How to convert hex into ascii hex string in python? - python

Hi I'm learning pySerial module, so the hex to ascii is its fundamental.
So far I have the following concepts.
Byte String: "\xde"
Byte Array:
>>> bytearray('\xde')
>>> a = bytearray('\xde')
>>> a[0]
>>> hex(a[0])
Hex String: '\xde'
Hex: 0xde
Normal representation: de
Now what I need is Hex String to Hex and vice versa.
Also Hex or Hex String to Normal representation .
I wish I can have the simplest possible answer.
I think I got an initial answer other than string operation.
But this looks really dirty.
>>> hex(int(binascii.hexlify('\xde'),16))

Let me re-write a little.
You have a byte (say b, with an integer value of 222 (in decimal) or de (in hexadecimal) or 276 in octal or 10111110 in binary.
Its hexadecimal string representation is '0xde'
The following initialisations are the same :
b = 222
b = 0xde
Here are the conversions (say s is a string, s='0xde', ie the hexadecimal string representation)
s = hex(b)
b = int(s, 16)
Edit per comment :
If you really want to be able to accept as input \xde as well as 0xde you can do :
b = int('0' + s[1:] if (s[0] == '\\') else s, 16)
or directly
b = int('0' + s[1:], 16)
if you are sure you will never get weird input


How do I convert hex to utf-8?

I want to convert a hex string to utf-8
a = '0xb3d9'
동 (
First, obtain the integer value from the string of a, noting that a is expressed in hexadecimal:
a_int = int(a, 16)
Next, convert this int to a character. In python 2 you need to use the unichr method to do this, because the chr method can only deal with ASCII characters:
a_chr = unichr(a_int)
Whereas in python 3 you can just use the chr method for any character:
a_chr = chr(a_int)
So, in python 3, the full command is:
a_chr = chr(int(a, 16))

Converting a hex values to ASCII

What is the most 'Pythonic' way of translating
I looked for functions that can do it, but they all want to translate to ASCII (so '\x40' to 'a'). I want to have the hexadecimal digits in ASCII.
There's a module called binascii that contains functions for just this:
>>> import binascii
>>> binascii.hexlify('\xff\xab\x12')
>>> binascii.unhexlify('ffab12')
original = '\xff\xab\x12'
result = original.replace('\\x', '')
print result
It's \x because it's escaped. a.replace(b,c) just replaces all occurances of b with c in a.
What you want is not ascii, because ascii translates 0x41 to 'A'. You just want it in hexadecimal base without the \x (or 0x, in some cases)
Sorry, I thought the \x is escaped. So, \x followed by 2 hex digits represents a single char, not 4..
print "\x41"
Will print
So what we have to do is to convert each char to hex, then print it like that:
res = ""
for i in original:
res += hex(ord(i))[2:].zfill(2)
print res
Now let's go over this line:
ord(c) - returns the numerical value of the char c
hex(i) - returns the hex string value of the int i (e.g if i=65 it will return 0x41.
[2:] - cutting the "0x" prefix out of the hex string.
.zfill(2) - padding with zeroes
So, making that with a list comprehension will be much shorter:
result = "".join([hex(ord(c))[2:].zfill(2) for c in original])
print result

How to XOR literal with a string

I'm trying to implement the Blowfish algorithm in Python. The way I understand it, I have to use a key like "abcd" and then XOR it with a hexadecimal array (cycling the key if necessary)
P = (
0x243f6a88, 0x85a308d3, 0x13198a2e, 0x03707344, 0xa4093822, 0x299f31d0,
0x082efa98, 0xec4e6c89, 0x452821e6, 0x38d01377, 0xbe5466cf, 0x34e90c6c,
0xc0ac29b7, 0xc97c50dd, 0x3f84d5b5, 0xb5470917, 0x9216d5d9, 0x8979fb1b,
The data types here have me very confused. I saw somewhere that 'abcd' = 0x61626364. In that case, XORing the first element of P would simply be 0x61626364 ^ 0x243f6a88.
So, how do I convert a string like 'abcd' to the format 0x?????. or perhaps there's a better way? Any light on this would be very appreciated!
To convert a string to an array of bytes:
b = bytes('abcd', 'ascii')
To convert array of bytes to int:
i = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder='big', signed=False)
Two hexadecimal digits can encode exactly one byte. This makes sense, because each hexadecimal digit can be in 16 different states, so two hexadecimal digits can be in 16 * 16 = 256 different states, which is exactly the same as the number of states representable in a single byte.
Because ASCII characters can also be encoded in a single byte, any ASCII character can be encoded as two hexadecimal digits.
For example, the letter a has character code 97 in ASCII. Converting the decimal number 97 to base 16 (hexadecimal) gives you 0x61.
You can therefore take any string and convert it into a hexadecimal number by taking every character and representing it as two hex digits in your number. Looking at your example above, a = 0x61, b = 0x62, c = 0x63, and d = 0x64. Putting these all together gives you the representation abcd = 0x61626364.

Byte conversion fail

I have a problem with Python's & bitwise operation:
>>> x = 0xc1
>>> y = 0x7f
>>> x & y
>>> 65
>>> bytes([65])
>>> b'A'
The problem is the conversion from decimal to hex. 65 is 0x41, however Python says that it is 'A'. Why?
The value that you already have is exactly the value you want. From a comment:
I was using bytes function because I want to concat the result of base64.b64decode(coded_string) with one more byte at the end.
bytes([65]) creates a bytes object with a single byte with the numeric value 65. What that number means depends on how you interpret the bytes.
The fact that its repr happens to be b'A' isn't relevant. What the value actually is, is the one byte you want. But the repr of a bytes object, as the docs explain, uses the bytes literal format for convenience. Any byte that matches a printable ASCII character gets represented as that character, a few common values get represented with backslash escapes like \n, and anything else as a hex escape, all within b'…'
So, repr(bytes([65])) is b'A', because byte 65 is the printable ASCII character A.
If you want to get a string with the hexadecimal representation of the number 65, you can use the hex function—or, if you want more control over the formatting, the format function:
>>> hex(65)
>>> format(65, '02x')
But that's not what you want here. You want the value b'A', and you already have that.
65 is not A in hex, it's A in ASCII code; print(bytes([65])) and print(chr(65)) outputs b'A' and A, respectively (ASCII representations). Hexadecimal is merely a numeral system with 16 as its base. 0x41 is therefore 4 * 16^1 + 1 * 16^0 = 65.

String and hexadecimal representation

I'm trying the following:
>>> a = '\01'
>>> a
>>> '\x01'
>>> b = '\11'
>>> b
>>> '\t'
>>> c = '\21'
>>> c
>>> '\x11'
I don't understand why sometimes I get hexadecimal representation and other times not.
In '\xhh' the 'x' is fundamental or not?
Short Answer
You see the hexadecimal representation for those characters for which your native code page cannot represent your characters
Long Answer
Assuming you are using windows, and your default code page is cp1252, '\01' is a non-printable character, an ascii control code, which stands for Start of Heading. As there is no known printable representation of the character, a hexadecimal value is used to display the value.
The numbers \11, \21 are OCTAL numbers. \11 octal is \x09 (hex) is equal to '\t' (tab char). \21 octal is \x11 hex is 17 decimal.

