Accessing test PostgreSQL database from python - python

I can't seem to correctly connect and pull from a test postgreSQL database in python. I installed PostgreSQL using Homebrew. Here's how I have been accessing the database table and value from the terminal:
xxx-macbook:~ xxx$ psql
psql (9.4.0)
Type "help" for help.
xxx=# \dn
List of schemas
Name | Owner
public | xxx
(1 row)
xxx=# \connect postgres
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "xxx".
postgres=# SELECT * from test.test;
It works!
(1 row)
But when trying to access it from python, using the code below, it doesn't work. Any suggestions?
# Importing variables from PostgreSQL database via SQL commands
db_conn = psycopg2.connect(database='postgres',
cursor = db_conn.cursor()
#querying the database
result = cursor.execute("""
Select * From test.test
print "Result: ", result
>>> Result: None
It should say: Result: It works!

You need to fetch the results.
From the docs:
The [execute()-]method returns None. If a query was executed, the returned values can be retrieved using fetch*() methods.
result = cursor.fetchall()
For reference:
Note that (unlike psql) psycopg2 wraps anything in transactions. So if you intend to issue persistent changes to the database (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ...) you need to commit them explicitly. Otherwise changes will be rolled back automatically when the connection object is destroyed. Read more on that topic here:


PyODBC: how to replicate behavior of batch separator (GO) in a transaction?

I maintain a Python application that automatically applies SQL schema migrations (adding/removing tables and columns, adjusting the data, etc) to our database (SQL2016). Each migration is executed via PyODBC within a transaction so that it can be rolled back if something goes wrong. Sometimes a migration requires one or more batch statements (GO) to execute correctly. Since GO is not actually a T-SQL command but rather a special keyword in SSMS, I've been splitting each SQL migration on GO and executing each SQL fragment separately within the same transaction.
import pyodbc
import re
conn_args = {
'driver': '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}',
'hostname': 'MyServer',
'port': 1298,
'server': r'MyServer\MyInstance',
'database': 'MyDatabase',
'user': 'MyUser',
'password': '********',
'autocommit': False,
connection = pyodbc.connect(**conn_args)
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql = '''
SET NewForeignKeyID = 1
sql_fragments = re.split(r'^\s*GO;?\s*$', sql, flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)
for sql_frag in sql_fragments:
# Wait for the command to complete. This is necessary for some database system commands
# (backup, restore, etc). Probably not necessary for schema migrations, but included
# for completeness.
while cursor.nextset():
SQL statement batches aren't being executed like I expected. When the above schema migration is executed in SSMS, it succeeds. When executed in Python, the first batch (adding the foreign key) executes just fine, but the second batch (setting the foreign key value) fails because it isn't aware of the new foreign key.
('42S22', "[42S22] [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'NewForeignKeyID'. (207) (SQLExecDirectW)")
Execute a hierarchy of SQL statement batches (i.e. where each statement batch depends upon the previous batch) within a single transaction in PyODBC.
What I've Tried
Searching the PyODBC documentation for information on how PyODBC supports or doesn't support batch statements / the GO command. No references found.
Searching StackOverflow & Google for how to batch statements within PyODBC.
Introducing a small sleep between SQL fragment executions just in case there's some sort of race condition. Seemed unlikely to be a solution, and didn't change the behavior.
I've considered separating each batch of statements out into a separate transaction that is committed before the next batch is executed, but that would reduce/eliminate our ability to automatically roll back a schema migration that fails.
EDIT: I just found this question, which is pretty much exactly what I want to do. However, upon testing (in SSMS) the answer that recommends using EXEC I discovered that the second EXEC command (setting the value) fails because it isn't aware of the new foreign key. I'm bad at testing and it actually does succeed. This solution might work but isn't ideal since EXEC isn't compatible with parameters. Also, this won't work if variables are used across fragments.
EXEC('UPDATE MyTable SET NewForeignKeyID = 1')
Invalid column name 'FK_TestID'.
If you are reading the SQL statements from a text file (such as one produced by scripting objects in SSMS) then you could just use Python's subprocess module to run the sqlcmd utility with that file as the input (-i). In its simplest form that would look like
server = "localhost"
port = 49242
uid = "scott"
pwd = "tiger^5HHH"
database = "myDb"
script_file = r"C:\__tmp\batch_test.sql"
"""contents of the above file:
CREATE TABLE so69020084 (src varchar(10), var_value varchar(10));
INSERT INTO so69020084 (src, var_value) VALUES ('1st batch', 'foo');
INSERT INTO so69020084 (src, var_value) VALUES ('2nd batch', 'bar');
import subprocess
cmd = [
"-S", f"{server},{port}",
"-U", uid,
"-P", pwd,
"-d", database,
"-i", script_file,

why the stored procedure called from sqlalchemy is not working but calling from workbench is working?

I have a stored procedure.
calling it via MySQL workbench as follows working;
CALL `lobdcapi`.`escalatelobalarm`('A0001');
But not from the python program. (means it is not throwing any exception, process finish execution silently) if I make any error in column names, then at python I get an error. So it calls my stored procedure but not working as expected. (it is an update query .it needs SAFE update )
Why through the python sqlalchemy this update didn't update any records?
CREATE DEFINER=`lob`#`%` PROCEDURE `escalatelobalarm`(IN client_id varchar(50))
update lobdcapi.alarms
set lobalarmescalated=1
where id in (
from (select id,alarmoccurredhistoryid from lobdcapi.alarms where lobalarmpriorityid=1 and lobalarmescalated=0 and clientid=client_id
and alarmstatenumber='02' ) as al
inner join lobdcapi.`alarmhistory` as hi on
and hi.datetimestamp<= current_timestamp() )
I call it like;
from sqlalchemy import and_, func,text
db.session.execute(text("CALL escalatelobalarm(:param)"), {'param': clientid})
I suspect the param I pass via code didn't get bind properly?
I haven't called stored procs from SQLAlchemy, but it seems possible that this could be within a transaction because you're using the session. Perhaps calling db.session.commit() at the end would help?
If that fails, SQLAlchemy calls out calling stored procs here. Perhaps try their method of using callproc. Adapting to your use-case, something like:
connection = db.session.connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.callproc("escalatelobalarm", [clientid])
results = list(cursor.fetchall())

Mocking database call in a way that it checks the SQL query

I have a code that executes queries to redshift like this:
def send_sql_query(source, sql_query, lst=None):
connection = psycopg2.connect(
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql_query, lst)
sql_results = cursor.fetchall()
return sql_results
if connection:
I would like to mock the method in a way that it will retrieve and sql_query, and the method will hold a fake db data (preferable in json), but will execute the SQL on the fake data with the sql_query and return the result.
Using mock.return_value and mock.side_effect will not help, because I want to verify that the SQL query is correct. Writing a code to return results doesn't really check the SQL query
Is there a framework in python for it?
Testing the SQL requires a SQL engine. As different databases use different dialects and as you use PostgreSQL as you main database, you should install a PostgreSQL instance on you dev environment with fake data and redirect your queries there while testing.
As you use the environment to store the reference of the database, you have just to setup a test environment pointing to the test database.

calling msdb.sp_send_dbmail via pyodbc

I am attempting to call a sproc that wraps T-SQL's sp_send_dbmail procedure. It simply creates the query, and then passes that and a hardcoded subject and recipient to the Microsoft supplied sproc. When running from sql management studio, the sproc executes as expected and I receive an email. From pyodbc, it doesn't send an email. The contents of my sproc look similar to:
declare #qry varchar(MAX)
set #qry = 'select * from table'
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
#recipients = '',
#subject = 'my email',
#query = #qry
select * from table
where 1=0
I have also tried toggling the #exclude_query_output, flag but that had no effect. I am invoking that sproc via the following method:
def execute_sproc(query, cnxn):
cursor = cnxn.cursor();
rows = cursor.execute(query)
columns = [column[0] for column in cursor.description]
return pd.DataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=columns)
where the query is simply executing my wrapper sproc. As I mentioned before, the wrapper sproc works when run from the management studio, but no email is sent when called here. I am using the same credentials to access my database in both places. I have also used this function to successfully call other sprocs, but none of them have contained exec statements, nor have they done many of the other things that im sure sp_send_dbmail is doing.
Please let me know if you have any ideas.
Max Goldman
So i think this comes down to a misunderstanding of either the sendmail sproc, pyodbc, or both. I have another method for calling sprocs that edit the database:
def execute_commit_sproc(query, cnxn):
cursor = cnxn.cursor();
The only difference being that the former expected a result set, whereas the latter makes changes to the db, and uses pyodbc's commit mechanism to save the results. I did not realize the sp_send_dbmail required this to be called in order for the email to be sent. I am still unsure of why (what is getting written to, what pyodbc::commit() is doing under the hood, etc.)

Database change with software update

I've got a program which has a database with a certain schema, v0.1.0.
In my next version (v0.1.1) I've made changes to the database schema.
So when I update to (0.1.1) I would like those changes to take effect without effecting the original data in (0.1.0) and subsequent versions.
How do I go about making the changes without affecting (0.1.0) database data and keeping track of those changes in subsequent versions?
I'm using python with sqlite3.
There is no support for multiple versions of the software. The database is dependent on the verion that you are using.
The is no concurrent access to the database, 1 database per version.
So the user can use the old version but when they upgrade to the new version the .sqlite schema will be changed.
Track the schema version in the database with the user_version PRAGMA, and keep a sequence of upgrade steps:
def get_schema_version(conn):
cursor = conn.execute('PRAGMA user_version')
return cursor.fetchone()[0]
def set_schema_version(conn, version):
conn.execute('PRAGMA user_version={:d}'.format(version))
def initial_schema(conn):
# install initial schema
# ...
def ugrade_1_2(conn):
# modify schema, alter data, etc.
# map target schema version to upgrade step from previous version
upgrade_steps = {
1: initial_schema,
2: ugrade_1_2,
def check_upgrade(conn):
current = get_schema_version(conn)
target = max(upgrade_steps)
for step in range(current + 1, target + 1):
if step in upgrade_steps:
set_schema_version(conn, step)
There are a few ways to do this, I will only mention one.
It seems like you already track the version within the database. On your application start, you will want to check this version against the running application's version and run any sql scripts that will perform the schema changes.
An example of this in action:
import os
import sqlite3 as sqlite
def make_movie_table(cursor):
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE movies(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(20), link VARCHAR(20))')
def make_series_table(cursor):
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE series(title VARCHAR(30) PRIMARY KEY,series_link VARCHAR(60),number_of_episodes INTEGER,number_of_seasons INTEGER)')
def make_episode_table(cursor):
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE episodes(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,title VARCHAR(30),episode_name VARCHAR(15), episode_link VARCHAR(40), Date TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (title) REFERENCES series(title) ON DELETE CASCADE)')
def make_version_table(cursor):
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE schema_versions(version VARCHAR(6))')
cursor.execute('insert into schema_versions(version) values ("0.1.0")')
def create_database(sqlite_file):
if not os.path.exists(sqlite_file):
connection = sqlite.connect(sqlite_file)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
def upgrade_database(sqlite_file):
if os.path.exists(sqlite_file):
connection = sqlite.connect(sqlite_file)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select max(version) from schema_versions")
row = cursor.fetchone()
database_version = row[0]
print('current version is %s' % database_version)
if database_version == '0.1.0':
print('upgrading version to 0.1.1')
cursor.execute('alter table series ADD COLUMN new_column1 VARCHAR(10)')
cursor.execute('alter table series ADD COLUMN new_column2 INTEGER')
cursor.execute('insert into schema_versions(version) values ("0.1.1")')
#if database_version == '0.1.1':
#print('upgrading version to 0.1.2')
#etc cetera
#I need to add 2 columns to the series table, when the user upgrade the software.
if __name__ == '__main__':
Each upgrade script will take care of making your database changes, and then update the version inside the DB to the latest version. Note that we do not use elif statements, this is so that you can upgrade a database over multiple versions if it needs to.
There are some caveats to watch out for:
run upgrades inside transactions, you will want to rollback on any errors to avoid leaving the database in an unusable state. -- update this is incorrect as pointed out, thanks Martijn!
avoid renames and column deletes if you can, and if you must, ensure any views using them are updated too.
Long term you're going to be better off using an ORM such as SQLAlchemy with a migration tool like Alembic.

