Using python multiprocess pool to a function - python

I have a function
def dist_to_center(ra_center,dec_center):
# finding theta
cos_ra = np.cos(ra_center-var1['ra'])
cos_dec = np.cos(dec_center-var1['dec'])
sin_dec = np.sin(dec_center)*np.sin(var1['dec'])
theta = np.arccos((cos_ra*cos_dec)+sin_dec*(1-cos_ra))
numerator = theta*comoving_dist
denominator = 1+var1['zcosmo']
dist_to_center = (numerator/denominator)
return dist_to_center
I want to make use of my processors, so I am using multiprocess pool like this:
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = Pool(processes=6), ra_center, dec_center) #calling the function with it's inputs
The code seems to be proper and is working, but only 1 processor is running instead of the 6 I have called. What am I doing wrong here?

You are passing a pair of one-dimensional arrays to the Pool. You need to slice the arrays yourself to make the Pool understand how to process them efficiently. For example:
def dist_to_center_mapper(arrays):
return dist_to_center(arrays[0], arrays[1])
ra = np.split(ra_center, 6)
dec = np.split(dec_center, 6)
pool = Pool(processes=6), zip(ra, dec))
I think the "mapper" function is required because takes only a single iterable of arguments. So we zip together the two lists of array slices so they get doled out together to the multiple processes. Note that you could split the arrays into more pieces than the number of processes if you want, if some pieces may take different amounts of time etc.


Parallelizing a function to write to global variables

I'm trying to figure out the best way to parallelize a program like this:
global_data = some data
global_data2 = some data
data_store1 = np.empty(n)
data_store2 = np.empty(n)
def simulation(global_data):
retrieve values from global datasets and set element of global datastores
such that I do something like pass list(enumerate(global_data)) to a multiprocessing function, and each process sets elements of the global data stores corresponding to the received (index, vlaue) pair. I'm running on a high performance cluster with 128 cores, so I think parallelization is preferable to threading.
If you use a multiprocessing pool (e.g. a multiprocessing.Pool instance) with its map method, then your worker function, simulation, just needs to return its result back to the main process which will end up with a list of results that will be in the correct order. This will be less expensive than using a managed list to which the worker function adds its result:
import multiprocessing
def simulation(global_data_elem):
# We are passed a single element of global_data
# Do calculation with global_data_elem and return result.
# The CPU resources required to do this calculation must be sufficiently
# high to justify the additional overhead of multiprocessing (which is
# not the case for this demo):
return global_data_elem * 2
def main():
# global_data is some data (not necesarilly at global scope)
global_data = ['a', 'b', 'c']
# create pool of the correct size
# (not larger than the number of cores we have nor the number of tasks being submitted):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(min(len(global_data), multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
# results are returned in the correct order (task submission order):
results =, global_data)
# Required for Windows:
if __name__ == '__main__':
['aa', 'bb', 'cc']

Adding arrays to global array using multiprocessing

I've a global NumPy array ys_final and have defined a function that generates an array ys. The ys array will be generated based on an input parameter and I want to add these ys arrays to the global array, i.e ys_final = ys_final + ys.
The order of addition doesn't matter so I want to use Pool.apply_async() from the multiprocessing library but I can't write to the global array. The code for reference is:
import multiprocessing as mp
ys_final = np.zeros(len)
def ys_genrator(i):
#code to generate ys array
return ys
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())
for i in range(3954):
ys_final = ys_final + pool.apply_async(ys_genrator, args=(i)).get()
The above block of code keeps on running forever and nothing happens. I've tried *mp.Process also and still I face the same problem. There I defined a target function that directly adds to the global array but it is also not working as the block keeps running forever. Reference:
def func(i):
#code to generate ys
global ys_final
ys_final = ys_final + ys
for i in range(3954):
p = mp.Process(target=func, args=(i,))
Any suggestions will be really helpful.
My ys_genrator is a function for linear interpolation. Based on the parameter i which is an index for rows in a 2D image, the function creates an array of interpolated amplitudes that will be superimposed with all the interpolated amplitudes from the image, so ys need to be added to ys_final
The variable len is the length of the interpolated array, which is same for all rows.
For reference, a simpler version of ys_genrator(i) is as follows:
def ys_genrator(i):
ys = np.ones(10)*i
return ys
A few points:
pool.apply_async(ys_genrator, args=(i)) needs to be pool.apply_async(ys_genrator, args=(i,)). Note the comma after the i.
pool.apply_async(ys_genrator, args=(i,)).get() is exactly equivalent to pool.apply(ys.genrator, args=(i,)). That is, you will block because of your immediate call to get and you will have absolutely no parallism. You would need to do all your calls to pool.apply_async and save the returned AsyncResult instances and only then call get on these instances.
If you are running under Windows, you will have a problem. The code that creates new processes must be within a block governed by if __name__ == '__main__':
If you are running under something like Jupyter Notebook or iPython you will have a problem. The worker function, ys_genrator, would need to be in an external file and imported.
Using apply_async for submitting a lot of tasks is inefficient. You are better of using imap or imap_unordered where the tasks get submitted in "chunks" and you can process the results one by one as they become available. But you must choose a "suitable" chunksize argument.
Any code you have at the global level, such as ys_final = np.zeros(len) will be executed by every sub-process if you are running under Windows, and this can be wasteful if the subprocesses do not need to "see" this variable. If they do need to see this variable, be aware that each process in the pool will be working with its own copy of the variable so it better be a read-only usage. Even then, it can be very wasteful of storage if the variable is large. There are ways of sharing such a variable across the processes but it is not perfectly clear whether you need to (you haven't even defined variable len). So it is difficult to give you improved code. However, it appears that your worker function does not need to "see" ys_final, so I will take a shot at an improved solution.
But be aware that if your function ys_genrator is very trivial, nothing will be gained by using multiprocessing because there is overhead in both creating the processing pool and in passing arguments from one process to another. Also, if ys_genrator is using numpy, this can also be a source of problems since numpy uses multiprocessing for some of its own functions and you are better off not mixing numpy with your own multiprocessing.
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
SIZE = 3
def ys_genrator(i):
#code to generate ys array
# for this dummy example all SIZE entries will end up with the same result:
ys = [i] * SIZE # for example: [1, 1, 1]
return ys
def compute_chunksize(poolsize, iterable_size):
chunksize, remainder = divmod(iterable_size, 4 * poolsize)
if remainder:
chunksize += 1
return chunksize
if __name__ == '__main__':
ys_final = np.zeros(SIZE)
n_iterations = 3954
poolsize = min(mp.cpu_count(), n_iterations)
chunksize = compute_chunksize(poolsize, n_iterations)
print('poolsize =', poolsize, 'chunksize =', chunksize)
pool = mp.Pool(poolsize)
for result in pool.imap_unordered(ys_genrator, range(n_iterations), chunksize):
ys_final += result
poolsize = 8 chunksize = 124
[7815081. 7815081. 7815081.]
You can also just use:
for result in, range(n_iterations)):
ys_final += result
The issue is that when you use method map, the method wants to compute an efficient chunksize argument based on the size of the iterable argument (see my compute_chunksize function above, which is essentially what will use). But to do this, is will have to first convert the iterable to a list to get its size. If n_iterations is very large, this is not very efficient, although it's probably not an major issue for a size of 3954. Still, you would be better off using my compute_chunksize function in this case since you know the size of the iterable and then pass the chunksize argument explicitly to map as I have done in the code using imap_unordered.

Best way to simultaneously run this loop?

I have the following code:
data = [2,5,3,16,2,5]
def f(x):
return 2*x
f_total = 0
for x in data:
f_total += f(x)
which I want to speed up the for loop. (In reality the code is more complex and I want to run it in a super computer with many many processing cores). I have read that I can do this with the multiprocessing library where I can get python3 to simultaneously run different chunks of the loop at the same time but I am a bit lost with it.
Could you explain me how to do it with this minimal version of my program?
import multiprocessing
from numpy import random
This mentions the number of worker threads that you want to run in parallel.
Depending on the number of cores in your system you should choose the appropriate
number of threads. When you call 'map' function it will distribute the input
values in that many parts
data = random.rand(100, 1)
+2 so that the cores are not left idle in case a thread is waiting for I/O.
Choose by performing an empirical analysis depending on the function you are trying to compute.
It could match up to NUM_CORES as well. You can vary the chunksize as well depending on the size of 'data' that you have.
CHUNKSIZE = int(len(data)/(NUM_THREADS))
def f(x):
return 2*x
# This takes care of creating pool of worker threads which will be assigned the jobs
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(NUM_THREADS)
# map vs imap. If the data is large go for imap else map is also good.
it = pool.imap(f, data, chunksize=CHUNKSIZE)
f_total = 0
# Iterate and sum up the result
for value in it:
f_total += sum(value)
Why choose imap over map?

Speed up this for loop in python for custom function on array

I have a for loop that is calculating the sum of the output of a custom function called calculate_some that takes tuples as input and then outputs a single value. I wanted to speed up this code as it goes through 1000+ values.
Can vectorization speed this up ? What are my options ?
sum_calculate = 0
for i in range (0,len(GT_ndarray)):
sum_calculate = sum_calculate + calculate_some(Candidates[i][0],Candidates[i][1])
The code for calculate_some is this
def calculate_some(arr1,arr2):
some = arr1[0]*arr2[0]+arr1[1]+arr2[1]+arr1[2]*arr2[2]
return some
You can use multiprocessing.Pool, for example
import multiprocessing as mp
def worker(i):
return calculate_some(Candidates[i][0],Candidates[i][1])
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count() - 1)
sum_calculate = sum(list(, range(len(GT_ndarray)))))

Is there a simple process-based parallel map for python?

I'm looking for a simple process-based parallel map for python, that is, a function
that would run function on each element of [data] on a different process (well, on a different core, but AFAIK, the only way to run stuff on different cores in python is to start multiple interpreters), and return a list of results.
Does something like this exist? I would like something simple, so a simple module would be nice. Of course, if no such thing exists, I will settle for a big library :-/
I seems like what you need is the map method in multiprocessing.Pool():
map(func, iterable[, chunksize])
A parallel equivalent of the map() built-in function (it supports only
one iterable argument though). It blocks till the result is ready.
This method chops the iterable into a number of chunks which it submits to the
process pool as separate tasks. The (approximate) size of these chunks can be
specified by setting chunksize to a positive integ
For example, if you wanted to map this function:
def f(x):
return x**2
to range(10), you could do it using the built-in map() function:
map(f, range(10))
or using a multiprocessing.Pool() object's method map():
import multiprocessing
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
print, range(10))
This can be done elegantly with Ray, a system that allows you to easily parallelize and distribute your Python code.
To parallelize your example, you'd need to define your map function with the #ray.remote decorator, and then invoke it with .remote. This will ensure that every instance of the remote function will executed in a different process.
import time
import ray
# Define the function you want to apply map on, as remote function.
def f(x):
# Do some work...
return x*x
# Define a helper parmap(f, list) function.
# This function executes a copy of f() on each element in "list".
# Each copy of f() runs in a different process.
# Note f.remote(x) returns a future of its result (i.e.,
# an identifier of the result) rather than the result itself.
def parmap(f, list):
return [f.remote(x) for x in list]
# Call parmap() on a list consisting of first 5 integers.
result_ids = parmap(f, range(1, 6))
# Get the results
results = ray.get(result_ids)
This will print:
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
and it will finish in approximately len(list)/p (rounded up the nearest integer) where p is number of cores on your machine. Assuming a machine with 2 cores, our example will execute in 5/2 rounded up, i.e, in approximately 3 sec.
There are a number of advantages of using Ray over the multiprocessing module. In particular, the same code will run on a single machine as well as on a cluster of machines. For more advantages of Ray see this related post.
Python3's Pool class has a map() method and that's all you need to parallelize map:
from multiprocessing import Pool
with Pool() as P:
xtransList =, a_list)
Using with Pool() as P is similar to a process pool and will execute each item in the list in parallel. You can provide the number of cores:
with Pool(processes=4) as P:
For those who looking for Python equivalent of R's mclapply(), here is my implementation. It is an improvement of the following two examples:
"Parallelize Pandas map() or apply()", as mentioned by #Rafael
How to apply map to functions with multiple arguments.
It can be apply to map functions with single or multiple arguments.
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from scipy import sparse
import functools, multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
def parallelize_dataframe(df, func, U=None, V=None):
#blockSize = 5000
num_partitions = 5 # int( np.ceil(df.shape[0]*(1.0/blockSize)) )
blocks = np.array_split(df, num_partitions)
pool = Pool(num_cores)
if V is not None and U is not None:
# apply func with multiple arguments to dataframe (i.e. involves multiple columns)
df = pd.concat(, U=U, V=V), blocks))
# apply func with one argument to dataframe (i.e. involves single column)
df = pd.concat(, blocks))
return df
def square(x):
return x**2
def test_func(data):
print("Process working on: ", data.shape)
data["squareV"] = data["testV"].apply(square)
return data
def vecProd(row, U, V):
return np.sum( np.multiply(U[int(row["obsI"]),:], V[int(row["obsJ"]),:]) )
def mProd_func(data, U, V):
data["predV"] = data.apply( lambda row: vecProd(row, U, V), axis=1 )
return data
def generate_simulated_data():
N, D, nnz, K = [302, 184, 5000, 5]
I = np.random.choice(N, size=nnz, replace=True)
J = np.random.choice(D, size=nnz, replace=True)
vals = np.random.sample(nnz)
sparseY = sparse.csc_matrix((vals, (I, J)), shape=[N, D])
# Generate parameters U and V which could be used to reconstruct the matrix Y
U = np.random.sample(N*K).reshape([N,K])
V = np.random.sample(D*K).reshape([D,K])
return sparseY, U, V
def main():
Y, U, V = generate_simulated_data()
# find row, column indices and obvseved values for sparse matrix Y
(testI, testJ, testV) = sparse.find(Y)
colNames = ["obsI", "obsJ", "testV", "predV", "squareV"]
dtypes = {"obsI":int, "obsJ":int, "testV":float, "predV":float, "squareV": float}
obsValDF = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(testV), len(colNames))), columns=colNames)
obsValDF["obsI"] = testI
obsValDF["obsJ"] = testJ
obsValDF["testV"] = testV
obsValDF = obsValDF.astype(dtype=dtypes)
print("Y.shape: {!s}, #obsVals: {}, obsValDF.shape: {!s}".format(Y.shape, len(testV), obsValDF.shape))
# calculate the square of testVals
obsValDF = parallelize_dataframe(obsValDF, test_func)
# reconstruct prediction of testVals using parameters U and V
obsValDF = parallelize_dataframe(obsValDF, mProd_func, U, V)
print("obsValDF.shape after reconstruction: {!s}".format(obsValDF.shape))
print("First 5 elements of obsValDF:\n", obsValDF.iloc[:5,:])
if __name__ == '__main__':
I know this is an old post, but just in case, I wrote a tool to make this super, super easy called parmapper (I actually call it parmap in my use but the name was taken).
It handles a lot of the setup and deconstruction of processes and adds tons of features. In rough order of importance
Can take lambda and other unpickleable functions
Can apply starmap and other similar call methods to make it very easy to directly use.
Can split amongst both threads and/or processes
Includes features such as progress bars
It does incur a small cost but for most uses, that is negligible.
I hope you find it useful.
(Note: It, like map in Python 3+, returns an iterable so if you expect all results to pass through it immediately, use list())

