This is a really simple question, and I don't know why I haven't got the answer to it, but does anyone know how to correctly add a timer in pygame for Python 3.4.1?
Here's what I have so far:
texta = font.render("Time:"+str(time), True, black)
screen.blit(texta, [500,100])
I have read solutions using loops and many others, but none have worked so far. I want a timer to be displayed on the screen and count the seconds it takes for the user to perform a certain task.
Here is a timer you can use
import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
time = 0 #In Seconds
while True:
milli = clock.tick() #clock.tick() returns how many milliseconds passed since the last time it was called
#So it tells you how long the while loop took
seconds = milli/1000.
time += seconds
print time #So you can see that this works
You can use jues velarde's code above and just print the time variable onto to your pygame surface using
font = pygame.font.Font(YourFont, YourSizeOfText)
text = font.render(str(time), 1, (YourColour)) # The time variable being in jues's code
DISPLAYSURF.blit(text, (YourXValue, YourYValue)
and you would just call this code in a loop when you want too, in your case, when you want to begin timing the user's task, But remember to run jues's code in your program as well so this will work.
Hope i helped!
I wanted to make a simple macro to hold down 'W' for some time, but even simple script like this does not work.
import time
import pyautogui
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller
keyboard = Controller()
If i test it in any text editor/text input window it will write one 'w' when script starts and anouther one after 8 seconds without holding/spaming it. And therefore it DOES NOT work in any games what should be the whole purpose of this script. I tried it in a huge variety of different games (Java Minecraft, source Gmod, Roblox and some unity games) and this script just was not working in any of them, but if a game has chat, search box or any other text input window, this script will write one 'w' and anouther one after some time in it.
I realy have no idea why this is happening, but i remembered that two years ago i tried to make similar script on pynput and it did work, so i tried installing old versions of pynput, but that did not help me as well...
So after a long time i could finaly take care of the issue, and i figured out that the source of the problem was in the Microsoft's DirectInput. Basically pynput and pyAutoGUI are not able to get in to DirectInput and there is no signal at all while I thought that there wwas a signal, but for so little amount of time that the games just were not able to pick it up. And the solution to this was pretty easy thanks to this guy PyAutoGUI not working? Use DirectInput. Thanks to his PyDirectInput librarry you are able to use python to emulate button presses and holdes in games!
This might be a start to work with:
#simulate keystroke for some amount of time
import msvcrt
import time
def press(char, duration, sleep, limit=None):
while True:
lim = limit
t1 = time.time()
while time.time() - t1 < duration: # do for duration specified
msvcrt.putch(char) # output character, putch() awaits a byte string
if lim: # limit specified?
lim -= 1
if lim == 0: # limit reached
if msvcrt.kbhit(): # key pressed?
char = msvcrt.getch()
press(b'w', .001, 2, None)
I took a computer science course this year (grade 10) and the final project is to make a game. For my game I want to add a hunger element where you start with 0 hunger and every minute you hunger goes up by 1 (in the game you buy food items to make your hunger go back down, but I will add that later). If your hunger reaches all the way to 10 (this would be after 11 minutes). You “die” and lose all your game progress - the program crashes (pygame.quit())
Can anyone help me with this doing this, I’m not really sure as I am extremely new to coding.
Have you tried generating any code for it yet? It is not really fair to ask people to give you code for your assessment without doing some real research and trying to get some code working for yourself first. Maybe update your question with anything you have attempted towards this question, to give a better explanation for what you are really needing help with? If you have not started yet, here is some guidance to get you started:
First of all you will need something that would generate a time counter for you, so you know when a minute passes. Check out: Countdown timer in Pygame for guidance on generating a timer and how to get how many seconds have passed. There is also a link in that question to the pygame timer documentation that would be very helpful.
Then, you just need to set up a "hunger" variable that gets added to every time 60 seconds have been reached. And once it hits 10, then have the game over method initiated.
Check out
Heres some code to get you going..
import pygame
run_app = True
time_passed = 0
COUNTER = 60 # Set to 60 seconds / 1 minute.
# Begin game loop.
while run_app:
# Convert to seconds.
time = (pygame.time.get_ticks()) / 1000
# True every 60 seconds / 1 minute.
if time > (time_passed + COUNTER):
time_passed = time
print("Do something here regarding hunger, Increase by 1")
Trying to create a text-based adventure that involves interacting with a computer. So I found a way to get text to appear as though it's being typed onto the screen but it was too slow initially, so I bumped up the speed but now it's lagging a bit and several characters are appearing at a time instead of one at a time like on a computer.
I tried adding in the fps = 60, time_delta = 1./fps and upping the fps but it didn't do anything.
import time
fps = 60
time_delta = 1./fps
def delay_print(s):
for c in s:
time.sleep (0.05)
You tried to change the values of fps and time_delta, but you didn't use them in your command
time.sleep (0.05)
You probably wanted
I want to have a delay between firing bullets for my character. I used to do this before in Java like:
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFire < 500) {
lastFire = System.currentTimeMillis();
However, how can I do this in pygame way, in order to get that sys currentTimeMillis.This is how my run (game loop) method looks like:
time_passed = 0
while not done:
# Process events (keystrokes, mouse clicks, etc)
done = game.process_events()
# Update object positions check for collisions...
# Render the current frame
# Pause for the next frame
# time passed since game started
time_passed += clock.get_time()
As you can see in the previous code, I have created time passed, but I'm not sure if that is correct way of code order, and what else im missing.
Your code is fine, if game.process_events and game.update works as expected.
Use pygame.time.get_ticks instead of the clock I mentioned earlier. It was using python's time module, so that clock and clock in your code meant different clocks. This is much better way.
#this should be done only once in your code *anywhere* before while loop starts
# when you fire, inside while loop
# should be ideally inside update method
if newtime-oldtime<500: #in milliseconds
Let me explain you what pygame.time.get_ticks() returns:
On first call, it returns time since pygame.init()
On all later calls, it returns time (in milliseconds) from the first call to get_ticks.
So, we store the oldtime and substract it from newtime to get time diff.
Or, even simpler, you can use pygame.time.set_timer
Before your loop:
firing_event = pygame.USEREVENT + 1
pygame.time.set_timer(firing_event, 500)
Then, an event of type firing_event will be posted onto the queue every 500 milliseconds. You can use this event to signal when to fire.
Despite hunting around I can't seem to find an answer to this seemingly simple question:
I'm new to pygame (but not to python), and am trying to get some code to work from continuous button presses - but get_pressed just does not seem to work for me. I made this just to check that I wasn't going insane (I've left out the importing to make it neat for you guys):
def buttonpress():
while True:
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
print keys[K_SPACE]
To the best of my knowledge, this should return a '1' when you press the space bar, but no matter what key you change it too - it simply returns an endless string of zeros.
What am I missing?
There is no code that processes the input to get all the keys pressed. In order for this to work you need to call event.poll().
So your code will look like this.
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import time
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,380))
def buttonpress():
while True:
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
print (keys[K_SPACE])
One more thing, do not use time.sleep(). This pauses the thread, and can cause the OS to think that your application does not respond (since it's not removing events from the event queue).