I have a program executing through wine in Ubuntu 13, this program has its own GUI and there is some data on this program like in this picture:
My intention is (using Python) get this window, and try to obtain this data from it.
Right now I'm trying using wnsck:
from gi.repository import Gtk, Wnck
screen = Wnck.Screen.get_default()
all_windows = screen.get_windows() # First I get all windows
# Then I search my window
my_window = all_windows[-1] # Let's supose it's the last window
# I'm trying to do things like
# ... and many others methods I saw could be what I'm looking for
When I try to get some data as I said above I allways get:
RuntimeError: Data access methods are unsupported. Use normal Python attributes instead
Does anybody if it's possible to get process data with wnck ?
Does anybody knows another way to achieve what I'm trying ?
I'm trying to get some values displayed on the window
I know there are some libraries for windows, but I'm interested doing this in Ubuntu
Thanks in advance
Does anyone know the trick to pywinauto's find_window function? I am building an application with kivy, and trying to use pywinauto to bring an .exe to the foreground, using the following code:
I simply want to identify a currently open .exe, and bring it to the foreground. I have looked here https://pywinauto.github.io/docs/code/pywinauto.findwindows.html and it seems "title=" is what I want.
Does anyone know how to point to the .exe with pywinauto?
I think title is for window title (i.e. "python - Cannot find..." in case of this tab), are you sure it not more like "process='program.exe'" ?
if it needs to be and int then its pid (process id) and you can use this to get process id by title:
import win32gui,win32process
def get_window_pid(title):
hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, title)
threadid,pid = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)
return pid
Eventually have at this answer as it contains really nice class for getting windows Python Window Activation, i dont want to copy paste, but use it and then you can do:
w = WindowMgr()
find_window is low level function I wouldn’t recommend to use.
The right thing is Application object connected to the target process. It can be used so:
from pywinauto import Application
app = Application(backend=“uia”).connect(path=“program.exe”)
If you have several app instances, there is a Desktop object to walk all the windows in the system:
from pywinauto import Desktop
Desktop(backend=“win32”).window(title=“Window Title”, found_index=0).set_focus()
You referred to the old docs for version 0.5.4, the latest one is 0.6.4 with two backends available and many bug fixes. The Getting Started Guide link on the main page is a good source to learn the main concept.
.Hi everyone,
I`m still pretty new to python so, bear with me.
I am trying to setup a custom UI Window in maya, with a custom camera.
For this i am using the panelLayout, modelPanel and modelEditor commands.
Now, it's working so far with one exception.
The flags i've set for the modelEditor seem to be ignored entirely and i dont know why.
So here is the code:
if cmds.window("myWindow", exists=True):
cmds.paneLayout(configuration="single", w=1000, h=500)
cmds.modelEditor(modelPanel="modelPanel4", allObjects=False, polymeshes=True, imagePlane=True, displayAppearance="smoothShaded")
I want only polyMeshes and imgagePlanes to show in this window, aswell as to have the displayAppearance set to "smoothShaded".
Nnothing else, including the grid, should be visible at this point.
but, everything show up in the window, as if i had'nt set a single flag.
any help is much appreciated
All the flags in modelEditor() work fine in Maya 2016.5 and Maya 2018. I've checked it.
import maya.cmds as cmds
if cmds.window("myWindow", exists=True):
cmds.paneLayout(configuration="single", w=1000, h=500)
The problem might appear when you click myWindow or press any key. It'll show not perspective view (modelPanel4) but the other view (for instance camera1 view).
My current situation is that I open a process, which opens in a random location (thats how this process works).
I have the process PID so I need to somehow focus this window, and move it to the center of my screen.
Im doing something wrong as I can't even set focus on that window... tried it with different apps and got the same result...
The way I select the window -
appl = pywinauto.application.Application()
app_dialog = appl.top_window_()
##app_dialog.SetFocus() ##doesn't work aswell
##pywinauto.win32functions.SetForegroundWindow(app_dialog)## doesn't work
Thanks for reading :)
Can't say why it doesn't work with pywinauto...
Got it to work with win32gui as the answer here- Python Window Activation
long yet efficient ;)
Method app_dialog.set_focus() should work in pywinauto 0.6.2. If not, it might be a bug. Is your application publicly available somehow? I'd like to reproduce it on my side. Are you trying to activate a background window while you have modal dialog on top of it?
Second case is a wrong usage of SetForegroundWindow(...). It should give a handle, but you pass WindowSpecification object app_dialog. Right way is the following:
handle = app_dialog.wrapper_object().handle
I am currently using the Python Webkit DOM Bindings to interact with a website programmatically and that's working for me.
The only problem is that it insists on opening a GTK window to display the page. Has somebody figured out a way to prevent it from opening a window? I.e. to use it in a headless way?
I'm initializing the view like this:
wv = pywebkitgtk.WebView(1024, 768, url=url)
which implicitly opens the GTK window and then I have an onload event-handler to manipulate the DOM.
I first thought of subclassing WebView, but that's not possible because it is a compiled class.
Any other ideas?
I'm the developer responsible for pythonwebkit, and I have a great deal of expertise covering these areas across several platforms. Realistically, you really, really want a completely "headless" WebKit port. In pythonwebkit that actually shouldn't be too hard to do, as there are only three "entry point" functions (one for window, one for document, and one for XMLHTTPRequest).
Really, somebody should do a proper "completely headless" port of WebKit. There already is an example program which is pretty close in WebKit's source tree, maybe that will get you started.
I've been using PyQT. PyQTWebView runs on Webkit and works great. Check out Ghost.py to get started, or use PyQT's API directly. Runs fully headless, and supports a decently recent build of Webkit.
You could try using Xvfb. I like using the command line and setting my display manually, but if you don't like that you could use this: http://cgoldberg.github.io/xvfbwrapper/
Can you get a handle to the GTK window and then call window.hide()? Otherwise, you might just have to use the full Webkit library.
Create a window and add the webview there, and never show the window..
I have webviews running without showing them, and can call a show_all if I need to show them.
web_view = pywebkitgtk.WebView()
window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow(hadjustment=None, vadjustment=None)
sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_NEVER)
I am trying to create an application for multiple screens however I so far cannot find a way to locate the secondary screens position (relative to the primary screen by x and y coordinates).
I prefer to use python or bash (via libraries/frameworks are fine). I also checked with xorg.conf and it doesn't reflect my current screen setup.
I am using Ubuntu 11.10 (default Gnome 2 I believe), using compiz as the window manager. So to repeat, my question is how to get the screen layout (coordinates relative to primary screen) of all the monitors preferably by python or bash.
Nevermind, I used Pyqt instead. Here is some code...
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QPixmap
desktop = QApplication.desktop()
screenRect = desktop.screenGeometry(1) #2nd monitor
print screenRect.x(), screenRect.y() #returns the x and y of that screen
Python binding solution
So, from here you can download the xrandr bindings for python: https://launchpad.net/python-xrandr
# Import the module
from xrandr import xrandr
# Get a screen object to work with
screen = xrandr.get_current_screen()
# Get the active output objects as a list
active_outputs = [o for o in screen.get_outputs() if o.is_active()]
This was as far as I got playing around a little. I hope it will get you started :-) I only have one screen connected right now...
Parsing data solution
The other solution, as I mentioned in my comment above is to parse the output of the command xrandr it looks like it should be pretty simple from just taking a glance at it...