I am new to programming and I am having difficulty accumulating within a loop
while (game_over==False and wrong_guesses<max_guesses):
guess1= raw_input("Please enter an operation symbol or digit: ")
if (guess1 in formula):
print "Your guess is correct!"
for i in range (len(formula)):
if (randomFormula[i] == guess1):
formSoFar += formula[i]
formSoFar+= "-"
print "The formula you have guessed so far is: ",formSoFar
Supposed the equation the user is trying to guess is 1+2+3 and their first guess is 2 the formSoFar is --2-- but the second time they guess it should show the first guess as well so if they guess 1 it should be 1-2-- but this code is printing--2--1-2--
please help :(
In each loop, you are appending characters to formSoFar. What you want to do instead is have it start with some value and edit it as you go:
formSoFar = ['-'] * len(formula)
while not game_over and wrong_guesses < max_guesses:
guess = raw_input(...)
if guess in formula:
for i, c in enumerate(formula):
if c == guess:
formSoFar[i] = c
print 'The formula you have guessed so far is:', ''.join(formSoFar)
Also note that you don't need ()s in an if statement. That's a C/C++/Java thing.
So I'm new to programming and I'm trying to write a program where I have a number in my head and the computer must guess it until I say that it has guessed right!
The computer should choose a random number between 1 to 99 and show it to me, If the number is correct I should type "c" to prove that it's correct, if the number in my head is smaller I should write "s" to make the range smaller and if the number in my head was bigger I should write "b" to make the range smaller and easier for the computer to guess the number.
this is the code I came up with but there's something wrong with it that I can't find out.
import random
answer=input("what is the number in your head(don't enter it, just compare it with the number on the screen)? print c for correct, b for bigger and s for smaller! \n")
while answer!="c":
if answer=="b":
elif answer=="s":
answer=input("what do you think about the new number? ")
print("you did it!")
You have two mistakes: using == (testing for equality) where you should have used = (assignment), and wrong indentation:
import random
first = 1
second = 99
guess = random.randint(first, second)
answer = input("what is the number in your head(don't enter it, just compare it with the number on the screen)? print c for correct, b for bigger and s for smaller! \n")
while answer != "c":
if answer == "b":
first = guess + 1 # <-- this line
guess = random.randint(first, second)
elif answer == "s":
second = guess - 1 # <-- this line
guess = random.randint(first, second)
answer = input("what do you think about the new number? ") # <-- and this line
print("you did it!")
The final line would only run after the loop ended instead of once every loop the way you wrote it.
See how the spaces I added make it clearer what's going on on each line
You should indent the second input line so that it belongs to the while loop. This way new input is requested after every guess.
Your program is correct, it just needs a few modifications in the while loop. It should look like this:
while answer != "c":
if answer == "b":
first = guess+1
guess = random.randint(first, second)
elif answer == "s":
second = guess-1
guess = random.randint(first, second)
answer = input("what do you think about the new number? ")
I'm trying to make a game like Mastermind in Python but by using numbers [1-9] instead of colours. The game needs to be a little complex however and that is where I am struggling. I want to be able to randomly generate a password of 5 digits between [0-9] and make the user have 10 tries to get it right. If they guess a number correctly, I want to tell them where it is in their list and ask them to keep going as well. So far, I have this:
import random
random_password = [random.randint(0,9) for i in range (5)]
for counter in range (10):
guess = input ("Crack the Mastermind code ")
if guess != random_password :
print ("Guess again ")
#Here I am trying to make it find out if it has a didgit correct, tell them where
#and ask the them to keep guessing. once count runs out, I want it to say they lost
elif guess
else print ("Sorry, you lose :( ")
if guess == random_password :
print ("Congrats, you win! ")
Any help is appreciated overflow bros, I am lost. I know that I need it to access items from a list. Would using a function like append work?
EDIT: This is my new code. Sorta works however my output is now showing it is wrong even when I guess the number correctly. It wants me to input with '' and , to separate the list but I shouldn't have to have the user do that to make the game function.
import random
random_password = [str (random.randint(0,9)) for i in range (5)]
for counter in range (10):
guess = input(str ("Crack the Mastermind code ") )
if guess != random_password :
print ("Guess again ")
#Here I am tryin to make it find out if it has a didgit correct, tell them where
#and ask the them to keep guessing. once count runs out, I want it to say they lost
for i in random_password:
if(i in guess):
print (i)
if guess == random_password :
print ("Congrats, you win! ")
else :
print ("Sorry, you lose :( the correct answer was.... ")
print (random_password)
One way to do it quickly is to create a small function that will check if any of your string answer (from input) match with any characters of the password list
Also I change the order of your condition statement to make it more clear and efficient.
Finally I change your random_password from LIST to STRING because then you will be able to do guess == random_password properly.
Hope it helps!
IF you use Python2.X you should change input to raw_input (to get string value) else if you use Python3.X just keep it this way
import random
def any_digits(guess,password):
for character in guess:
if character in password:
return True
return False
random_password = ''.join([str(elem) for elem in [random.randint(0,9) for i in range (5)]])
for counter in range (10):
guess = input ("Crack the Mastermind code ")
if guess == random_password :
print ("Congrats you win! ")
elif any_digits(guess, random_password):
print ("Some numbers are correct! ")
print ("Guess again ")
print("No more chances, you lose...")
print("The code was ", random_password)
This question already has an answer here:
Python "if" statement not working
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm learning Python for fun at the moment, and it went all well until now. I'm trying to extend the "Guess the Word"-Game, for example being able to let the Player choose a Word by himself (when 2 People play, 1 chooses the Word, the other guesses) I bet that my Mistake is obvious to me as soon as you point it out, but I'm gonna ask anyway. Well, here is the Code. I put in the entire Program, even tough only the top part should matter. I just put in the rest because it isn't much and maybe you guys can understand it better then.
print("Do you wish to set the Word yourself, or let the program choose?")
user_input = input("1 for own Input - 0 for Program-Input")
if user_input == 1:
Keyword = input("Type in the Word you want to use!")
Keyword = "castle"
word = list(Keyword)
length = len(word)
right = list ("_" * length)
used_letters = list()
finished = False
while finished == False:
guess = input("Guess a Letter!")
if guess not in Keyword:
print("This letter is not in the word. Sorry...")
for letter in word:
if letter == guess:
index = word.index(guess)
right[index] = guess
word[index] = "_"
if guess in used_letters[0:100]:
print("You already used that letter before!")
print("Used letters:")
if list(Keyword) == right:
print("You win!")
finished = True
input('Press ENTER to exit')
My problem is, I wanna add the Function to be able to choose if you want to set a Word yourself, or use the word the Program has, defined as "Keyword". But no matter what I input, it always starts with "Guess a Letter" instead of skipping down to where the program sets the Keyword. Thank you in advance for your answers! :)
There's 2 issues with your code.
You put the entire block of code into the else statement. This means that if the if user_input == 1: block ever executed, you would only ask your user for a word and then the program would end because the else statement would be skipped.
You are using if user_input == 1: as your check and this will never be true because user inputs are always read in as strings. A string 1 will never equal the integer 1. This is why your program always skips to the else statement. You need to do if int(user_input) == 1:
Whenever you collect a user's input using the input function, it is a string, not int. this means you will have to either parse the value into an int or evaluate it with a string.
option 1: parsing to int:
user_input = int(input("1 for own Input - 0 for Program-Input"))
option 2: evaluating with string:
if user_input == "1":
input returns a string not a integer so it can never be equal to 1 instead it will be equal to "1".
Plus the code for the user guessing only runs when the program chooses the word so it needs to be unindented.
As a side note your code currently registered capital letters as being different from lower case, you can fix this by putting a .lower() after each input which will turn all capital letters into lowercase.
print("Do you wish to set the Word yourself, or let the program choose?: ")
user_input = input("1 for own Input - 0 for Program-Input")
if user_input == "1":
Keyword = input("Type in the Word you want to use: ").lower()
Keyword = "castle"
word = list(Keyword)
length = len(word)
right = list ("_" * length)
used_letters = list()
finished = False
while finished == False:
guess = input("Guess a Letter: ").lower()
if guess not in Keyword:
print("This letter is not in the word. Sorry...")
for letter in word:
if letter == guess:
index = word.index(guess)
right[index] = guess
word[index] = "_"
if guess in used_letters[0:100]:
print("You already used that letter before!")
print("Used letters:")
if list(Keyword) == right:
print("You win!")
finished = True
input('Press ENTER to exit')
I am a new programmer with experience with Visual Basic for Applications and have recently changed to python.
I'm working on a number guessing game and so far progress has been great. The user enters 4 digits into the program. The program also generates a 4 digit number and the program returns Ys or Ns to show whether any digits are correct or not. EG 1357 as a user guess and 1358 as the programs number shows YYYN as output.
I'm trying to rework the program to make it simpler for users by showing H or L to suggest that they need to guess higher or lower IF the digit guessed is incorrect. If it's correct, then a Y should be shown as per normal. I am aware that it's a condition in the loop I need to change or another loop I need to add but I am struggling to see where to add this and how to write it. Does anybody have a solution for this?
Here is part of my code for the section of the program which returns the result for the guesses.
lives = 10
while lives > 0:
number = input("Enter your guess: ")
letter = ''
for i in range(len(numToGuess)):
letter += 'Y' if int(number[i]) == numToGuess[i] else 'N'
if letter == 'Y' * len(numToGuess):
print("Good job!")
lives -= 1
print("Game over! You used up all of your tries.")
Does anybody have a solution for this?
I prefer to use lists for this. Meaning, I'd convert both the correct answer and the user guess into separate digits saves in two lists and then compare them.
Let's say the correct answer is '1234':
lives = 10
correct_answer = 1234
correct_answer = [int(char) for char in str(correct_answer)]
while lives > 0:
letter = ''
number = input("Enter your guess: ")
number = [int(char) for char in str(number)]
if number == correct_answer:
for i in range(len(correct_answer)):
if correct_answer[i] == number[i]:
letter += 'Y'
elif correct_answer[i] > number[i]:
letter += 'H'
letter += 'L'
print("Your guess is wrong: ", letter)
lives -= 1
print("Game over!")
Now for example:
Enter your guess: 1111
Your guess is wrong: YHHH
Enter your guess: 1235
Your guess is wrong: YYYL
Enter your guess: 1234
Game over!
You can use zip function for compare the letters :
>>> a='1357'
>>> b='1358'
>>> l=[]
>>> for i,j in zip(a,b):
... if i==j :l.append('Y')
... else :l.append('N')
>>> ''.join(l)
And for check the answer you can use a generator expression within all :
>>> all(i=='Y' for i in l)
You don't need to change your loop condition. Just change the logic of your if expression.
letter = ''
for i in range(len(numToGuess)):
if int(number[i]) == numToGuess[i]:
letter += 'Y'
elif int(number[i]) > numToGuess[i]:
letter += 'H'
letter += 'L'
Or, in one line:
letter = ''
for i in range(len(numToGuess)):
letter += 'Y' if int(number[i]) == numToGuess[i] else ('H' if int(number[i]) > numToGuess[i] else 'L')
I have created a Python program that guesses the number programmer thinks in mind. Everything is working file but i don't know how to use guess in print statement in a way that print statement display number as well. I tried adding word "guess" but it is not working. I am C programmer and working with Python for the first time, so i am unable to figure it out.
hi = 100
lo = 0
guessed = False
print ("Please think of a number between 0 and 100!")
while not guessed:
guess = (hi + lo)/2
print ("Is your secret number " + //Here i need to Display the guessed Number + "?")
user_inp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too"
"low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly: ")
if user_inp == 'c':
guessed = True
elif user_inp == 'h':
hi = guess
elif user_inp == 'l':
lo = guess
print ("Sorry, I did not understand your input.")
print ("Game over. Your secret number was: " + //Here i need to display final number saved in guess.)
Just convert it to string.
print ("Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(guess))
You could also use string formatting.
print("Game over. Your secret number was {}".format(guess))
Or, since you come from a C background, old style string formatting.
print("Game over. Your secret number was %d." % guess)
Try this in your print statement and let me know if it works.
Python has very nice string formatting, which comes in handy when you need to insert multiple variables:
message = "Game over after {n} guesses. Your number was {g} (pooh... got it in {n} times)".format(g=guess, n=number)