Heatmap with varying y axis - python

I would like to create a visualization like the upper part of this image. Essentially, a heatmap where each point in time has a fixed number of components but these components are anchored to the y axis by means of labels (that I can supply) rather than by their first index in the heatmap's matrix.
I am aware of pcolormesh, but that does not seem to give me the y-axis functionality I seek.
Lastly, I am also open to solutions in R, although a Python option would be much preferable.

I am not completely sure if I understand your meaning correctly, but by looking at the picture you have linked, you might be best off with a roll-your-own solution.
First, you need to create an array with the heatmap values so that you have on row for each label and one column for each time slot. You fill the array with nans and then write whatever heatmap values you have to the correct positions.
Then you need to trick imshow a bit to scale and show the image in the correct way.
For example:
# create some masked data
a=cumsum(random.random((20,200)), axis=0)
# draw the image along with some curves
xd = linspace(-2, 2, 200)
yd = 1 + .1 * cumsum(random.random(200)-.5)
plot(xd, yd,'w',linewidth=3)
plot(xd, yd,'k',linewidth=1)


How do I normalize a matplotlib colorbar to a scalar array between 0 and 1?

I have a .jpg image of a colorbar which was generated with matplotlib:
I would like to linearly assign a float to the scale so that it ranges from 0 to 1. That is, the left most colors (purple) would represent values close to zero, and the right most (red) would represent values approaching one.
My initial idea used PIL in python to convert to greyscale, and then normalize that array. The code I used is:
from PIL import Image
bar = Image.open('colorbar.png')
bar_gs = bar.convert(mode='L')
gs_values = np.zeros(bar_gs.size[1])
for i in range(0, bar_gs.size[1]):
gs_values[i] = pix_gs[00,i]
This creates a greyscale version of the colorbar which looks like:
Plotting a single row of this gives:
The sharp dips are obviously the tick marks. The real issue is that this is not a monotonically increasing/decreasing function like I had hoped. I need to have a single y-axis value for a given x value. Because there are multiple humps in the third plot, that's not the case.
So it seems that I'm actually losing information by converting to greyscale. My end goal is to be able to assign some color a value between 0 and 1. Is there a better way to go about this?

Using imshow() to represent 0 as white

I've looked around and haven't found a straightforward solution to this seemingly simple problem online or in the matplotlib documentation. I'm using imshow() to create a heatmap of a matrix with a diverging cmap (coolwarm), and I'd like to make 0 represented as white, positive values as red, and negative values as blue. Anyone know of an easy way to do this without creating a custom cmap?
By using min-max normalization, here zero in the original data gets shifted, so shift the zero as shown below. The below is a way I figured that can be done in this way.
data = np.array([[0.000000,5.67],[-0.231049,0.45],[-0.231049,0.000000]])
k=(data-np.min(data))/(np.max(data)-np.min(data)) # Min-max Normalization
nsv_zero =-np.min(data)/(np.max(data)-np.min(data)) # new shifted value of zero
sns.heatmap(np.where( k == nsv_zero ,0.5 ,k),vmin=0,vmax=1,cmap='coolwarm',annot=data)
* Min-Max Normalization : Scale all the values to new range(0,1)
* Shifting zero in initial data to 0.5 in the new output data so as to get white color
* Here I am using modified data on heatmap, but I am using the original annotations only.
Hope this is a bit closer to your required output

Is there a way to plot Matplotlib's Imshow against a specific array rather than the indices?

I'm trying to use Imshow to plot a 2-d Fourier transform of my data. However, Imshow plots the data against its index in the array. I would like to plot the data against a set of arrays I have containing the corresponding frequency values (one array for each dim), but can't figure out how.
I have a 2D array of data (gaussian pulse signal) that I Fourier transform with np.fft.fft2. This all works fine. I then get the corresponding frequency bins for each dimension with np.fft.fftfreq(len(data))*sampling_rate. I can't figure out how to use imshow to plot the data against these frequencies though. The 1D equivalent of what I'm trying to do us using plt.plot(x,y) rather than just using plt.plot(y).
My first attempt was to use imshows "extent" flag, but as fas as I can tell that just changes the axis limits, not the actual bins.
My next solution was to use np.fft.fftshift to arrange the data in numerical order and then simply re-scale the axis using this answer: Change the axis scale of imshow. However, the index to frequency bin is not a pure scaling factor, there's typically a constant offset as well.
My attempt was to use 2d hist instead of imshow, but that doesn't work since 2dhist plots the number of times an order pair occurs, while I want to plot a scalar value corresponding to specific order pairs (i.e the power of the signal at specific frequency combinations).
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
f = 200
st = 2500
x = np.linspace(-1,1,2*st)
y = signal.gausspulse(x, fc=f, bw=0.05)
data = np.outer(np.ones(len(y)),y) # A simple example with constant y
Fdata = np.abs(np.fft.fft2(data))**2
freqx = np.fft.fftfreq(len(x))*st # What I want to plot my data against
freqy = np.fft.fftfreq(len(y))*st
I should see a peak at (200,0) corresponding to the frequency of my signal (with some fall off around it corresponding to bandwidth), but instead my maximum occurs at some random position corresponding to the frequencie's index in my data array. If anyone has any idea, fixes, or other functions to use I would greatly appreciate it!
I cannot run your code, but I think you are looking for the extent= argument to imshow(). See the the page on origin and extent for more information.
Something like this may work?
plt.imshow(Fdata, extent=(freqx[0],freqx[-1],freqy[0],freqy[-1]))

Possible to use a custom arrow or polygon as a marker to plot location and heading in matplotlib?

I have a series of x,y coordinates and associated heading angles for multiple aircraft. I can plot the paths flown, and I would like to use a special marker to mark a particular location along the path that also shows the aircraft's heading when it was at that location.
Using matplotlib.pyplot I've used an arrowhead with no base to do this, but having to define the head and tail locations ended up with inconsistent arrowhead lengths when plotting multiple aircraft. I also used a custom three-sided symbol with the tuple (numsides, style, angle) as well as the wedge and bigvee symbols, but they never look very good.
From Custom arrow style for matplotlib, pyplot.annotate Saullo Castro showed a nice custom arrow (arrow1) that I'm wondering whether it can be used or converted in such a way as to just simply plot it at a given x,y and have its orientation defined by a heading angle.
I can plot the custom arrow with the following. Any ideas on how to rotate it to reflect a heading?
a1 = np.array([[0,0],[0,1],[-1,2],[3,0],[-1,-2],[0,-1],[0,0]], dtype=float)
polB = patches.Polygon(a1, closed=True, facecolor='grey')
Thanks in advance.
So I made the polygon a little simpler and also found that the rotation could be done by using mpl.transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg_around():
a2 = np.array([[newX,newY+2],[newX+1,newY-1],[newX,newY],[newX-1,newY-1],[newX,newY+2]], dtype=float)
polB = patches.Polygon(a2, closed=True, facecolor='gold')
t2 = mpl.transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg_around(newX,newY,heading) + newax.transData
I first tried to overlay the polygon on a line plotted from the x,y coordinates. However, the scales of the x and y axes were not equal (nor did I want them to be), so the polygon ended up looking all warped and stretched when rotated. I got around this by first adding a new axis with equal x/y scaling:
newax = fig.add_axes(ax.get_position(), frameon=False)
I could at least then rotate all I wanted and not have the warp issue. But then I needed to figure out how to basically connect the two axes so that I could plot the polygon on the new axis at a point referenced from the original axis. The way I figured to do this was by using transformations to go from the data coordinates on the original axis, converting them to display coordinates, and then inverting them back to data coordinates except this time at the data coordinates on the new axis:
inTrans = ax.transData.transform((x, y))
inv = newax.transData.inverted()
newTrans = inv.transform((inTrans[0], inTrans[1]))
newX = newTrans[0]
newY = newTrans[1]
It felt a little like some sort of Rube Goldberg machine to do it this way, but it did what I wanted.
In the end, I decided I didn't like this approach and went with keeping it simpler and using a fancy arrowhead instead of a polygon. Such is life...

Matlab, Python: Fixing colormap to specified values

It is a simple but common task required when trying to fix a colormap according to a 2D matrix of values.
To demonstrate consider the problem in Matlab, the solution does not need to be in Matlab (i.e., the code presented here is only for demonstration purpose).
x = [0,1,2; 3,4,5; 6,7,8];
axis square
axis off
So the output is as:
when some values change to over the maximum value it happens like:
x = [0,1,2; 3,4,5; 6,7,18];
which looks logical but makes problems when we wish to compare/trace elements in two maps. Since the colormap association is changed it is almost impossible to find an individual cell for comparison/trace etc.
The solution I implemented is to mask the matrix as:
x = [0,1,2; 3,4,5; 6,7,18];
m = 8;
x(x>=m) = m;
which works perfectly.
Since the provided code requires searching/filtering (extra time consuming!) I wonder if there is a general/more efficient way for this job to be implemented in Matlab, Python etc?
One of the cases that this issue occurs is when we have many simulations sequentially and wish to make a sense-making animation of the progress; in this case each color should keep its association fixed.
In Python using package MatPlotLib the solution is as follows:
import pylab as pl
x = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,18]]
pl.matshow(x, vmin=0, vmax=8)
So vmin and vmax are boundary limits for the full range of colormap.
The indexing is pretty quick so I don't think you need worry.
However, in Matlab, you can pass in the clims argument to imagesc:
imagesc(x,[0 8]);
This maps all values above 8 to the top colour in the colour scale, and all values below 0 to the bottom colour in the colour scale, and then stretches the scale for colours in-between.
imagesc documentation.
f1 = figure;
x = [0,1,2; 3,4,5; 6,7,8];
axis square
axis off
limits = get(gca(f1),'CLim');
f2 = figure;
z = [0,1,2; 3,4,5; 6,7,18];
axis square
axis off

