2 requests from different user does not clash. 2nd request may override assignment by 1st request.
I' m creating a fastapi API usinging tortoise-orm and sqlite and the bloblem that i have is that in one of my models witch is "Member", i wanna have a possibility for the member to put their phone number with their country code bu i dont'n kwow how to handle that; I'm using "phon_num= fields.CharField(max_length=13)", I wonder how am I gonna allow only numbers to be put in that fields. tanks
async def create_member(name:str, email:EmailStr, phon_num:str,adress:str):
member = await Member.create(name=name, email=email,phon_num=phon_num, adress=adress)
if member.phon_num.isnumeric:
return member
return {"status": "vous avez un probleme dans le remplissage de votre formulaire",
"detail": "votre numero ne doit contenir que des chiffre ansi que l'indicatif pay '+code pays', avant d'entrer le numero"}
I expected that the if statement could control either the input is a string witch contains only the number and verify if in that string there is a "+" character for the country code.
In my odoo module I have a internal_division model and a cover model. Every internal divisiom has a cover (Many2One field) and a cover can be a forest ('is_forest' boolean field) . Internal division also has a with_forest_cover boolean field. Every time the 'with_forest_cover' changes to True, the cover_id field must change its domain to those having 'is_forest'=True, and the other way around. I was trying to do it using:
cover_id = fields.Many2one('cusaf.cover', string='Cobertura',domain="[('is_forest', '=', with_forest_cover)]")
But for some reson this is only working when creating a new internal_division. When I edit an existing internal division and select / deselect the 'with_forest_cover' check box, the cover_id field is not changing its domain. This is only happening when editing an existed internal division. Why is this happening. I am working with odoo v14
Here is my code
class InternalDivision(models.Model):
_name = 'cusaf.internal_division'
_description = 'División interna'
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin']
name = fields.Char(string='Identificador externo', required=True)
_sql_constraints = [
('name_uniq', 'unique (name)',
"Error: Ya existe una división interna con el mismo identificador externo") ]
with_forest_cover = fields.Boolean(string='Área con cobertura de bosques naturales', default=False)
cover_id = fields.Many2one('cusaf.cover', string='Cobertura',domain="[('is_forest', '=', with_forest_cover)]")
cover_other = fields.Char(string='Otra cobertura')
cover_name = fields.Char(string='', related="cover_id.name")
def _with_forest_cover_onchange(self):
class Cover(models.Model):
_name = 'cusaf.cover'
_description = 'Tipo de cobertura'
name = fields.Char(string='Nombre', required=True)
_sql_constraints = [
('name_uniq', 'unique (name)',
"Error: Ya existe un tipo de cobertura con el mismo nombre")
description = fields.Text(string='Descripción')
is_forest = fields.Boolean(string='Es bosque')
You won't be able to access to the with_forest_cover value inside cover_id domain, 'cause your class is instantiated before the client, in that time there aren't values. You have 1 easy, 1 intermediate and 1 elevated(not worth the effort) solutions:
Important: Delete domain for cover_id in .py
Easy: Domain in XML. Be sure with_forest_cover is declared in the XML.
<field name="cover_id" domain="[('is_forest', '=', with_forest_cover)]"/>
Intermediate: take advantage of your with_forest_cover onchange to retrieve a domain for cover_id dynamically
def _with_forest_cover_onchange(self):
return {
'value': {'cover_id': False},
'domain': {'cover_id': [('is_forest', '=', self.with_forest_cover)]}
I hope this could be helpful for you.
I have a model with the registered sales of a publishing house.with the following code, I can get the name of the book and the quantity the client bought:
for b in a:
print(str(b.book) + ' ' + str(b.quantity))
So I get something like this:
Del mismo modo en el sentido contrario 15
Sobre el horror 1
Del mismo modo en el sentido contrario 5
Del mismo modo en el sentido contrario 2
Un lápiz labial para una momia 1
La cólera en los tiempos del amor 3
La cólera en los tiempos del amor 1
La cólera en los tiempos del amor 1
El tambor encantado 1
What I need now is a loop so every entry that has the same book name, sum or add that quantity number. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
For Django, to do this entirely in the database, it sounds like you want an aggregation using .values():
for book, total_sales in Sale.objects.values('book').annotate(total_sales=Sum('quantity')).values_list('book', 'total_sales'):
print(book, total_sales)
The general case, if this wasn't only about Django, is to use a collections.Counter:
books_sold = collections.Counter()
for sale in Sale.objects.all():
books_sold[str(sale.book)] += b.quantity
for book, quantity in books_sold.items():
print(book, quantity)
If book is a ForeignKey to a Book model, it makes more sense to .annotate(…) [Django-doc] the Books instead:
from django.db.models import Sum
books = Book.objects.annotate(
for book in books:
print(f'{book} {book.total_quantity}')
I don't understand why here it works :
# Fonction qui récupère la valeur du champs booléen inscription de l'année précédente
def _retrieve_halfpension_previous(self):
records = self.env['ecole.partner.school'].search([])
for record in records:
record.half_pension_previous = record.half_pension
And here, i have a error expected singleton:
# Fonction qui récupère la valeur du champs booléen inscription de l'année précédente
def _retrieve_halfpension_previous(self):
records = self.env['ecole.partner.school'].search([('id', '<', self.id)])
for record in records:
record.half_pension_previous = record.half_pension
Why ?
Thanks You
The error is because you are using self.id where self is a recordset containing more than one value. Normally to solve it you need to iterate the recordset in self to access every record field like this:
def _retrieve_halfpension_previous(self):
for rec in self:
records = self.env['ecole.partner.school'].search([('id', '<', rec.id)])
for record in records:
record.half_pension_previous = record.half_pension
But in this case it will be ok to find the max id of the records in self to use it in just one search, like:
def _retrieve_halfpension_previous(self):
max_id = max([rec.id for rec in self])
records = self.env['ecole.partner.school'].search([('id', '<', max_id)])
for record in records:
record.half_pension_previous = record.half_pension
I want to retrieve the active records in a function.
Here is my code:
def no_duplicate_school_dates(self):
if self.school_registration or self.school_end_date:
print "Je commence ma fonction"
# Récupérer les enregistrement actifs
records = self.env['ecole.partner.school'].search([])
for rec in records:
if rec.school_registration and rec.school_end_date:
if (self.school_registration >= rec.school_registration and self.school_registration <= rec.school_end_date)\
or (self.school_end_date >= rec.school_registration and self.school_end_date <= rec.school_end_date) :
print "doublon trouvé"
# raise ValidationError("Erreur : La plage de date en chevauche une autre")
print "Pas de doublon trouvé"
What should I put on this line?
records = self.env['ecole.partner.school'].search([])
Thanks you
EDIT : In my model "ecole.partner.school", I have a relation fields.
class ResPartner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
scholarship_ids = fields.One2many(string='School card', comodel_name='ecole.partner.school',
I would like the records to be linked to the same partner. A partner can be registered several times in a school at different dates. And I'm trying to recover only the records of the same partner. I will put more information in my question