Converting LinearSVC's decision function to probabilities (Scikit learn python ) - python

I use linear SVM from scikit learn (LinearSVC) for binary classification problem. I understand that LinearSVC can give me the predicted labels, and the decision scores but I wanted probability estimates (confidence in the label). I want to continue using LinearSVC because of speed (as compared to sklearn.svm.SVC with linear kernel) Is it reasonable to use a logistic function to convert the decision scores to probabilities?
import sklearn.svm as suppmach
# Fit model:
predicted_test= svmmodel.predict(x_test)
predicted_test_scores= svmmodel.decision_function(x_test)
I want to check if it makes sense to obtain Probability estimates simply as [1 / (1 + exp(-x)) ] where x is the decision score.
Alternately, are there other options wrt classifiers that I can use to do this efficiently?

scikit-learn provides CalibratedClassifierCV which can be used to solve this problem: it allows to add probability output to LinearSVC or any other classifier which implements decision_function method:
svm = LinearSVC()
clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(svm), y_train)
y_proba = clf.predict_proba(X_test)
User guide has a nice section on that. By default CalibratedClassifierCV+LinearSVC will get you Platt scaling, but it also provides other options (isotonic regression method), and it is not limited to SVM classifiers.

I took a look at the apis in sklearn.svm.* family. All below models, e.g.,
have a common interface that supplies a
probability: boolean, optional (default=False)
parameter to the model. If this parameter is set to True, libsvm will train a probability transformation model on top of the SVM's outputs based on idea of Platt Scaling. The form of transformation is similar to a logistic function as you pointed out, however two specific constants A and B are learned in a post-processing step. Also see this stackoverflow post for more details.
I actually don't know why this post-processing is not available for LinearSVC. Otherwise, you would just call predict_proba(X) to get the probability estimate.
Of course, if you just apply a naive logistic transform, it will not perform as well as a calibrated approach like Platt Scaling. If you can understand the underline algorithm of platt scaling, probably you can write your own or contribute to the scikit-learn svm family. :) Also feel free to use the above four SVM variations that support predict_proba.

If you want speed, then just replace the SVM with sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression. That uses the exact same training algorithm as LinearSVC, but with log-loss instead of hinge loss.
Using [1 / (1 + exp(-x))] will produce probabilities, in a formal sense (numbers between zero and one), but they won't adhere to any justifiable probability model.

If what your really want is a measure of confidence rather than actual probabilities, you can use the method LinearSVC.decision_function(). See the documentation.

Just as an extension for binary classification with SVMs: You could also take a look at SGDClassifier which performs a gradient Descent with a SVM by default. For estimation of the binary-probabilities it uses the modified huber loss by
(clip(decision_function(X), -1, 1) + 1) / 2)
An example would look like:
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
svm = SGDClassifier(loss="modified_huber"), y_train)
proba = svm.predict_proba(X_test)


XGBoost for multiclassification and imbalanced data

I am dealing with a classification problem with 3 classes [0,1,2], and imbalanced class distribution as shown below.
I want to apply XGBClassifier (in Python) to this classification problem, but the model does not respond to class_weight adjustments and skews towards the majority class 0, and ignores the minority classes 1,2. Which hyperparameters other than class_weight can help me?
I tried 1) computing class weights using sklearn compute_class_weight; 2) setting weights according to the relative frequency of the classes; 3) and also manually adjusting classes with extreme values to see if any change happens at all, such as {0:0.5,1:100,2:200}. But in any case, it does not help the classifier to take the minority classes into account.
I can handle the problem in the binary case: If I make the problem a binary classification by identifying classes [1,2], then I can get the classifier work properly by adjusting scale_pos_weight (even in this case class_weight alone does not help).
But scale_pos_weight, as far as I know, works for binary classification. Is there an analogue of this parameter for the multi-classification problems?
Using RandomForestClassifier instead of XGBClassifier, I can handle the problem by setting class_weight='balanced_subsample' and tunning max_leaf_nodes. But, for some reason, this approach does not work for XGBClassifier.
Remark: I know about balancing techniques, such as over/undersampling, or SMOTE. But I want to avoid them as much as possible, and prefer a solutions using hyperparameter tunning of the model if possible.
My observation above shows that this can work for the binary case.
sample_weight parameter is useful for handling imbalanced data while using XGBoost for training the data. You can compute sample weights by using compute_sample_weight() of sklearn library.
This code should work for multiclass data:
from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_sample_weight
sample_weights = compute_sample_weight(
y=train_df['class'] #provide your own target name
), y, sample_weight=sample_weights)
You can use sample_weight as #Prakash Dahal suggested, but compute your own weights. I found that different weights made a dramatic difference (I have 12 classes and very imbalanced data).
If you compute your own weights, you need to assign the relevant weight to each entry and pass the param to the classifier in the same way:, y_train, sample_weight=weights)

Sklearn StandardScaler + ElasticNet with interpretable coefficients

In order to properly fit a regularized linear regression model like the Elastic Net, the independent variables have to be stanardized first. However, the coefficients have then different meaning. In order to extract the proper weights of such model, do I need to calculate them manually with this equation:
b = b' * std_y/std_x
or is there already some built-in feature in sklearn?
Also: I don't think I can just use normalize=True parameter, since I have dummy variables which should probably remain unscaled
You can unstandardize using the mean and standard deviation. sklearn provides them after you use StandardScaler.
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
ss = StandardScaler()
ss.fit_transform(X_train) # or whatever you called it
unstandardized_coefficients = model.coef_ * np.sqrt(ss.var_) + ss.mean_
That would put them on the scale of the unstandardized data.
However, since you're using regularization, it becomes a biased estimator. There is a tradeoff between performance and interpretability when it comes to biased/unbiased estimators. This is more a discussion for There's a difference between an unbiased estimator and a low MSE estimator. Read about biased estimators and interpretability here: When is a biased estimator preferable to unbiased one?.
tl;dr It doesn't make sense to do what you suggested.

Finding label-specific top features for non-linear classifier

Is there any function that gives the top features of each label in a Random Forest/ XG Boost classifier? The classifier.feature_importances_ only gives top features for the classifier as a whole.
Looking for something similar to the classifier.coef_ that gives label-specific top features for SVM and Naive Bayes classifiers in sklearn.
import pandas as pd
feature_importances = pd.DataFrame(rf.feature_importances_,
index = X_train.columns,
Try with this!
Or 1 vs Rest is also an good option but take lot of time.
Firstly, Random Forest / Xgboost or even a simple DecisionTree/ any Tree ensemble is a inherent multi-class classification model. Hence it will predict the multi-class output without using any wrapper ( 1 vs 1 / 1 vs Rest) on top of binary classifier (which is what the logistic regression/SVM/SGDClassifier would do).
Hence, you can get the feature importance for the overall multi-class classification alone and not for individual labels.
If you really want to know the feature importance for individual labels, then use onevsRest wrapper with decisionTree/ RandomForest/ Xgboost as the estimator.
This is not the recommended approach because the results could be suboptimal when compared with single decision Tree.
Some examples here.

What does sklearn "RidgeClassifier" do?

I'm trying to understand the difference between RidgeClassifier and LogisticRegression in sklearn.linear_model. I couldn't find it in the documentation.
I think I understand quite well what the LogisticRegression does.It computes the coefficients and intercept to minimise half of sum of squares of the coefficients + C times the binary cross-entropy loss, where C is the regularisation parameter. I checked against a naive implementation from scratch, and results coincide.
Results of RidgeClassifier differ and I couldn't figure out, how the coefficients and intercept are computed there? Looking at the Github code, I'm not experienced enough to untangle it.
The reason why I'm asking is that I like the RidgeClassifier results -- it generalises a bit better to my problem. But before I use it, I would like to at least have an idea where does it come from.
Thanks for possible help.
RidgeClassifier() works differently compared to LogisticRegression() with l2 penalty. The loss function for RidgeClassifier() is not cross entropy.
RidgeClassifier() uses Ridge() regression model in the following way to create a classifier:
Let us consider binary classification for simplicity.
Convert target variable into +1 or -1 based on the class in which it belongs to.
Build a Ridge() model (which is a regression model) to predict our target variable. The loss function is MSE + l2 penalty
If the Ridge() regression's prediction value (calculated based on decision_function() function) is greater than 0, then predict as positive class else negative class.
For multi-class classification:
Use LabelBinarizer() to create a multi-output regression scenario, and then train independent Ridge() regression models, one for each class (One-Vs-Rest modelling).
Get prediction from each class's Ridge() regression model (a real number for each class) and then use argmax to predict the class.

Does sklearn LogisticRegressionCV use all data for final model

I was wondering how the final model (i.e. decision boundary) of LogisticRegressionCV in sklearn was calculated. So say I have some Xdata and ylabels such that
Xdata # shape of this is (n_samples,n_features)
ylabels # shape of this is (n_samples,), and it is binary
and now I run
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV
clf = LogisticRegressionCV(Cs=[1.0],cv=5),ylabels)
This is looking at just one regularization parameter and 5 folds in the CV. So clf.scores_ will be a dictionary with one key with a value that is an array with shape (n_folds,1). With these five folds you can get a better idea of how the model performs.
However, I'm confused about what you get from clf.coef_ (and I'm assuming the parameters in clf.coef_ are the ones used in clf.predict). I have a few options I think it could be:
The parameters in clf.coef_ are from training the model on all the data
The parameters in clf.coef_ are from the best scoring fold
The parameters in clf.coef_ are averaged across the folds in some way.
I imagine this is a duplicate question, but for the life of me I can't find a straightforward answer online, in the sklearn documentation, or in the source code for LogisticRegressionCV. Some relevant posts I found are:
GridSearchCV final model
scikit-learn LogisticRegressionCV: best coefficients
Using cross validation and AUC-ROC for a logistic regression model in sklearn
Evaluating Logistic regression with cross validation
You are mistaking between hyper-parameters and parameters. All scikit-learn estimators which have CV in the end, like LogisticRegressionCV, GridSearchCV, or RandomizedSearchCV tune the hyper-parameters.
Hyper-parameters are not learnt from training on the data. They are set prior to learning assuming that they will contribute to optimal learning. More information is present here:
Hyper-parameters are parameters that are not directly learnt within
estimators. In scikit-learn they are passed as arguments to the
constructor of the estimator classes. Typical examples include C,
kernel and gamma for Support Vector Classifier, alpha for Lasso, etc.
In case of LogisticRegression, C is a hyper-parameter which describes the inverse of regularization strength. The higher the C, the less regularization is applied on the training. Its not that C will be changed during training. It will be fixed.
Now coming to coef_. coef_ contains coefficient (also called weights) of the features, which are learnt (and updated) during the training. Now depending on the value of C (and other hyper-parameters present in contructor), these can vary during the training.
Now there is another topic on how to get the optimum initial values of coef_, so that the training is faster and better. Thats optimization. Some start with random weights between 0-1, others start with 0, etc etc. But for the scope of your question, that is not relevant. LogisticRegressionCV is not used for that.
This is what LogisticRegressionCV does:
Get the values of different C from constructor (In your example you passed 1.0).
For each value of C, do the cross-validation of supplied data, in which the LogisticRegression will be fit() on training data of the current fold, and scored on the test data. The scores from test data of all folds are averaged and that becomes the score of the current C. This is done for all C values you provided, and the C with the highest average score will be chosen.
Now the chosen C is set as the final C and LogisticRegression is again trained (by calling fit()) on the whole data (Xdata,ylabels here).
Thats what all the hyper-parameter tuners do, be it GridSearchCV, or LogisticRegressionCV, or LassoCV etc.
The initializing and updating of coef_ feature weights is done inside the fit() function of the algorithm which is out of scope for the hyper-parameter tuning. That optimization part is dependent on the internal optimization algorithm of the process. For example solver param in case of LogisticRegression.
Hope this makes things clear. Feel free to ask if still any doubt.
You have the parameter refit=True by default. On the docs you can read:
If set to True, the scores are averaged across all folds, and the
coefs and the C that corresponds to the best score is taken, and a
final refit is done using these parameters. Otherwise the coefs,
intercepts and C that correspond to the best scores across folds are
So if refit=True the CV model is retrained using all the data.
When it says the final refit is done using these parameters it is talking about the C regularization parameter. So it uses the C that gives the best
average score across the K folds.
When refit=False it retrieves you the best model in cross validation.
So if you trained 5 folds, you will get the model (coeff + C + intercept), trained on 4 folds of data, which gave the best score on its fold test set.
I agree that the documetation here is not very clear but averaging C values and coefficients does not really make much sense
I just took a look at the source code. It seems for refit = True, they just selected the best hyperparameter (C and l1_ratio) and retrain the model with all the data.
for refit = False:
It seems they do average the hyperparameters, see the blow source code:
best_indices = np.argmax(scores, axis=1)
best_indices_C = best_indices % len(self.Cs_)

