How to retrieve google URL from search query - python

So I'm trying to create a Python script that will take a search term or query, then search google for that term. It should then return 5 URL's from the result of the search term.
I spent many hours trying to get PyGoogle to work. But later found out Google no longer supports the SOAP API for search, nor do they provide new license keys. In a nutshell, PyGoogle is pretty much dead at this point.
So my question here is... What would be the most compact/simple way of doing this?
I would like to do this entirely in Python.
Thanks for any help

Use BeautifulSoup and requests to get the links from the google search results
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
keyword = "Facebook" #enter your keyword here
search = "" + keyword
r = requests.get(search)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
container = soup.find('div',{'id':'search'})
url = container.find("cite").text

What issues are you having with pygoogle? I know it is no longer supported, but I've utilized that project on many occasions and it would work fine for the menial task you have described.
Your question did make me curious though--so I went to Google and typed "python google search". Bam, found this repository. Installed with pip and within 5 minutes of browsing their documentation got what you asked:
import google
for url in"red sox", num=5, stop=1):
Maybe try a little harder next time, ok?

Here, link is the xgoogle library to do the same.
I tried similar to get top 10 links which also counts words in links we are targeting. I have added the code snippet for your reference :
import operator
import urllib
#This line will import GoogleSearch, SearchError class from xgoogle/ file
from import GoogleSearch, SearchError
my_dict = {}
print "Enter the word to be searched : "
#read user input
yourword = raw_input()
#This will perform google search on our keyword
gs = GoogleSearch(yourword)
gs.results_per_page = 80
#get google search result
results = gs.get_results()
source = ''
#loop through all result to get each link and it's contain
for res in results:
#print res.url.encode('utf8')
#this will give url
parsedurl = res.url.encode("utf8")
myurl = urllib.urlopen(parsedurl)
#above line will read url content, in below line we parse the content of that web page
source =
#This line will count occurrence of enterd keyword in our webpage
count = source.count(yourword)
#We store our result in dictionary data structure. For each url, we store it word occurent. Similar to array, this is dictionary
my_dict[parsedurl] = count
except SearchError, e:
print "Search failed: %s" % e
print my_dict
#sorted_x = sorted(my_dict, key=lambda x: x[1])
for key in sorted(my_dict, key=my_dict.get, reverse=True):


Extracting follower count from Instagram

I am trying to pull the the number of followers from a list of Instagram accounts. I have tried using the "find" method within Requests, however, the string that I am looking for when I inspect the actual Instagram no longer appears when I print "r" from the code below.
Was able to get this code to run successfully find the past, however, will no longer run.
Webscraping Instagram follower count BeautifulSoup
import requests
user = "espn"
url = '' + user
r = requests.get(url).text
start = '"edge_followed_by":{"count":'
end = '},"followed_by_viewer"'
I receive a "-1" error, which means the substring from the find method was not found within the variable "r".
I think it's because of the last ' in start and first ' in end...this will work:
import requests
import re
user = "espn"
url = '' + user
r = requests.get(url).text
followers ='"edge_followed_by":{"count":([0-9]+)}',r).group(1)
I want to suggest an updated solution to this question, as the answer of Derek Eden above from 2019 does not work anymore, as stated in its comments.
The solution was to add the r' before the regular expression in the like so:
follower_count ='"edge_followed_by\\":{\\"count\\":([0-9]+)}', response).group(1)
This r'' is really important as without it, Python seems to treat the expression as regular string which leads to the query not giving any results.
Also the instagram page seems to have backslashes in the object we look for at least in my tests, so the code example i use is the following in Python 3.10 and working as of July 2022:
# get follower count of instagram profile
import os.path
import requests
import re
import urllib3
# get instagram follower count
def get_instagram_follower_count(instagram_username):
url = "" + instagram_username
filename = "instagram.html"
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
r = requests.get(url, verify=False)
response = r.text
if not r.status_code == 200:
raise Exception("Error: " + str(r.status_code))
with open(filename, "w") as f:
with open(filename, "r") as f:
response =
# print(response)
follower_count ='"edge_followed_by\\":{\\"count\\":([0-9]+)}', response).group(1)
return follower_count
except Exception as e:
return 0
The method returns the follower count as expected. Please note that i added a few lines to not hammer Instagrams webserver and get blocked while testing by just saving the response in a file.
This is a slice of the original html content that contains the part we are looking for:
... mRL&s=1\",\"edge_followed_by\":{\"count\":110070},\"fbid\":\"1784 ...
I debugged the regex in regexr, it seems to work just fine at this point in time.
There are many posts about the regex r prefix like this one
Also the documentation of the re package shows clearly that this is the issue with the code above.

Bioinformatics : Programmatic Access to the BacDive Database

the resource at "BacDive" - ( is a highly useful database for accessing bacterial knowledge, such as strain information, species information and parameters such as growth temperature optimums.
I have a scenario in which I have a set of organism names in a plain text file, and I would like to programmatically search them 1 by 1 against the Bacdive database (which doesnt allow a flat file to be downloaded) and retrieve the relevent information and populate my text file accordingly.
What are the main modules (such as beautifulsoups) that I would need to accomplish this? Is it straight forward? Is it allowed to programmatically access webpages ? Do I need permission?
A bacteria name would be "Pseudomonas putida" . Searching this would give 60 hits on bacdive. Clicking one of the hits, takes us to the specific page, where the line : "Growth temperature: [Ref.: #27] Recommended growth temperature : 26 °C " is the most important.
The script would have to access bacdive (which i have tried accessing using requests, but I feel they do not allow programmatic access, I have asked the moderator about this, and they said I should register for their API first).
I now have the API access. This is the page ( This may seem quite simple to people who do HTML scraping, but I am not sure what to do now that I have access to the API.
Here is the solution...
import re
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_growth_temp(url):
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
no_hits = int(map(float, re.findall(r'[+-]?[0-9]+',str(soup.find_all("span", class_="searchresultlayerhits"))))[0])
if no_hits > 1 :
letters = soup.find_all("li", class_="searchresultrow1") + soup.find_all("li", class_="searchresultrow2")
all_urls = []
for i in letters:
all_urls.append('' + i.a["href"])
max_temp = []
for ind_url in all_urls:
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen(ind_url).read())
a = soup.body.findAll(text=re.compile('Recommended growth temperature :'))
if a:
max_temp.append(int(map(float, re.findall(r'[+-]?[0-9]+', str(a)))[0]))
print "Recommended growth temperature : %d °C:\t" % max(max_temp)
url = ''
if __name__ == "__main__":
# TO Open file then iterate thru the urls/bacterias
# with open('file.txt', 'rU') as f:
# for url in f:
# get_growth_temp(url)
Here I am passing single url. if you want to pass multiple urls to get their growth temperature. call the function(url) by opening file. code is commented.
Hope it helped you..

Scraping urbandictionary with Python

I'm currently working on an arcbot and I'm trying to make a command "!urbandictionary", it should scrape the meaning of a term, the first one which is provided by urbandictionary, if there's another solution, e.g. another dictionary site with a better api that's also good. Here's my code:
if Command.lower() == '!urban':
dictionary = Argument[1] #this is the term which the user provides, e.g. "scrape"
dictionaryscrape = urllib2.urlopen(''+dictionary).read() #plain html of the site
scraped = getBetweenHTML(dictionaryscrape, '<div class="meaning">','</div>') #Here's my problem, i'm not sure if it scrapes the first meaning or not..
messages.main(scraped,xSock,BotID) #Sends the meaning of the provided word (Argument[0])
How do I correctly scrape a meaning of a word in urbandictionary?
Just get the text from the meaning class:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
word = "scrape"
r = requests.get("{}".format(word))
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
Gassing and breaking your car repeatedly really fast so that the front and rear bumpers "scrape" the pavement; while going hyphy
There is an unofficial api here apparently

weird issue using twitter api to search for tweets

I've setup a code in python to search for tweets using the oauth2 and urllib2 libraries only. (I'm not using any particular twitter library)
I'm able to search for tweets based on keywords. However, I'm getting zero number of tweets when I search for this particular keyword - "Jurgen%20Mayer-Hermann". (this is challenge because my ultimate goal is to search for this keyword only.
On the other hand when I search for the same thing online (twitter interface, I'm getting enough tweets). -
Can someone please see if we can identify the issue?
The code is as follows:
def getfeed(mystr, tweetcount):
url = "" + mystr + "&count=" + tweetcount
parameters = []
response = twitterreq(url, "GET", parameters)
res = json.load(response)
return res
search_str = "Jurgen Mayer-Hermann"
search_str = '%22'+search_str+'%22'
search = search_str.replace(" ","%20")
search = search.replace("#","%23")
tweetcount = str(50)
res = getfeed(search, tweetcount)
When I print the constructed url, I get
I have actually never worked with the Twitter API, but it looks like the count parameter only applies to searches on timelines as a way to limit the amount of tweets per page of results. In other words, you use it with the GET statuses/home_timeline, GET statuses/mentions, and GET statuses/user_timeline endpoints.
Try without count and see what happens.
Please use urllib.urlencode to encode your query parameters, like so:
import urllib
query = urllib.urlencode({'q': '"Jurgen Mayer-Hermann"', count: 50})
This produces 'q=%22Jurgen+Mayer-Hermann%22&count=50'. Which might bring you more luck...

How can I use Google Map Feed API to get a list of my Google Maps using Python?

I want to create a script in Python which downloads the current KML files of all the Maps I created on Google Maps.
To do so manually, I can use this:
where USER_ID is a constant number Google uses to identify me, and MAP_ID is the individual map identifier generated by the link icon on top-right corner.
This is not very straightforward, because I have to manually browse "My Places" page on Google Maps, and get the links one by one.
From Google Maps API HTTP Protocol Reference:
The Map Feed is a feed of user-created maps.
This feed's full GET URI is:
This feed returns a list of all maps for the authenticated user.
** The page says this service is no longer available, so I wonder if there is a way to do the same in the present.
So, the question is: Is there a way to get/download the list of MAP_IDs of all my maps, preferrably using Python?
Thanks for reading
The correct answer to this question involves using Google Maps Data API, HTML interface, which by the way is deprecated but still solves my need in a more official way, or at least more convincing than parsing a web page. Here it goes:
# coding: utf-8
import urllib2, urllib, re, getpass
username = 'heltonbiker'
senha = getpass.getpass('Senha do usuário ' + username + ':')
dic = {
'accountType': 'GOOGLE',
'Email': (username + ''),
'Passwd': senha,
'service': 'local',
'source': 'helton-mapper-1'
url = '' + urllib.urlencode(dic)
output = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
authid = output.strip().split('\n')[-1].split('=')[-1]
request = urllib2.Request('')
request.add_header('Authorization', 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' % authid)
source = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
for link in re.findall('<link rel=.alternate. type=.text/html. href=((.)[^\1]*?)>', source):
s = link[0]
if 'msa=0' in s:
print s
I arrived with this solution with a bunch of other questions in SO, and a lot of people helped me a lot, so I hope this code might help anyone else trying to do so in the future.
A quick and dirty way I have found, that skips Google Maps API completely and perhaps might brake in the near future, is this:
# coding: utf-8
import urllib, re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs
uid = '200931058040775970557'
start = 0
shown = 1
while True:
url = ''+uid+'&ptab=2&start='+str(start)
source = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
soup = bs(source)
maptables = soup.findAll(id=re.compile('^map[0-9]+$'))
for table in maptables:
for line in table.findAll('a', 'maptitle'):
mapid ='\.([^"]*)', str(line)).group(1)
mapname ='>(.*)</a>', str(line)).group(1).strip()[:-2]
print shown, mapid, mapname
shown += 1
# uncomment if you want to download the KML files:
# urllib.urlretrieve('' + uid + '.' + str(mapid) +
'&msa=0&output=kml', mapname + '.kml')
if '<span>Next</span>' in str(source):
start += 5
Of course it is only printing a numbered list, but from there to save a dictionary and/or automate KML download via &output=kml url trick it goes naturally.

