integrate.ode sets t0 values outside of my data range - python

I would like to solve the ODE dy/dt = -2y + data(t), between t=0..3, for y(t=0)=1.
I wrote the following code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
t = np.linspace(0, 3, 4)
data = [1, 2, 3, 4]
linear_interpolation = interp1d(t, data)
def func(y, t0):
print 't0', t0
return -2*y + linear_interpolation(t0)
soln = odeint(func, 1, t)
When I run this code, I get several errors like this:
ValueError: A value in x_new is above the interpolation range.
odepack.error: Error occurred while calling the Python function named
My interpolation range is between 0.0 and 3.0.
Printing the value of t0 in func, I realized that t0 is actually sometimes above my interpolation range: 3.07634612585, 3.0203768998, 3.00638459329, ... It's why linear_interpolation(t0) raises the ValueError exceptions.
I have a few questions:
how does integrate.ode makes t0 vary? Why does it make t0 exceed the infimum (3.0) of my interpolation range?
in spite of these errors, integrate.ode returns an array which seems to contain correct value. So, should I just catch and ignore these errors? Should I ignore them whatever the differential equation(s), the t range and the initial condition(s)?
if I shouldn't ignore these errors, what is the best way to avoid them? 2 suggestions:
in interp1d, I could set bounds_error=False and fill_value=data[-1] since the t0 outside of my interpolation range seem to be closed to t[-1]:
linear_interpolation = interp1d(t, data, bounds_error=False, fill_value=data[-1])
But first I would like to be sure that with any other func and any other data the t0 will always remain closed to t[-1]. For example, if integrate.ode chooses a t0 below my interpolation range, the fill_value would be still data[-1], which would not be correct. Maybe to know how integrate.ode makes t0 vary would help me to be sure of that (see my first question).
in func, I could enclose the linear_interpolation call in a try/except block, and, when I catch a ValueError, I recall linear_interpolation but with t0 truncated:
def func(y, t0):
interpolated_value = linear_interpolation(t0)
except ValueError:
interpolated_value = linear_interpolation(int(t0)) # truncate t0
return -2*y + interpolated_value
At least this solution permits linear_interpolation to still raise an exception if integrate.ode makes t0 >= 4.0 or t0 <= -1.0. I can then be alerted of incoherent behavior. But it is not really readable and the truncation seems to me a little arbitrary by now.
Maybe I'm just over-thinking about these errors. Please let me know.

It is normal for the odeint solver to evaluate your function at time values past the last requested time. Most ODE solvers work this way--they take internal time steps with sizes determined by their error control algorithm, and then use their own interpolation to evaluate the solution at the times requested by the user. Some solvers (e.g. the CVODE solver in the Sundials library) allow you to specify a hard bound on the time, beyond which the solver is not allowed to evaluate your equations, but odeint does not have such an option.
If you don't mind switching from scipy.integrate.odeint to scipy.integrate.ode, it looks like the "dopri5" and "dop853" solvers don't evaluate your function at times beyond the requested time. Two caveats:
The ode solvers use a different convention for the order of the arguments that define the differential equation. In the ode solvers, t is the first argument. (Yeah, I know, grumble, grumble...)
The "dopri5" and "dop853" solvers are for non-stiff systems. If your problem is stiff, they should still give correct answers, but they will do a lot more work than a stiff solver would do.
Here's a script that shows how to solve your example. To emphasize the change in the arguments, I renamed func to rhs.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import ode
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
t = np.linspace(0, 3, 4)
data = [1, 2, 3, 4]
linear_interpolation = interp1d(t, data)
def rhs(t, y):
"""The "right-hand side" of the differential equation."""
#print 't', t
return -2*y + linear_interpolation(t)
# Initial condition
y0 = 1
solver = ode(rhs).set_integrator("dop853")
k = 0
soln = [y0]
while solver.successful() and solver.t < t[-1]:
k += 1
# Convert the list to a numpy array.
soln = np.array(soln)
The rest of this answer looks at how you could continue to use odeint.
If you are only interested in linear interpolation, you could simply extend your data linearly, using the last two points of the data. A simple way to extend the data array is to append the value 2*data[-1] - data[-2] to the end of the array, and do the same for the t array. If the last time step in t is small, this might not be a sufficiently long extension to avoid the problem, so in the following, I've used a more general extension.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
t = np.linspace(0, 3, 4)
data = [1, 2, 3, 4]
# Slope of the last segment.
m = (data[-1] - data[-2]) / (t[-1] - t[-2])
# Amount of time by which to extend the interpolation.
dt = 3.0
# Extended final time.
t_ext = t[-1] + dt
# Extended final data value.
data_ext = data[-1] + m*dt
# Extended arrays.
extended_t = np.append(t, t_ext)
extended_data = np.append(data, data_ext)
linear_interpolation = interp1d(extended_t, extended_data)
def func(y, t0):
print 't0', t0
return -2*y + linear_interpolation(t0)
soln = odeint(func, 1, t)
If simply using the last two data points to extend the interpolator linearly is too crude, then you'll have to use some other method to extrapolate a little beyond the final t value given to odeint.
Another alternative is to include the final t value as an argument to func, and explicitly handle t values larger than it in func. Something like this, where extrapolation is something you'll have to figure out:
def func(y, t0, tmax):
if t0 > tmax:
f = -2*y + extrapolation(t0)
f = -2*y + linear_interpolation(t0)
return f
soln = odeint(func, 1, t, args=(t[-1],))


Problems using numpy.piecewise

1. The core problem and question
I will provide an executable example below, but let me first walk you through the problem first.
I am using solve_ivp from scipy.integrate to solve an initial value problem (see documentation). In fact I have to call the solver twice, to once integrate forward and once backward in time. (I would have to go unnecessarily deep into my concrete problem to explain why this is necessary, but please trust me here--it is!)
sol0 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0,-1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
sol1 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0, 1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
Here rhs is the right hand side function of the initial value problem y(t) = rhs(t,y). In my case, y has six components y[0] to y[5]. y0=y(0) is the initial condition. [0,±1e8] are the respective integration ranges, one forward and the other backward in time. rtol and atol are tolerances.
Importantly, you see that I flagged dense_output=True, which means that the solver does not only return the solutions on the numerical grids, but also as interpolation functions sol0.sol(t) and sol1.sol(t).
My main goal now is to define a piecewise function, say sol(t) which takes the value sol0.sol(t) for t<0 and the value sol1.sol(t) for t>=0. So the main question is: How do I do that?
I thought that numpy.piecewise should be tool of choice to do this for me. But I am having trouble using it, as you will see below, where I show you what I tried so far.
2. Example code
The code in the box below solves the initial value problem of my example. Most of the code is the definition of the rhs function, the details of which are not important to the question.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
# aux definitions and constants
sin=np.sin; cos=np.cos; tan=np.tan; sqrt=np.sqrt; pi=np.pi;
c = 299792458
Gm = 5.655090674872875e26
# define right hand side function of initial value problem, y'(t) = rhs(t,y)
def rhs(t,y):
p,e,i,Om,om,f = y
sinf=np.sin(f); cosf=np.cos(f); Q=sqrt(p/Gm); opecf=1+e*cosf;
R = Gm**2/(c**2*p**3)*opecf**2*(3*(e**2 + 1) + 2*e*cosf - 4*e**2*cosf**2)
S = Gm**2/(c**2*p**3)*4*opecf**3*e*sinf
rhs = np.zeros(6)
rhs[0] = 2*sqrt(p**3/Gm)/opecf*S
rhs[1] = Q*(sinf*R + (2*cosf + e*(1 + cosf**2))/opecf*S)
rhs[2] = 0
rhs[3] = 0
rhs[4] = Q/e*(-cosf*R + (2 + e*cosf)/opecf*sinf*S)
rhs[5] = sqrt(Gm/p**3)*opecf**2 + Q/e*(cosf*R - (2 + e*cosf)/opecf*sinf*S)
return rhs
# define initial values, y0
# integrate twice from t = 0, once backward in time (sol0) and once forward in time (sol1)
sol0 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0,-1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
sol1 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0, 1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
The solution functions can be addressed from here by sol0.sol and sol1.sol respectively. As an example, let's plot the 4th component:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
t0 = np.linspace(-1,0,500)*1e8
t1 = np.linspace( 0,1,500)*1e8
plt.title('plot 1')
3. Failing attempts to build piecewise function
3.1 Build vector valued piecewise function directly out of sol0.sol and sol1.sol
def sol(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol0.sol,sol1.sol])
t = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)*1e8
This leads to the following error in piecewise in line 628 of .../numpy/lib/
TypeError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment requires a 0 or 1-dimensional input, input has 2 dimensions
I am not sure, but I do think this is because of the following: In the documentation of piecewise it says about the third argument:
funclistlist of callables, f(x,*args,**kw), or scalars
[...]. It should take a 1d array as input and give an 1d array or a scalar value as output. [...].
I suppose the problem is, that the solution in my case has six components. Hence, evaluated on a time grid the output would be a 2d array. Can someone confirm, that this is indeed the problem? Since I think this really limits the usefulness of piecewiseby a lot.
3.2 Try the same, but just for one component (e.g. for the 4th)
def sol4(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol0.sol(t)[4],sol1.sol(t)[4]])
t = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)*1e8
This results in this error in line 624 of the same file as above:
ValueError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment cannot assign 1000 input values to the 500 output values where the mask is true
Contrary to the previous error, unfortunately here I have so far no idea why it is not working.
3.3 Similar attempt, however first defining functions for the 4th components
def sol40(t): return sol0.sol(t)[4]
def sol41(t): return sol1.sol(t)[4]
def sol4(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol40,sol41])
t = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)
plt.title('plot 2')
Now this does not result in an error, and I can produce a plot, however this plot doesn't look like it should. It should look like plot 1 above. Also here, I so far have no clue what is going on.
Am thankful for help!
You can take a look to numpy.piecewise source code. There is nothing special in this function so I suggest to do everything manually.
def sol(t):
ans = np.empty((6, len(t)))
ans[:, t<0] = sol0.sol(t[t<0])
ans[:, t>=0] = sol1.sol(t[t>=0])
return ans
Regarding your failed attempts. Yes, piecewise excpect functions return 1d array. Your second attempt failed because documentation says that funclist argument should be list of functions or scalars but you send the list of arrays. Contrary to the documentation it works even with arrays, you just should use the arrays of the same size as t < 0 and t >= 0 like:
def sol4(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol0.sol(t[t<0])[4],sol1.sol(t[t>=0])[4]])

Speeding up Evaluation of Sympy Symbolic Expressions

A Python program I am currently working on (Gaussian process classification) is bottlenecking on evaluation of Sympy symbolic matrices, and I can't figure out what I can, if anything, do to speed it up. Other parts of the program I've already ensured are typed properly (in terms of numpy arrays) so calculations between them are properly vectorised, etc.
I looked into Sympy's codegen functions a bit (autowrap, binary_function) in particular, but because my within my ImmutableMatrix object itself are partial derivatives over elements of a symbolic matrix, there is a long list of 'unhashable' things which prevent me from using the codegen functionality.
Another possibility I looked into was using Theano - but after some initial benchmarks, I found that while it build the initial partial derivative symbolic matrices much quicker, it seemed to be a few orders of magnitude slower at evaluation, the opposite of what I was seeking.
Below is a working, extracted snippet of the code I am currently working on.
import theano
import sympy
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import binary_function
import numpy as np
import math
from datetime import datetime
# 'Vectorized' cdist that can handle symbols/arbitrary types - preliminary benchmarking put it at ~15 times faster than python list comprehension, but still notably slower (forgot at the moment) than cdist, of course
def sqeucl_dist(x, xs):
m = np.sum(np.power(
np.repeat(x[:,None,:], len(xs), axis=1) -
np.resize(xs, (len(x), xs.shape[0], xs.shape[1])),
2), axis=2)
return m
def build_symbolic_derivatives(X):
# Pre-calculate derivatives of inverted matrix to substitute values in the Squared Exponential NLL gradient
f_err_sym, n_err_sym = sympy.symbols("f_err, n_err")
# (1,n) shape 'matrix' (vector) of length scales for each dimension
l_scale_sym = sympy.MatrixSymbol('l', 1, X.shape[1])
# K matrix
print("Building sympy matrix...")
eucl_dist_m = sqeucl_dist(X/l_scale_sym, X/l_scale_sym)
m = sympy.Matrix(f_err_sym**2 * math.e**(-0.5 * eucl_dist_m)
+ n_err_sym**2 * np.identity(len(X)))
# Element-wise derivative of K matrix over each of the hyperparameters
print("Getting partial derivatives over all hyperparameters...")
pd_t1 =
dK_df = m.diff(f_err_sym)
dK_dls = [m.diff(l_scale_sym) for l_scale_sym in l_scale_sym]
dK_dn = m.diff(n_err_sym)
print("Took: {}".format( - pd_t1))
# Lambdify each of the dK/dts to speed up substitutions per optimization iteration
print("Lambdifying ")
l_t1 =
dK_dthetas = [dK_df] + dK_dls + [dK_dn]
dK_dthetas = sympy.lambdify((f_err_sym, l_scale_sym, n_err_sym), dK_dthetas, 'numpy')
print("Took: {}".format( - l_t1))
return dK_dthetas
# Evaluates each dK_dtheta pre-calculated symbolic lambda with current iteration's hyperparameters
def eval_dK_dthetas(dK_dthetas_raw, f_err, l_scales, n_err):
l_scales = sympy.Matrix(l_scales.reshape(1, len(l_scales)))
return np.array(dK_dthetas_raw(f_err, l_scales, n_err), dtype=np.float64)
dimensions = 3
X = np.random.rand(50, dimensions)
dK_dthetas_raw = build_symbolic_derivatives(X)
f_err = np.random.rand()
l_scales = np.random.rand(3)
n_err = np.random.rand()
t1 =
dK_dthetas = eval_dK_dthetas(dK_dthetas_raw, f_err, l_scales, n_err) # ~99.7%
print( - t1)
In this example, 5 50x50 symbolic matrices are evaluated, i.e. only 12,500 elements, taking 7 seconds. I've spent quite some time looking for resources on speeding operations like this up, and trying to translate it into Theano (at least until I found its evaluation slower in my case) and having no luck there either.
Any help greatly appreciated!

How to minimize a multivariable function using scipy

So I have the function
f(x) = I_0(exp(Q*x/nKT)
Where Q, K and T are constants, for the sake of clarity I'll add the values
Q = 1.6x10^(-19)
K = 1.38x10^(-23)
T = 77.6
and n and I_0 are the two constraints that I'm trying to minimize.
my xdata is a list of 50 datapoints and as is my ydata. So as of yet this is my code:
from __future__ import division
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import numpy
xdata = numpy.array([1.07,1.07994,1.08752,1.09355,
ydata = [0.00205,
#data and ydata is experimental data, xdata is voltage and ydata is current
def f(x,I0,N):
# I0 = 7.85E-07
# N = 3.185413895
Q = 1.66E-19
K = 1.38065E-23
T = 77.3692
return I0*(numpy.e**((Q*x)/(N*K*T))-1)
result = optimize.curve_fit(f, xdata,ydata) #trying to minize I0 and N
But the answer doesn't give suitably optimized constraints
Any help would be hugely appreciated I realize there may be something obvious I am missing, I just can't see what it is!
I have tried this, but for some reason if you throw out those constants so function becomes
def f(x,I0,N):
return I0*(numpy.exp(x/N)-1)
you get something reasonable.
1.86901114e-13, 4.41838309e-02
Its true, that when we get rid off constants its better. Define function as:
def f(x,A,B):
return A*(np.e**(B*x)-1)
and fit it by curve_fit, you'll be able to get A that is explicitly I0 (A=I0) and B (you can obtain N simply by N=Q/(BKT) ). I managed to get pretty good fit.
I think if there is too much constants, algorithm gets confused some way.

Scipy minimize, fmin, leastsq type problems (setting array element with sequence), bad fit

I'm having trouble with the scipy.optimize.fmin and scipy.optimize.minimize functions. I've checked and confirmed that all the arguments passed to the function are of type numpy.array, as well as the return value of the error function. Also, the carreau function returns a scalar value.
The reason for some of the extra arguments, such as size, is this: I need to fit data with a given model (Carreau). The data is taken at different temperatures, which are corrected with a shift factor (which is also fitted by the model), I end up with several sets of data which should all be used to calculate the same 4 constants (parameters p).
I read that I can't pass the fmin function a list of arrays, so I had to concatenate all data into x_data_lin, keeping track of the different sets with the size parameter. t holds different test temperatures, while t_0 is a one-element array which holds the reference temperature.
I am positive (triple checked) that all the arguments passed to the function, as well as the result, are one-dimensional arrays. Here's the code aside from that:
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
from scipy.optimize import fmin as simplex
def err_func2(p, x, y, t, t_0, size):
result = array([])
temp = 0
for i in range(0, int(len(size)-1)):
for j in range(int(temp), int(temp+size[i])):
result = np.append(result, (carreau(p, x[j], t[i], t_0[0])-y[i]))
temp += size[i]
return result
p1 = simplex(err_func2, initial_guess,
args=(x_data_lin, y_data_lin, t_list, t_0, size), full_output=0)
Here's the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\Scripts\projects\Carreau - WLF\", line 146, in <module>
File "C:\Python27\Scripts\projects\Carreau - WLF\", line 105, in main
args=(x_data_lin, y_data_lin, t_list, t_0, size), full_output=0)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\optimize\", line 351, in fmin
res = _minimize_neldermead(func, x0, args, callback=callback, **opts)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\optimize\", line 415, in _minimize_neldermead
fsim[0] = func(x0)
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
It's worth noting that I got the leastsq function working while passing it lists of arrays. Unfortunately, it did a poor job of fitting the data. But, as it took me a lot of time and research to get to that point, I'll post the code as follows. If somebody is interested in seeing all of the code, I would gladly post it, if you can recommend me somewhere to upload a few files(as it includes another imported script and of course sample data):
##def error_function(p, x, y, t, t_0):
## result = array([])
## for index in range(len(x)):
## result = np.append(result,(carreau(p, x[index],
## t[index], t_0) - y[index]))
## return result
## p1, success = scipy.optimize.leastsq(error_function, initial_guess,
## args=(x_list, y_list, t_list, t_0),
## maxfev=10000)
:( I was going to post a picture of the graphed data with the leastsq fit, but I don't have the requisite 10 points.
Late Edit: I now have gotten optimize.curvefit and optimize.leastsq to work (which probably not-so-coincidentally give the same answer), but the curve is bad. I've been trying to figure out optimize.minimize, but it's been a bit of a headache. the simplex (fmin, Nelder_Mead, whatever you want to call it) will run, but produces a crazy answer nowhere close. I've never worked with nonlinear optimization problems before, and I don't really know what direction to head.
Here's the working curve_fit code:
def temp_shift(t_s, t, t_0):
""" This function calculates the a_t temperature shift factor for polymer
viscosity curves. Variable is the standard temperature, t_s
C_1 = 8.86
C_2 = 101.6
(C_1*(t_0-t_s) / (C_2+(t_0-t_s))) - (C_1*(t-t_s) / (C_2 + (t-t_s)))
def pass_data(t, t_0):
def carreau_2(x, p0, p1, p2, p3):
visc_0 = p0
m = p1
n = p2
t_s = p3
a_T = temp_shift(p3, t, t_0)
return (visc_0 * a_T / (1 + m * x * a_T)**n)
return carreau_2
initial_guess = array([20000, 3, 0.94, -20])
p1, conv = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(pass_data(t_all, t_0), x_data_lin,
y_data_lin, initial_guess)
Here's some sample data:
x_data_lin = array([0.01998, 0.04304, 0.2004, 0.43160, 0.92870, 2.0000, 4.30900,
9.28500, 15.51954, 21.94936, 37.52960, 90.41786, 204.35230,
331.58495, 811.92250, 1694.55309, 3464.27648, 8826.65738,
y_data_lin = array([13520.00000, 13740.00000, 12540.00000, 9384.00000, 5201,
3232.00000, 2094.00000, 1484.00000, 999.00000, 1162.05088
942.56946, 705.62489, 429.47341, 254.15136, 185.22916,
122.07113, 76.46324, 47.85064, 25.74315, 18.84875])
t_all = array([190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190,
190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190])
t_0 = 80
Here's a picture of the result of curve_fit (now that I have 10 points and can post!). Note there are 3 curves drawn because I used 3 sets of data to optimize the curve, at 3 different temperatures. Polymers have the property that the shear_rate - viscosity relationship stays the same, just shifted by a temperature factor a_T:
I'd really appreciate any suggestions about how to improve the fit, or how to define the function so that optimize.minimize works, and which method (Nelder-Mead, Powel, BFGS) might work.
Another edit to add: I got the Nelder-Mead (optimize.fmin, and the default of optimize.minimize) function to work - I'll include the revised error function below. Before, I simply summed the result array and returned it. This led to extremely negative values (obviously, since the function's goal is to minimize). Squaring the result before summing it solved that problem. Note that I also changed the function completely to take advantage of numpy's array broadcasting, as suggested by JaminSore (Thanks Jamin!)
def err_func2(p, x, y, t, t_0):
return ((carreau(p, x, t, t_0)-y)**2).sum()
Unfortunately, the Nelder-Mead function gives me the same result as leastsq and curve_fit. You can see in the graph above that it's not the optimal fit; in fact, at this point, Microsoft Excel's solver function is doing a better job on the data.
At least, I hope this thread can be useful for beginners to scipy.optimize in the future, since it's taken me quite awhile to discover all of this.
Unlike leastsq, fmin can only deal with error functions that return a scalar so if possible you have to rewrite your error function so that it returns a scalar. Here is a simple working example.
Import the necessary libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin
Define a helper function (you'll see later)
def prob(a, b):
return (1 + np.exp(b - a))**-1
Simulate some data
true_ = np.random.normal(size = 100) #parameters we're trying to recover
b = np.random.normal(size = 20)
exp_ = prob(true_[:, None], b) #expected
a_s, b_s = true_.shape[0], b.shape[0]
noise = np.random.uniform(size = (a_s, b_s))
response = (noise > (1 - exp_)).astype(int)
Define our error function (I'm using lambdas but this is not recommended in practice)
# sum of the squared residuals
err_func = lambda a : ((prob(a[:, None], b) - response) ** 2).sum()
result = fmin(err_func, np.zeros_like(true_)) #solve
If I remove the .sum() at the end of my error function definition, I get the same error.
OK, now I finally know the answer! First, the final piece, then a recap. The problem of the fit wasn't the fault of curve_fit, leastsq, Nelder_Mead, or Powell (the methods I've tried). It has to do with the relative weights of the errors. Since this data is on a log scale, the errors in the fit near the high y values are very costly, while errors near the low y values are insignificant. To correct this, I made the error relative by dividing by the y value of the data, as follows:
def err_func2(p, x, y, t, t_0):
return (((carreau(p, x, t, t_0)-y)/y)**2).sum()
Now, each relative error is squared, summed, then minimized, giving the following fit (using optimize.minimize with the Powell method, although it should be the same for the other methods as well.)
So now a recap of the answers found in this thread:
The easiest way (or at least for me, most fool-proof) to deal with curve fitting is to collect all the data into 1D numpy.arrays. Then, you can rely on numpy's array broadcasting to perform all operations. This means that arithmetic operations are treated the same way a vector dot-product would be. For example, array_1 = [a,b], array_2 = [c,d], then array_1 + array_2 = [a+c, b+d]. This works for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and powers: array+1array_2 = [ac, b**d].
For the optimize.leastsq function, you need to let the objective function return an array; i.e. return result where result is an array. For optimize.curve_fit, you also return an array. In this case, it's a bit more complicated to pass extra arguments (think other constants), but you can do it with a nested function, as I demonstrated above in the pass_data function.
For optimize.minimize, you need to return a scalar - that is, a single number. You can also return an array of answers, I think, but I avoided this by getting all the data into 1D arrays, as I mentioned earlier. To get this scalar, you can simply square and sum the result (like I have written in this post under err_func2) Squaring the data is very important, otherwise negative errors take over and drive the resulting scalar extremely negative.
Finally, as mentioned, when your data crosses several scales (105, 104, 10**3, etc), it may be necessary to normalize the errors. I did this by dividing each error by the y value.
So... I guess that's it? Finally?

Using adaptive step sizes with scipy.integrate.ode

The (brief) documentation for scipy.integrate.ode says that two methods (dopri5 and dop853) have stepsize control and dense output. Looking at the examples and the code itself, I can only see a very simple way to get output from an integrator. Namely, it looks like you just step the integrator forward by some fixed dt, get the function value(s) at that time, and repeat.
My problem has pretty variable timescales, so I'd like to just get the values at whatever time steps it needs to evaluate to achieve the required tolerances. That is, early on, things are changing slowly, so the output time steps can be big. But as things get interesting, the output time steps have to be smaller. I don't actually want dense output at equal intervals, I just want the time steps the adaptive function uses.
EDIT: Dense output
A related notion (almost the opposite) is "dense output", whereby the steps taken are as large as the stepper cares to take, but the values of the function are interpolated (usually with accuracy comparable to the accuracy of the stepper) to whatever you want. The fortran underlying scipy.integrate.ode is apparently capable of this, but ode does not have the interface. odeint, on the other hand, is based on a different code, and does evidently do dense output. (You can output every time your right-hand-side is called to see when that happens, and see that it has nothing to do with the output times.)
So I could still take advantage of adaptivity, as long as I could decide on the output time steps I want ahead of time. Unfortunately, for my favorite system, I don't even know what the approximate timescales are as functions of time, until I run the integration. So I'll have to combine the idea of taking one integrator step with this notion of dense output.
EDIT 2: Dense output again
Apparently, scipy 1.0.0 introduced support for dense output through a new interface. In particular, they recommend moving away from scipy.integrate.odeint and towards scipy.integrate.solve_ivp, which as a keyword dense_output. If set to True, the returned object has an attribute sol that you can call with an array of times, which then returns the integrated functions values at those times. That still doesn't solve the problem for this question, but it is useful in many cases.
Since SciPy 0.13.0,
The intermediate results from the dopri family of ODE solvers can
now be accessed by a solout callback function.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import ode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def logistic(t, y, r):
return r * y * (1.0 - y)
r = .01
t0 = 0
y0 = 1e-5
t1 = 5000.0
backend = 'dopri5'
# backend = 'dop853'
solver = ode(logistic).set_integrator(backend)
sol = []
def solout(t, y):
sol.append([t, *y])
solver.set_initial_value(y0, t0).set_f_params(r)
sol = np.array(sol)
plt.plot(sol[:,0], sol[:,1], 'b.-')
The result seems to be slightly different from Tim D's, although they both use the same backend. I suspect this having to do with FSAL property of dopri5. In Tim's approach, I think the result k7 from the seventh stage is discarded, so k1 is calculated afresh.
Note: There's a known bug with set_solout not working if you set it after setting initial values. It was fixed as of SciPy 0.17.0.
I've been looking at this to try to get the same result. It turns out you can use a hack to get the step-by-step results by setting nsteps=1 in the ode instantiation. It will generate a UserWarning at every step (this can be caught and suppressed).
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import ode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
def logistic(t, y, r):
return r * y * (1.0 - y)
r = .01
t0 = 0
y0 = 1e-5
t1 = 5000.0
#backend = 'vode'
backend = 'dopri5'
#backend = 'dop853'
solver = ode(logistic).set_integrator(backend, nsteps=1)
solver.set_initial_value(y0, t0).set_f_params(r)
# suppress Fortran-printed warning
solver._integrator.iwork[2] = -1
sol = []
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)
while solver.t < t1:
solver.integrate(t1, step=True)
sol.append([solver.t, solver.y])
sol = np.array(sol)
plt.plot(sol[:,0], sol[:,1], 'b.-')
The integrate method accepts a boolean argument step that tells the method to return a single internal step. However, it appears that the 'dopri5' and 'dop853' solvers do not support it.
The following code shows how you can get the internal steps taken by the solver when the 'vode' solver is used:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import ode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def logistic(t, y, r):
return r * y * (1.0 - y)
r = .01
t0 = 0
y0 = 1e-5
t1 = 5000.0
backend = 'vode'
#backend = 'dopri5'
#backend = 'dop853'
solver = ode(logistic).set_integrator(backend)
solver.set_initial_value(y0, t0).set_f_params(r)
sol = []
while solver.successful() and solver.t < t1:
solver.integrate(t1, step=True)
sol.append([solver.t, solver.y])
sol = np.array(sol)
plt.plot(sol[:,0], sol[:,1], 'b.-')
FYI, although an answer has been accepted already, I should point out for the historical record that dense output and arbitrary sampling from anywhere along the computed trajectory is natively supported in PyDSTool. This also includes a record of all the adaptively-determined time steps used internally by the solver. This interfaces with both dopri853 and radau5 and auto-generates the C code necessary to interface with them rather than relying on (much slower) python function callbacks for the right-hand side definition. None of these features are natively or efficiently provided in any other python-focused solver, to my knowledge.
Here's another option that should also work with dopri5 and dop853. Basically, the solver will call the logistic() function as often as needed to calculate intermediate values so that's where we store the results:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import ode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sol = []
def logistic(t, y, r):
sol.append([t, y])
return r * y * (1.0 - y)
r = .01
t0 = 0
y0 = 1e-5
t1 = 5000.0
# Maximum number of steps that the integrator is allowed
# to do along the whole interval [t0, t1].
N = 10000
#backend = 'vode'
backend = 'dopri5'
#backend = 'dop853'
solver = ode(logistic).set_integrator(backend, nsteps=N)
solver.set_initial_value(y0, t0).set_f_params(r)
# Single call to solver.integrate()
sol = np.array(sol)
plt.plot(sol[:,0], sol[:,1], 'b.-')

