Is This a Single Event UDP Socket? - python

Apologies in advance for I am very new to socket programming, and what little experience I have is within frameworks like Tornado and Flask.
This code, apparently, emits UDP, but I'm not sure where to pick it up, or where it would be picked up.
Simple, asynchronous, nonblocking UDP emitter for Cube metrics.
import json
import socket
from datetime import datetime
def emit(event_type="always", event_data={},
destination='', port=1180, **kwargs):
event = dict(type=event_type, data=event_data)
# event["time"] = kwargs.get("time", datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
s.connect((destination, port))
Searched the rest of the accompanying library for the destination: and port: 1180, with no results.
Web browser can't connect to (I'm on OS X), although a Flask app is fine at
Found the BinaryTides tutorial on UDP sockets, but they seem to use while statements.
Is this "emitter" just a single event, and if so, where, when and how can I see it's output?

The above method is called via a loop, so on each pass it does generate a single .json object.
It was designed to send to a Cube Server.


How can I listen for raw ethernet frames in vanilla Python 3?

I'm doing some self-educational low-level network programming in Python. I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 and Python 3. Using this code, I'm able to send raw ethernet packets:
from socket import socket as Socket, AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW
def send_bytes(byte_sequence):
with Socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW) as socket:
socket.bind(("enp0s31f6", 0))
I can use this procedure to send pings. I know it's working because I can see the ping going out and receiving a response in Wireshark.
Now I want to listen for packets, like the response to my ping. How can I do this, hopefully without involving any non-standardlib libraries? I'd like the code to be as "close to the metal" as possible, so ideally I'd like to listen for the entire ethernet frame so I can parse it all by hand and figure out if it's the packet I'm looking for.
This works for me
import sys
import socket
ETH_P_ALL=3 # not defined in socket module, sadly...
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(ETH_P_ALL))
s.bind(("eth0", 0))
The third argument when creating the socket acts as a filter on the type of incoming frames we want to capture (all of them here).
The ETH_P_ALL constant comes from /usr/include/linux/if_ether.h.

If using sockets to pass sensitive data between two scripts in the same Tkinter app, over localhost, are there any security concerns?

I am implementing a socket in Python to pass data back and forth between two scripts running on the same machine as part of a single Tkinter application.
This data, in many cases, will be highly sensitive (i.e. personal credit card numbers).
Does passing the data between scripts in this way open me up to any security concerns?
Server side:
import socket
serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
serversocket.bind(('localhost', 8089))
serversocket.listen(5) # become a server socket, maximum 5 connections
while True:
connection, address = serversocket.accept()
buf = connection.recv(64)
if len(buf) > 0:
print buf
Client side:
import socket
clientsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
clientsocket.connect(('localhost', 8089))
Code source.
Additional considerations:
This will only ever function as part of a single Tkinter application, on a single machine. Localhost will always be specified.
I am unable to use multiprocessing or threading; please no suggestions for using one of those or an alternative, other than varieties of socket. For more info as to why, see this SO question, answers, and comments. It has to do with this needing to function on Windows 7 and *nix, as well as my desired set-up.
Yes, passing the data between scripts in this way may raise a security concerns. If the attacker has an access to the same machine - he can easily sniff the traffic using the tool like tcpdump for example.
To avoid this you should encrypted your traffic - I have posted a comment below your question with an example solution.

Client(1) to Server to Client(2) in Python 3.x (Sockets?)

I've been working with a project that involves sending information to a public server (to demonstrate how key-exchange schemes work) and then sending it to a specific client. There is only two clients.
I'm hoping to get pushed in the right direction on how to get information from client(1) to the server, then have the server redirect that information to client(2). I've messed with the code somewhat, getting comfortable with how to send and recieve information from the server, but I have no idea (~2 hours of research so far) how to differentiate clients and send information to specific clients
My current server code (pretty much unchanged from the python3 docs:
import socketserver
class MyTCPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
The RequestHandler class for our server.
It is instantiated once per connection to the server, and must
override the handle() method to implement communication to the
def handle(self):
# self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
print("{} wrote:".format(self.client_address[0]))
# just send back the same data, but upper-cased
if __name__ == "__main__":
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999
# Create the server, binding to localhost on port 9999
server = socketserver.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler)
# Activate the server; this will keep running until you
# interrupt the program with Ctrl-C
My client code (pretty much unchanged from the python3 docs:
import socket
import time
data = "matt is ok"
def contactserver(data):
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999
# Create a socket (SOCK_STREAM means a TCP socket)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connect to server and send data
sock.connect((HOST, PORT))
sock.sendall(bytes(data, "utf-8"))
# Receive data from the server and shut down
received = str(sock.recv(1024), "utf-8")
print("Sent: {}".format(data))
print("Received: {}".format(received))
return format(received)
while True:
k = contactserver('banana')
First, a base socketserver.TCPServer can't even talk to two clients at the same time. As the docs explain:
These four classes process requests synchronously; each request must be completed before the next request can be started.
As the same paragraph tells you, you can solve that problem by using a forking or threading mix-in. That's pretty easy.
But there's a bigger problem. A threaded socketserver server creates a separate, completely independent, object for each connected client, and has no means of communicating between them, or even letting them find out about each other. So, what can you do?
You can always build it yourself. Put some kind of shared data somewhere, and some kind of synchronization on it, and all of the threads can talk to each other the same way any threads can, socketserver or otherwise.
For your design, a queue has all the magic built in for everything we need: client 1 can put a message on the queue (whether client 2 has shown up yet or not), and client 2 can get a message off the same queue (automatically waiting around if the message isn't there yet), and it's all automatically synchronized.
The big question is: how does the server know who's client 1 and who's client 2? Unless you want to switch based on address and port, or add some kind of "login" mechanism, the only rule I can think of is that whoever connects first is client 1, whoever connects second is client 2, and anyone who connects after that, who cares, they don't belong here. So, we can use a simple shared flag with a Lock on it.
Putting it all together:
class MyTCPHandler(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
q = queue.queue()
got_first = False
got_first_lock = threading.Lock()
def handle_request(self):
with MyTCPHandler.got_first_lock:
if MyTCPHandler.got_first:
first = False
first = True
MyTCPHandler.got_first = True
if first: = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
print("{} wrote:".format(self.client_address[0]))
# just send back the same data, but upper-cased
# and also queue it up for client 2
# get the message off the queue, waiting if necessary = MyTCPHandler.q.get()
If you want to build a more complicated chat server, where everyone talks to everyone… well, that gets a bit more complicated, and you're stretching socketserver even farther beyond its intended limits.
I would suggest either (a) dropping to a lower level and writing a threaded or multiplexing server manually, or (b) going to a higher-level, more-powerful framework that can more easily handle interdependent clients.
The stdlib comes with a few alternatives for writing servers, but all of them suck except for asyncio—which is great, but unfortunately brand new (it requires 3.4, which is still in beta, or can be installed as a back-port for 3.3). If you don't want to skate on the bleeding edge, there are some great third-party choices like twisted or gevent. All of these options have a higher learning curve than socketserver, but that's only to be expected from something much more flexible and powerful.

Strengthen python UDP server

I'm a beginner in python (2.6/2.7) who has been thrown in the deep end to create a network service to an existing python app.
I've got a UDP server up and running which works just great but I'm asking for help in making it slightly more bullet proof.
Here is the base code I have written, the usual standard boiler plate:
import sys
import socket
from threading import Thread
def handleInput():
sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM )
sock.bind( ("",5005) )
# socket always binded?
while True:
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(512)
# is 'data' usable?
# can thread die?
Firstly, I understand that the socket is in a sense always available, it doesn't have to listen, so there is no such thing as failing and you have to reconnect. Is this correct?
Secondly, the issue with returned data from recvfrom. Is it a simple 'if data : then' to check if its valid?
Thirdly, and finally, the thread. Can a thread bomb out? If it does whats the best way to restart it?
Any other tips would be welcome.
(Note: I cannot use external libraries, e.g. twisted etc.)
Some answers for your questions:
UDP sockets are connectionless, and as such "always available". Please also be aware that the UDP message length is limited to 65535 bytes IIRC.
Data is just a string, and its validity will depend on the used protocol. Your if data: ... will work as a test for receiving something, but the recvfrom() call will block anyway until it receives something so this seems superfluous.
I have no knowledge about python thread reliability in general.
I would also check the SocketServer module and the associated UDPServerclass - this might make for easier implementation. The SocketServer is part of python's standard library.

How to serve data from UDP stream over HTTP in Python?

I am currently working on exposing data from legacy system over the web. I have a (legacy) server application that sends and receives data over UDP. The software uses UDP to send sequential updates to a given set of variables in (near) real-time (updates every 5-10 ms). thus, I do not need to capture all UDP data -- it is sufficient that the latest update is retrieved.
In order to expose this data over the web, I am considering building a lightweight web server that reads/write UDP data and exposes this data over HTTP.
As I am experienced with Python, I am considering to use it.
The question is the following: how can I (continuously) read data from UDP and send snapshots of it over TCP/HTTP on-demand with Python? So basically, I am trying to build a kind of "UDP2HTTP" adapter to interface with the legacy app so that I wouldn't need to touch the legacy code.
A solution that is WSGI compliant would be much preferred. Of course any tips are very welcome and MUCH appreciated!
Twisted would be very suitable here. It supports many protocols (UDP, HTTP) and its asynchronous nature makes it possible to directly stream UDP data to HTTP without shooting yourself in the foot with (blocking) threading code. It also support wsgi.
Here's a quick "proof of concept" app using the twisted framework. This assumes that the legacy UDP service is listening on localhost:8000 and will start sending UDP data in response to a datagram containing "Send me data". And that the data is 3 32bit integers. Additionally it will respond to an "HTTP GET /" on port 2080.
You could start this with twistd -noy
from twisted.internet import protocol, defer
from twisted.application import service
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.web import resource, server as webserver
import struct
class legacyProtocol(protocol.DatagramProtocol):
def startProtocol(self):
self.sendMessage("Send me data")
def stopProtocol(self):
# Assume the transport is closed, do any tidying that you need to.
def datagramReceived(self,datagram,addr):
# Inspect the datagram payload, do sanity checking.
val1, val2, val3 = struct.unpack("!iii",datagram)
except struct.error, err:
# Problem unpacking data log and ignore
def sendMessage(self,message):
class legacyValues(resource.Resource):
def __init__(self,service):
def render_GET(self,request):
data = "\n".join(["<li>%s</li>" % x for x in self.service.get_data()])
return """<html><head><title>Legacy Data</title>
</ul></body></html>""" % (data,)
class protocolGatewayService(service.Service):
def __init__(self,legacyHost,legacyPort):
self.legacyHost = legacyHost #
self.legacyPort = legacyPort
self.udpListeningPort = None
self.httpListeningPort = None
self.lproto = None
self.reactor = None = [1,2,3]
def startService(self):
# called by application handling
if not self.reactor:
from twisted.internet import reactor
self.reactor = reactor
def stopService(self):
# called by application handling
defers = []
if self.udpListeningPort:
if self.httpListeningPort:
return defer.DeferredList(defers)
def startStuff(self):
# UDP legacy stuff
proto = legacyProtocol()
proto.service = self
self.udpListeningPort = self.reactor.listenUDP(0,proto)
# Website
factory = webserver.Site(legacyValues(self))
self.httpListeningPort = self.reactor.listenTCP(2080,factory)
def update_data(self,*args):[:] = args
def get_data(self):
application = service.Application('LegacyGateway')
services = service.IServiceCollection(application)
s = protocolGatewayService('',8000)
This isn't a WSGI design. The idea for this would to use be to run this program daemonized and have it's http port on a local IP and apache or similar to proxy requests. It could be refactored for WSGI. It was quicker to knock up this way, easier to debug.
The software uses UDP to send sequential updates to a given set of variables in (near) real-time (updates every 5-10 ms). thus, I do not need to capture all UDP data -- it is sufficient that the latest update is retrieved
What you must do is this.
Step 1.
Build a Python app that collects the UDP data and caches it into a file. Create the file using XML, CSV or JSON notation.
This runs independently as some kind of daemon. This is your listener or collector.
Write the file to a directory from which it can be trivially downloaded by Apache or some other web server. Choose names and directory paths wisely and you're done.
If you want fancier results, you can do more. You don't need to, since you're already done.
Step 2.
Build a web application that allows someone to request this data being accumulated by the UDP listener or collector.
Use a web framework like Django for this. Write as little as possible. Django can serve flat files created by your listener.
You're done. Again.
Some folks think relational databases are important. If so, you can do this. Even though you're already done.
Step 3.
Modify your data collection to create a database that the Django ORM can query. This requires some learning and some adjusting to get a tidy, simple ORM model.
Then write your final Django application to serve the UDP data being collected by your listener and loaded into your Django database.

