Fibonacci and Prime numbers Python - python

Let F[n] and P[n] be the nth Fibonacci and prime number respectively. There are some values of n for which F[n] % P[n] = 0.
Let the first k indices which satisfies this condition be n_1 < n_2 < ... < n_k.
I want to calculate the sum of the first k indices (i.e. n_1 + ... + n_k). The program is fine for k = 2 but too slow for k = 5 (as below).
Is there any way I can speed this up?
def primelist(n):
prime = [True]*n
for p in range(3,n,2):
if p**2>n:
if prime[p]:
for i in range(p*p,n,2*p):
return [2]+[p for p in range(3,n,2) if prime[p]]
l= primelist(100000)
fib = [0,1]
for i in range(2,len(l)):
while i<len(l):
if fib[i]%l[i]==0:
if k==5:
print sum_

Both of those series are calculation intensive, in other words it doesn't surprise me that it is taking so much time to calculate the values especially that python is an interpreted language, making it slower in these kinds of calculations. I would suggest you use the library numpy to do the calculations you need. It will make your calculations much faster.

First of all, you should redefine your variables like;
Second one, tuples process are faster than lists. So you could use tuples instead of lists if you are not going to change anything.
Also in this statement;
for p in range(3,n,2):
if p**2>n:
You probably want to do if p bigger than square root of n.So you should change that line to;
for p in range (3,int(n**0.5+1),2):


Calculate number of function calls for any size N

I'm trying to understand a way to write how many times the print statement for fun1 will be called for any size N. Written in summation form. This is more of an analysis question. I know I could just setup a count variable and print the result. S is an array of N items. N is the size.
def myAlg(S,n):
for i in range(1,n+1):
for j in range(1,i+1):
for k in range(1,j+1):
if j > k:
print('fun1 called, and count is now', count)
print('fun2 called')
Im honestly a little lost on how to approach this. Any explanation would be greatly appreciated.
For two first loops we have sum of arithmetic progression 1+2+3+...+n, and result is
T(n) = n*(n+1)/2
known as trianglular numbers (1,3,6,10,15,21...)
So loop for k is executed T(n) times, and inner part is executed
Q(n) = sum(T(i),i=1..n) = n*(n+1)*(n+2)/6
times, sequence is known as tetrahedral numbers (1,4,10,20,35,56...)
But we have to subtract T(n) to exclude fun2 calls (one per loop)
Result = n*(n+1)*(n+2)/6 - n*(n+1)/2 = (n-1)*n*(n+1)/6
This is the same Q sequence without the last term, so
Result(n) = Q(n-1) = (n-1)*n*(n+1)/6

Guidance on removing a nested for loop from function

I'm trying to write the fastest algorithm possible to return the number of "magic triples" (i.e. x, y, z where z is a multiple of y and y is a multiple of x) in a list of 3-2000 integers.
(Note: I believe the list was expected to be sorted and unique but one of the test examples given was [1,1,1] with the expected result of 1 - that is a mistake in the challenge itself though because the definition of a magic triple was explicitly noted as x < y < z, which [1,1,1] isn't. In any case, I was trying to optimise an algorithm for sorted lists of unique integers.)
I haven't been able to work out a solution that doesn't include having three consecutive loops and therefore being O(n^3). I've seen one online that is O(n^2) but I can't get my head around what it's doing, so it doesn't feel right to submit it.
My code is:
def solution(l):
if len(l) < 3:
return 0
elif l == [1,1,1]:
return 1
halfway = int(l[-1]/2)
quarterway = int(halfway/2)
quarterIndex = 0
halfIndex = 0
for i in range(len(l)):
if l[i] >= quarterway:
quarterIndex = i
for i in range(len(l)):
if l[i] >= halfway:
halfIndex = i
triples = 0
for i in l[:quarterIndex+1]:
for j in l[:halfIndex+1]:
if j != i and j % i == 0:
multiple = 2
while (j * multiple) <= l[-1]:
if j * multiple in l:
triples += 1
multiple += 1
return triples
I've spent quite a lot of time going through examples manually and removing loops through unnecessary sections of the lists but this still completes a list of 2,000 integers in about a second where the O(n^2) solution I found completes the same list in 0.6 seconds - it seems like such a small difference but obviously it means mine takes 60% longer.
Am I missing a really obvious way of removing one of the loops?
Also, I saw mention of making a directed graph and I see the promise in that. I can make the list of first nodes from the original list with a built-in function, so in principle I presume that means I can make the overall graph with two for loops and then return the length of the third node list, but I hit a wall with that too. I just can't seem to make progress without that third loop!!
from array import array
def num_triples(l):
n = len(l)
pairs = set()
lower_counts = array("I", (0 for _ in range(n)))
upper_counts = lower_counts[:]
for i in range(n - 1):
lower = l[i]
for j in range(i + 1, n):
upper = l[j]
if upper % lower == 0:
lower_counts[i] += 1
upper_counts[j] += 1
return sum(nx * nz for nz, nx in zip(lower_counts, upper_counts))
Here, lower_counts[i] is the number of pairs of which the ith number is the y, and z is the other number in the pair (i.e. the number of different z values for this y).
Similarly, upper_counts[i] is the number of pairs of which the ith number is the y, and x is the other number in the pair (i.e. the number of different x values for this y).
So the number of triples in which the ith number is the y value is just the product of those two numbers.
The use of an array here for storing the counts is for scalability of access time. Tests show that up to n=2000 it makes negligible difference in practice, and even up to n=20000 it only made about a 1% difference to the run time (compared to using a list), but it could in principle be the fastest growing term for very large n.
How about using itertools.combinations instead of nested for loops? Combined with list comprehension, it's cleaner and much faster. Let's say l = [your list of integers] and let's assume it's already sorted.
from itertools import combinations
def div(i,j,k): # this function has the logic
return l[k]%l[j]==l[j]%l[i]==0
r = sum([div(i,j,k) for i,j,k in combinations(range(len(l)),3) if i<j<k])
#alaniwi provided a very smart iterative solution.
Here is a recursive solution.
def find_magicals(lst, nplet):
"""Find the number of magical n-plets in a given lst"""
res = 0
for i, base in enumerate(lst):
# find all the multiples of current base
multiples = [num for num in lst[i + 1:] if not num % base]
res += len(multiples) if nplet <= 2 else find_magicals(multiples, nplet - 1)
return res
def solution(lst):
return find_magicals(lst, 3)
The problem can be divided into selecting any number in the original list as the base (i.e x), how many du-plets we can find among the numbers bigger than the base. Since the method to find all du-plets is the same as finding tri-plets, we can solve the problem recursively.
From my testing, this recursive solution is comparable to, if not more performant than, the iterative solution.
This answer was the first suggestion by #alaniwi and is the one I've found to be the fastest (at 0.59 seconds for a 2,000 integer list).
def solution(l):
n = len(l)
lower_counts = dict((val, 0) for val in l)
upper_counts = lower_counts.copy()
for i in range(n - 1):
lower = l[i]
for j in range(i + 1, n):
upper = l[j]
if upper % lower == 0:
lower_counts[lower] += 1
upper_counts[upper] += 1
return sum((lower_counts[y] * upper_counts[y] for y in l))
I think I've managed to get my head around it. What it is essentially doing is comparing each number in the list with every other number to see if the smaller is divisible by the larger and makes two dictionaries:
One with the number of times a number is divisible by a larger
One with the number of times it has a smaller number divisible by
You compare the two dictionaries and multiply the values for each key because the key having a 0 in either essentially means it is not the second number in a triple.
l = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
lower_counts = {1:5, 2:2, 3:1, 4:0, 5:0, 6:0}
upper_counts = {1:0, 2:1, 3:1, 4:2, 5:1, 6:3}
triple_tuple = ([1,2,4], [1,2,6], [1,3,6])

Find nearest prime number python

I want to find the largest prime number within range(old_number + 1 , 2*old_number)
This is my code so far:
def get_nearest_prime(self, old_number):
for num in range(old_number + 1, 2 * old_number) :
for i in range(2,num):
if num % i == 0:
return num
when I call the get_nearest_prime(13)
the correct output should be 23, while my result was 25.
Anyone can help me to solve this problem? Help will be appreciated!
There are lots of changes you could make, but which ones you should make depend on what you want to accomplish. The biggest problem with your code as it stands is that you're successfully identifying primes with the break and then not doing anything with that information. Here's a minimal change that does roughly the same thing.
def get_nearest_prime(old_number):
largest_prime = 0
for num in range(old_number + 1, 2 * old_number) :
for i in range(2,num):
if num % i == 0:
largest_prime = num
return largest_prime
We're using the largest_prime local variable to keep track of all the primes you find (since you iterate through them in increasing order). The else clause is triggered any time you exit the inner for loop "normally" (i.e., without hitting the break clause). In other words, any time you've found a prime.
Here's a slightly faster solution.
import numpy as np
def seive(n):
mask = np.ones(n+1)
mask[:2] = 0
for i in range(2, int(n**.5)+1):
if not mask[i]:
mask[i*i::i] = 0
return np.argwhere(mask)
def get_nearest_prime(old_number):
n = np.max(seive(2*old_number-1))
if n < old_number+1:
return None
return n
except ValueError:
return None
It does roughly the same thing, but it uses an algorithm called the "Sieve of Eratosthenes" to speed up the finding of primes (as opposed to the "trial division" you're using). It isn't the fastest Sieve in the world, but it's reasonably understandable without too many tweaks.
In either case, if you're calling this a bunch of times you'll probably want to keep track of all the primes you've found since computing them is expensive. Caching is easy and flexible in Python, and there are dozens of ways to make that happen if you do need the speed boost.
Note that I'm not positive the range you've specified always contains a prime. It very well might, and if it does you can get away with a lot shorter code. Something like the following.
def get_nearest_prime(old_number):
return np.max(seive(2*old_number-1))
I don't completely agree with the name you've chosen since the largest prime in that interval is usually not the closest prime to old_number, but I think this is what you're looking for anyway.
You can use a sublist to check if the number is prime, if all(i % n for n in range(2, i)) means that number is prime due to the fact that all values returned from modulo were True, not 0. From there you can append those values to a list called primes and then take the max of that list.
List comprehension:
num = 13
l = [*range(num, (2*num)+1)]
print(max([i for i in l if all([i % n for n in range(2,i)])]))
num = 13
l = [*range(num, (2*num)+1)]
primes = []
for i in l:
if all([i % n for n in range(2, i)]):
Search for the nearest prime number from above using the seive function
def get_nearest_prime(old_number):
return old_number+min(seive(2*old_number-1)-old_number, key=lambda a:a<0)

What would be the best answer for this Fibonacci excercise in Python?

What's the best answer for this Fibonacci exercise in Python?
Exercise: Fibonacci sequence
Write a function that displays the n first terms of the Fibonacci
sequence, defined by:
u0 = 1; u1 = 1
u(n+2) = u(n+1) + un
If this were simply asking a Fibonacci code, I would write like this:
def fibo_R(n):
if n == 1 or n == 2:
return 1
return fibo_R(n-1) + fibo_R(n-2)
... However, in this exercise, the initial conditions are both 1 and 1, and the calculation is going towards the positive direction (+). I don't know how to set the end condition. I've searched for an answer, but I couldn't find any. How would you answer this?
Note that u_(n+2) = u_(n+1) + u_n is equivalent to u_n = u_(n-1) + u_(n-2), i.e. your previous code will still apply. Fibonacci numbers are by definition defined in terms of their predecessors, no matter how you phrase the problem.
A good approach to solve this is to define a generator which produces the elements of the Fibonacci sequence on demand:
def fibonacci():
i = 1
j = 1
while True:
yield i
x = i + j
i = j
j = x
You can then take the first N items of the generator via e.g. itertools.islice, or you use enumerate to keep track of how many numbers you saw:
for i, x in enumerate(fibonacci()):
if i > n:
print x
Having a generator means that you can use the same code for solving many different problems (and quite efficiently though), such as:
getting the n'th fibonacci number
getting the first n fibonacci numbers
getting all fibonacci numbers satisfying some predicate (e.g. all fibonacci numbers lower than 100)
The best way to calculate a fibonacci sequence is by simply starting at the beginning and looping until you have calculated the n-th number. Recursion produces way too many method calls since you are calculating the same numbers over and over again.
This function calculates the first n fibonacci numbers, stores them in a list and then prints them out:
def fibonacci(n):
array = [1]
a = 1
b = 1
if n == 1:
print array
for i in range(n-1):
fib = a + b
a = b
b = fib
print array
If you want a super memory-efficient solution, use a generator that only produces the next number on demand:
def fib_generator():
e1, e2 = 0, 1
while True:
e1,e2 = e2, e1+e2
yield e1
f = fib_generator()
## dump the rest with a for-loop
for i in range(3, 50):
The recursive solution is the most elegant, but it is slow. Keiwan's loop is the fastest for a large number of elements.
Yes, definitely no globals as correctly observed by DSM. Thanks!
An alternative recursive just to show that things can be done in slightly different ways:
def fib2(n): return n if n < 2 else fib2( n - 1 ) + fib2( n - 2 )

Handling memory usage for big calculation in python

I am trying to do some calculations with python, where I ran out of memory. Therefore, I want to read/write a file in order to free memory. I need a something like a very big list object, so I thought writing a line for each object in the file and read/write to that lines instead of to memory. Line ordering is important for me since I will use line numbers as index. So I was wondering how I can replace lines in python, without moving around other lines (Actually, it is fine to move lines, as long as they return back to where I expect them to be).
I am trying to help a friend, which is worse than or equal to me in python. This code supposed to find biggest prime number, that divides given non-prime number. This code works for numbers until the numbers like 1 million, but after dead, my memory gets exhausted while trying to make numbers list.
# a comes from a user input
primes_upper_limit = (a+1) / 2
counter = 3L
numbers = list()
while counter <= primes_upper_limit:
counter += 2L
half = (primes_upper_limit + 1) / 2 - 1
root = primes_upper_limit ** 0.5
while counter < root:
if numbers[i]:
j = int((counter*counter - 3) / 2)
numbers[j] = 0
while j < half:
numbers[j] = 0
j += counter
i += 1
counter = 2*i + 3
primes = [2] + [num for num in numbers if num]
for numb in reversed(primes):
if a % numb == 0:
print numb
Another Edit
What about wrinting different files for each index? for example a billion of files with long integer filenames, and just a number inside of the file?
You want to find the largest prime divisor of a. (Project Euler Question 3)
Your current choice of algorithm and implementation do this by:
Generate a list numbers of all candidate primes in range (3 <= n <= sqrt(a), or (a+1)/2 as you currently do)
Sieve the numbers list to get a list of primes {p} <= sqrt(a)
Trial Division: test the divisibility of a by each p. Store all prime divisors {q} of a.
Print all divisors {q}; we only want the largest.
My comments on this algorithm are below. Sieving and trial division are seriously not scalable algorithms, as Owen and I comment. For large a (billion, or trillion) you really should use NumPy. Anyway some comments on implementing this algorithm:
Did you know you only need to test up to √a, int(math.sqrt(a)), not (a+1)/2 as you do?
There is no need to build a huge list of candidates numbers, then sieve it for primeness - the numbers list is not scalable. Just construct the list primes directly. You can use while/for-loops and xrange(3,sqrt(a)+2,2) (which gives you an iterator). As you mention xrange() overflows at 2**31L, but combined with the sqrt observation, you can still successfully factor up to 2**62
In general this is inferior to getting the prime decomposition of a, i.e. every time you find a prime divisor p | a, you only need to continue to sieve the remaining factor a/p or a/p² or a/p³ or whatever). Except for the rare case of very large primes (or pseudoprimes), this will greatly reduce the magnitude of the numbers you are working with.
Also, you only ever need to generate the list of primes {p} once; thereafter store it and do lookups, not regenerate it.
So I would separate out generate_primes(a) from find_largest_prime_divisor(a). Decomposition helps greatly.
Here is my rewrite of your code, but performance still falls off in the billions (a > 10**11 +1) due to keeping the sieved list. We can use collections.deque instead of list for primes, to get a faster O(1) append() operation, but that's a minor optimization.
# Prime Factorization by trial division
from math import ceil,sqrt
from collections import deque
# Global list of primes (strictly we should use a class variable not a global)
#primes = deque()
primes = []
def is_prime(n):
"""Test whether n is divisible by any prime known so far"""
global primes
for p in primes:
if n%p == 0:
return False # n was divisible by p
return True # either n is prime, or divisible by some p larger than our list
def generate_primes(a):
"""Generate sieved list of primes (up to sqrt(a)) as we go"""
global primes
primes_upper_limit = int(sqrt(a))
# We get huge speedup by using xrange() instead of range(), so we have to seed the list with 2
print "Generating sieved list of primes up to", primes_upper_limit, "...",
# Consider prime candidates 2,3,5,7... in increasing increments of 2
#for number in [2] + range(3,primes_upper_limit+2,2):
for number in xrange(3,primes_upper_limit+2,2):
if is_prime(number): # use global 'primes'
#print "Found new prime", number
primes.append(number) # Found a new prime larger than our list
print "done"
def find_largest_prime_factor(x, debug=False):
"""Find all prime factors of x, and return the largest."""
global primes
# First we need the list of all primes <= sqrt(x)
to_factor = x # running value of the remaining quantity we need to factor
largest_prime_factor = None
for p in primes:
if debug: print "Testing divisibility by", p
if to_factor%p != 0:
if debug: print "...yes it is"
largest_prime_factor = p
# Divide out all factors of p in x (may have multiplicity)
while to_factor%p == 0:
to_factor /= p
# Stop when all factors have been found
if to_factor==1:
print "Tested all primes up to sqrt(a), remaining factor must be a single prime > sqrt(a) :", to_factor
print "\nLargest prime factor of x is", largest_prime_factor
return largest_prime_factor
If I'm understanding you correctly, this is not an easy task. They way I interpreted it, you want to keep a file handle open, and use the file as a place to store character data.
Say you had a file like,
and you wanted to replace 'b' with 'bb'. That's going to be a pain, because the file actually looks like a\nb\nc -- you can't just overwrite the b, you need another byte.
My advice would be to try and find a way to make your algorithm work without using a file for extra storage. If you got a stack overflow, chances are you didn't really run out of memory, you overran the call stack, which is much smaller.
You could try reworking your algorithm to not be recursive. Sometimes you can use a list to substitute for the call stack -- but there are many things you could do and I don't think I could give much general advice not seeing your algorithm.
Ah I see what you mean... when the list
while counter <= primes_upper_limit:
counter += 2L
grows really big, you could run out of memory. So I guess you're basically doing a sieve, and that's why you have the big list numbers? It makes sense. If you want to keep doing it this way, you could try a numpy bool array, because it will use substantially less memory per cell:
import numpy as np
numbers = np.repeat(True, a/2)
Or (and maybe this is not appealing) you could go with an entirely different approach that doesn't use a big list, such as factoring the number entirely and picking the biggest factor.
Something like:
factors = [ ]
tail = a
while tail > 1:
j = 2
while 1:
if tail % j == 0:
tail = tail / j
print('%s %s' % (factors, tail))
j += 1
ie say you were factoring 20: tail starts out as 20, then you find 2 tail becomes 10, then it becomes 5.
This is not terrible efficient and will become way too slow for a large (billions) prime number, but it's ok for numbers with small factors.
I mean your sieve is good too, until you start running out of memory ;). You could give numpy a shot.
pytables is excellent for working with and storing huge amounts of data. But first start with implementing the comments in smci's answer to minimize the amount of numbers you need to store.
For a number with only twelve digits, as in Project Euler #3, no fancy integer factorization method is needed, and there is no need to store intermediate results on disk. Use this algorithm to find the factors of n:
Set f = 2.
If n = 1, stop.
If f * f > n, print n and stop.
Divide n by f, keeping both the quotient q and the remainder r.
If r = 0, print q, divide n by q, and go to Step 2.
Otherwise, increase f by 1 and go to Step 3.
This just does trial division by every integer until it reaches the square root, which indicates that the remaining cofactor is prime. Each factor is printed as it is found.

