Reading file from a directory in Python - python

I have a folder containing files on my desktop, and I'm trying to write a script that will read each of the file, replace the spaces with commas, and then return each file as a CSV file.
Here is my code but it is not working:
import os
import re
import csv
path = 'C:\Users\Kenny\Desktop\TTUM'
listing = os.listdir(path)
for infile in listing:
dir_item_path = os.path.join(path, infile)
fh = open(dir_item_path,'r')
for line in fh.readlines():
space_remove = re.sub(r"\s+",",",line.rstrip())
split_Line = space_remove.split(" ")
Fname = infile
Lname = Fname.split('.')[0]
name = Lname + ".csv"
process_file = open(name,"wb")
newfile = csv.writer(process_file)

You are re-opening the file, writing a line, and closing every time. This will truncate the file and just write the single line. Try opening before the for loop (which you are already doing with the input file), and closing when everything is done.
path = 'C:\Users\Kenny\Desktop\TTUM'
listing = os.listdir(path)
for infile in listing:
dir_item_path = os.path.join(path, infile)
fh = open(dir_item_path,'r')
Fname = infile
Lname = Fname.split('.')[0]
name = Lname + ".csv"
process_file = open(name,"wb")
newfile = csv.writer(process_file)
for line in fh.readlines():
space_remove = re.sub(r"\s+",",",line.rstrip())
split_Line = space_remove.split(" ")
Of course there may be wrong a lot more with your script, but for that you need to explain exactly what the problem is.


Python: editing a series of txt files via loop

With Python I'm attempting to edit a series of text files to insert a series of strings. I can do so successfully with a single txt file. Here's my working code that appends messages before and after the main body within the txt file:
filenames = ['text_0.txt']
with open("text_0.txt", "w") as outfile:
for filename in filenames:
with open(filename) as infile:
header1 = "Message 1:"
lines = "\n\n\n\n"
header2 = "Message 2:"
contents = header1 + + lines + header2
I'm seeking some assistance in structuring a script to iteratively make the same edits to a series of similar txt files in the directory. There are 20 or similar txt files are structured the same: text_0.txt, text_1.txt, text_2.txt, and so on. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
to loop through a folder of text files, you need to do it like this:
import os
YOURDIRECTORY = "TextFilesAreHere" ##this is the folder where there's your text files
for file in os.listdir(YOURDIRECTORY):
filename = os.fsdecode(file)
with open(YOURDIRECTORY + "/" + filename, "r"):
###do what you want with the file
If you already know the file naming then you can simply loop:
filenames = [f'text_{index}.txt' for index in range(21)]
for file_name in filenames:
with open(file_name, "w") as outfile:
for filename in filenames:
with open(filename) as infile:
header1 = "Message 1:"
lines = "\n\n\n\n"
header2 = "Message 2:"
contents = header1 + + lines + header2
Or loop the directory like:
import os
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
#do something , like check the filename in list

Script to read multiple input file and writing multiple output file for each input file?

I have multiples input files in format like below which have to be processed.
Input file path /tmp/input.
But, I want to have output files for each input file in another folder suppose (/tmp/outputsmgr) like below:
The issues are:
Firstly, I am not able to write the output files in another/different folder
Secondly, all input files data after processing getting merged in one file in input folder only like below instead of separate output file for each input file
All the below files contains same data instead 1.1.1.txt data should be in file 1.1.1_output.csv and file 1.1.2.txt data should be in file 1.1.2_output.csv.
How can I modify the below code to get the desired result?
import os
import csv
import re
def parseFile(fileName):
# We are using a dictionary to store info for each file
data = list()
# data = dict()
fh = open(fileName, "r")
lines = fh.readlines()[1:]
for line in lines:
line = line.rstrip("\n")
if"sessmgr", line):
splitted = line.split()
temp = dict()
temp["CPU"] = splitted[0]
temp["facility"] = splitted[1]
temp["instance"] = splitted[2]
temp["cpu-used"] = splitted[3]
temp["cpu-allc"] = splitted[4]
temp["mem-used"] = splitted[5]
temp["mem-allc"] = splitted[6]
temp["files-used"] = splitted[7]
temp["files-allc"] = splitted[8]
temp["sessions-used"] = splitted[9]
temp["sessions-allc"] = splitted[10]
# print (splitted[2])
# continue;
# print (data)
return data
if __name__ == "__main__":
inputsDirectory = "/tmp/input"
outputDirectory = "/tmp/outputsmgr"
path = os.path.abspath(inputsDirectory)
pathout = os.path.abspath(outputDirectory)
fileLists = ["{0}/{1}".format(path,x) for x in os.listdir(outputDirectory)]
fileList = ["{0}/{1}".format(path,x) for x in os.listdir(inputsDirectory)]
# print(fileList)
csvRows = []
for file in fileList:
newRow = parseFile(file)
# print(csvRows)
for files in fileList:
outputFile = "output.csv"
csvfile = open(os.path.join(files + "_" + outputFile), 'w')
fieldnames = ["CPU",
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
headers = {}
for n in writer.fieldnames:
headers[n] = n
# writer.writeheader()
for row in csvRows:
for obj in row:
print (obj)
I think the code below will do what you want. It processes the files in the input directory sequentially and the results returned from the parseFile() function get written to the corresponding output file in the output directory. It's important to get a new set of csvRows from each input file and write (just) those to each output file.
The code assumes the outputDirectory already exists, but if that's not the case, then you'll need to add code to create it before processing any of the files. Hint: use os.path.exists() and os.path.isdir() in conjunction with os.makedirs().
import csv
import os
import re
def parseFile(filePath, fieldnames, target_re=r"sessmgr"):
""" Yield lines of file matching target regex. """
with open(filePath, "r") as file:
next(file) # Skip/ignore first line.
for line in file:
if, line):
yield dict(zip(fieldnames, line.split()))
if __name__ == "__main__":
OUTPUT_FILE_SUFFIX = "output.csv"
inputsDirectory = "/tmp/input"
outputDirectory = "/tmp/outputsmgr"
fieldnames = ("CPU", "facility", "instance", "cpu-used", "cpu-allc", "mem-used",
"mem-allc", "files-used", "files-allc", "sessions-used",
input_dir = os.path.abspath(inputsDirectory)
output_dir = os.path.abspath(outputDirectory)
for in_filename in os.listdir(input_dir):
in_filepath = os.path.join(input_dir, in_filename)
print('in_filepath: "{}"'.format(in_filepath))
in_rootname = os.path.splitext(in_filename)[0]
out_filename = in_rootname + "_" + OUTPUT_FILE_SUFFIX
out_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, out_filename)
print('out_filepath: "{}"'.format(out_filepath))
with open(out_filepath, 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
writer.writerows(parseFile(in_filepath, fieldnames))

Read all files from folder and edit

I am trying to read all fasta files from test folder and put the name of file in all headers of individual file. The code working for first file and dont proceed to second file and return error. Could you help me find bug in my code or edit it. Thanks
import sys, glob, os, string
header = ''
check = 0
path = "./test/"
dirs = os.listdir(path)
for file in dirs:
fp = open(file, "r")
fpx = open('%s_output.txt' % file, 'w')
for line in fp:
if line.startswith('>'):
line = line.rstrip()
check = check + 1
if check >= 1:
header = line
fpx.write(header + '_' + file + '\n')
line = line.rstrip()
fpx.write(line + '\n')
It would be good to provide the error message you are getting! I think this must fail with "File not found" because you try to open the file by name instead of path. Try fp = open(os.path.join(path, file), "r"):
import sys, glob, os, string
header = ''
check = 0
path = "./test/"
dirs = os.listdir(path)
for file in dirs:
fp = open(os.path.join(path, file), "r")
fpx = open('%s_output.txt' % file, 'w')
for line in fp:
if line.startswith('>'):
line = line.rstrip()
check = check + 1
if check >= 1:
header = line
fpx.write(header + '_' + file + '\n')
line = line.rstrip()
fpx.write(line + '\n')

Invalid file error Python?

I'm trying to write a script that allows a user to create a folder with any name they want, and then create a file with any name they want. Once they do they, the program asks them for 3 names and writes them into the file. I then want to allow the user to input a number from 1 to 3 and display the number of lines they want. I'm getting an error right now when trying to read the file saying something along the lines of
TypeError: invalid file: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:blah blah ' mode='a' encoding='cp1252'>
The code is below:
import os, sys
folder = input("What would you like your folder name to be?")
path = r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\%s' %(folder)
if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path)
file = input("What name would you like for the file in this folder?")
file = file + ".txt"
completePath = os.path.join(path, file)
newFile = open(completePath, 'w')
count = 0
while count < 3:
newFile = open(completePath, 'a')
write = input("Input the first and last name of someone: ")
newFile.write(write + '\n')
count += 1
infile = open(newFile, 'r')
display = int(input("How many names from 1 to 10 would you like to display? "))
print (infile.readlines(5))
You have newFile defiled as an opened file. Then you open it within a while loop, and it is a file, again.
And when you try then to open a file using the newFile variable, Python tries to open a file with a name, contained in a newFile variable. But it is not a file name - it is a file!
This makes Python sad...
Try this one:
import os, sys
folder = input("What would you like your folder name to be?")
path = r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\%s' %(folder)
if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path)
file = input("What name would you like for the file in this folder?")
file = file + ".txt"
completePath = os.path.join(path, file) # completePath is a string
newFile = open(completePath, 'w') # here, newFile is a file handle
count = 0
while count < 3:
newFile = open(completePath, 'a') # again, newFile is a file handle
write = input("Input the first and last name of someone: ")
newFile.write(write + '\n')
count += 1
infile = open(completePath, 'r') # opening file with its path, not its handle

Python - extract and modify part of a specific line of text with a function for all files in folder

I'm looking to extract and modify a specific line of text in many files within a folder but I am having some trouble.
For instance, the first file might read:
To: Bob
From: Bill
<Message> The eagle flies at midnight. <End Message>
The second message is different, but same format, and so on. I'd like to extract the third line, pass 'The eagle flies at midnight.' through a function (like base64), and then put it back on the line between 'Message' and 'End Message'. Such that the final output would read:
To: Bob
From: Bill
<Message> VGhlIGVhZ2xlIGZsaWVzIGF0IG1pZG5pZ2h0Lg== <End Message>
This is what I am trying (and adjusting) so far.
import base64
import os
import io
#ask user where his stuff is / is going
directory = raw_input("INPUT Folder:")
output = raw_input("OUTPUT Folder:")
#get that stuff
myfilepath = os.path.join(directory, '*.txt')
with open('*.txt', 'r') as file:
data = file.readlines()
#Go to line 3 and take out non encoded text.
data[3] = X
X.strip("<End Message>")
coded_string = X
#Encode line 3
data[3] = '<Message> %s <End Message>' % (coded_string)
# and write everything back
with open('*.txt', 'w') as file:
I'm sure there are numerous problems, particularly with how I am opening and writing back. Bonus points: 99% of the messages in this folder are in this exact format, but there are 1% junk messages (they dont need to be encoded, and line 3 for them is something different). I'm not too worried about them, but if they could be unharmed in the process that'd be nifty. Maybe line 3 should be line 2 if the count starts at 0 ...
Edit: Trying
import re, base64
import os
folder = 'C:/Users/xxx/Desktop/input'
matcher = re.compile("<Message>(?P<text>[^<]*)<End Message>")
for filename in os.listdir(folder):
infilename = os.path.join(folder, filename)
if not os.path.isfile(infilename): continue
base, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
filein = open(infilename, 'r')
fileout = open(os.path.join(folder, '{}_edit.{}'.format(base, extension)), 'w')
for line in filein:
match =
if match:
fileout.write("<message> " + base64.b64encode('text').strip()) + " <End message>\n")
Ultimately this gives me a bunch of blank files except for the last one which is translated properly.
You can use regular expression to make it easier as:
import re, base64
filein = open("examplein.txt", 'r')
fileout = open("exampleout.txt", 'w')
matcher = re.compile("<Message>(?P<text>[^<]*)<End Message>")
for line in filein:
match =
if match:
fileout.write("<message> " + base64.b64encode('text').strip()) + " <End message>\n")
This code works just for one file, you should adapt it to work with all the file in you directory:
import re, base64
import os
folder = '/home/user/Public'
matcher = re.compile("<Message>(?P<text>[^<]*)<End Message>")
for filename in os.listdir(folder):
infilename = os.path.join(folder, filename)
if not os.path.isfile(infilename): continue
base, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
filein = open(infilename, 'r')
fileout = open(os.path.join(folder, '{}_edit.{}'.format(base, extension)), 'w')
for line in filein:
match =
if match:
fileout.write("<message> " + base64.b64encode('text').strip()) + " <End message>\n")
This code works in my pc

