I'm trying to scrape some json data from a website. I'm using BeautifulSoup (bs4) as shown in the code below
import re
import csv
import json
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
city = 'Helsinki';
csvFile = csv.writer(open( city + ".csv", "wb+"))
csvFile.writerow(["tempid","latitude", "longitude"])
pageID = 0
locPage = urllib2.urlopen("http://runkeeper.com/user/maxspowers79/route/2481336")
soup = BS(locPage, "lxml").findAll('script',{"src":False})
print soup
pageID += 1
print pageID
for s in soup:
if 'routePoints' in s.string:
value = "[{" + s.string.split("}];")[0].split("[{")[1] + "}]"
#print value
jsonObj = json.loads(value)
for x in jsonObj:
As an example, this is the runkeeper website with a random city and random route I've tested on. The code works fine for other similar pages but for longer routes like this (larger gps json if you view source in the browser).
The soup variable is truncated as you will see from the print command issued. Hence, the json is invalid and I cannot parse it.
I tried using a different parser (html5lib) as well but that was worse. Is there a limit to how big a string the soup variable can hold?
Otherwise why would it truncate?
How do I handle this?
I tested your code and it seems like - yes - BeautifulSoup has some limitations for tag content.
Consider using dumb and straightforward string manipulaion instead:
import re
import csv
import json
import urllib2
city = 'Helsinki';
csvFile = csv.writer(open( city + ".csv", "wb+"))
csvFile.writerow(["tempid","latitude", "longitude"])
pageID = 0
locPage = urllib2.urlopen("http://runkeeper.com/user/maxspowers79/route/2481336")
content = locPage.read()
start_at_s, end_at_s = 'var routePoints = ', 'mapController.initialize'
start_at_p = content.index(start_at_s) + len(start_at_s)
end_at_p = content.index(end_at_s)
raw_json = content[start_at_p:end_at_p].strip().strip(';')
jsonObj = json.loads(raw_json)
pageID += 1
print pageID
for x in jsonObj:
print x
try rewriting your code with lxml. It should be more robust than beautifulsoup
Require to only use regex for scraping the rating links, and total is 250 rating links then save it to txt file.
website: https://www.imdb.com/
I have tried previously using beautifulsoup4 but then it was required to only use regular expressions to extract, so I am not sure about it. Do I use re.findall to look for all the links?
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://www.imdb.com/chart/top'
html = urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
count = 0
all_urls = list()
for tdtag in soup.find_all(class_ = "titleColumn"):
url = tdtag.a['href']
count += 1
data = np.array(all_urls)
np.savetxt('urls.txt', data, fmt = '%s', encoding = 'utf-8')
Use re.findall:
all_urls = list()
for tdtag in soup.find_all(class_ = "titleColumn"):
url = tdtag.a['href']
count += 1
import re
text = html.read().decode('utf-8')
all_urls = list(set(re.findall(r'/title/tt\d+', text)))
count = len(all_urls)
Here's my clumsy attempt at that:
from re import compile
from requests import get
BASE = 'https://www.imdb.com/chart/top'
page = get(BASE)
pattern = compile(r'<a href="/title/([a-z0-9]+)/')
URLs = pattern.findall(page.text)
f = open('urls.txt', 'x', encoding='utf-8')
except FileExistsError as e:
for i in set(URLs):
requests.get(URL) is a response object. So, you need requests.get(URL).text for regex to work on it
https://regex101.com/ is a handy website you can use to build and test regex
try, except, else can be used to handle errors if an url.txt file already exists
f-strings are super convenient and I highly recommend you to learn and use them
I am trying to copy all the data within an HTML page that has the certain class "chapter_header_styling" with BS4.
This was working when I manually inputed the URL – but is tedious when there are multiple books and various chapters. So I then created another script that would generate all the chapter URLs for the book and combine them into a text file bchap.txt (book chapters).
Since then I have altered the file and added various break points so ignore my lack of comments and unused arrays/list. I have narrowed it down to the ###Comment## where it doesn't work. It's probably not nested right but I'm not sure... I had this working to a point but can't figure out why it won't paste the mydivs data into the book.html file. If anyone with more experience could point me in the right direction much would be appreciated.
# coding: utf-8
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
LINK = "https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/FAC2017"
pop = ""
#z = ""
chapters = open("bchap.txt",'r')
a = []
for aline in chapters:
chap = aline
#print (chap)
#pop = ""
pop = LINK+chap
#print (pop)
r = requests.get(pop)
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser')
mydivs = soup.findAll("div", {"class": ["annotator", "chapter_header_styling"]})
f = open("BOOK.html","a")
f.write("test <br/>")
for div in mydivs:
print (div)
z = str(div)
print(z) #doesn't printout...why???
print len(mydivs)
## this is the old mkbook.py code before I looped it - inputing url 1 # time
# coding: utf-8
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
r = requests.get("https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/FAC2017/preface")
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser')
a = []
mydivs = soup.findAll("div",{"class":["annotator",
f = open("BOOK.html","a")
for div in mydivs:
z = str(div)
print len(mydivs) #outputs 1 if copied div data.
# coding: utf-8
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
r = requests.get("https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/FAC2017")
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser')
a = []
list = soup.findAll('option')
with open('bchap.txt', 'w') as filehandle:
for l in list:
print l['value']
#with open('bchap.txt', 'w') as filehandle:
# filehandle.write("%s\n" % list)
The problem seems to be that you are constructing your url using a wrong base url.
LINK = "https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/FAC2017"
If you take a look at your 1st request you can see this clearly.
After running the code to populate bchap.txt, its output is
Lets change the base url first and try again.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
LINK = "https://codes.iccsafe.org"
pop = ""
chapters = open("bchap.txt",'r')
a = []
for aline in chapters:
chap = aline
pop = LINK+chap
r = requests.get(pop)
why? b'coz of the \n. If we do a
It will output
You'll have to strip away that \n also. The final code that worked is
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
LINK = "https://codes.iccsafe.org"
pop = ""
chapters = open("bchap.txt",'r')
a = []
for aline in chapters:
chap = aline
pop = LINK+chap
r = requests.get(pop.strip())
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser')
mydivs = soup.findAll("div", class_="annotator chapter_header_styling")
f = open("BOOK.html","a")
for div in mydivs:
z = str(div)
This is my first time using BeautifulSoup and I am attempting to scrap store location data from a local convenience store.
However I'm running into some issues on trying to remove empty lines when data is being passed into a CSV file, I've tried .replace('\n','') and .strip() both did not worked.
Also I'm having problems with splitting data that is scraped and contained in the same sibling method.
I've added the script below:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests import get
import urllib.request
import sched, time
import csv
url = 'http://www.cheers.com.sg/web/store_location.jsp'
response = get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
#print (soup.prettify())
#open a file for writing
location_data = open('data/soupdata.csv', 'w', newline='')
#create the csv writer object
csvwriter = csv.writer(location_data)
cheers = soup.find('div' , id="store_container")
count = 0
#Loop for Header tags
for paragraph in cheers.find_all('b'):
header1 = paragraph.text.replace(':' , '')
header2 = paragraph.find_next('b').text.replace(':' , '')
header3 = paragraph.find_next_siblings('b')[1].text.replace(':' , '')
if count == 0:
csvwriter.writerow([header1, header2, header3])
count += 1
for paragraph in cheers.find_all('br'):
brnext = paragraph.next_sibling.strip()
brnext1 = paragraph.next_sibling
test1 = brnext1.next_sibling.next_sibling
csvwriter.writerow([brnext, test1])
Sample of output generated:
Sample of what output should look like:
How can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
To make it slightly organized, you can try like the following. I've used .select() instead of .find_all().
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
url = 'http://www.cheers.com.sg/web/store_location.jsp'
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
with open("output.csv","w",newline="") as infile:
writer = csv.writer(infile)
writer.writerow(["Address","Telephone","Store hours"])
for items in soup.select("#store_container .store_col"):
addr = items.select_one("b").next_sibling.next_sibling
tel = items.select_one("b:nth-of-type(2)").next_sibling
store = items.select_one("b:nth-of-type(3)").next_sibling
You just need to change the way of extracting address, tel and store hours
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests import get
url = 'http://www.cheers.com.sg/web/store_location.jsp'
response = get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
# print (soup.prettify())
# open a file for writing
location_data = open('data/soupdata.csv', 'w', newline='')
# create the csv writer object
csvwriter = csv.writer(location_data)
cheers = soup.find('div', id="store_container")
count = 0
# Loop for Header tags
for paragraph in cheers.find_all('b'):
header1 = paragraph.text.replace(':', '')
header2 = paragraph.find_next('b').text.replace(':', '')
header3 = paragraph.find_next_siblings('b')[1].text.replace(':', '')
if count == 0:
csvwriter.writerow([header1, header2, header3])
count += 1
for paragraph in cheers.find_all('div'):
label = paragraph.find_all('b')
if len(label) == 3:
address = label[0].next_sibling.next_sibling
tel = label[1].next_sibling
hours = label[2].next_sibling
csvwriter.writerow([address, tel, hours])
I am a complete programming beginner, so please forgive me if I am not able to express my problem very well. I am trying to write a script that will look through a series of pages of news and will record the article titles and their links. I have managed to get that done for the first page, the problem is getting the content of the subsequent pages. By searching in stackoverflow, I think I managed to find a solution that will make the script access more than one URL BUT it seems to be overwriting the content extracted from each page it accesses so I always end up with the same number of recorded articles in the file. Something that might help: I know that URLs follow the following model: "/ultimas/?page=1", "/ultimas/?page=2", etc. and it appears to be using AJAX to request new articles
Here is my code:
import csv
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
import urllib
r = base_url = "http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/"
program_url = base_url + "/ultimas/?page="
for page in range(1, 4):
url = "%s%d" % (program_url, page)
soup = Soup(urllib.urlopen(url))
letters = soup.find_all("div", class_="titulo-noticia")
lobbying = {}
for element in letters:
lobbying[element.a.get_text()] = {}
prefix = "http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br"
for element in letters:
lobbying[element.a.get_text()]["link"] = prefix + element.a["href"]
for item in lobbying.keys():
print item + ": " + "\n\t" + "link: " + lobbying[item]["link"] + "\n\t"
import os, csv
with open("lobbying.csv", "w") as toWrite:
writer = csv.writer(toWrite, delimiter=",")
writer.writerow(["name", "link",])
for a in lobbying.keys():
writer.writerow([a.encode("utf-8"), lobbying[a]["link"]])
import json
with open("lobbying.json", "w") as writeJSON:
json.dump(lobbying, writeJSON)
print "Fim"
Any help on how I might go about adding the content of each page to the final file would be very appreciated. Thank you!
How about this one if serving the same purpose:
import csv, requests
from lxml import html
base_url = "http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br"
program_url = base_url + "/ultimas/?page={0}"
outfile = open('scraped_data.csv', 'w', newline='')
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
for url in [program_url.format(page) for page in range(1, 4)]:
response = requests.get(url)
tree = html.fromstring(response.text)
for title in tree.xpath("//div[#class='noticia']"):
caption = title.xpath('.//span[#class="field-content"]/a/text()')[0]
policy = title.xpath('.//span[#class="field-content"]/a/#href')[0]
writer.writerow([caption , base_url + policy])
It looks like the code in your for loop (for page in range(1, 4):) isn't been called due to your file not been correctly indented:
If you tidy up your code, it works:
import csv, requests, os, json, urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
r = base_url = "http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/"
program_url = base_url + "/ultimas/?page="
for page in range(1, 4):
url = "%s%d" % (program_url, page)
soup = Soup(urllib.urlopen(url))
letters = soup.find_all("div", class_="titulo-noticia")
lobbying = {}
for element in letters:
lobbying[element.a.get_text()] = {}
prefix = "http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br"
for element in letters:
lobbying[element.a.get_text()]["link"] = prefix + element.a["href"]
for item in lobbying.keys():
print item + ": " + "\n\t" + "link: " + lobbying[item]["link"] + "\n\t"
with open("lobbying.csv", "w") as toWrite:
writer = csv.writer(toWrite, delimiter=",")
writer.writerow(["name", "link",])
for a in lobbying.keys():
writer.writerow([a.encode("utf-8"), lobbying[a]["link"]])
with open("lobbying.json", "w") as writeJSON:
json.dump(lobbying, writeJSON)
print "Fim"
I'm trying to extract the data on the crime rate across states from
this webpage, link to web page
I am able to get this into text file. But I would like to get the
response in Json format. How can I do this in python.
Here is my code:
import urllib
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
link = "http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm"
f = urllib.urlopen(link)
myfile = f.read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(myfile)
soup1=soup.find('table', width="100%")
result = re.sub("<.*?>", "", soup3)
The following code will get the data from the two tables and output all of it as a json formatted string.
Working Example (Python 2.7.9):
from lxml import html
import requests
import re as regular_expression
import json
page = requests.get("http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm")
tree = html.fromstring(page.text)
tables = [tree.xpath('//table/tbody/tr[2]/td/center/center/font/table/tbody'),
tabs = []
for table in tables:
tab = []
for row in table:
for col in row:
var = col.text_content()
var = var.strip().replace(" ", "")
var = var.split('\n')
if regular_expression.match('^\d{4}$', var[0].strip()):
tab_row = {}
tab_row["Year"] = var[0].strip()
tab_row["Population"] = var[1].strip()
tab_row["Total"] = var[2].strip()
tab_row["Violent"] = var[3].strip()
tab_row["Property"] = var[4].strip()
tab_row["Murder"] = var[5].strip()
tab_row["Forcible_Rape"] = var[6].strip()
tab_row["Robbery"] = var[7].strip()
tab_row["Aggravated_Assault"] = var[8].strip()
tab_row["Burglary"] = var[9].strip()
tab_row["Larceny_Theft"] = var[10].strip()
tab_row["Vehicle_Theft"] = var[11].strip()
json_data = json.dumps(tabs)
output = open("output.txt", "w")
This might be what you want, if you can use the requests and lxml modules. The data structure presented here is very simple, adjust this to your needs.
First, get a response from your requested URL and parse the result into an HTML tree:
import requests
from lxml import etree
import json
response = requests.get("http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm")
tree = etree.HTML(response.text)
Assuming you want to extract both tables, create this XPath and unpack the results. totals is "Number of Crimes" and rates is "Rate of Crime per 100,000 People":
xpath = './/table[#width="100%"][#style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"]//tbody'
totals, rates = tree.findall(xpath)
Extract the raw data (td.find('./') means first child item, whatever tag it has) and clean the strings (r'' raw strings are needed for Python 2.x):
raw_data = []
for tbody in totals, rates:
rows = []
for tr in tbody.getchildren():
row = []
for td in tr.getchildren():
child = td.find('./')
if child is not None and child.tag != 'br':
Zip together the table headers in the first two rows, then delete the redundant rows, seen as the 11th & 12th steps in slice notation:
data = {}
data['tags'] = [tag0 + tag1 for tag0, tag1 in zip(raw_data[0][0], raw_data[0][1])]
for raw in raw_data:
del raw[::12]
del raw[::11]
Store the rest of the raw data and create a JSON file (optional: eliminate whitespace with separators=(',', ':')):
data['totals'], data['rates'] = raw_data[0], raw_data[1]
with open('data.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, separators=(',', ':'))