Drawing log-linear plot on a square plot area in matplotlib - python

I would like to draw a plot with a logarithmic y axis and a linear x axis on a square plot area in matplotlib. I can draw linear-linear as well as log-log plots on squares, but the method I use, Axes.set_aspect(...), is not implemented for log-linear plots. Is there a good workaround?
linear-linear plot on a square:
from pylab import *
x = linspace(1,10,1000)
y = sin(x)**2+0.5
plot (x,y)
ax = gca()
data_aspect = ax.get_data_ratio()
log-log plot on a square:
from pylab import *
x = linspace(1,10,1000)
y = sin(x)**2+0.5
plot (x,y)
ax = gca()
xmin,xmax = ax.get_xbound()
ymin,ymax = ax.get_ybound()
data_aspect = (log(ymax)-log(ymin))/(log(xmax)-log(xmin))
But when I try this with a log-linear plot, I do not get the square area, but a warning
from pylab import *
x = linspace(1,10,1000)
y = sin(x)**2+0.5
plot (x,y)
ax = gca()
xmin,xmax = ax.get_xbound()
ymin,ymax = ax.get_ybound()
data_aspect = (log(ymax)-log(ymin))/(xmax-xmin)
yielding the warning:
axes.py:1173: UserWarning: aspect is not supported for Axes with xscale=linear, yscale=log
Is there a good way of achieving square log-linear plots despite the lack support in Axes.set_aspect?

Well, there is a sort of a workaround. The actual axis area (the area where the plot is, not including external ticks &c) can be resized to any size you want it to have.
You may use the ax.set_position to set the relative (to the figure) size and position of the plot. In order to use it in your case we need a bit of maths:
from pylab import *
x = linspace(1,10,1000)
y = sin(x)**2+0.5
plot (x,y)
ax = gca()
# now get the figure size in real coordinates:
fig = gcf()
fwidth = fig.get_figwidth()
fheight = fig.get_figheight()
# get the axis size and position in relative coordinates
# this gives a BBox object
bb = ax.get_position()
# calculate them into real world coordinates
axwidth = fwidth * (bb.x1 - bb.x0)
axheight = fheight * (bb.y1 - bb.y0)
# if the axis is wider than tall, then it has to be narrowe
if axwidth > axheight:
# calculate the narrowing relative to the figure
narrow_by = (axwidth - axheight) / fwidth
# move bounding box edges inwards the same amount to give the correct width
bb.x0 += narrow_by / 2
bb.x1 -= narrow_by / 2
# else if the axis is taller than wide, make it vertically smaller
# works the same as above
elif axheight > axwidth:
shrink_by = (axheight - axwidth) / fheight
bb.y0 += shrink_by / 2
bb.y1 -= shrink_by / 2
A slight stylistic comment is that import pylab is not usually used. The lore goes:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pylab as an odd mixture of numpy and matplotlib imports created to make interactive IPython use easier. (I use it, too.)


How to evenly spread annotation imageboxes around a scatterplot?

I would like to annotate a scatterplot with images corresponding to each datapoint. With standard parameters the images end up clashing with each other and other important features such as legend axis, etc. Thus, I would like the images to form a circle or a rectangle around the main scatter plot.
My code looks like this for now and I am struggling to modify it to organise the images around the center point of the plot.
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetImage, AnnotationBbox
import seaborn as sns
#Generate n points around a 2d circle
def generate_circle_points(n, centre_x, center_y, radius=1):
"""Generate n points around a circle.
n (int): Number of points to generate.
centre_x (float): x-coordinate of circle centre.
center_y (float): y-coordinate of circle centre.
radius (float): Radius of circle.
list: List of points.
points = []
for i in range(n):
angle = 2 * np.pi * i / n
x = centre_x + radius * np.cos(angle)
y = center_y + radius * np.sin(angle)
points.append([x, y])
return points
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7.5, 7.5))
data = pd.DataFrame(data={'x': np.random.uniform(0.5, 2.5, 20),
'y': np.random.uniform(10000, 50000, 20)})
with cbook.get_sample_data('grace_hopper.jpg') as image_file:
image = plt.imread(image_file)
# Set logarithmic scale for x and y axis
ax.set(xscale="log", yscale='log')
# Add grid
ax.grid(True, which='major', ls="--", c='gray')
coordianates = generate_circle_points(n=len(data),
centre_x=0, center_y=0, radius=10)
# Plot the scatter plot
scatter = sns.scatterplot(data=data, x='x', y='y', ax=ax)
for index, row in data.iterrows():
imagebox = OffsetImage(image, zoom=0.05)
imagebox.image.axes = ax
xy = np.array([row['x'], row['y']])
xybox = np.array(coordianates[index])
ab = AnnotationBbox(imagebox, xy,
boxcoords="offset points",
for the moment the output looks like this:enter image description here
Ideally I would like the output to look to something like this:
enter image description here
Many thanks in advance for your help
Not an answer but a long comment:
You can control the location of the arrows, but sometimes it is easier to export figures as SVGs and edit them in Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape.
R has a dodge argument which is really nice, but even then is not always perfect. Solutions in Python exist but are laborious.
The major issue is that this needs to be done last as alternations to the plot would make it problematic. A few points need mentioning.
Your figures will have to have a fixed size (57mm / 121mm / 184mm for Science, 83mm / 171mm for RSC, 83mm / 178mm for ACS etc.), if you need to scale the figure in Illustrator keep note of the scaling factor, adding it as a textbox outside of the canvas —as the underlying plot will need to be replaced at least once due to Murphy's law. Exporting at the right size the SVG is ideal. Sounds silly, but it helps. Likewise, make sure the font size does not go under the minimum spec (7-9 points).

Matplotlib using Wedge() in polar plots

TL/DR: How to use Wedge() in polar coordinates?
I'm generating a 2D histogram plot in polar coordinates (r, theta). At various values of r there can be different numbers of theta values (to preserve equal area sized bins). To draw the color coded bins I'm currently using pcolormesh() calls for each radial ring. This works ok, but near the center of the plot where there may be only 3 bins (each 120 degrees "wide" in theta space), pcolormesh() draws triangles that don't "sweep" out full arc (just connecting the two outer arc points with a straight line).
I've found a workaround using ax.bar() call, one for each radial ring and passing in arrays of theta values (each bin rendering as an individual bar). But when doing 90 rings with 3 to 360 theta bins in each, it's incredibly slow (minutes).
I tried using Wedge() patches, but can't get them to render correctly in the polar projection. Here is sample code showing both approaches:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.patches import Wedge
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
# Theta coordinates in degrees
# Radius coordinates
r1 = 0.4
r2 = 0.5
# Plot using bar()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[6,6], subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
theta_mid = np.deg2rad((theta1 + theta2)/2)
theta_width = np.deg2rad(theta2 - theta1)
height = r2 - r1
ax.bar(x=theta_mid, height = height, width=theta_width, bottom=r1)
ax.set_rlim(0, 1)
# Plot using Wedge()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[6,6], subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
patches = []
patches.append( Wedge(center=(0, 0), r = r1, theta1=theta1, theta2=theta2, width = r2-r1, color='blue'))
p = PatchCollection(patches)
ax.set_rlim(0, 1)
The outputs of each are:
I've tried using radians for the wedge (because polar plots usually want their angle values in radians). That didn't help.
Am I missing something in how I'm using the Wedge? If I add thousands of Wedges to my Patch collection should I have any expectation it will be faster than bar()?
Thinking this was an actual bug, I opened this issue https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/22717 on matplotlib where one of the maintainers nicely pointed out that I should be using Rectangle() instead of Wedge().
The solution they provided is
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[6,6], subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
p = PatchCollection([Rectangle((np.deg2rad(theta1), r1), theta_width, height, color='blue')])
ax.set_rlim(0, 1)

Mask by contour line in matplotlib

A user case: given a signed distance field phi, the contour phi = 0 marks the surface of a geometry, and regions inside the geometry have phi < 0. In some case, one wants to focus on values inside the geometry and only plot regions inside the geometry, i.e., regions masked by phi < 0.
Note: directly masking the array phi causes zig-zag boundary near the contour line phi = 0, i.e., bad visualization.
I was able to write the following code with the answer here: Fill OUTSIDE of polygon | Mask array where indicies are beyond a circular boundary? the function mask_outside_polygon below is from that post. My idea is to extract and use the coordinate of the contour line for creating a polygon mask.
The code works well when the contour line does not intersect the boundary of the figure. There is no zig-zag boundary so it's a good visualization.
But when the contour intersects with the figure boundary, the contour line is fragmented into pieces and the simple code no longer works. I wonder if there is some existing feature for masking the figure, or there is some simpler method I can use. Thanks!
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mask_outside_polygon(poly_verts, ax=None):
Plots a mask on the specified axis ("ax", defaults to plt.gca()) such that
all areas outside of the polygon specified by "poly_verts" are masked.
"poly_verts" must be a list of tuples of the verticies in the polygon in
counter-clockwise order.
Returns the matplotlib.patches.PathPatch instance plotted on the figure.
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.path as mpath
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
# Get current plot limits
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
# Verticies of the plot boundaries in clockwise order
bound_verts = [(xlim[0], ylim[0]), (xlim[0], ylim[3]),
(xlim[3], ylim[3]), (xlim[3], ylim[0]),
(xlim[0], ylim[0])]
# A series of codes (1 and 2) to tell matplotlib whether to draw a line or
# move the "pen" (So that there's no connecting line)
bound_codes = [mpath.Path.MOVETO] + (len(bound_verts) - 1) * [mpath.Path.LINETO]
poly_codes = [mpath.Path.MOVETO] + (len(poly_verts) - 1) * [mpath.Path.LINETO]
# Plot the masking patch
path = mpath.Path(bound_verts + poly_verts, bound_codes + poly_codes)
patch = mpatches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='white', edgecolor='none')
patch = ax.add_patch(patch)
# Reset the plot limits to their original extents
return patch
def main():
x = np.linspace(-1.2, 1.2, 101)
y = np.linspace(-1.2, 1.2, 101)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
rr = np.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2)
psi = xx*xx - yy*yy
if 0: # change to 1 to see the working result
cs = plt.contour(xx,yy,rr,levels=[3]) # works
cs = plt.contour(xx,yy,rr,levels=[1.3]) # does not work
path = cs.collections[0].get_paths()[0]
poly_verts = path.vertices
if __name__ == '__main__':

How to fix limits after multiple use of ax.voxels method in python

I'm doing a research with 3D point clouds that I receive from Lidar. I split huge amount of points (up to 10 - 100 millions) into cubes, investigate their position and display results in a seperate voxels using Axes3D.voxels method. However, I face some problems while setting appropriate limits of Axes3D after multiple use of this method.
I define add_voxels function in order to display voxels immediately from np.array of positions of cubes inputted:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import itertools
def add_voxels(true_ids, ax):
shape_of_filled = true_ids.max(axis=0) + 1 # shape of building
filled = np.zeros(shape_of_filled)
for n in true_ids:
filled[n] = 1
x, y, z = np.indices(np.array(shape_of_filled) + 1)
return ax.voxels(x,y,z, filled)```
Then use it to plot my two clouds of cubes:
fig = plt.gcf() # get a reference to the current figure instance
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') # get a reference to the current axes instance
cubecloud1 = np.array(list(itertools.product(range(2,4), range(2,4), range(2,4))))
cubecloud2 = np.array(list(itertools.product(range(4,7), range(4,7), range(4,7))))
add_voxels(cubecloud2, ax)
add_voxels(cubecloud1, ax)
It results in bad limits of display of voxel's position:
I'd like to have all the components displayed in a correct bounding box like this:
Or, at least, this (assuming bounding box includes invisible voxels too):
I could only make this work by setting the axis limits explicitly:
# [...]
faces2 = add_voxels(cubecloud2, ax)
faces1 = add_voxels(cubecloud1, ax)
points = list(faces1.keys()) + list(faces2.keys())
data = list(zip(*points))
xmin = min(data[0])
xmax = max(data[0])
ymin = min(data[1])
ymax = max(data[1])
zmin = min(data[2])
zmax = max(data[2])
ax.set_xlim3d(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_ylim3d(ymin, ymax)
ax.set_zlim3d(zmin, zmax)

Python matplotlib -> 3D bar plot -> adjusting tick label position, transparent bars

I am trying to create a 3D bar histogram in Python using bar3d() in Matplotlib.
I have got to the point where I can display my histogram on the screen after passing it some data, but I am stuck on the following:
Displaying axes labels correctly (currently misses out final (or initial?) tick labels)
Either making the ticks on each axis (e.g. that for 'Mon') either point to it's corresponding blue bar, or position the tick label for between the major tick marks.
Making the bars semi-transparent.
image of plot uploaded here
I have tried passing several different arguments to the 'ax' instance, but have not got anything to work despite and suspect I have misunderstood what to provide it with. I will be very grateful for any help on this at all.
Here is a sample of the code i'm working on:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed
#sh = IPShellEmbed()
data = np.array([
column_names = ['a','b','c','d','e']
row_names = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun']
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
lx= len(data[0]) # Work out matrix dimensions
ly= len(data[:,0])
xpos = np.arange(0,lx,1) # Set up a mesh of positions
ypos = np.arange(0,ly,1)
xpos, ypos = np.meshgrid(xpos+0.25, ypos+0.25)
xpos = xpos.flatten() # Convert positions to 1D array
ypos = ypos.flatten()
zpos = np.zeros(lx*ly)
dx = 0.5 * np.ones_like(zpos)
dy = dx.copy()
dz = data.flatten()
ax.bar3d(xpos,ypos,zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='b')
To make the bars semi-transparent, you just have to use the alpha parameter. alpha=0 means 100% transparent, while alpha=1 (the default) means 0% transparent.
Try this, it will work out to make the bars semi-transparent:
ax.bar3d(xpos,ypos,zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='b', alpha=0.5)
Regarding the ticks location, you can do it using something like this (the first list on plt.xticks or plt.yticks contains the "values" where do you want to locate the ticks, and the second list contains what you actually want to call the ticks):
ticksx = np.arange(0.5, 5, 1)
plt.xticks(ticksx, column_names)
ticksy = np.arange(0.6, 7, 1)
plt.yticks(ticksy, row_names)
In the end, I get this figure:

