Can I use ipython as my chosen interpreter in devsim? - python

I've downloaded the binaries here for devsim for ubuntu.
If you go to the bin folder there is an executable called devsim which basically seems like a python interpreter with the devsim module preloaded as ds. What I would like is instead of dropping into an python interpreter dropping into an ipython one.
Is this an easy thing to do? I tried thigs like:
ipython devsim
but gave me an error. I also tried running ipython and attempted to import devsim which also failed.
To be honest I had low hopes that the above two tricks would work. Any advice guidance?

/usr/bin/ipython is a python script. Devsim starts its own embedded python 2.7 interpreter.
On my ubuntu 12.04 system, the following works for me:
devsim /usr/bin/ipython
The devsim packages currently online are for ubuntu 12.04. If you need any help getting it to work for your system, please file a ticket at

This answer is inspired by the answer given by Juan. I thought of editing his answer but then this evolved a lot so decided to keep it separately.
Some of the steps below will require root access and assume a *nix based system.
Create a file with the following:
/path/to/executable/devsim /usr/bin/ipython "$#"
Save the file as /usr/bin/devsim
Make it executable by running chmod uoa+x /usr/bin/devsim
Now whenever you type devsim at the command prompt you'll be dropped into an ipython session. To access the devsim module you simply do:
import ds or from ds import *
depending on your preference.


vsCode won't recognize python installation, but does?

When I put "py --list" in the terminal I get this:
Installed Pythons found by C:\Windows\py.exe Launcher for Windows
No Installed Pythons Found!
I set my environment variables. I actually got VS Code to run some code I threw together that didn't use any imports, but now that I'm trying to use any python commands in the terminal, I'm getting errors. What gives?
python should work, since it is finding installations.
If you are working on Windows, very often it's all about permissions. Try running your terminal and VSCode as administrator! Worked a lot of times for me, also with other languages.
Please ensure that you have installed the python extension and selected the correct python interpreter (Ctrl+Shift+P and type Python: Select Interpreter).
If this didn't work, you may have to reinstall python.
Read the document about Vscode-Python for more details.

Adding Python 2.7 & 3.x Interpreters to PyCharm

I'm having issues adding a project interpreter to PyCharm from a new Anaconda environment. I have Anaconda2 installed with one Python 2.7 environment (C:\Anaconda2\python.exe) that I've been using on Pycharm without issue for several months.
I am attempting to add a second Python 3.6 interpreter (from C:\Anaconda2\envs\py36\python.exe) to my PyCharm. After adding the Local Interpreter to Pycharm, I run into a MS Visual C++ Runtime Error R6034 "An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly".
From cursory googling, it seems that there could be a runtime DLL conflict (potentially msvcr90.dll) between Python 2 & 3. All fixes I see involve editing the executable path of the application, but I don't think this is feasible for my Pycharm use case. How do I get rid of this error, or just generally be able to use both Python 2 & 3 interpreters through my PyCharm?
I think that's the problem with Anaconda and different msvc dll in the computer.
You can test the conda command in the command line, to see if R6034 happens. If it happens, try the following solution:
I had a similar problem with Anaconda3 and Python27. I solved this problem via executing the following command in cmd, outside of any conda environment:
conda install msvc_runtime
After installing the packages, open a new command and test if the R6034 error still appears.
I had a similar issue and was able to resolve it by selecting:
File --> Invalid Caches / Restart...
from PyCharm's main menu.
You may also want to double check that any Conda Environments that you have defined as Python Interpreters in PyCharm are properly configured per the docs
This issue was absolutely maddening. Million R6034 error windows would just keep popping up one after another if I just wanted to get help on a function. I researched it for months, on/off, opened tickets with JetBrains to no avail.
If you need to have multiple versions of Anaconda, and if you have Anaconda paths in your PATH, before launching PyCharm, delete all Anaconda paths from PATH, and then start PyCharm. You need to create a separate wrapper launcher script for PyCharm to fix PATH before PyCharm is started. Note that alternative of starting PyCharm and then fixing interpreter and python console PATHS inside PyCharm do not really work. Because PyCharm may be using a system path to access python to read documentation etc. So the only clean fix is to fix the system PATH before PyCharm starts.
Once you understand what needs to be done, then you can use your own steps/tools. This worked for me:
Create a script that modifies PATH. I used Python for that, sed or any other tools are fine too. The script simply examines each path element and removes it if it refers to Anaconda, and then puts it back together:
path_old = os.environ['PATH']
path_python_removed = [loc for loc in path_old.split(pathsep) if not ('python' in loc or 'Ana' in loc)]
Create Powershell script to fix PATH and start PyCharm from that clean environment. To find PyCharm path, the simplest is to start it up the usual way, and head to Task Manager, right mouse click on pycharm64.exe process and select "open file location" to get the full path.
$Env:Path=python # call the script to fix the PATH
start-process $PYCHARM_PATH\pcharm64.exe -WindowStyle Hidden # enter your full path to pycharm and put it into background.
You can create a shortcut to launch pycharm_clean.ps1 + you can add it to your windows start up folder to be launched upon login: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
If you use BASH inside Cygwin, then steps for path clean up require a bit more tuning, but nothing you cannot do. If you need help, put a comment and I can add that script as well.

How to safely to insert the file path of a MacPort installed package into my IDE's PYTHON PATH environmental variable without my kernal crashing?

I have downloaded the rpy2 package using MacPorts, but every time I try to import it using my IDE (Enthought Canopy version 1.5.4), I get the following error:
ImportError: No module named rpy2
However, when I run Python in my terminal and run import rpy2 there, it imports without any issue.
I did some googling on the issue, and it appears that Python's environmental variables in the terminal are not the same as the Python's environmental variables in the IDE, particularly the PYTHONPATH. I checked my PYTHONPATH in my terminal by running import sys; sys.path and got the following file paths:
The very last file path points to the location of the module that won't be imported in my IDE.
I then ran the same commands on a script in my IDE and got the following file paths:
The location of rpy2 module is not present in the above block of file paths. So, it seemed logical to me to simply add its file path to the PYTHONPATH environmental variable.
However, an answer to this post (Using MacPorts to install modules via a certain path) mentions that it is potentially dangerous for the following command to be carried out:
sys.path.insert(-1, '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2-2.8.6-py2.7-macosx-10.6-intel.egg')
Can anybody support/gainsay this claim? Any additional explanation would be most helpful.
So, it turns out, it actually is BAD for the script. I decided to try running some examples from the tutorials, and the kernel just crashes every time, and must be restarted. How can I remedy this?
After following the advice set out in How to: Macports select python , I decided to run the following command in the terminal in order for MacPorts to select the version of Python that was being used by my Canopy IDE:
sudo port select --set python python27
This seems to have solved the issue, as my kernel does not crash anymore when I run basic commands from the rpy2 module. But I remain skeptical as to whether this is a long term solution or not, as I am still confused behind the discrepancies of installing a module via MacPorts versus the IDE's package manager.

"ImportError: No module named" when trying to run Python script

I'm trying to run a script that launches, amongst other things, a python script. I get a ImportError: No module named ..., however, if I launch ipython and import the same module in the same way through the interpreter, the module is accepted.
What's going on, and how can I fix it? I've tried to understand how python uses PYTHONPATH but I'm thoroughly confused. Any help would greatly appreciated.
This issue arises due to the ways in which the command line IPython interpreter uses your current path vs. the way a separate process does (be it an IPython notebook, external process, etc). IPython will look for modules to import that are not only found in your sys.path, but also on your current working directory. When starting an interpreter from the command line, the current directory you're operating in is the same one you started ipython in. If you run
import os
you'll see this is true.
However, let's say you're using an ipython notebook, run os.getcwd() and your current working directory is instead the folder in which you told the notebook to operate from in your file (typically using the c.NotebookManager.notebook_dir setting).
The solution is to provide the python interpreter with the path-to-your-module. The simplest solution is to append that path to your sys.path list. In your notebook, first try:
import sys
import module_of_interest
If that doesn't work, you've got a different problem on your hands unrelated to path-to-import and you should provide more info about your problem.
The better (and more permanent) way to solve this is to set your PYTHONPATH, which provides the interpreter with additional directories look in for python packages/modules. Editing or setting the PYTHONPATH as a global var is os dependent, and is discussed in detail here for Unix or Windows.
Just create an empty python file with the name under the folder which showing error, while you running the python project.
Make sure they are both using the same interpreter. This happened to me on Ubuntu:
$ ipython3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.version)'
3.4.2 (default, Jun 19 2015, 11:34:49) \n[GCC 4.9.1]
$ python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.version)'
3.3.0 (default, Nov 27 2012, 12:11:06) \n[GCC 4.6.3]
And sys.path was different between the two interpreters. To fix it, I removed Python 3.3.
The main reason is the sys.paths of Python and IPython are different.
Please refer to lucypark link, the solution works in my case. It happen when install opencv by
conda install opencv
And got import error in iPython, There are three steps to solve this issue:
import cv2
ImportError: ...
1. Check path in Python and iPython with following command
import sys
You will find different result from Python and Jupyter. Second step, just use sys.path.append to fix the missed path by try-and-error.
2. Temporary solution
In iPython:
import sys
import cv2
the ImportError:.. issue solved
3. Permanent solution
Create an iPython profile and set initial append:
In bash shell:
ipython profile create
... CHECK the path prompted , and edit the prompted config file like my case
vi /home/osboxes/.ipython/profile_default/
In vi, append to the file:
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = [
'import sys; sys.path.append("/home/osboxes/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages")'
Doing sys.path.append('my-path-to-module-folder') will work, but to avoid having to do this in IPython every time you want to use the module, you can add export PYTHONPATH="my-path-to-module-folder:$PYTHONPATH" to your ~/.bash_profile file.
This is how I fixed it:
import os
import sys
module_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd() + '\\..')
if module_path not in sys.path:
Before installing ipython, I installed modules through easy_install; say sudo easy_install mechanize.
After installing ipython, I had to re-run easy_install for ipython to recognize the modules.
If you are running it from command line, sometimes python interpreter is not aware of the path where to look for modules.
Below is the directory structure of my project:
I was running below command:
>> cd project
>> python tests/
After running above command i got below error
no module named lib
lib was imported in
i printed sys.path and figured out that path of project i am working on is not available in sys.path list
i added below code at the start of my script .
import sys
import os
module_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
if module_path not in sys.path:
I am not sure if it is a good way of solving it but yeah it did work for me.
I have found that the solution to this problem was extensively documented here:
Basically, you must install the packages within the Jupyter environment, issuing shell commands like:
!{sys.executable} -m pip install numpy
Please check the above link for an authoritative full answer.
This kind of errors occurs most probably due to python version conflicts. For example, if your application runs only on python 3 and you got python 2 as well, then it's better to specify which version to use.
For example use
python3 .....
instead of
Had a similar problem, fixed it by calling python3 instead of python, my modules were in Python3.5.
This problem occurs due to the different versioning - e.g. if the Python installed on your machine is installed in a folder called path_to_lib/python3.6 but your notebook is running in Python 3 - the spacing in the naming matters!
How to solve it?
When creating a new jupyter notebook, just choose the Python with the same versioning as yours (watch out for spaces!). See the attached image.
I found yet another source of this discrepancy:
I have ipython installed both locally and in commonly in virtualenvs. My problem was that, inside a newly made virtualenv with ipython, the system ipython was picked up, which was a different version than the python and ipython in the virtualenv (a 2.7.x vs. a 3.5.x), and hilarity ensued.
I think the smart thing to do whenever installing something that will have a binary in yourvirtualenv/bin is to immediately run rehash or similar for whatever shell you are using so that the correct python/ipython gets picked up. (Gotta check if there are suitable pip post-install hooks...)
Solution without scripting:
Open Spyder -> Tools -> PYTHONPATH manager
Add Python paths by clicking "Add Path".
E.g: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Lib\site-packages'
Click "Synchronize..." to allow other programs (e.g. Jupyter Notebook) use the pythonpaths set in step 2.
Restart Jupyter if it is open
This is probably caused by different python versions installed on your system, i.e. python2 or python3.
Run command $ pip --version and $ pip3 --version to check which pip is from at Python 3x. E.g. you should see version information like below:
pip 19.0.3 from /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip (python 3.7)
Then run the script with below command
$ python3
Happened to me with the directory utils. I was trying to import this directory as:
from utils import somefile
utils is already a package in python. Just change your directory name to something different and it should work just fine.
This answer applies to this question if
You don't want to change your code
You don't want to change PYTHONPATH permanently
Temporarily modify PYTHONPATH
path below can be relative
PYTHONPATH=/path/to/dir python
import sys
import ta
If anyone comes across this issue using conda with Jupyter Notebook in MSVS Code, the solution is to make sure you're using the correct kernel. The kernel is in a box in the top right corner of the interface and looks like this:
I pointed mine to the version of Python that also matched my application path -- problem solved!
This is what worked for me: I just changed my working directory inside my notebook
import os
I have a similar issued with my Jupyter Lab setup which I resolved by checking the Jupyter Lab log on opening. This informed me that the virtual environment (pipenv) couldn't locate the Jupyter Lab so it used a shared version (from an earlier installation of Python).
I created a requirements.txt and discovered I hadn't installed Jupyter Lab in this new environment. Installing it resolved the import error.
Remove pathlib and reinstall it. Delete the pathlib in sitepackages folder and reinstall the pathlib package by using pip command:
pip install pathlib

Getting PyDev to recognize the correct Python Interpreter on Eclipse under OS X Lion

I have two versions of python installed on my mac running OSX Lion. The first is the default python version that ships with OSX and is found in /usr/bin/python. The version I want to use is the version I downloaded from, and that is installed in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python. I want to use Eclipse and PyDev using the version as the interpreter. So, in Eclipse, I go to preferences and set the version installed in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python to be the interpreter.
in a terminal window, if I type:
$ which python
I get "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python" because I set my $PATH accordingly (modified .bash_profile to permanently do so)
but if I run the following simple script in Eclipse:
import os
os.system("which python")
the script's output is "/usr/bin/python"
Things I have tried as suggested by other similar posts:
tried removing and re-adding the interpreter location
tried adding the /Library/.../package-sites to PYTHONPATH
Why isn't eclipse using the interpreter I explicitly tell it to use? Any help with this issue will be greatly appreciated!
The problem is that os.system('which python') will search for the python in the path, not the one where you're currently running (so, its output is correct).
What you want to use/check instead is sys.executable (this attribute will point to your currently running executable).
As for the wxPython issue, which error are you having? (probably another question in stackoverflow thought).
I think Eclipse is running the correct python. In your code when running under eclipse which python does not find the python running. Try
import sys
print sys.version
The issue here is that running a GUI app from the desktop/dock/folder does not load your .bash_profile and so which python does not find your change to the PATH. To change your path for GUI apps you need to edit ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist
I agree with Mark here. sys.version will be what eclipse uses to run your code. os.system("which python") will be python found in PATH that eclipse forwarded when running your code. Perhaps if you use PATH tweaks you should set environment variables for running code in Eclipse too.

