I have a DataFrame with one column of integers and string labels.
I want to join (as in sum up) two labels, while I replace the new label.
My DataFrame is:
import pandas as pd
pd.DataFrame(data=np.array([1,2,3,4]), index=['a','b','c','d'], columns=['cost'])
a 1
b 2
c 3
d 4
And I want to change it to:
a 1
b 2
c and d 7
don't know if there is a cleaner way but this works:
In [157]:
df.append(pd.DataFrame(index=['c and d'], data={'cost':df.loc[df.cost.isin([3,4])].sum().values})).drop(['c','d'])
a 1
b 2
c and d 7
We construct a dataframe to append to your existing one. We set the new index to 'c and d', then sum those rows where the labels are in 'c' and 'd', then finally drop those.
One option using df.reindex:
>>> df.loc['c and d'] = df.loc['c'] + df.loc['d']
>>> df.reindex(index=['a', 'b', 'c and d'])
>>> df
a 1
b 2
c and d 7
[3 rows x 1 columns]
You could name the index labels of the one's you want summed and use a groupby.
In [35]: df = df.rename(index={'d': 'c'})
In [36]: df.groupby(level=0).sum()
a 1
b 2
c 7
I have a dataframe as follows:
df['A'] = numpy.random.random(10)
df['B'] = numpy.random.random(10)
df['C'] = numpy.random.random(10)
df['Col_name'] = numpy.random.choice(['A','B','C'],size=10)
I want to obtain an output that uses 'Col_name' and the respective index of the dataframe row to lookup the value in the dataframe.
I can get the desired output this with .apply() follows:
df['output'] = df.apply(lambda x: x[ x['Col_name'] ], axis=1)
.apply() is slow over a large dataframe with it iterating row by row. Is there an obvious solution in pandas that is faster/vectorised?
You can also pick each column name (or give list of possible names) and then apply it as mask to filter your dataframe then pick values from desired column and assign them to all rows matching the mask. Then repeat this for another coulmn.
for column_name in df: #or: for column_name in ['A', 'B', 'C']
df.loc[df['Col_name']==column_name, 'output'] = df[column_name]
Rows that will not match any mask will have NaN values.
PS. Accodring to my test with 10000000 random rows - method with .apply() takes 2min 24s to finish while my method takes only 4,3s.
Use melt to flatten your dataframe and keep rows where Col_name equals to variable column:
df['output'] = df.melt('Col_name', ignore_index=False).query('Col_name == variable')['value']
# Output
A B C Col_name output
0 0.202197 0.430735 0.093551 B 0.430735
1 0.344753 0.979453 0.999160 C 0.999160
2 0.500904 0.778715 0.074786 A 0.500904
3 0.050951 0.317732 0.363027 B 0.317732
4 0.722624 0.026065 0.424639 C 0.424639
5 0.578185 0.626698 0.376692 C 0.376692
6 0.540849 0.805722 0.528886 A 0.540849
7 0.918618 0.869893 0.825991 C 0.825991
8 0.688967 0.203809 0.734467 B 0.203809
9 0.811571 0.010081 0.372657 B 0.010081
Transformation after melt:
>>> df.melt('Col_name', ignore_index=False)
Col_name variable value
0 B A 0.202197
1 C A 0.344753
2 A A 0.500904 # keep
3 B A 0.050951
4 C A 0.722624
5 C A 0.578185
6 A A 0.540849 # keep
7 C A 0.918618
8 B A 0.688967
9 B A 0.811571
0 B B 0.430735 # keep
1 C B 0.979453
2 A B 0.778715
3 B B 0.317732 # keep
4 C B 0.026065
5 C B 0.626698
6 A B 0.805722
7 C B 0.869893
8 B B 0.203809 # keep
9 B B 0.010081 # keep
0 B C 0.093551
1 C C 0.999160 # keep
2 A C 0.074786
3 B C 0.363027
4 C C 0.424639 # keep
5 C C 0.376692 # keep
6 A C 0.528886
7 C C 0.825991 # keep
8 B C 0.734467
9 B C 0.372657
Alternative with set_index and stack for #Rabinzel:
df['output'] = (
df.set_index('Col_name', append=True).stack()
.loc[lambda x: x.index.get_level_values(1) == x.index.get_level_values(2)]
.droplevel([1, 2])
# Output
A B C Col_name output
0 0.209953 0.332294 0.812476 C 0.812476
1 0.284225 0.566939 0.087084 A 0.284225
2 0.815874 0.185154 0.155454 A 0.815874
3 0.017548 0.733474 0.766972 A 0.017548
4 0.494323 0.433719 0.979399 C 0.979399
5 0.875071 0.789891 0.319870 B 0.789891
6 0.475554 0.229837 0.338032 B 0.229837
7 0.123904 0.397463 0.288614 C 0.288614
8 0.288249 0.631578 0.393521 A 0.288249
9 0.107245 0.006969 0.367748 C 0.367748
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df['A'] = np.random.random(10)
df['B'] = np.random.random(10)
df['C'] = np.random.random(10)
df['Col_name'] = np.random.choice(['A','B','C'],size=10)
df["output"] = np.nan
Even though you do not like going row per row, I still routinely use loops to go through each row just to know where it breaks when it breaks. Here are two loops just to satisfy myself. The column is created ahead with na values becausethe loops needs it to be.
# each rows by index
for i in range(len(df)):
df['output'][i] = df[df['Col_name'][i]][i]
# each rows but by column name
for col in list(df["Col_name"]):
df.loc[:,'output'] = df.loc[:,col]
Here are some "non-loop" ways to do so.
df["output"] = df.lookup(df.index, df.Col_name)
df['output'] = np.where(np.isnan(df['output']), df[df['Col_name']], np.nan)
I have n variables. Suppose n equals 3 in this case. I want to apply one function to all of the combinations(or permutations, depending on how you want to solve this) of variables and store the result in the same row and column in dataframe.
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
indexes = ['a', 'b', 'c']
df = pd.DataFrame({x:np.nan for x in indexes}, index=indexes)
If I apply sum(the function can be anything), then the result that I want to get is like this:
a b c
a 2 3 4
b 3 4 5
c 4 5 6
I can only think of iterating all the variables, apply the function one by one, and use the index of the iterators to set the value in the dataframe. Is there any better solution?
You can use apply and return a pd.Series for that effect. In such cases, pandas uses the series indices as columns in the resulting dataframe.
s = pd.Series({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3})
s.apply(lambda x: x+s)
Just note that the operation you do is between an element and a series.
I believe you need broadcast sum of array created from variables if performance is important:
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
indexes = ['a', 'b', 'c']
arr = np.array([a,b,c])
df = pd.DataFrame(arr + arr[:, None], index=indexes, columns=indexes)
print (df)
a b c
a 2 3 4
b 3 4 5
c 4 5 6
I'm simply trying to access named pandas columns by an integer.
You can select a row by location using df.ix[3].
But how to select a column by integer?
My dataframe:
df=pandas.DataFrame({'a':np.random.rand(5), 'b':np.random.rand(5)})
Two approaches that come to mind:
>>> df
0 0.424634 1.716633 0.282734 2.086944
1 -1.325816 2.056277 2.583704 -0.776403
2 1.457809 -0.407279 -1.560583 -1.316246
3 -0.757134 -1.321025 1.325853 -2.513373
4 1.366180 -1.265185 -2.184617 0.881514
>>> df.iloc[:, 2]
0 0.282734
1 2.583704
2 -1.560583
3 1.325853
4 -2.184617
Name: C
>>> df[df.columns[2]]
0 0.282734
1 2.583704
2 -1.560583
3 1.325853
4 -2.184617
Name: C
Edit: The original answer suggested the use of df.ix[:,2] but this function is now deprecated. Users should switch to df.iloc[:,2].
You can also use df.icol(n) to access a column by integer.
Update: icol is deprecated and the same functionality can be achieved by:
df.iloc[:, n] # to access the column at the nth position
You could use label based using .loc or index based using .iloc method to do column-slicing including column ranges:
In [50]: import pandas as pd
In [51]: import numpy as np
In [52]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(4,4), columns = list('abcd'))
In [53]: df
a b c d
0 0.806811 0.187630 0.978159 0.317261
1 0.738792 0.862661 0.580592 0.010177
2 0.224633 0.342579 0.214512 0.375147
3 0.875262 0.151867 0.071244 0.893735
In [54]: df.loc[:, ["a", "b", "d"]] ### Selective columns based slicing
a b d
0 0.806811 0.187630 0.317261
1 0.738792 0.862661 0.010177
2 0.224633 0.342579 0.375147
3 0.875262 0.151867 0.893735
In [55]: df.loc[:, "a":"c"] ### Selective label based column ranges slicing
a b c
0 0.806811 0.187630 0.978159
1 0.738792 0.862661 0.580592
2 0.224633 0.342579 0.214512
3 0.875262 0.151867 0.071244
In [56]: df.iloc[:, 0:3] ### Selective index based column ranges slicing
a b c
0 0.806811 0.187630 0.978159
1 0.738792 0.862661 0.580592
2 0.224633 0.342579 0.214512
3 0.875262 0.151867 0.071244
You can access multiple columns by passing a list of column indices to dataFrame.ix.
For example:
>>> df = pandas.DataFrame({
'a': np.random.rand(5),
'b': np.random.rand(5),
'c': np.random.rand(5),
'd': np.random.rand(5)
>>> df
a b c d
0 0.705718 0.414073 0.007040 0.889579
1 0.198005 0.520747 0.827818 0.366271
2 0.974552 0.667484 0.056246 0.524306
3 0.512126 0.775926 0.837896 0.955200
4 0.793203 0.686405 0.401596 0.544421
>>> df.ix[:,[1,3]]
b d
0 0.414073 0.889579
1 0.520747 0.366271
2 0.667484 0.524306
3 0.775926 0.955200
4 0.686405 0.544421
The method .transpose() converts columns to rows and rows to column, hence you could even write
Most of the people have answered how to take columns starting from an index. But there might be some scenarios where you need to pick columns from in-between or specific index, where you can use the below solution.
Say that you have columns A,B and C. If you need to select only column A and C you can use the below code.
df = df.iloc[:, [0,2]]
where 0,2 specifies that you need to select only 1st and 3rd column.
You can use the method take. For example, to select first and last columns:
df.take([0, -1], axis=1)
I have a dataframe in Python, say A, which has multiple columns, including columns named ECode and FG. I have another Pandas dataframe B, also with multiple columns, including columns named ECode,F Gping (note the space in column name for F Gping) and EDesc. What I would like to do is to create a new column called EDesc in dataframe A based on following conditions (Note that EDesc, FG and F Gping contain String type values (text), while the remaining columns are numeric/floating type. Also, dataframes A and B are of different dimensions (with differing rows and columns, and I want to check equality in specific values in the dataframe columns):-
First, for all rows in dataframe A, where value in ECode matches value ECode in dataframe B, then, in the new column EDesc to be created in dataframe A, add the same values as EDesc in B.
Secondly, for all rows in dataframe A where value in FG matches F Gping values, in the new column EDesc in A, add same values as EDesc in B.
After this, if the newly created EDesc column in A still has missing values/NaNs, then add the string value MissingValue to all the rows in the Dataframe A's EDesc column.
I have tried using for loops, as well as list comprehensions, but they don't help in accomplishing this. Moreover, the space within column name F Gping in B is created problems to access the same, as though I can access it like B['F Gping'], it isn't solving the very purpose. Any help in this regard is appreciated.
I'm assuming values are unique in B['ECode'] and B['F Gping'], otherwise we'll have to choose which value we give to A['EDesc'] when we find two matching values for ECode or FG.
There might be a smarter way but here's what I would do with joins:
Example DataFrames:
A = pd.DataFrame({'ECode': [1, 1, 3, 4, 6],
'FG': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'y']})
B = pd.DataFrame({'ECode': [1, 2, 3, 5],
'F Gping': ['b', 'c', 'x', 'x'],
'EDesc': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']})
So they look like:
ECode FG
0 1 a
1 1 b
2 3 c
3 4 b
4 6 y
ECode F Gping EDesc
0 1 b a
1 2 c b
2 3 x c
3 5 x d
First let's create A['EDesc'] by saying that it's the result of joining A and B on ECode. We'll temporarily use EDesc as index:
A.set_index('ECode', inplace=True, drop=False)
B.set_index('ECode', inplace=True, drop=False)
A['EDesc'] = A.join(B, lsuffix='A')['EDesc']
This works because the result of A.join(B, lsuffix='A') is:
ECodeA FG ECode F Gping EDesc
1 1 a 1.0 b a
1 1 b 1.0 b a
3 3 c 3.0 x c
4 4 b NaN NaN NaN
6 6 y NaN NaN NaN
Now let's fillna on A['EDesc'], using the match on FG. Same thing:
A.set_index('FG', inplace=True, drop=False)
B.set_index('F Gping', inplace=True, drop=False)
A['EDesc'].fillna(A.join(B, lsuffix='A')['EDesc'].drop_duplicates(), inplace=True)
This works because the result of A.join(B, lsuffix='A') is:
ECodeA FG EDescA ECode F Gping EDesc
a 1 a a NaN NaN NaN
b 1 b a 1.0 b a
b 4 b NaN 1.0 b a
c 3 c c 2.0 c b
y 6 y NaN NaN NaN NaN
Also we dropped the duplicates because as you can see there are two b's in our index.
Finally let's fillna with "Missing" and reset the index:
A['EDesc'].fillna('Missing', inplace=True)
A.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
Multiple dataframes of the same format (same columns, an equal number of rows, and no points missing).
How do I create a "summary" dataframe that contains an element-wise mean for every element? How about a dataframe that contains an element-wise standard deviation?
0 -1.624722 -1.160731 0.016726
1 -1.565694 0.989333 1.040820
2 -0.484945 0.718596 -0.180779
3 0.388798 -0.997036 1.211787
4 -0.249211 1.604280 -1.100980
5 0.062425 0.925813 -1.810696
6 0.793244 -1.860442 -1.196797
0 1.016386 1.766780 0.648333
1 -1.101329 -1.021171 0.830281
2 -1.133889 -2.793579 0.839298
3 1.134425 0.611480 -1.482724
4 -0.066601 -2.123353 1.136564
5 -0.167580 -0.991550 0.660508
6 0.528789 -0.483008 1.472787
You can create a panel of your DataFrames and then compute the mean and SD along the items axis:
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
df3 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
p = pd.Panel({n: df for n, df in enumerate([df1, df2, df3])})
>>> p.mean(axis=0)
0 -0.024284 -0.622337 0.581292
1 0.186271 0.596634 -0.498755
2 0.084591 -0.760567 -0.334429
3 -0.833688 0.403628 0.013497
4 0.402502 -0.017670 -0.369559
5 0.733305 -1.311827 0.463770
6 -0.941334 0.843020 -1.366963
7 0.134700 0.626846 0.994085
8 -0.783517 0.703030 -1.187082
9 -0.954325 0.514671 -0.370741
>>> p.std(axis=0)
0 0.196526 1.870115 0.503855
1 0.719534 0.264991 1.232129
2 0.315741 0.773699 1.328869
3 1.169213 1.488852 1.149105
4 1.416236 1.157386 0.414532
5 0.554604 1.022169 1.324711
6 0.178940 1.107710 0.885941
7 1.270448 1.023748 1.102772
8 0.957550 0.355523 1.284814
9 0.582288 0.997909 1.566383
One simple solution here is to simply concatenate the existing dataframes into a single dataframe while adding an ID variable to track the original source:
dfa = pd.DataFrame( np.random.randn(2,2), columns=['a','b'] ).assign(id='a')
dfb = pd.DataFrame( np.random.randn(2,2), columns=['a','b'] ).assign(id='b')
df = pd.concat([df1,df2])
a b id
0 -0.542652 1.609213 a
1 -0.192136 0.458564 a
0 -0.231949 -0.000573 b
1 0.245715 -0.083786 b
So now you have two 2x2 dataframes combined into a single 4x2 dataframe. The 'id' columns identifies the source dataframe so you haven't lost any generality, and can select on 'id' to do the same thing you would to any single dataframe. E.g. df[ df['id'] == 'a' ].
But now you can also use groupby to do any pandas method such as mean() or std() on an element by element basis:
a b
0 0.198164 -0.811475
1 0.639529 0.812810
The following solution worked for me.
average_data_frame = (dataframe1 + dataframe2 ) / 2
Or, if you have more than two dataframes, say n, then
average_data_frame = dataframe1
for i in range(1,n):
average_data_frame = average_data_frame + i_th_dataframe
average_data_frame = average_data_frame / n
Once you have the average, you can go for the standard deviation. If you are looking for a "true Pythonic" approach, you should follow other answers. But if you are looking for a working and quick solution, this is it.