I added a new date field in the quotation form via the developer's mode. Now i want to get the field's value by retrieving it via python. The problem is that the string it is retrieving is 'False', a boolean value, i checked it. My code is correct because when i retrieved an existing date field on the form, it is retrieving it correctly. The problem is arising only with the custom field that i added. How can i solve this? i am using openerp 7....
prod_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order')
products_ids = prod_obj.browse(cr, uid,uid,context=context)
expected_date = products_ids['x_expected_payment_date']
'x_expected_payment_date' is the custom field i added. it is displaying correctly on the form btw.
You are browsing the sale order using the user ID so I presume you are getting a sale order that doesn't have a date set (or doesn't exist).
sale_order = self.pool.get('sale.order').browse(cr, uid, my_sale_order_id, context=context)
expected_date = sale_order.x_expected_payment_date
Note I assume you have your sale order id (my_sale_order_id) somewhere.
Also note that this code assumes it is an int or long. If you pass browse a single ID, you get a single browse record back; if you pass it a list of IDs you get a list of browse records back.
I'm having an issue here that I want clarification with, see, I'm making a program that does analysis of data.
I wanted to query data from different users, the data is numerical by the way, whenever I'd get subject marks from a user, I want the system to return the name of the user who has those marks.
It was all working fine until I tried querying the users with the same marks, and all I could get was an error
analyzer.models.ResultsALevel.MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one
ResultsALevel -- it returned 4!
So I was trying to find a way to still query and return the name of users with that subject mark, even if they have the same marks.
I believe that should be possible since the users have different id's and stuff, help would be much appreciated!
Here's my views.py
biology_marks = []
for student in ResultsALevel.objects.all():
value_1_biology =
value_2_biology =
value_3_biology =
value_4_biology =
ObjectManager.get() is used to retrieve single instances, usually selected by a primary key field.
Using ObjectManager.get() on a field where multiple data exists which matches the query, an error is returned (MultipeObjectsReturned)
Use ObjectManager.filter() in stead.
My previous query is
queryset_list = Team.objects.filter(
models.Q(players=self.request.user) |
models.Q(team_manager=self.request.user) | models.Q(coach=self.request.user) ).order_by('id').distinct()
Now I have remove the "players" field from the table "Team"
This change is only for the new update.... But I need to provide support for both newly updated users and previously updated users.....
Now if a person login with old update this will crack
For this reason we provide with api versioning. site-name/api/v1/ and site-name/api/v2, any major changes to the api are handled using that, however minor changes like that can be done based on when the user was added, provided you stored the created_on timestamp for all users.
if self.request.user.created_on > API_DATE_CHANGE:
return NEW_API-- filter here and return new values here.
return OLD_API-- filter and return old values here
I have two fields. One field depends on other field. Second field have a domain which check condition based on the first field's selected value. So if the user do not selected the first field and trying to select the second field, then it should show a message that, select first field. [I tried using required=True but it will give message after when I am trying to save the record.]
roomType = fields.Selection([('meeting','Meeting Room'),('discussion','Discussion Room')])
meeting_room=fields.Many2one(comodel_name='mroom',string="select the room",required=True,domain='[("roomType","=",roomType)]')
you can use alternative solution.
Initially make meeting_room field invisible or readonly. Now use attrs on roomType field which will make meeting_room visible. in this way you will have roomType value for domain of meeting_room field.
Help! Can't figure this out! I'm getting a Integrity error on get_or_create even with a defaults parameter set.
Here's how the model looks stripped down.
class Example(models.Model):model
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
text = models.TextField()
def __unicode__(self):
return "Example"
I run this in Django:
def create_example_model(user, textJson):
defaults = {text: textJson.get("text", "undefined")}
model, created = models.Example.objects.get_or_create(
id=textJson.get("id", None),
if not created:
model.text = textJson.get("text", "undefined")
return model
I'm getting an error on the get_or_create line:
IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry '3020' for key 'PRIMARY'")
It's live so I can't really tell what the input is.
Help? There's actually a defaults set, so it's not like, this problem where they do not have a defaults. Plus it doesn't have together-unique. Django : get_or_create Raises duplicate entry with together_unique
I'm using python 2.6, and mysql.
You shouldn't be setting the id for objects in general, you have to be careful when doing that.
Have you checked to see the value for 'id' that you are putting into the database?
If that doesn't fix your issue then it may be a database issue, for PostgreSQL there is a special sequence used to increment the ID's and sometimes this does not get incremented. Something like the following:
SELECT setval('tablename_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM
get_or_create() will try to create a new object if it can't find one that is an exact match to the arguments you pass in.
So is what I'm assuming is happening is that a different user has made an object with the id of 3020. Since there is no object with the user/id combo you're requesting, it tries to make a new object with that combo, but fails because a different user has already created an item with the id of 3020.
Hopefully that makes sense. See what the following returns. Might give a little insight as to what has gone on.
You might need to make 3020 a string in the lookup. I'm assuming a string is coming back from your textJson.get() method.
One common but little documented cause for get_or_create() fails is corrupted database indexes.
Django depends on the assumption that there is only one record for given identifier, and this is in turn enforced using UNIQUE index on this particular field in the database. But indexes are constantly being rewritten and they may get corrupted e.g. when the database crashes unexpectedly. In such case the index may no longer return information about an existing record, another record with the same field is added, and as result you'll be hitting the IntegrityError each time you try to get or create this particular record.
The solution is, at least in PostgreSQL, to REINDEX this particular index, but you first need to get rid of the duplicate rows programmatically.
I created a new property for my db model in the Google App Engine Datastore.
class Logo(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
image = db.BlobProperty()
class Logo(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
image = db.BlobProperty()
is_approved = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
How to query for the Logo records, which to not have the 'is_approved' value set?
I tried
logos.filter("is_approved = ", None)
but it didn't work.
In the Data Viewer the new field values are displayed as .
According to the App Engine documentation on Queries and Indexes, there is a distinction between entities that have no value for a property, and those that have a null value for it; and "Entities Without a Filtered Property Are Never Returned by a Query." So it is not possible to write a query for these old records.
A useful article is Updating Your Model's Schema, which says that the only currently-supported way to find entities missing some property is to examine all of them. The article has example code showing how to cycle through a large set of entities and update them.
A practice which helps us is to assign a "version" field on every Kind. This version is set on every record initially to 1. If a need like this comes up (to populate a new or existing field in a large dataset), the version field allows iteration through all the records containing "version = 1". By iterating through, setting either a "null" or another initial value to the new field, bump the version to 2, store the record, allows populating the new or existing field with a default value.
The benefit to the "version" field is that the selection process can continue to select against that lower version number (initially set to 1) over as many sessions or as much time is needed until ALL records are updated with the new field default value.
Maybe this has changed, but I am able to filter records based on null fields.
When I try the GQL query SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE demo=NULL, it returns only records for which the demo field is missing.
According to the doc http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/gqlreference.html:
The right-hand side of a comparison can be one of the following (as
appropriate for the property's data type): [...] a Boolean literal, as TRUE or
FALSE; the NULL literal, which represents the null value (None in
I'm not sure that "null" is the same as "missing" though : in my case, these fields already existed in my model but were not populated on creation. Maybe Federico you could let us know if the NULL query works in your specific case?