getting radio button selection in PySide using Python 3.4 - python

The radio buttons are in a submenu off the main menubar.
Cannot get the value of the radio box clicked in PySide this worked perfectly in Tkinter
and also how would one set default radio button checked in PySide?
in PySide: Cannot get value of radio box when changed/selected in pyside. This Works perfectly in tkinter below
#self.var=('ias'+yr+'.db') used to set default radio button? somehow = QActionGroup(self)
for self.x in dbfiles: #dbfiles is a "list" of 3 databases
dbselect =, self, checkable=True))#how to set default?
self.menuDatabases.addAction(dbselect) #need to trigger something else?
def displaydb(self):
print(self.x) #need to print something else maybe?
In TK; Works perfectly here change radio button and will print database name to textbox
for x in self.dbfiles:
dbfle.add_radiobutton(label=x,variable=self.var, value=x,command=self.sel)
def sel(self):
selection = "You changed to database: " + str(self.var.get())

To set one of the actions checked at the start:[0].setChecked(true)
#selects first action, or do this at creation time
and change the callback:
def sel(self, action):
print action.text()


Button will not change to active when listbox is selected?

I've made a function that creates a toplevel window with buttons and a listbox. I have an edit button to edit a selected item in said listbox, but I want this button disabled if nothing inside the listbox is selected.
def edit_page():
window3 = Toplevel()
frame3= Frame(window3)
color_list = Listbox(frame3)
edit_button = Button(frame3,text="Edit",command=fav_edit)
if len(color_list.curselection()) > 0 :
The last thread was dead and it was filled with confusion, sorry.
It seems the if/else statement isn't working as intended. When I open this new window, the button is disabled, and when I click on the listbox, it stays disabled.
If I flip the ACTIVE and DISABLED states in the if/else, like:
if len(color_list.curselection()) > 0 :
The edit button is active, and will stay active even if the listbox is selected.
Is the window not updating? Do I need to try it another way? Any help is appreciated.
Edit: My listbox does include items/tuples inside of it even if it does not show it in this example of my project.
Used a mouse event to call to a function to check the length of the tuple.
def edit_page():
window3 = Toplevel()
frame3= Frame(window3)
color_list = Listbox(frame3)
edit_button = Button(frame3,text="Edit",command=fav_edit)
color_list.bind("<Enter>",lambda *args: check_sel(edit_button,color_list.curselection()))
def check_sel(button,selection):
if len(selection) > 0:

python ipywidgets button clicked with CONTROL combination

The typical way to create a button in python with widgets is as follows:
button = wd.Button(description = "Click")
output = wd.Output()
display(button, output)
def on_button_clicked(b):
with output:
print("button clicked")
when clicking the button the corresponding method runs.
Is it possible to distinguish between simply click and CTRL+click?
i.e. having like two methods,on_click, or on_CTRL_click

Button click is not fetching the correct v_model value of combobox

I am trying to get the value of a combobox on a button click and process the value in the button click handler. However, the combobox.v_model seems to be updated correctly only after the button click handler has exited.
Here is what I did (code below):
enter string 'xxx' in the combobox when widgets show up
click on the button thereafter and fetch the value of combobox.v_model
Expected to retrieve 'xxx', but retrieved '' (empty string) instead
Is there a way to retrieve the combobox content with a button click immediately after input?
Note: when 'Enter' / 'TAB' is pressed before the button click, all works, but not if the button is pressed immediately after input in the combobox.
import ipyvuetify as vue
name = ''
# vuetify combobox and button
combobox = vue.Combobox(label="Enter name", v_model="", items=[], autofocus=True)
btn = vue.Btn(children=['Process name'])
component = vue.Row(children=[
# --- event handler -------------------------
# Some processing of the combobox input needs to happen
# on a button click, but v_model is not updated
def on_button_clicked(widget, event, data):
print(f"btn clicked: {combobox.v_model=}")
name = combobox.v_model
print(f'btn clicked: {name=}')
# do some processing with name here
btn.on_event("click", on_button_clicked)
Could be a bug in Vuetify: vuetifyjs/vuetify#12567 (also refer to this post on the ipyvuetify issue tracker).

Customizing QPrintPreviewDialog with pyQt5

Based on the answer of Question with C++, I'm trying to do similar with PyQt5. I want to remove some buttons of QPrintPreviewDialog and add new ones. I can get the toolbar by toolbar = dialog.findChildren(QToolBar) and the buttons by buttons = dialog.findChildren(QToolButton), where dialog = QPrintPreviewDialog(printer), then I make a loop tor the buttons to check its names.
code snipped:
dialog = QPrintPreviewDialog(printer)
buttons = dialog.findChildren(QToolButton)
actions = dialog.findChildren(QAction)
toolbar = dialog.findChildren(QToolBar)
toolbar[0].addAction("PDF", saveaspdf) # This works fine to add a button
# and connection to saveaspdf()
for button in buttons:
print("entry:", button.objectName(), button.text())
if button.text() == 'Portrait' or button.text() == 'Landscape':
button.setDisabled(True) # Button will be disabled
button.setVisible(False) # Button still visible, but disabled
I tried something with toolbar.removeAction()but I found no way to identify the demanded action. Also I don't think that's the solution. Also any .removeWidget(button) doesn't solve the problem.
So, please can you explain me this line from the mentioned page of c++ and give me a hint for PyQt:
Assuming you want to remove the Portrait and Landscape buttons then you must search through the QAction text and remove it from the QToolBar.
toolbar = dialog.findChild(QToolBar)
QCoreApplication.translate("QPrintPreviewDialog", text)
for text in ("Portrait", "Landscape")
for action in toolbar.actions():
if action.text() in ACTIONS_TEXT:

Python tkinter, how to disable background buttons from being clicked

When opening a new tkinter window, I only want the user to be able to click buttons on the new window. They should not be able to click on buttons from other windows that are part of the application. How would I accomplish this?
Here is a snip of my code:
def exportEFS(self):
self.exportGUI = Toplevel()
Button(self.exportGUI, text='Backup', command=self.backup).pack(padx=100,pady=5)
Button(self.exportGUI, text='Restore', command=self.restore).pack(padx=100,pady=5)
def backup(self):
self.backupWindow = Toplevel()
message = "Enter a name for your Backup."
Label(self.backupWindow, text=message).pack()
self.entry = Entry(self.backupWindow,text="enter your choice")
self.button = Button(self.backupWindow, text="Backup",command=self.backupCallBack)
In this snip, once the backupWindow is opened, the exportGUI remains open, but the user should not be able to click "Backup" or "Restore" while the backupWindow is opened.
You will want to call grab_set on the TopLevel window so that all keyboard and mouse events are sent to that.
def exportEFS(self):
self.exportGUI = Toplevel()
Button(self.exportGUI, text='Backup', command=self.backup).pack(padx=100,pady=5)
Button(self.exportGUI, text='Restore', command=self.restore).pack(padx=100,pady=5)
def backup(self):
self.backupWindow = Toplevel()
message = "Enter a name for your Backup."
Label(self.backupWindow, text=message).pack()
self.entry = Entry(self.backupWindow,text="enter your choice")
self.button = Button(self.backupWindow, text="Backup",command=self.backupCallBack)
What you can do is set the state to disabled. As so:
And to enable it, you just use:
However, you must assign your buttons to variables first, like this:
self.backup=Button(self.exportGUI, text='Backup', command=self.backup)
self.restore=Button(self.exportGUI, text='Restore', command=self.restore)
so you would disable these using:
and re-enable using:
Please note however, that while the button is disabled, nothing can be changed to that button, both through the code, or through the user using it. So that means if you wanted to change the text of that button, you would have to change the state of the button to "normal" before changing it (if it already isn't in that state, which by default, all widgets are in that state when first created).
Cheers :)

