So far I'm trying to get a date field data, translated into text format in OpenERP v7.
I made a function on stock module, but when I declare this on my xml view, it returns Undefined tag, and I can't group line by date anymore.
This is my code:
def _date_(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, arg, context):
for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
if record.create_date :
a = date.strptime(record.create_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
b = a.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
x[] = text(b(a))
return x
_columns = {
'create_date':'Creation Date', readonly=True, select=True),
'date_': fields.function(_date_, type='text', string='date copy', store=True),
And on stock_view.xml
<filter string="Creation" name="groupby_create_date" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date_'}"
It doesn't actually group them, but show 'undefined' tag, and groups all lines without discrimination by month, which is the normal behavior of create_date date type field, so, how can I achieve this?
I'm making some tests, but I don't see any change on it.
Can someone please shed some light on this?
Thanks in advance!
'date_': fields.function(date, type='date', string='date copy', store=True)
x[] = text(b(a))
and not convert date in text type
Hope this help
In hr.holidays model for employee_id field onchange function is there but I removed that onchange function from 'employee_id' field.The main aim of that function is Auto filling of 'department_id' field of same model when the change of 'employee_id' field.
My requirement is the below code is existing in odoo v7 but i need in odoo v8.
I tried in different ways but I didn't get any result so please help me.
def onchange_employee(self, cr, uid, ids, employee_id):
result = {'value': {'department_id': False}}
if employee_id:
employee = self.pool.get('hr.employee').browse(cr, uid, employee_id)
result['value'] = {'department_id':}
return result
My odoo V8 code:
I am getting object of 'hr.employee' but I am unable to fill that object in 'department_id' field because of it is many2one field.Below is my code.
def joining_date(self):
if self.employee_id:
self.department_id =''
depart_obj = self.env['hr.employee'].search([('name', '=' ,])
if depart_obj:
for departments in depart_obj:
depart_new_obj = self.env['hr.employee'].browse([])
for tax in depart_new_obj.department_id:
self.department_id = []
Why are you searching and browsing object if you have already object of self.employee_id
just set
self.department_id =
At finally I got the answer removing of [ ] .""self.department_id =""
I have a sales order form which contains a custom delivery date field.
Now I want to pass the value from delivery date field in sales order to the commitment date field in delivery order (stock.picking.out).
Did we make two columns in both stock.picking and stock.picking.out?
And also how can I take the delivery date field value from sales order during the automatic creation of delivery order(at the click of confirm order button).
I am using v7. Thanks in advance
I got the answer from the following link. Thanks too much for #Sudhir Arya for helping me.
Here is the full code
class StockPicking(orm.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.picking'
_columns = {
'x_commitment_date':'Commitment Date', help="Committed date for delivery."),
class StockPickingOut(orm.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.picking.out'
def __init__(self, pool, cr):
super(StockPickingOut, self).__init__(pool, cr)
self._columns['x_commitment_date'] = self.pool['stock.picking']._columns['x_commitment_date']
class Sale_Order(osv.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order'
def _prepare_order_picking(self, cr, uid, order, context=None):
vals = super(sale_order, self)._prepare_order_picking(cr, uid, order, context=context)
vals.update({'x_commitment_date': order.commitment_date})
return vals
I'm trying to show a res.partner field, which is called phone into the treeview of a sale.order.
But it is not showing anything, just the name of the field without data. This is my code on sale.order
phone : fields.char('Telefono del Cliente'),
Onchange function for this field:
def onchange_phone(self, cr, uid, ids, phone, context=None):
res = {}
if phone:
obj = self.pool.get('res.partner')
browse(cr, uid, phone)
res['phone'] =
return {'value' : res}
On res.partner the field is also called phone which is obviously the client's phone, i need to show it on the sale.order treeview, this is the code on my sale_view.xml:
<field name="phone" on_change="onchange_phone(phone)"/>
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
As a suggestion, If you want phone number of partner, than you should not create on_change of phone field. You can get phone number in 2 ways.
First way and best way, In sale.order, onchange_partner_id() method is their, you need to override that method and update vals with phone number of partner.
And Second way and long way, You may override create() method and write() method of sale.order.
create() method trick:
in create() method, you can take partner id from the context. For example vals.get('partner_id')
write() method trick:
in write() method, you have id of created record so you need to simply browse that record and write phone number of partner.
As Odedra suggested, you should do this like so (this is taken from file):
def onchange_partner_id(self, cr, uid, ids, part, context=None):
if not part:
return {'value': {'partner_invoice_id': False, 'partner_shipping_id': False, 'payment_term': False, 'fiscal_position': False}}
part = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr, uid, part, context=context)
addr = self.pool.get('res.partner').address_get(cr, uid, [], ['delivery', 'invoice', 'contact'])
pricelist = part.property_product_pricelist and or False
payment_term = part.property_payment_term and or False
fiscal_position = part.property_account_position and or False
dedicated_salesman = part.user_id and or uid
phone = or False
val = {
'partner_invoice_id': addr['invoice'],
'partner_shipping_id': addr['delivery'],
'payment_term': payment_term,
'fiscal_position': fiscal_position,
'user_id': dedicated_salesman,
'phone': phone,
if pricelist:
val['pricelist_id'] = pricelist
return {'value': val}
Note that you should not do that on base module, but instead create your own module and inherit it to sale.order model. What is more, onchange will not work on tree view (like you suggested), but you can easily show it on the tree - you have to first put it on your form with the onchange provided, then modify tree view to show phone number.
I wonder if there is some way to show in one field, a concatenation of 3 other fields, already in the same form.
Like for example:
'field_1' : fields.integer('Campo 1'),
field_2' : fields.integer('Campo 2'),
field_3' : fields.integer('Campo 3'),
Then show the inputs of these 3 fields concatenated in one single field:
field_concatenated : fields.related(?)('field_1', 'field_2', 'field_3', 'Name of the field'),
I put an '?' sign cause i actually don't know how to achieve this, maybe using a related type one? By the way the 3 fields are on the same class-form.
The resulting field could be readonly, and show up after the form has been saved.
I hope i've explained myself.
Thanks in advance
The fields can be of the type integer and char
2nd EDIT
Actual Example:
'empresa' : fields.integer('Empresa'),
'provee' : fields.integer('Proveedor'),
'soli_cant' : fields.integer('Cantidad de Solicitudes'),
'dest' : fields.char('Destino'),
'anho' : fields.integer('Año'),
So, after these fields are filled manually, the resulting field have to show me a concatenation of these 4 fields, in a format like empresa-proveesoli_cant-dest-anho
Being provee and soli_cant one after the another, (without the '-') if it can't be possible then that show me the concatenation without separator
Maybe it isn't necessarily declared on the python code, maybe there is some shortcut in the xml view?
Something like <field name="empresa" "provee" "soli_cant" "dest" "anho" /> idk...
3rd EDIT
The actual code i'm using right now (Thanks to Ethan Furman):
The columns:
'empresa' : fields.integer('Empresa'),
'provee' : fields.integer('Proveedor'),
'soli_cant' : fields.integer('Cantidad de Solicitudes'),
'dest' : fields.char('Destino'),
'anho' : fields.integer('Año'),
The function with it's column:
def _combinalos(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, args, context=None):
values = {}
for id in ids:
rec = self.browse(cr, uid, [id], context=context)[0]
values[id] = {}
values[id][field_name] = '%s %s %s %s %s' %(rec.empresa, rec.provee, rec.soli_cant, rec.dest, rec.anho)
return values
columns = {
'nombre' : fields.function(_combinalos, string='Referencia de Pedido', type='char', arg=('empresa','provee','soli_cant', 'dest', 'anho'), method=True),
All this on the same class of course.
Then i call it from my xml view like this:
<label string="Request for Quotation " attrs="{'invisible': [('state','not in',('draft','sent'))]}"/>
<label string="Purchase Order " attrs="{'invisible': [('state','in',('draft','sent'))]}"/>
<field name="nombre" class="oe_inline" readonly="1" />
The label string is to filter if this is a Request for Quotation or a Purchase Order
After all this, i do fill the 5 fields of integer and char type, but still don't get these fields 'concatenated' in one string, or title, just a label saying [object Object], it could be a label issue? String name of function in the column maybe?
Make a new functional field and combine the three other fields there:
def _combine(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, args, context=None):
values = {}
for id in ids:
rec = self.browse(cr, uid, [id], context=context)[0]
values[id] = {}
values[id] = '%s %s %s' % (rec.field1, rec.field2, rec.field3)
return values
_columns = {
fields.function(_combine, string='three fields in one!', type='char',
arg=('field1','field2','field3'), method=True),
Note: untested code
The _combine method should be part of the class with the other columns, and the fields.function should also be in that class' _columns.
I do a project about Timesheet in OpenERP. I have this problem:
this is x_luong table.
class x_luong(osv.osv):
_name = 'x_luong'
_description = 'Luong'
_columns = {'name': fields.many2one('x_nhanvien', 'Mã nhân viên', size=10, required='1'),
'ma_luong': fields.integer('ma luong', size=10, required='1'),
'giolam': fields.float('Giờ làm', size=100, required='1'),
'giolamthuc': fields.char('Gio lam thuc te', size=5, required='1'),
'time_in': fields.char('Gio vào', size=20),
'time_out' :fields.char('Gio về', size=20),
'state' :fields.selection([('dangnhap','Đẳng nhập.'),('rave','Ra về')]),
'test': fields.integer('Kiem tra', size=20),
'phutvao': fields.integer('Phut vao ', size=20),
'phutra': fields.integer('phut ra', size=20),
_defaults = {'state':'dangnhap',
and this some function in it:
this 2 function mean get time when the staff sign_in or sign_out the system:
def get_timein(self,cr,uid,ids,context={}):
obj = self.browse(cr,uid,ids,context=context)[0]
timein = str(
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'time_in':timein }, context=context)
return 1
def get_timeout(self,cr,uid,ids,context={}):
obj = self.browse(cr,uid,ids,context=context)[0]
timeout = str(
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'time_out':timeout }, context=context)
return 1
and this 2 function for button sign_in and sign_out:
def cho_dangnhap(self,cr,uid,ids,context={}):
return 1
def cho_rave(self,cr,uid,ids,context={}):
function tinh_thoigian mean cut the string time for get ... hour or min for calculation
def _thoigianlam(self,cr,uid,ids,context={}):
obj = self.browse(cr,uid,ids,context=context)[0]
hour_den = int(obj.time_in[12:13])
hour_di = int(obj.time_out[12:13])
min_den = int(obj.time_in[15:16])
min_di = int(obj.time_out[15:16])
gl = int(hour_di)-int(hour_den)
pl = min_di-min_den
thucte = str(gl)+':'+pl
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'giolam':gl }, context=context)
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'giolamthuc':thucte }, context=context)
return 1
and last function insert() get ma_luong(i think this same the primary key in sql) and giolam(the hour of the staff work in company), time_in, time_out and this is function insert()
def insert(self,cr,uid,ids,context={}):
obj = self.browse(cr,uid,ids,context=context)
values = {'ma_luong',
with this function i want insert data in table x_giolam because when the staff sign in or sign out the system in day ... the data of it with save in this table and a other day when they do it again it with save it again ... and last month if you want calculation about salary of them you just select ma_luong=ma_luong(of table x_luong) and this table x_giolam:
class x_giolam(osv.osv):
_name = 'x_giolam'
_description = 'Gio Lam'
_columns = {'name': fields.integer('Lọai',size=64,required="true"),
'giolam' : fields.float('Gio lam',size=64,required="True"),
'time_in': fields.char('Gio vào',size=20),
'time_out' :fields.char('Gio về',size=20),
and i have 3 question with my project:
1) function insert have aerror:
AttributeError: 'browse_record_list' object has no attribute 'name'
How can i fix it ??? i data of it is save in table x_giolam
2) how can i select many row of table x_giolam which of thte employee' own.. give me some example about this function
3) how i can organization field.Xml when i show rows in
Sorry for your troubles because it is so long ... but i hope every body in here can help me. Python and open Erp so difference with c++ or c#. And this my project"research and write a module timesheet with OpenErp" of me and next week is deadline.
English of me not good, i'm sory about it!!!
I can help with your first question. The problem is in this code:
def insert(self,cr,uid,ids,context={}):
The error message was like this:
AttributeError: 'browse_record_list' object has no attribute 'name'
If you call orm.browse() with a list of ids, you will get back a list of browse records. You then have to enumerate through the list, or get a single entry from the list to work with.
For example:
for luong in self.browse(cr,uid,ids,context=context):
luongs = self.browse(cr,uid,ids,context=context)
luong = luongs[0]
Why don't you take a look at the standard hr_attendance module and go on from there?
For your model, the name is a reserved field name, so it would be best to keep it as achar. Try that change and see if it solves your error message.
For the other two questions, I think you should try to rephrase them a little better...
The type of obj is list of records, so for browse the list of records, you must define a one element.
in your case, you can type : obj[0].giolam --> for the giolam of the first record of obj.
forgive me for my bad english