Why SymPy can't solve quadratic equation with complicated coefficients - python

SymPy can easily solve quadratic equations with short simple coefficients.
For example:
from pprint import pprint
from sympy import *
x,b,f,Lb,z = symbols('x b f Lb z')
eq31 = Eq((x*b + f)**2, 4*Lb**2*z**2*(1 - x**2))
sol = solve(eq31, x)
But with a little bit larger coefficients - it can't:
from pprint import pprint
from sympy import *
c3,b,f,Lb,z = symbols('c3 b f Lb z')
phi,Lf,r = symbols('phi Lf r')
eq23 = Eq(
c3 * (2*Lb*b - 2*Lb*f + 2*Lb*r*cos(phi + pi/6))
+ (Lb**2 - Lf**2 + b**2 - 2*b*f + 2*b*r*cos(phi + pi/6) + f**2 - 2*f*r*cos(phi + pi/6) + r**2 + z**2)
4*Lb**2*z**2*(1 - c3**2)
print("\n\nSolve (23) for c3:")
solutions_23 = solve(eq23, c3)

This is not specific to Sympy - other programs like Maple or Mathematica suffer from same the problem: When solving an equation, solve needs to choose a proper solution strategy (see e.g. Sympy's Solvers) based on assumptions about the variables and the structure of the equation. These are choices are normally heuristic and often incorrect (hence no solution, or false strategies are tried first). Furthermore, the assumptions of variables is often to broad (e.g., complex instead of reals).
Thus, for complex equations the solution strategy often has to be given by the user. For your example, you could use:
sol23 = roots(eq23.lhs - eq23.rhs, c3)

Since symbolic solutions are supported, one thing you can do is solve the generic quadratic and substitute in your specific coefficients:
>>> eq = eq23.lhs-eq23.rhs
>>> a,b,c = Poly(eq,c3).all_coeffs()
>>> var('A:C')
(A, B, C)
>>> ans=[i.xreplace({A:a,B:b,C:c}) for i in solve(A*x**2 + B*x + C,x)]
>>> print filldedent(ans)
But you can get the same result if you just shut of simplification and checking:
>>> ans=solve(eq23,c3,simplify=False,check=False)
(Those are the really expensive parts of the call to solve.)


Symbolic simplification of algebraic expressions composed of complex numbers

I have a question concerning the symbolic simplification of algebraic expressions composed of complex numbers. I have executed the following Python script:
from sympy import *
expr1 = 3*(2 - 11*I)**Rational(1, 3)*(2 + 11*I)**Rational(2, 3)
expr2 = 3*((2 - 11*I)*(2 + 11*I))**Rational(1, 3)*(2 + 11*I)**Rational(1, 3)
print("expr1 = {0}".format(expr1))
print("expr2 = {0}\n".format(expr2))
print("simplify(expr1) = {0}".format(simplify(expr1)))
print("simplify(expr2) = {0}\n".format(simplify(expr2)))
print("expand(expr1) = {0}".format(expand(expr1)))
print("expand(expr2) = {0}\n".format(expand(expr2)))
print("expr1.equals(expr2) = {0}".format(expr1.equals(expr2)))
The output is:
expr1 = 3*(2 - 11*I)**(1/3)*(2 + 11*I)**(2/3)
expr2 = 3*((2 - 11*I)*(2 + 11*I))**(1/3)*(2 + 11*I)**(1/3)
simplify(expr1) = 3*(2 - 11*I)**(1/3)*(2 + 11*I)**(2/3)
simplify(expr2) = 15*(2 + 11*I)**(1/3)
expand(expr1) = 3*(2 - 11*I)**(1/3)*(2 + 11*I)**(2/3)
expand(expr2) = 15*(2 + 11*I)**(1/3)
expr1.equals(expr2) = True
My questions is why the simplifications does not work for expr1 but
works for expr2 thoug the expressions are algebraically equal.
What has to be done to get the same result from simplify for expr1 as for expr2?
Thanks in advance for your replys.
Kind regards
You can use the minimal polynomial to place algebraic numbers into a canonical representation:
In [30]: x = symbols('x')
In [31]: p1 = minpoly(expr1, x, polys=True)
In [32]: p2 = minpoly(expr2, x, polys=True)
In [33]: p1
Out[33]: Poly(x**2 - 60*x + 1125, x, domain='QQ')
In [34]: p2
Out[34]: Poly(x**2 - 60*x + 1125, x, domain='QQ')
In [35]: [r for r in p1.all_roots() if p1.same_root(r, expr1)]
Out[35]: [30 + 15⋅ⅈ]
In [36]: [r for r in p2.all_roots() if p2.same_root(r, expr2)]
Out[36]: [30 + 15⋅ⅈ]
This method should work for any two expressions representing algebraic numbers through algebraic operations: either they give the precise same result or they are distinct numbers.
It works (but nominally) for expr1 because when the product in the radical is expanded you get the cube root of 125 which is reported as 5. But SymPy tries to be careful about putting radicals together under a common exponent, an operation that is not generally valid (e.g. root(-1, 3)*root(-1,3) != root(1, 3) because the principle values are used for the roots. But if you want the bases to combine under a common exponent, you can force it to happen with powsimp:
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> from sympy import powsimp, root, solve, numer, together
>>> powsimp(root(x,3)*root(y,3), force=True)
But that only works if the exponents are the same:
>>> powsimp(root(x,3)*root(y,3)**2, force=True)
As you saw, equals was able to show that the two expressions were the same. One way this could be done is to solve for root(2 + 11*I, 3) and see if any of the resulting expression are the same:
>>> solve(expr1 - expr2, root(2 + 11*I,3))
[0, 5/(2 - 11*I)**(1/3)]
We can check the non-zero candidate:
>>> numer(together(_[1]-root(2+11*I,3)))
-(2 - 11*I)**(1/3)*(2 + 11*I)**(1/3) + 5
>>> powsimp(_, force=True)
5 - ((2 - 11*I)*(2 + 11*I))**(1/3)
>>> expand(_)
So we have shown (with force) that the expression was the same as that for which we solved. (And, as Oscar showed while I was writing this, minpoly is a nice candidate when it works: e.g. minpoly(expr1-expr2) -> x which means expr1 == expr2.)

Why does SymPy solve give empty set for high-order polynomial?

I have to find the equilibrium points where the nullclines intersect. My code is as below.
>>> from sympy import symbols, Eq, solve
>>> A,M = symbols('A M')
>>> dMdt = Eq(1.05 - (1/(1 + pow(A,5))) - M)
>>> dAdt = Eq(M*1 - 0.5*A - M*A/(2 + A))
>>> solve((dMdt,dAdt), (M,A))
Why is it not giving a solution?
You will see why as I work to get the solution.
I'm going to write the equations as e1 and e2 -- use of Eq without a second arg no longer works (or does so with a warning in the latest versions of SymPy):
>>> from sympy import solve, nsimplify, factor, real_roots
>>> from sympy.abc import A, M
>>> e1 = (1.05 - (1/(1 + pow(A,5))) - M)
>>> e2 = (M*1 - 0.5*A - M*A/(2 + A))
Solve for M using e1
>>> eM = solve(e1, M)[0]
Substitute into e2
>>> e22 = e2.subs(M, eM); e22
-0.5*A - 0.05*A*(21.0*A**5 + 1.0)/((A + 2)*(A**5 + 1.0)) + 0.05*(21.0*A**5 + 1.0)/(A**5 + 1.0)
Get the numerator and denominator
>>> n,d=e22.as_numer_denom()
Find the real roots for this expression (which depends only on A)
>>> rA = real_roots(n)
Find the corresponding values of M by substituting each into eM:
>>> [(a.n(2), eM.subs(A, a).n(2)) for a in rA]
[(-3.3, 1.1), (-1.0, zoo), (-0.74, -0.23), (0.095, 0.050)]
That root of A = -1 is spurious -- if you look at your denominator of e1 you will see that such a value causes division by zero. So that root can be ignored. The others can be verified graphically.
Why didn't solve give the solution? It couldn't give the solution for this high-order polynomial in closed form. Even if you factor the numerator described above (and make floats into Rationals with nsimplify) you have a factor of degree 7:
>>> factor(nsimplify(n))
-(A + 1)*(A**4 - A**3 + A**2 - A + 1)*(5*A**7 + 10*A**6 - 21*A**5 + 5*A**2 + 10*A - 1)/10

How to fix solver values when returned only the formula

I am using solver to find the zeros in the following equation. Solver returns only the formula of each one. How can i make it return for me a list of all the values calculated.
from sympy import *
A, B, C, D, r_w, r_j, r, R = symbols('A B C D rw1 rj1 r R')
equation=-pi*r**2*(A + B/(r/r_j + 1)) + pi*r**2*(C + D/(r/r_w + 1))
why do i get returned the equations and not the values as a list. Please HELP!
It looks like things are a little scrambled here. But the short answer is that SymPy is a symbolic calculator and, except for combining numbers together automatically (like 1 + 2 -> 3), it doesn't compute sqrt(2) + 1 as 2.414... unless you tell it to. And one way to "tell it to do it" is nfloat:
>>> sol = solve(substitued.diff(r), r)
>>> nfloat(sol,3)
[0.0, -6.07 - 2.81*I, -6.07 + 2.81*I, -1.29, 0.386]
There is also nsolve if you want numerical approximations of your solutions, but for an equation like this where there are multiple roots, you will have to supply an initial guess to help the solver find the root in which you are interested. Here is a simpler equation to demonstrate:
>>> sol = solve(x**2+x-sqrt(3))
>>> sol
[-1/2 + sqrt(1 + 4*sqrt(3))/2, -sqrt(1 + 4*sqrt(3))/2 - 1/2]
>>> nfloat(sol, 3)
[0.908, -1.91]
>>> nsolve(x**2+x-sqrt(3), x, 1)
>>> nsolve(x**2+x-sqrt(3), x, -1)

Sympy outputs a derivative with log(e)

I'm using Sympy to calculate derivatives and some other things. I tried to calculate the derivative of "e**x + x + 1", and it returns e**x*log(e) + 1 as the result, but as far as I know the correct result should be e**x + 1. What's going on here?
Full code:
from sympy import *
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
x = symbols("x")
_fOfX = "e**x + x + 1"
sympyFunction = parse_expr(_fOfX)
dSeconda = diff(sympyFunction,x,1)
The answer correctly includes log(e) because you never specified what "e" is. It's just a letter like "a" or "b".
The Euler number 2.71828... is represented as E in SymPy. But usually, writing exp(x) is preferable because the notation is unambiguous, and also because SymPy is going to return exp(x) anyway. Examples:
>>> fx = E**x + x + 1
>>> diff(fx, x, 1)
exp(x) + 1
or with exp notation:
>>> fx = exp(x) + x + 1
>>> diff(fx, x, 1)
exp(x) + 1
Avoid creating expressions by parsing strings, unless you really need to and know why you need it.

How to evaluate the constants SymPy gives with initial condition?

How can I evaluate the constants C1 and C2 from a solution of a differential equation SymPy gives me? There are the initial condition f(0)=0 and f(pi/2)=3.
>>> from sympy import *
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> x = Symbol('x')
>>> dsolve(f(x).diff(x,2)+f(x),f(x))
f(x) == C1*sin(x) + C2*cos(x)
I tried some ics stuff but it's not working. Example:
>>> dsolve(f(x).diff(x,2)+f(x),f(x), ics={f(0):0, f(pi/2):3})
f(x) == C1*sin(x) + C2*cos(x)
By the way: C2 = 0 and C1 = 3.
There's a pull request implementing initial/boundary conditions, which was merged and should be released in SymPy 1.2. Meanwhile, one can solve for constants like this:
sol = dsolve(f(x).diff(x,2)+f(x),f(x)).rhs
constants = solve([sol.subs(x,0), sol.subs(x, math.pi/2) - 3])
final_answer = sol.subs(constants)
The code returns final_answer as 3.0*sin(x).
solve may return a list of solutions, in which case one would have to substitute constants[0], etc. To force it to return a list in any case (for consistency), use dict=True:
constants = solve([sol.subs(x,0), sol.subs(x, math.pi/2) - 3], dict=True)
final_answer = sol.subs(constants[0])
If the equation contains parameters, solve may or may not solve for the variables you want (C1 and C2). This can be ensured as follows:
constants = solve([sol.subs(x,0), sol.subs(x, math.pi/2) - 3], symbols('C1 C2'))
where again, dict=True would force the list format of the output.

