Extract hyperlinks from PDF in Python - python

I have a PDF document with a few hyperlinks in it, and I need to extract all the text from the pdf.
I have used the PDFMiner library and code from http://www.endlesslycurious.com/2012/06/13/scraping-pdf-with-python/ to extract text. However, it does not extract the hyperlinks.
For example, I have text that says Check this link out, with a link attached to it. I am able to extract the words Check this link out, but what I really need is the hyperlink itself, not the words.
How do I go about doing this? Ideally, I would prefer to do it in Python, but I'm open to doing it in any other language as well.
I have looked at itextsharp, but haven't used it. I'm running on Ubuntu, and would appreciate any help.

slightly modified version of Ashwin's Answer:
import PyPDF2
PDFFile = open("file.pdf",'rb')
PDF = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(PDFFile)
pages = PDF.getNumPages()
key = '/Annots'
uri = '/URI'
ank = '/A'
for page in range(pages):
print("Current Page: {}".format(page))
pageSliced = PDF.getPage(page)
pageObject = pageSliced.getObject()
if key in pageObject.keys():
ann = pageObject[key]
for a in ann:
u = a.getObject()
if uri in u[ank].keys():

This is an old question, but it seems a lot of people look at it (including me while trying to answer this question), so I am sharing the answer I came up with. As a side note, it helps a lot to learn how to use the Python debugger (pdb) so you can inspect these objects on-the-fly.
It is possible to get the hyperlinks using PDFMiner. The complication is (like with so much about PDFs), there is really no relationship between the link annotations and the text of the link, except that they are both located at the same region of the page.
Here is the code I used to get links on a PDFPage
annotationList = []
if page.annots:
for annotation in page.annots.resolve():
annotationDict = annotation.resolve()
if str(annotationDict["Subtype"]) != "/Link":
# Skip over any annotations that are not links
position = annotationDict["Rect"]
uriDict = annotationDict["A"].resolve()
# This has always been true so far.
assert str(uriDict["S"]) == "/URI"
# Some of my URI's have spaces.
uri = uriDict["URI"].replace(" ", "%20")
annotationList.append((position, uri))
Then I defined a function like:
def getOverlappingLink(annotationList, element):
for (x0, y0, x1, y1), url in annotationList:
if x0 > element.x1 or element.x0 > x1:
if y0 > element.y1 or element.y0 > y1:
return url
return None
which I used to search the annotationList I previously found on the page to see if any hyperlink occupies the same region as a LTTextBoxHorizontal that I was inspecting on the page.
In my case, since PDFMiner was consolidating too much text together in the text box, I walked through the _objs attribute of each text box and looked though all of the LTTextLineHorizontal instances to see if they overlapped any of the annotation positions.

I think using PyPDF you could do that. If you want to extract the links from PDF. I am not sure where I got this from but it resides in my code as a part of something else. Hope this helps:
PDFFile = open('File Location','rb')
PDF = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(PDFFile)
pages = PDF.getNumPages()
key = '/Annots'
uri = '/URI'
ank = '/A'
for page in range(pages):
pageSliced = PDF.getPage(page)
pageObject = pageSliced.getObject()
if pageObject.has_key(key):
ann = pageObject[key]
for a in ann:
u = a.getObject()
if u[ank].has_key(uri):
print u[ank][uri]
This I hope should give the links in your PDF.
P.S: I haven't extensively tried this.

import pikepdf
pdf_file = pikepdf.Pdf.open("pdf.pdf")
urls = []
for page in pdf_file.pages:
for annots in page.get("/Annots"):
if url is not None:
urls.append(" ; ")
You will get a semicolon separated list of links in the given PDF

The hyperlink will actually be an annotation, so you need to process the annotation rather than 'extract the text'. I suspect that you are going to need to use a library such as itextsharp, or MuPDF, or Ghostscript if you are really desperate (and comfortable programming in PostScript).
I'd have thought it relatvely easy to process the annotations looking for type LNK though.

Here's a version that creates a list of URLs in the simplest way I could find:
import PyPDF2
pdf = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader('filename.pdf')
urls = []
for page in range(pdf.numPages):
pdfPage = pdf.getPage(page)
for item in (pdfPage['/Annots']):
except KeyError:


Access front page/first page of docx file in Python

I am using the docx package in Python where I read in a Word docx file into Python. Everything seems to work okay except for some reason I am unable to access the front page/cover page of the document. Oddly, the docx package takes the second page of the Word document as the first page, and doesn't seem to know that there is a front page at all!
There are some topics on Stack Overflow which cover this issue, for example: Cannot access first page header (python-docx)
However, on my front page I don't have sections, I only have text. The one idea I had was to try identify the specific style of the text on the front page - notably, it is a 'Heading' style, so to try and locate it I use code like this:
title_size = max_size = 0
max_size_text = title = None
for p in doc.paragraphs:
style = p.style
if style.name == 'Heading':
title_size = style.font.size.pt
title = p.text
print(f" text='{title}'")
size = style.font.size
if size is not None:
if size.pt > max_size:
max_size = size.pt
max_size_text = p.text
if title is not None:
print(f"Title: size={title_size} text='{title}'")
print(f"max size title: size={title_size} text='{max_size_text}'")
Unfortunately, this method also fails, since this code only recognizes the style as starting from the second page :(
If anyone could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it, thanks!

Cannot find the attribute in HTML source but the Python program runs correctly

I am scraping a YouTube page and find a open program codes online. The code runs and returns correct results. However, as I learn the code sentence by sentence, i find that I could not find the attribute in the source code. I searched for it in page source, inspect element view and copied and paste the raw code in word. Nowhere could I find it.
How did this happen?
Codes below:
# cannot find yt-lockup-meta-info anywhere......
for objects in view_element:
for element in view_list:
if element.string.endwith("views"):
The attribute I searched for is "yt-lockup-meta-info".
The page source is here.
The original page.
I see a few problems, which I think might be cleared up if I saw the full code. However there are some things that need fixed within this block.
For example, this line should read:
for obj in view_element:
instead of:
for objects in view_element:
You are only referencing one "obj", not multiple objects when traversing through "view_element".
Also, there is no need to search for the word "views" when there is a class you can search directly.
Here is how I would address this problem. Hope this helps.
#Go to website and convert page source to Soup
response = requests.get('https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=web+scraping+youtube')
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml')
videos = soup.find_all('ytd-video-renderer') #Find all videos
total_view_count = 0
for video in videos:
video_meta = video.find('div', {'id': 'metadata'}) #The text under the video title
view_count_text = video_meta.find_all('span', {'class': 'ytd-video-meta-block'})[0].text.replace('views', '').strip() #The view counter
#Converts view count to integer
if 'K' in view_count_text:
video_view_count = int(float(view_count_text.split('K')[0])*1000)
elif 'M' in view_count_text:
video_view_count = int(float(view_count_text.split('M')[0])*1000000)
elif 'B' in view_count_text:
video_view_count = int(float(view_count_text.split('B')[0])*1000000000)
video_view_count = int(view_count_text)
total_view_count += video_view_count

Python-How would i go about getting block of text from an html document

This is the page I am trying to parse. It's from a government site which in my experience are not known for keeping up their certificates, so you are are going to be warned about it not being safe by your browser. All I want is this part,http://imgur.com/a/BL14W.
edit: Sorry, for the lack of information. I started asking this question then I got called away at work. It's no excuse but when I came back it was time to go home so, I just kinda hit submit.
I have already tried doing it more "manually" but apparently not all of the documents came out exactly the same. Here is what I tried:
def table_parser(page):
file = open(page)
table = []
num = 0
for line in file:
if 'Grade' in line:
num += 1
if num > 0:
num += 1
if 3 <= num < 21:
line = line.rstrip()
if line != '':
split_line = line.split(' ')
split_line = [x for x in split_line if x != '']
strip_line = split_line[:16]
WG = []
WL = []
WS = []
for l in table:
# Return 3 lists for the 3 charts I want
return WG, WL, WS
This is what I used that got the about half of the 65k files I started with mostly right. I passed the returned lists into csv writers to store them till I can get them all cleaned up. I know there is probably a better way but I came up with this before I could wrap my head around BeautifulSoup. I don't necessarily want the code to do this, just pointers on where to start. I tried to find documentation on BeautifulSoup but I couldn't figure out where to start for what I need.
Your question is a little vague so I'll try my best to help you.
1. Install Beautiful Soup 4
To get a block of text from a webpage,you will need to use the external library BeautifulSoup4 (BS4). Once downloaded and installed to your computer, first import BS4 using the following from bs4 import BeautifulSoupand import urllib.request. Then simply setup BS4 using soup = BeautifulSoup("", "html.parser").
2. Download Webpage
Downloading a webpage is simple, just use site_download = urllib.request.urlopen(url). In your case, simply replace "url" with the url you provided here. Then we need to read what we've downloaded using site_read = site_download.read().decode('utf-8') followed by soup = BeautifulSoup(site_read, "html.parser").
3. Get Block of Text
You can get text in many different ways, so I'll show you a few examples.
To get the first instance of < P > tag (paragraph) text:
text = soup.find("p")
text = getText()
To get all instances of the < P > tag:
text = soup.findAll("p")
text = getText()
To get text from a specific class:
text = soup.find(attrs={"class": "class_name_here"})
text = getText()
4. Further Info
More information on how to get different types of tags and other things you can do with BS4 can be found HERE.

How to parse web elements into notepad using Python?

can anyone help me with "extracting" stuff from site using Python? Here is the info :
I have folder name with set of numbers (they are ID of item) and i have to use that ID for entering page and then "scrap" info from page to my notepad... It's like this : http://www.somesite.com/pic.mhtml?id=[ID]... I need to exctract picture link (picture link always have ID.jpg at the end of the file)from it and write it in notepad and then replace that txt name with name of the picture... Picture is always in title tags... Thanks in advance...
What you need is a data scraper - http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/ will help you pull data off of websites. You can then load that data into a variable, write it to a file, or do anything you normally do with data.
You could try parsing the html source for images.
Try something similar:
class Parser(object):
__rx = r'(url|src)="(http://www\.page\.com/path/?ID=\d*\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)'
def __crawl(self, url):
images = []
code = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
for line in code.split('\n'):
imagesearch = re.search(self.__rx, line)
if imagesearch:
image = '%s.%s' % (imagesearch.group(2), imagesearch.group(4))
return images
it's untestet, you may want to check the regex

Converting a pdf to text/html in python so I can parse it

I have the following sample code where I download a pdf from the European Parliament website on a given legislative proposal:
EDIT: I ended up just getting the link and feeding it to adobes online conversion tool (see the code below):
import mechanize
import urllib2
import re
from BeautifulSoup import *
adobe = "http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/access_onlinetools.html"
url = "http://www.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/search_reference_procedure.jsp"
def get_pdf(soup2):
link = soup2.findAll("a", "com_acronym")
new_link = []
amendments = []
for i in link:
if "REPORT" in i["href"]:
if new_link == None:
print "No A number"
for i in new_link:
page = br.open(str(i)).read()
bs = BeautifulSoup(page)
text = bs.findAll("a")
for i in text:
if re.search("PDF", str(i)) != None:
pdf_link = "http://www.europarl.europa.eu/" + i["href"]
pdf = urllib2.urlopen(pdf_link)
name_pdf = "%s_%s.pdf" % (y,p)
localfile = open(name_pdf, "w")
br.select_form(name = "convertFrm")
br.form["srcPdfUrl"] = str(pdf_link)
br["convertTo"] = ["html"]
br["visuallyImpaired"] = ["notcompatible"]
br.form["platform"] =["Macintosh"]
pdf_html = br.submit()
soup = BeautifulSoup(pdf_html)
page = range(1,2) #can be set to 400 to get every document for a given year
year = range(1999,2000) #can be set to 2011 to get documents from all years
for y in year:
for p in page:
br = mechanize.Browser()
br.select_form(name = "byReferenceForm")
br.form["year"] = str(y)
br.form["sequence"] = str(p)
response = br.submit()
soup1 = BeautifulSoup(response)
test = soup1.find(text="No search result")
if test != None:
print "%s %s No page skipping..." % (y,p)
print "%s %s Writing dossier..." % (y,p)
for i in br.links(url_regex="file.jsp"):
link = i
response2 = br.follow_link(link).read()
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(response2)
In the get_pdf() function I would like to convert the pdf file to text in python so I can parse the text for information about the legislative procedure. can anyone explaon me how this can be done?
Sounds like you found a solution, but if you ever want to do it without a web service, or you need to scrape data based on its precise location on the PDF page, can I suggest my library, pdfquery? It basically turns the PDF into an lxml tree that can be spit out as XML, or parsed with XPath, PyQuery, or whatever else you want to use.
To use it, once you had the file saved to disk you would return pdf = pdfquery.PDFQuery(name_pdf), or pass in a urllib file object directly if you didn't need to save it. To get XML out to parse with BeautifulSoup, you could do pdf.tree.tostring().
If you don't mind using JQuery-style selectors, there's a PyQuery interface with positional extensions, which can be pretty handy. For example:
balance = pdf.pq(':contains("Your balance is")').text()
strings_near_the_bottom_of_page_23 = [el.text for el in pdf.pq('LTPage[page_label=23] :in_bbox(0, 0, 600, 200)')]
It's not exactly magic. I suggest
downloading the PDF file to a temp directory,
calling out to an external program to extract the text into a (temp) text file,
reading the text file.
For text extraction command-line utilities you have a number of possibilities and there may be others not mentioned in the link (perhaps Java-based). Try them first to see if they fit your needs. That is, try each step separately (finding the links, downloading the files, extracting the text) and then piece them together. For calling out, use subprocess.Popen or subprocess.call().

