Collecting SNMP traps with pySNMP - python

Which is the more resource-friendly way to collect SNMP traps from a Cisco router via python:
I could use a manager on a PC running a server, where the Cisco SNMP traps are sent to in case one occurs
I could use an agent to send a GET/GETBULK request every x timeframe to check if any new traps have occurred
I am looking for a way to run the script so that it uses the least resources as possible. Not many traps will occur so the communication will be low mostly, but as soon as one does occur, the PC should know immediately.

Approach 1 is better from most perspectives.
It uses a little memory on the PC due to running a trap collecting daemon, but the footprint should be reasonably small since it only needs to listen for traps and decode them, not do any complex task.
Existing tools to receive traps include the net-snmp suite which allows you to just configure the daemon (i e you don't have to do any programming if you want to save some time).
Approach 2 has a couple of problems:
No matter what polling interval you choose, you run the risk of missing an alarm that was only active on the router for a short time.
Consumes CPU and network resources even if no faults are occurring.
Depending on the MIB of the router, some types of event may not be stored in any table for later retrieval. For Cisco, I would not expect this problem, but you do need to study the MIB and make sure of this.


Python multi-processing one worker dynimc number of recievers of all worker data (1:n)

I am planing to setup a small proxy service for a remote sensor, that only accepts one connection. I have a temporary solution and I am now designing a more robust version, and therefore dived deeper into the python multiprocessing module.
I have written a couple of systems in python using a main process, which spawns subprocesses using the multiprocessing module and used multiprocessing.Queue to communicate between them. This works quite well and some of theses programs/scripts are doing their job in a production environment.
The new case is slightly different since it uses 2+n processes:
One data-collector, that reads data from the sensor (at 100Hz) and every once in a while receives short ASCII strings as command
One main-server, that binds to a socket and listens, for new connections and spawns...
n child-servers, that handle clients who want to have the sensor data
while communication from the child servers to the data collector seems pretty straight forward using a multiprocessing.Queue which manages a n:1 connection well enough, I have problems with the other way. I can't use a queue for that as well, because all child-servers need to get all the data the sensor produces, while they are active. At least I haven't found a way to configure a Queue to mimic that behaviour, as get takes the top most out of the Queue by design.
I looked into shared memory already, which massively increases the management overhead, since as far as I understand it while using it, I would basically need to implement a streaming buffer myself.
The only safe way I see right now, is using a redis server and messages queues, but I am a bit hesitant, since that would need more infrastructure than I like.
Is there a pure python internal way?
maybe You can use MQTT for that ?
You did not clearly specify, but sounds like observer pattern -
or do You want the clients to poll each time they need data ?
It depends which delays / data rate / jitter etc. You can accept.
after You provided the information :
The whole setup runs on one machine in one process space. What I would like to have, is a way without going through a third party process
I would suggest to check for observer pattern.
More informations can be found for example:
Your Server should fork for each new connection and register with the observer, and will be therefore informed about every change.

(AWS) What happens to a python script without enough CPU?

My small AWS EC2 instance runs a two python scripts, one to receive JSON messages as a web-socket(~2msg/ms) and write to csv file, and one to compress and upload the csvs. After testing, the data(~2.4gb/day) recorded by the EC2 instance is sparser than if recorded on my own computer(~5GB). Monitoring shows the EC2 instance consumed all CPU credits and is operating on baseline power. My question is, does the instance drop messages because it cannot write them fast enough?
Thank you to anyone that can provide any insight!
It depends on the WebSocket server.
If your first script cannot run fast enough to match the message generation speed on server side, the TCP receive buffer will become full and the server will slow down on sending packets. Assuming a near-constant message production rate, unprocessed messages will pile up on the server, and the server could be coded to let them accumulate or eventually drop them.
Even if the server never dropped a message, without enough computational power, your instance would never catch up - on 8/15 it could be dealing with messages from 8/10 - so instance upgrade is needed.
Does data rate vary greatly throughout the day (e.g. much more messages in evening rush around 20:00)? If so, data loss may have occurred during that period.
But is Python really that slow? 5GB/day is less than 100KB per second, and even a fraction of one modern CPU core can easily handle it. Perhaps you should stress test your scripts and optimize them (reduce small disk writes, etc.)

Python script execution time increases when executed multiple time parallely

I have a python script whose execution time is 1.2 second while it is being executed standalone.
But when I execute it 5-6 time parallely ( Am using postman to ping the url multiple times) the execution time shoots up.
Adding the breakdown of the time taken.
1 run -> ~1.2seconds
2 run -> ~1.8seconds
3 run -> ~2.3seconds
4 run -> ~2.9seconds
5 run -> ~4.0seconds
6 run -> ~4.5seconds
7 run -> ~5.2seconds
8 run -> ~5.2seconds
9 run -> ~6.4seconds
10 run -> ~7.1seconds
Screenshot of top command(Asked in the comment):
This is a sample code:
import psutil
import os
import time
start_time = time.time()
import cgitb
import numpy as np
import MySQLdb as mysql
import cv2
import sys
import rpy2.robjects as robj
import rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
R = robj.r
DTW = importr('dtw')
process= psutil.Process(os.getpid())
print " Memory Consumed after libraries load: "
print process.memory_info()[0]/float(2**20)
# Generate our data (numpy arrays)
template = np.array([range(84),range(84),range(84)]).transpose()
query = np.array([range(2500000),range(2500000),range(2500000)]).transpose()
#time taken
print(" --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
I also checked my memory consumption using watch -n 1 free -m and memory consumption also increases noticeably.
1) How do I make sure that the execution time of script remain constant everytime.
2) Can I load the libraries permanently so that the time taken by the script to load the libraries and the memory consumed can be minimized?
I made an enviroment and tried using
but it doesn't make any difference whatsoever.
I have AMAZON's EC2 server with 7.5GB RAM.
My php file with which am calling the python script.
$response = array("error" => FALSE);
$response["error"] = FALSE;
$command =escapeshellcmd(shell_exec("sudo /home/ec2-user/anaconda/envs/anubhaw_python/bin/python2.7 /var/www/cgi-bin/"));
} else
header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
$response["message"] = "Bad Request.";
echo json_encode($response);
1) You really can't ensure the execution will take always the same time, but at least you can avoid performance degradation by using a "locking" strategy like the ones described in this answer.
Basically you can test if the lockfile exists, and if so, put your program to sleep a certain amount of time, then try again.
If the program does not find the lockfile, it creates it, and delete the lockfile at the end of its execution.
Please note: in the below code, when the script fails to get the lock for a certain number of retries, it will exit (but this choice is really up to you).
The following code exemplifies the use of a file as a "lock" against parallel executions of the same script.
import time
import os
import sys
lockfilename = '.lock'
retries = 10
fail = True
for i in range(retries):
lock = open(lockfilename, 'r')
except Exception:
print('Got after {} retries'.format(i))
fail = False
lock = open(lockfilename, 'w')
if fail:
print("Cannot get the lock, exiting.")
# program execution...
# end of program execution
2) This would mean that different python instances share the same memory pool and I think it's not feasible.
More servers equals more availability
Hearsay tells me that one effective way to ensure consistent request times is to use multiple requests to a cluster. As I heard it the idea goes something like this.
The chance of a slow request
(Disclaimer I'm not much of a mathematician or statistician.)
If there is a 1% chance a request is going to take an abnormal amount of time to finish then one-in-a-hundred requests can be expected to be slow. If you as a client/consumer make two requests to a cluster instead of just one, the chance that both of them turn out to be slow would be more like 1/10000, and with three 1/1000000, et cetera. The downside is doubling your incoming requests means needing to provide (and pay for) as much as twice the server power to fulfill your requests with a consistent time, this additional cost scales with how much chance is acceptable for a slow request.
To my knowledge this concept is optimized for consistent fulfillment times.
The client
A client interfacing with a service like this has to be able to spawn multiple requests and handle them gracefully, probably including closing the unfulfilled connections as soon as it can.
The servers
On the backed there should be a load balancer that can associate multiple incoming client requests to multiple unique cluster workers. If a single client makes multiple requests to an overburdened node, its just going to compound its own request time like you see in your simple example.
In addition to having the client opportunistically close connections it would be best to have a system of sharing job fulfilled status/information so that backlogged request on other other slower-to-process nodes have a chance of aborting an already-fulfilled request.
This this a rather informal answer, I do not have direct experience with optimizing a service application in this manner. If someone does I encourage and welcome more detailed edits and expert implementation opinions.
Caching imports
yes that is a thing, and its awesome!
I would personally recommend setting up django+gunicorn+nginx. Nginx can cache static content and keep a request backlog, gunicorn provides application caching and multiple threads&worker management (not to mention awesome administration and statistic tools), django embeds best practices for database migrations, auth, request routing, as well as off-the-shelf plugins for providing semantic rest endpoints and documentation, all sorts of goodness.
If you really insist on building it from scratch yourself you should study uWsgi, a great Wsgi implementation that can be interfaced with gunicorn to provide application caching. Gunicorn isn't the only option either, Nicholas Piël has a Great write up comparing performance of various python web serving apps.
Here's what we have:
EC2 instance type is m3.large box which has only 2 vCPUs
We need to run a CPU- and memory-hungry script which takes over a second to execute when CPU is not busy
You're building an API than needs to handle concurrent requests and running apache
From the screenshot I can conclude that:
your CPUs are 100% utilized when 5 processes are run. Most likely they would be 100% utilized even when fewer processes are run. So this is the bottleneck and no surprise that the more processes are run the more time is required — you CPU resources just get shared among concurrently running scripts.
each script copy eats about ~300MB of RAM so you have lots of spare RAM and it's not a bottleneck. The amount of free + buffers memory on your screenshot confirms that.
The missing part is:
are requests directly sent to your apache server or there's a balancer/proxy in front of it?
why do you need PHP in your example? There are plently of solutions available using python ecosystem only without a php wrapper ahead of it
Answers to your questions:
That's infeasible in general case
The most you can do is to track your CPU usage and make sure its idle time doesn't drop below some empirical threshold — in this case your scripts would be run in more or less fixed amount of time.
To guarantee that you need to limit the number of requests being processed concurrently.
But if 100 requests are sent to your API concurrently you won't be able to handle them all in parallel! Only some of them will be handled in parallel while others waiting for their turn. But your server won't be knocked down trying to serve them all.
Yes and no
No because unlikely can you do something in your present architecture when a new script is launched on every request through a php wrapper. BTW it's a very expensive operation to run a new script from scratch each time.
Yes if a different solution is used. Here are the options:
use a python-aware pre-forking webserver which will handle your requests directly. You'll spare CPU resources on python startup + you might utilize some preloading technics to share RAM among workers, i.e You'd also need to limit the number of parallel workers to be run to adress your first requirement.
if you need PHP for some reason you might setup some intermediary between PHP script and python workers — i.e. a queue-like server.
Than simply run several instances of your python scripts which would wait for some request to be availble in the queue. Once it's available it would handle it and put the response back to the queue and php script would slurp it and return back to the client. But it's a more complex to build this that the first solution (if you can eliminate your PHP script of course) and more components would be involved.
reject the idea to handle such heavy requests concurrently, and instead assign each request a unique id, put the request into a queue and return this id to the client immediately. The request will be picked up by an offline handler and put back into the queue once it's finished. It will be client's responsibility to poll your API for readiness of this particular request
1st and 2nd combined — handle requests in PHP and request another HTTP server (or any other TCP server) handling your preloaded .py-scripts
The ec2 cloud does not guarantee 7.5gb of free memory on the server. This would mean that the VM performance is severely impacted like you are seeing where the server has less than 7.5gb of physical free ram. Try reducing the amount of memory the server thinks it has.
This form of parallel performance is very expensive. Typically with 300mb requirement, the ideal would be a script which is long running, and re-uses the memory for multiple requests. The Unix fork function allows a shared state to be re-used. The os.fork gives this in python, but may not be compatible with your libraries.
It might be because of the way computers are run.
Each program gets a slice of time on a computer (quote Help Your Kids With Computer Programming, say maybe 1/1000 of a second)
Answer 1: Try using multiple threads instead of parallel processes.
It'll be less time-consuming, but the program's time to execute still won't be completely constant.
Note: Each program has it's own slot of memory, so that is why memory consumption is shooting up.

Python/WSGI: Dynamically spin up/down server worker processes across installations

The setup
Our setup is unique in the following ways:
we have a large number of distinct Django installations on a single server.
each of these has its own code base, and even runs as a separate linux user. (Currently implemented using Apache mod_wsgi, each installation configured with a small number of threads (2-5) behind a nginx proxy).
each of these installations have a significant memory footprint (20 - 200 MB)
these installations are "web apps" - they are not exposed to the general web, and will be used by a limited nr. of users (1 - 100).
traffic is expected to be in (small) bursts per-installation. I.e. if a certain installation becomes used, a number of follow up requests are to be expected for that installation (but not others).
As each of these processes has the potential to rack up anywhere between 20 and 200 MB of memory, the total memory footprint of the Django processes is "too large". I.e. it quickly exceeds the available physical memory on the server, leading to extensive swapping.
I see 2 specific problems with the current setup:
We're leaving the guessing of which installation needs to be in physical mememory to the OS. It would seem to me that we can do better. Specifically, an installation that currently gets more traffic would be better off with a larger number of ready workers. Also: installations that get no traffic for extensive amounts of time could even do with 0 ready workers as we can deal with the 1-2s for the initial request as long as follow-up requests are fast enough. A specific reason I think we can be "smarter than the OS": after a server restart on a slow day the server is much more responsive (difference is so great it can be observed w/ the naked eye). This would suggest to me that the overhead of presumably swapped processes is significant even if they have not currenlty activily serving requests for a full day.
Some requests have larger memory needs than others. A process that has once dealt with one such a request has claimed the memory from the OS, but due to framentation will likely not be able to return it. It would be worthwhile to be able to retire memory-hogs. (Currenlty we simply have a retart-after-n-requests configured on Apache, but this is not specifically triggered after the fragmentation).
The question:
My idea for a solution would be to have the main server spin up/down workers per installation depending on the needs per installation in terms of traffic. Further niceties:
* configure some general system constraints, i.e. once the server becomes busy be less generous in spinning up processes
* restart memory hogs.
There are many python (WSGI) servers available. Which of them would (easily) allow for such a setup. And what are good pointers for that?
See if uWSGI works for you. I don't think there is something more flexible.
You can have it spawn and kill workers dynamically, set max memory usage etc. Or you might come with better ideas after reading their docs.

Safely executing user-submitted python code on the server

I am looking into starting a project which involves executing python code that the user enters via a HTML form. I know this can be potentially lethal (exec), but I have seen it done successfully in at least one instance.
I sent an email off to the developers of the Python Challenge and I was told they are using a solution they came up with themselves, and they only let on that they are using "security features provided by the operating system" and that "the operating system [Linux] provides most of the security you need if you know how to use it."
Would anyone know how a safe and secure way to go about doing this? I thought about spawning a new VM for every submission, but that would have way too much overhead and be pert-near impossible to implement efficiently.
On a modern Linux in addition to chroot(2) you can restrict process further by using clone(2) instead of fork(2). There are several interesting clone(2) flags:
CLONE_NEWIPC (new namespace for semaphores, shared memory, message queues)
CLONE_NEWNET (new network namespace - nice one)
CLONE_NEWNS (new set of mountpoints)
CLONE_NEWPID (new set of process identifiers)
CLONE_NEWUTS (new hostname, domainname, etc)
Previously this functionality was implemented in OpenVZ and merged then upstream, so there is no need for patched kernel anymore. has implemented such a system successfully (as a public code pasting/running service!) is an online compiler/interpreter, and a simple collaboration tool. It's a pastebin that executes code for you. [...]
How it works
Code execution is handled by a supervisor based on geordi. The strategy is to run everything under ptrace, with many system calls disallowed or ignored. Compilers and final executables are both executed in a chroot jail, with strict resource limits. The supervisor is written in Haskell.
When your app is remote code execution, you have to expect security problems. Rather than rely on just the chroot and ptrace supervisor, I've taken some additional precautions:
The supervisor processes run on virtual machines, which are firewalled such that they are incapable of making outgoing connections.
The machines that run the virtual machines are also heavily firewalled, and restored from their source images periodically.
If you run the script as user nobody (on Linux), it can write practically nowhere and read no data that has its permissions set up properly. But it could still cause a DoS attack by, for example:
filling up /tmp
eating all RAM
eating all CPU
Furthermore, outside network connections can be opened, etcetera etcetera. You can probably lock all these down with kernel limits, but you are bound to forget something.
So I think that a virtual machine with no access to the network or the real hard drive would be the only (reasonably) safe route. Perhaps the developers of the Python Challenge use KVM which is, in principle, "provided by the operating system".
For efficiency, you could run all submissions in the same VM. That saves you much overhead, and in the worst-case scenario they only hamper each other, but not your server.
Using chroot (Wikipedia) may be part of the solution, e.g. combined with ulimit and some other common (or custom) tools.

