How to define a function that output another function? - python

I want to define a function that takes some arguments as input, and uses them to make another function, then outputs the new function.
For example:
makeIncrease(n) --> return a function that takes an argument, and return (argument + n)
applyIncrease(increaseFn, m) --> will apply increaseFn to argument m
So if I do this: applyIncrease(makeIncrease(n), m) --> will return m+n
How can I do it in python?

You can read about decorators in Python for more on this. For your specific question:
def applyIncrease(increaseFn, m):
return increaseFn(m)
def makeIncrease(n):
def _innerFn(arg):
return arg + n
return _innerFn
applyIncrease accepts a function and argument, and applies the function to the argument.
makeIncrease accepts an argument n.
Let's say n=2 for the sake of an example. makeIncrease(2) returns a function that takes an argument and adds 2 to it.
Although I began _innerFn with an underscore, this is only a convention - the underscore is not required for the decorator to work.
Note also that functions are first class objects in Python, and that makeIncrease returns _innerFn and not _innerFn(). Return functions exactly as you would variables or object references - no parentheses.
Here are your functions in the interpreter. Note that the object reference wrapped_function refers to _innerFn, i.e. the return value of makeIncrease(2)
>>> wrapped_function = makeIncrease(2)
>>> wrapped_function
<function _innerFn at 0x100496758>
>>> total = applyIncrease(wrapped_function, 3)
>>> total

class Example:
def result():
def nestedResult(a,b):
multiply = a*b
return multiply
return nestedResult
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = result()
print "multiplication_result:", x(1,10)


Is there a way to have a lambda reference inside a function always return the opposite bool value?

If I have a function that takes in a lambda reference as a parameter, and returns that reference so when it's called, it returns the value of that lambda function (boolean).
Is there a way to have it return the opposite boolean value?
def returns_diff(lambda_function):
return lambda_function
f = returns_diff(lambda x : x > 2)
# I know I can do it this way but I want to do it inside the function.
# print(not(f(0)))
---> Should return True because it's supposed to return False since 0 is not bigger than two (return the opposite value of the lambda function)
I know I can just do: not(f(0)) when calling it, but I want to do it inside the function, not when I call it.
If you want to generate a function that returns the boolean opposite of a given function, you can do it like this:
def returns_diff(func):
return lambda x: not func(x)
f = returns_diff(lambda x: x>2)
f(0) # returns True
That's assuming the functions take one argument, as in your question. You can also make a version that works for functions with any number of positional or keyword arguments:
def returns_diff(func):
return lambda *args, **kwargs: not func(*args, **kwargs)
Can i use classes? Or it need to be just plain functions? With classes i would do
class diff:
def __init__(self,lambda_func):
self.lambda_func = lambda_func
def __call__(self,x):
return not(self.lambda_func(x))
f = diff(lambda x: x > 2)
f(0) #True

What is the syntax for the input for a def function with multiple nested functions?

I'm learning Python right now and I am just trying to get to grips with all of the syntax options.
Currently, the only thing that I can't seem to google up is what to do if I for some reason want to define a function which contains multiple other defines.
While I understand what to do if there's only 1 define inside the the larger define (val = f()(3,4) returns 7 if you exclude the second def below), I don't know how to correctly use the function below.
If it's possible, what is the syntax for a def function with an arbitrary amount of defined functions within it?
def f():
def x(a,b):
return a + b
return x
def y(c,d):
return c + d
return y
val = f()(3,4)(5,6)
I expected the above to return either (7,11) or 11. However, it returns 'int object is not callable'
When you write val = f()(3,4)(5,6), you want f to return a function that also returns a function; compare with the simpler multi-line call:
t1 = f()
t2 = t1(3,4)
val = t2(5,6)
The function f defines and returns also has to define and return a function that can be called with 2 arguments. So, as #jonrsharpe said, you need more nesting:
def f():
def x(a, b):
def y(c, d):
return c + d
return y
return x
Now, f() produces the function named x, and f()(3,4) produces the function named y (ignoring its arguments 3 and 4 in the process), and f()(3,4)(5,6) evaluates (ultimately) to 5 + 6.

Get function arguments value by pointer to this function?

I'd like to get value of function arguments by pointer to that function.
def cons(a, b):
def pair(f):
return f(a, b)
return pair
def car(cons):
# local_a = cons.a
# return local_a
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert car(cons(3, 4)) == 3
You're on the wrong track. Looking at the code in the new version of your question, you're trying to extract the first element of a Church pair.
cons(3, 4) evaluates to a function that, when passed another function f, returns f(3, 4). To extract the 3, you should pass it a function that takes two arguments and returns its first argument:
def car(pair):
def firstarg(x, y):
return x
return pair(firstarg)
Then car(cons(3, 4)) calls cons(3, 4)(firstarg), which calls firstarg(3, 4), which returns 3.
Creating a Signature for the function is easy via the signature function:
from inspect import signature
def someMethod(self, arg1, kwarg1=None):
sig = signature(someMethod)
Now, you can either view its parameters quickly by string it:
str(sig) # returns: '(self, arg1, kwarg1=None)'
or you can also get a mapping of attribute names to parameter objects via sig.parameters.
params = sig.parameters
print(params['kwarg1']) # prints: kwarg1=20
Additionally, you can call len on sig.parameters to also see the number of arguments this function requires:
print(len(params)) # 3
Each entry in the params mapping is actually a Parameter object that has further attributes making your life easier. For example, grabbing a parameter and viewing its default value is now easily performed with:
kwarg1 = params['kwarg1']
kwarg1.default # returns: None
similarly for the rest of the objects contained in parameters.

Python why do my nested functions give a Nonetype error?

I'm new to programming.
def start():
x = 4
def addition():
n = 3
def exponential():
z = 2
def multiplication():
l = 2
print(x + n ** z * l)
return multiplication
equals = start()
why am I getting a "Nonetype" object is not callable error?
You're confusing a bunch of programming concepts:
Don't declare a function whenever you only need a statement
You're confusing function declaration with function call (invocation), and also the nesting is pointless. Declaring nested fn2 inside of fn1 doesn't magically also call fn2 and also transmit its return-value back to fn1. You still have to use an explicit return-statement from each fn.(If you forget that, you're implicitly returning None, which is almost surely not what you want)
For now, just don't ever nest functions at all.
Functions with no arguments are essentially useless, they can't take inputs and compute a result. Figure out what their arguments should be.
Specifically for the code you posted, addition(), multiplication() don't have any return value at all, i.e. None. exponential() returns multiplication, i.e. a function which only returns None. But then, both addition() and start() ignore that anyway, since they don't have a return-statement either, hence they implicitly return None.
Calling start() just gives you None, so you're just assigning equals = None. Not the result of some mathematical expression like you intended.
reduce every unnecessary function to just a statement
declare each of your functions separately (non-nested)
each fn must have args (in this case at least two args, to make any sense)
each fn must have a return statement returning some value
only declaring a function and never calling it means it never gets run.
put an empty line in between function declarations (Then it's obvious if you forgot the return-statement)
Credits goes to #BrenBarn for being first to answer this. But I wanna post the code to make it more clear, and point out to some ways to make it better.
def start():
x = 4
def addition():
n = 3
def exponential():
z = 2
def multiplication():
l = 2
print (x + n ** z * l)
return multiplication()
return exponential()
return addition()
equals = start()
print equals #Output: 22
However, this is not the best way to list different methods. You should learn how to use a class in your python code.
I am going to define a class called "mathOperations". I will define three methods (functions): addition,exponential, multiplication. These functions are reusable.
class mathOperations():
def addition(self,x,y):
return x+y
def exponential(self,x,y):
return x**y
def multiplication(self,x,y):
return x*y
m= mathOperations()
result= m.addition(x,m.multiplication(m.exponential(n,z),l))
print result #Output:22
You should learn how to make your code reusable, try to google "procedural programming"; "Oriented Object Programming", or check "Learn Python the hard way" book. These are first and most used approach to make your code reusable. Think of it like a generic mathematical function to solve problems.

Python - Passing a function into another function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Python function as a function argument?
(10 answers)
Closed last month.
I am solving a puzzle using python and depending on which puzzle I am solving I will have to use a special set of rules. How can I pass a function into another function in Python?
def Game(listA, listB, rules):
if rules == True:
def Rule1(v):
if "variable_name1" in v:
return False
elif "variable_name2" in v:
return False
return True
def Rule2(v):
if "variable_name3" and "variable_name4" in v:
return False
elif "variable_name4" and variable_name1 in v:
return False
return True
This is just a pseudo code and therefore not specific but I get the code to compile but I need to know how to call the function Game and whether it's correctly defined since rules will be switched for either Rule1(v) or Rule2(v).
Just pass it in like any other parameter:
def a(x):
return "a(%s)" % (x,)
def b(f,x):
return f(x)
print b(a,10)
Treat function as variable in your program so you can just pass them to other functions easily:
def test ():
print "test was invoked"
def invoker(func):
invoker(test) # prints test was invoked
For passing both a function, and any arguments to the function:
from typing import Callable
def looper(fn: Callable, n:int, *args, **kwargs):
Call a function `n` times
fn: Callable
Function to be called.
n: int
Number of times to call `func`.
Positional arguments to be passed to `func`.
Keyword arguments to be passed to `func`.
>>> def foo(a:Union[float, int], b:Union[float, int]):
... '''The function to pass'''
... print(a+b)
>>> looper(foo, 3, 2, b=4)
for i in range(n):
fn(*args, **kwargs)
Depending on what you are doing, it could make sense to define a decorator, or perhaps use functools.partial.
Just pass it in, like this:
Game(list_a, list_b, Rule1)
and then your Game function could look something like this (still pseudocode):
def Game(listA, listB, rules=None):
if rules:
# do something useful
# ...
result = rules(variable) # this is how you can call your rule
# do something useful without rules
A function name can become a variable name (and thus be passed as an argument) by dropping the parentheses. A variable name can become a function name by adding the parentheses.
In your example, equate the variable rules to one of your functions, leaving off the parentheses and the mention of the argument. Then in your game() function, invoke rules( v ) with the parentheses and the v parameter.
if puzzle == type1:
rules = Rule1
rules = Rule2
def Game(listA, listB, rules):
if rules( v ) == True:

