I am trying to remove top 24 lines of a raw file, so I opened the original raw file(let's call it raw1.raw) and converted it to nparray, then I initialized a new array and remove the top24 lines, but after writing new array to the new binary file(raw2.raw), I found raw2 is 15.2mb only while the original file raw1.raw is like 30.6mb, my code:
import numpy as np
import imageio
import rawpy
import cv2
def ave():
fd = open('raw1.raw', 'rb')
rows = 3000 #around 3000, not the real rows
cols = 5100 #around 5100, not the real cols
f = np.fromfile(fd, dtype=np.uint8,count=rows*cols)
I_array = f.reshape((rows, cols)) #notice row, column format
im = np.zeros((rows - 24 , cols))
for i in range (len(I_array) - 24):
for j in range(len(I_array[i])):
im[i][j] = I_array[i + 24][j]
newFile = open("raw2.raw", "wb")
if __name__ == "__main__":
I tried to use im.astype('uint16') when write in the binary file, but the value would be wrong if I use uint16.
There must clearly be more data in your 'raw1.raw' file that you are not using. Are you sure that file wasn't created using 'uint16' data and you are just pulling out the first half as 'uint8' data? I just checked the writing of random data.
import os, numpy as np
x = np.random.randint(0,256,size=(3000,5100),dtype='uint8')
print(os.stat('testfile.raw').st_size) #I get 15.3MB.
So, 'uint8' for a 3000 by 5100 clearly takes up 15.3MB. I don't know how you got 30+.
############################ EDIT #########
Just to add more clarification. Do you realize that dtype does nothing more than change the "view" of your data? It doesn't effect the actual data that is saved in memory. This also goes for data that you read from a file. Take for example:
import numpy as np
#The way to understand x, is that x is taking 12 bytes in memory and using
#that information to hold 3 values. The first 4 bytes are the first value,
#the second 4 bytes are the second, etc.
x = np.array([1,2,3],dtype='uint32')
#Change x to display those 12 bytes at 6 different values. Doing this does
#NOT change the data that the array is holding. You are only changing the
#'view' of the data.
x.dtype = 'uint16'
In general (there are few special cases), changing the dtype doesn't change the underlying data. However, the conversion function .astype() does change the underlying data. If you have any array of 12 bytes viewed as 'int32' then running .astype('uint8') will take each entry (4 bytes) and covert it (known as casting) to a uint8 entry (1 byte). The new array will only have 3 bytes for the 3 entries. You can see this litterally:
x = np.array([1,2,3],dtype='uint32')
y = x.astype('uint8')
So, when we say that a file is 30mb, we mean that the file has (minus some header information) is 30,000,000 bytes which are exactly uint8s. 1 uint8 is 1 byte. If any array has 6000by5100 uint8s (bytes), then the array has 30,600,000 bytes of information in memory.
Likewise, if you read a file (DOES NOT MATTER THE FILE) and write np.fromfile(,dtype=np.uint8,count=15_300_000) then you told python to read EXACTLY 15_300_000 bytes (again 1 byte is 1 uint8) of information (15mb). If your file is 100mb, 40mb, or even 30mb, it would be completely irrelevant because you told python to only read the first 15mb of data.
I have two variables, one is b_d, the other is b_test_d.
When I type b_d in the console, it shows:
when I type b_test_d in the console, it shows:
Both of them are bytes type, but I can use numpy.frombuffer to read the b_d, but not the b_test_d. And they look very different. Why do I have these two types of bytes?
Thank you.
[A]nyone can point out how to use Json marshall to convert the byte to the same type of bytes as the first one?
This isn't the right question, but I think I know what you're asking. You say you're getting the 2nd array via JSON marshalling, but that it's also not under your control:
it was obtained by json marshal (convert a received float array to byte array, and then convert the result to base64 string, which is done by someone else)
That's fine though, you just have to do a few steps of processing to get to a state equivalent to the first set of bytes.
First, some context to what's going on. You've already seen that numpy can understand your first set of bytes.
>>> numpy.frombuffer(data)
[1.21 2.963 1. ]
Based on its output, it looks like numpy is interpreting your data as 3 doubles, with 8 bytes each (24 bytes total)...
>>> data = b'\\\x8f\xc2\xf5(\\\xf3?Nb\x10X9\xb4\x07#\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0?'
>>> len(data)
...which the struct module can also interpret.
# Separate into 3 doubles
x, y, z = data[:8], data[8:16], data[16:]
print([struct.unpack('d', i) for i in (x, y, z)])
[(1.21,), (2.963,), (1.0,)
There's actually (at least) 2 ways you can get a numpy array out of this.
Short way
1. Convert to string
# Original JSON data (snipped)
junk = b'[-2.1997713216,-1.4249271187,-1.1076795391,...]'
# Decode from bytes to a string (defaults to utf-8), then
# trim off the brackets (first and last characters in the string)
as_str = junk.decode()[1:-1]
2. Use numpy.fromstring
numpy.fromstring(as_str, dtype=float, sep=',')
# Produces:
array([-2.19977132, -1.42492712, -1.10767954, 1.5224958 , -0.17097962,
0.36638757, 0.14846441, -0.74159301, -1.76022319, 0.12660569,
0.60109348, -0.46641536, 1.56755258, 1.00836295, 1.4332793 ,
0.61133843, -1.80085406, -0.94434089, 1.09436704, -1.01146427,
1.44389263, -0.27094273, 0.29904625, 0.46501336, 0.25607913,
0.22576005, -2.40774298, -0.05099832, 1.00621871, 0.43150758,
... ])
Long way
Note: I found the fromstring method after writing this part up, figured I'd leave it here to at least help explain the byte differences.
1. Convert the JSON data into an array of numeric values.
# Original JSON data (snipped)
junk = b'[-2.1997713216,-1.4249271187,-1.1076795391,...]'
# Decode from bytes to a string - defaults to utf-8
junk = junk.decode()
# Trim off the brackets - First and last characters in the string
junk = junk[1:-1]
# Separate into values
junk = junk.split(',')
# Convert to numerical values
doubles = [float(val) for val in junk]
# Or, as a one-liner
doubles = [float(val) for val in junk.decode()[1:-1].split(',')]
# "doubles" currently holds:
2. Use struct to get byte-representations for the doubles
import struct
as_bytes = [struct.pack('d', val) for val in doubles]
# "as_bytes" currently holds:
b'+ ..\x0e\xb9\xf1\xbf',
3. Join all the double values (as bytes) into a single byte-string, then submit to numpy
new_data = b''.join(as_bytes)
# Produces:
array([-2.19977132, -1.42492712, -1.10767954, 1.5224958 , -0.17097962,
0.36638757, 0.14846441, -0.74159301, -1.76022319, 0.12660569,
0.60109348, -0.46641536, 1.56755258, 1.00836295, 1.4332793 ,
0.61133843, -1.80085406, -0.94434089, 1.09436704, -1.01146427,
1.44389263, -0.27094273, 0.29904625, 0.46501336, 0.25607913,
0.22576005, -2.40774298, -0.05099832, 1.00621871, 0.43150758,
... ])
A bytes object can be in any format. It is "just a bunch of bytes" without context. For display Python will represent byte values <128 as their ASCII value, and use hex escape codes (\x##) for others.
The first looks like IEEE 754 double precision floating point. numpy or struct can read it. The second one is in JSON format. Use the json module to read it:
import numpy as np
import json
import struct
b1 = b'\\\x8f\xc2\xf5(\\\xf3?Nb\x10X9\xb4\x07#\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0?'
b2 = b'[-2.1997713216,-1.4249271187,-1.1076795391,1.5224958034]'
j = json.loads(b2)
n = np.frombuffer(b1)
s = struct.unpack('3d',b1)
# To convert b2 into a b1 format
b = struct.pack('4d',*j)
[-2.1997713216, -1.4249271187, -1.1076795391, 1.5224958034]
[1.21 2.963 1. ]
(1.21, 2.963, 1.0)
b'\x08\x9b\xe7\xb4!\x99\x01\xc0\x0b\x00\xe0`\x80\xcc\xf6\xbf+ ..\x0e\xb9\xf1\xbfhg>\x8f$\\\xf8?'
so I asked everything in the title:
I have a wav file (written by PyAudio from an input audio) and I want to convert it in float data corresponding of the sound level (amplitude) to do some fourier transformation etc...
Anyone have an idea to convert WAV data to float?
I have identified two decent ways of doing this.
Method 1: using the wavefile module
Use this method if you don't mind installing some extra libraries which involved a bit of messing around on my Mac but which was easy on my Ubuntu server.
import wavefile
# returns the contents of the wav file as a double precision float array
def wav_to_floats(filename = 'file1.wav'):
w = wavefile.load(filename)
return w[1][0]
signal = wav_to_floats(sys.argv[1])
print "read "+str(len(signal))+" frames"
print "in the range "+str(min(signal))+" to "+str(max(signal))
Method 2: using the wave module
Use this method if you want less module install hassles.
Reads a wav file from the filesystem and converts it into floats in the range -1 to 1. It works with 16 bit files and if they are > 1 channel, will interleave the samples in the same way they are found in the file. For other bit depths, change the 'h' in the argument to struct.unpack according to the table at the bottom of this page:
It will not work for 24 bit files as there is no data type that is 24 bit, so there is no way to tell struct.unpack what to do.
import wave
import struct
import sys
def wav_to_floats(wave_file):
w = wave.open(wave_file)
astr = w.readframes(w.getnframes())
# convert binary chunks to short
a = struct.unpack("%ih" % (w.getnframes()* w.getnchannels()), astr)
a = [float(val) / pow(2, 15) for val in a]
return a
# read the wav file specified as first command line arg
signal = wav_to_floats(sys.argv[1])
print "read "+str(len(signal))+" frames"
print "in the range "+str(min(signal))+" to "+str(max(signal))
I spent hours trying to find the answer to this. The solution turns out to be really simple: struct.unpack is what you're looking for. The final code will look something like this:
rawdata=stream.read() # The raw PCM data in need of conversion
from struct import unpack # Import unpack -- this is what does the conversion
npts=len(rawdata) # Number of data points to be converted
formatstr='%ih' % npts # The format to convert the data; use '%iB' for unsigned PCM
int_data=unpack(formatstr,rawdata) # Convert from raw PCM to integer tuple
Most of the credit goes to Interpreting WAV Data. The only trick is getting the format right for unpack: it has to be the right number of bytes and the right format (signed or unsigned).
Most wave files are in PCM 16-bit integer format.
What you will want to:
Parse the header to known which format it is (check the link from Xophmeister)
Read the data, take the integer values and convert them to float
Integer values range from -32768 to 32767, and you need to convert to values from -1.0 to 1.0 in floating points.
I don't have the code in python, however in C++, here is a code excerpt if the PCM data is 16-bit integer, and convert it to float (32-bit):
short* pBuffer = (short*)pReadBuffer;
const float ONEOVERSHORTMAX = 3.0517578125e-5f; // 1/32768
unsigned int uFrameRead = dwRead / m_fmt.Format.nBlockAlign;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < uFrameCount * m_fmt.Format.nChannels; ++i )
short i16In = pBuffer[i];
out_pBuffer[i] = (float)i16In * ONEOVERSHORTMAX;
Be careful with stereo files, as the stereo PCM data in wave files is interleaved, meaning the data looks like LRLRLRLRLRLRLRLR (instead of LLLLLLLLRRRRRRRR). You may or may not need to de-interleave depending what you do with the data.
This version reads a wav file from the filesystem and converts it into floats in the range -1 to 1. It works with files of all sample widths and it will interleave the samples in the same way they are found in the file.
import wave
def read_wav_file(filename):
def get_int(bytes_obj):
an_int = int.from_bytes(bytes_obj, 'little', signed=sampwidth!=1)
return an_int - 128 * (sampwidth == 1)
with wave.open(filename, 'rb') as file:
sampwidth = file.getsampwidth()
frames = file.readframes(-1)
bytes_samples = (frames[i : i+sampwidth] for i in range(0, len(frames), sampwidth))
return [get_int(b) / pow(2, sampwidth * 8 - 1) for b in bytes_samples]
Also here is a link to the function that converts floats back to ints and writes them to desired wav file:
The Microsoft WAVE format is fairly well documented. See https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ for example. It wouldn't take much to write a file parser to open and interpret the data to get the information you require... That said, it's almost certainly been done before, so I'm sure someone will give an "easier" answer ;)