I am writing a python script that needs to take an equation from a user in the form of something like this
z=x^2+3x+9 +y^3 or z =cos(pi/2+x) + 2sin(y)
and evaluate the function at runtime over many values for x and y. How would I go about using the input given by a user as a function? Meaning I would like to be able to do something like this:
input = input("please input 3 variable function.")
function = evaluate_function(input)
for x and y:
result = evaluate function
return result
Is something like this possible? I have looked around and the closed thing I have found to what I want to do seems to be this (How to process user supplied formulas?), but it is only talking about evaluating for a single value of x and z not iterating over many values. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update: As suggested below I found this (http://lybniz2.sourceforge.net/safeeval.html) about using eval() which seems to be pretty much what I want to do
Interpreting math formulas is sympy's domain. parse_expr is its safe parsing function, and its global_dict and local_dict arguments govern what predefined symbols are available.
Yes, parsing and substitution should work:
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
eq = parse_expr(raw_input('enter an equation of x, y and/or z'))
for v in ((1,2,3),(1,2,4)):
res = eq.subs(dict(zip((x,y,z),v)))
dat = (tuple(v) + (eq, res))
print('at x=%s, y=%s, z=%, %s = %s' % dat)
...and a suggestion to Use a.any() or a.all().
I am new to python and i am trying to implement a sabr model. I have defined a function with the following parameters:
def haganimpliedvol(a,f,k,B,v,t,p):
if k != f:
z = v/a*math.pow(f*k,(1-B)/2)*math.log(f/k)
xz = math.log((math.sqrt(1-2*p*z+math.pow(z,2))+z-p)/(1-p))
sigma = a/math.pow(f*k,(1-B)/2)*(1 + math.pow(1-B,2)/24* math.pow(math.log(f/k),2)+\
math.pow(1-B,4)/1920* math.pow(math.log(f/k),4))*\
sigma = a/math.pow(f,1-B)*\
Now I define another function to and call the haganimpliedvol() function
params = [0.4,0.6,0.1,-0.4]
def objective(params):
global k,sigma_iv,t,f
a = params[0]
B = params[1]
v = params[2]
p = params[1]
for (i,j,k) in zip(k,t,f):
calc_vols = np.array([haganimpliedvol(a,f,k,B,v,t,p)])
As can be seen, a few parameters in the functions are list. I want to get an array as an output. However, I keep getting the message in the subject line.
Pay attention to the variables in this call:
for (i,j,k) in zip(k,t,f):
calc_vols = np.array([haganimpliedvol(a,f,k,B,v,t,p)])
for the zip to work, k,t, f have to be lists or arrays of matching size;
Done use k for an iteration variable; it is already used in the zip. I think you are just being careless here; or confused.
And the arguments to the hagen... function. Are the f, k, t supposed to be variables used in the zip? It would make more sense to use the iteration variables (i,j,?). Again, this just looks like you are careless, or don't care what happens.
As for the ambiguity error, that most likely arises in the
if k != f:
If either k or f is an array (or both) the k!=f will be a boolean array. That can't be used in if, which requires a simple True or False value. It does not iterate on the conditions. It is a basic Python if - a switch.
This ambiguity error comes up frequently, in various contexts, but all with the same basic issue - using an array in a context that requires a scalar T/F. A simple web search should provide lots of examples.
#hpaulj thank you for leading me on the right path. I vectorized my function and made some edits and now it is working fine.
haganimpliedvol = np.vectorize(haganimpliedvol,excluded = ['a','B','v','p'])
params = [0.2,0.7,0.01,-0.4]
def objective(params):
global k,sigma_iv,t,f
a = params[0]
B = params[1]
v = params[2]
p = params[1]
calc_vols = haganimpliedvol(a,f,k,B,v,t,p)
Are you sure you want to pass arrays into the haganimpliedvol() function?
The general convention is to write functions which take a single input type.
Maybe call it one per item in the array?
Or write the function in a way that, if it sees the input is a list it iterates and if it sees the inputs arent lists then it just calculates it one time.
See this thread for ideas
How to make a function that can handle single inputs or lists of inputs
I am trying to generate some random expressions in the form f(g(x)). I'd like to be able to replace g with something like sin(x) or x**2 and f with something like cos(x) or log(x). So I'd get something like sin(cos(x)) or log(x**2) (but randomized).
The part of this task I'm having trouble with is replacing both an outer and inner function.
Here's my code:
import sympy
from sympy import abc
x = abc.x
f = sympy.Function('f')(x)
g = sympy.Function('g')(x)
full=f.subs(x, g)
newExpr = sympy.sin(x)
newExpr2 = sympy.cos(x)
replaced_inner = full.subs(g, newExpr)
both = replaced_inner.subs(f, newExpr2)
full prints f(g(x)) so that works
replaced_inner prints f(sin(x)) so that works as well
both prints f(sin(x)) when I want it to print cos(sin(x))
I've tried using args[0] and f.func but haven't made progress.
How can I replace both the inner and outer functions (and eventually more complex things like f(g(h(x))).
I could simply create cos(sin(x)) but I want to do it using variables so I can randomize what function gets replaced.
The problem is in confusion of functions like sympy.Function('f') and expressions like sympy.Function('f')(x). Having defined f = sympy.Function('f')(x) you made f the expression f(x). And since
the expression f(g(x)) does not have f(x) as a subexpression, attempted substitution fails.
All this is fixed if you work with actual functions, not plugging x in prematurely.
f = sympy.Function('f')
g = sympy.Function('g')
full = f(g(x))
newExpr = sympy.sin
newExpr2 = sympy.cos
replaced_inner = full.subs(g, newExpr)
both = replaced_inner.subs(f, newExpr2)
This prints
Aside: you may also be interested in replace method which supports certain patterns. Not necessary here, but may be necessary for more advanced replacements.
I wanted to be able to get the str conversion function in python to act as the pretty print function in sympy (or print as if init_printing() was called with any argument(s)). Right now if one calls such a function it only changes the print function that prints to the screen. How do I get str to behave as pprint or other options? In short it would be awesome to be able to get/intercept the output of print somehow in a string and a variable in python itself.
For example I want to be able to do:
from sympy import *
x,y=symbols('x y')
x_eq_y = Eq(x,2*y)
x_eq_y_str = str(x_eq_y) # holds 'Eq(x,2*y)' but I want it to hold 'x = 2y' or a latex formula etc
is it possible to do that?
str is just one of printing functions available in SymPy. If you want to use another one, use it:
x_eq_y_str = latex(x_eq_y) # get 'x = 2 y'
x_eq_y_str = pprint(x_eq_y) # get x = 2⋅y
x_eq_y_str = pprint(x_eq_y, use_unicode=False) # get x = 2*y
Using sympy 1.4 the pprint function does not return the string. This should work instead:
x_eq_y_str = pretty(x_eq_y) # get x = 2⋅y
x_eq_y_str = pretty(x_eq_y, use_unicode=False) # get x = 2*y
I am a c++ guy, learning the lambda function in python and wanna know it inside out. did some seraches before posting here. anyway, this piece of code came up to me.
<1> i dont quite understand the purpose of lambda function here. r we trying to get a function template? If so, why dont we just set up 2 parameters in the function input?
<2> also, make_incrementor(42), at this moment is equivalent to return x+42, and x is the 0,1 in f(0) and f(1)?
<3> for f(0), does it not have the same effect as >>>f = make_incrementor(42)? for f(0), what are the values for x and n respectively?
any commments are welcome! thanks.
>>> def make_incrementor(n):
... return lambda x: x + n
>>> f = make_incrementor(42)
>>> f(0)
>>> f(1)
Yes, this is similar to a C++ int template. However, instead of at compile time (yes, Python (at least for CPython) is "compiled"), the function is created at run time. Why the lambda is used in this specific case is unclear, probably only for demonstration that functions can be returned from other functions rather than practical use. Sometimes, however, statements like this may be necessary if you need a function taking a specified number of arguments (e.g. for map, the function must take the same number of arguments as the number of iterables given to map) but the behaviour of the function should depend on other arguments.
make_incrementor returns a function that adds n (here, 42) to any x passed to that function. In your case the x values you tried are 0 and `1``
f = make_incrementor(42) sets f to a function that returns x + 42. f(0), however, returns 0 + 42, which is 42 - the returned types and values are both different, so the different expressions don't have the same effect.
The purpose is to show a toy lambda return. It lets you create a function with data baked in. I have used this less trivial example of a similar use.
def startsWithFunc(testString):
return lambda x: x.find(testString) == 0
Then when I am parsing, I create some functions:
startsDesctription = startsWithFunc("!Sample_description")
startMatrix = startsWithFunc("!series_matrix_table_begin")
Then in code I use:
while line:
#.... other stuff
if startsDesctription(line):
#do description work
if startMatrix(line):
#do matrix start work
#other stuff ... increment line ... etc
Still perhaps trival, but it shows creating general funcitons with data baked it.
Is there a keyword in Matlab that is roughly equivalent to None in python?
I am trying to use it to mark an optional argument to a function. I am translating the following Python code
def f(x,y=None):
if y == None:
return g(x)
return h(x,y)
into Matlab
function rtrn = f(x,y)
if y == []:
rtrn = g(x);
rtrn = h(x,y);
As you can see currently I am using [] as None. Is there a better way to do this?
in your specific case. you may use nargin to determine how many input arguments here provided when calling the function.
from the MATLAB documentation:
The nargin and nargout functions
enable you to determine how many input
and output arguments a function is
called with. You can then use
conditional statements to perform
different tasks depending on the
number of arguments. For example,
function c = testarg1(a, b)
if (nargin == 1)
c = a .^ 2;
elseif (nargin == 2)
c = a + b;
Given a single input argument, this
function squares the input value.
Given two inputs, it adds them
NaN while not equivalent, often serves the similar purpose.
nargin is definitely the easiest way of doing it. Also it is usually good practice to validate the number of input argument using nargchk:
function e = testFunc(a,b,c,d)
error( nargchk(2, 4, nargin, 'struct') );
% set default values
if nargin<4, d = 0; end
if nargin<3, c = 0; end
% ..
c = a*b + c*d;
... which acts as a way to ensure the correct number of arguments is passed. In this case, a minimum of two arguments are required, with a maximum of four.
If nargchk detects no error, execution resumes normally, otherwise an error is generated. For example, calling testFunc(1) generates:
Not enough input arguments.
UPDATE: A new function was introduced in R2011b narginchk, which replaces the use of the deprecated nargchk+error seen above:
You can use functions like: exist and isempty to check whether a variable exists and whether it is empty respectively:
if ~exist('c','var') || isempty(c)
c = 10;
which allows you to call your function such as: testFunc(1,2,[],4) telling it to use the default value for c but still giving a value for d
You could also use varargin to accept a variable number of arguments.
Finally a powerful way to parse and validate named inputs is to use inputParser
To see examples and other alternatives of passing arguments and setting default values, check out this post and its comments as well.
The equivalent to Python None in MATLAB is string(missing)
To test, type the following in your command window : py.type( string(missing) )
It returns <class 'NoneType'>
MATLAB to python data types documentation here
If you want to pass None into a Python function that you are calling from MATLAB, then you would pass in string(missing). This argument would show up as None in the Python function, for example, if you are detecting for None such as if arg1 == None.