I know that this has been asked in some similar ways before. However, all questions I found on this dealt with some very specific system setups which were not applicable for me (because so is mine).
Windows 7 64bit
Python 3.4 64bit
sqlite3 2.6.0 (shipped with Python I guess)
Spatialite Windows binaries 2.3.1
(anything else of importance?)
How can I activate the spatialite extension for the ´sqlite3´ module?
What I tried (the way that other people in similar questions say it works):
Downloading from https://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite-2.3.1/binaries.html :
unzipping all of them into the same folder on C:\
(also tried only putting the DLLs into that folder)
putting that folder into my system PATH variable
Then, running
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
conn.execute('SELECT load_extension("libspatialite-2.dll")')
conn.execute("SELECT load_extension('libspatialite-2.dll')")
sqlite3.OperationalError: The specified module could not be found.
What more can I try to make this work?
you probably don't have the folder in which libspatialite-2.dll is placed in your PATH.
Perhaps you can add the folder from within your Python script (I don't know any Python).
Or else you could add it from the Windows properties interface.
BTW you are using a very old version of spatialite: have a look here for newer versions:
I have recently faced this problem with mod_spatialite.dll with Spatialite 5.0.1, Python 3.8 (with Anaconda) and Windows 10. I fixed the problem with the following steps:
Installed OSGeo4W;
Copied all the files and folders in OSGeo4W64\bin to anaconda3\Library\bin (without replacing the existing files, as this may break other things in the Python installation). I backed up this folder beforehand so I could undo everything, just in case things go wrong;
Copied mod_spatialite.dll (which I had already downloaded) into anaconda3\Library\bin.
The reason why I think I had this problem is because of missing recursive dll dependencies; since just getting the direct dependencies (through dumpbin /dependents mod_spatialite.dll) and copying them to the anaconda3\Library\bin folder did not solve the problem, so I came to the conclusion that I was missing a dependency of some dependency. Given that all dependencies are already neatly placed in OSGeo4W64\bin, copying everything from there solved it for me.
I created an executable out of a simple Python script, using pyinstaller on Ubuntu 18.04, and tested it in a different computer (also with Ubutnu 18) and worked perfectly.
However when trying the same with a more complex script (more library imports) the executable fails in the other computer with the error
ImportError: /lob/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.25' not found
This can't be a Python incompatibility (see https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/4758), as the other script did work fine. So it most probably is based on some of the libraries the second script imports.
How can I include the libraries imported in the executable made by Pyinstaller (if that is even the origin of this error)?
Solution A
I have not confirmed this solution, but it sometimes helps. Delete directories ./build and ./dist, then try creating the executable again with pyinstaller.
Solution B
The solution, for me at least, is to build your executable on an older version of your OS.
I was seeing the same error.
ImportError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by /tmp/_MEIjdcWu4/./libX11.so.6)
[32614] Failed to execute script 'test_executable' due to unhandled exception!
I built my exectuable with Pyinstaller on Ubuntu 22.04. Then I copied and ran the executable on the older Ubuntu 20.04 and the error was encountered.
Per the comment below, this might be a compatibility issue where the executable built on a newer OS is not compatible with older OSs.
"For what is worth, the issue could be that the libraries bundled with
the built program conflict with the system libraries, preventing the
DRI driver from properly loading.
The culprit could be either standard c/c++ libraries (libgcc_s.so.1,
libstdc++.so.6) or maybe the X11 libraries (libX11.so.6, libXau.so.6,
libXdmcp.so.6, libXext.so.6, `libXrender.so.1˙). Perhaps more likely
former than the latter.
For example, if libstdc++.so.6 on the build system is older than the
one used by the target system, then the non-bundled libraries will
fail to load due to missing symbols (which are present in the newer,
system version of the library, but not in the bundled one). This is
actually quite a common issue with binary-only software on linux,
especially on more bleeding edge distributions. In those cases,
removing the bundled version of the offending library may help.
(You have a similar issue with system libgvfsdbus.so, which is missing
a symbol that is not available in the bundled libglib-2.0.so.0, which
is probably older than the glib library available on the system)."
I've been working on FHIR for a project and we are using PostgreSQL as a database. While reading docs, I've come to know about PL/Python and decided to give it a shot but I am unable to install the python extension.
When I run the command CREATE EXTENSION pypthon3u; I get the following error
Could not load library "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/12/lib/plpython3.dll": The specified module could not be found.
I've checked this SO answer but it couldn't help.
My PostgreSQL version: PostgreSQL 12.2, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit
Installed Python version: 3.7.7 (64 Bit)
OS Info: Windows 10 Enterprise Version 1909 OS Build 18363.657
For me, it looks like incorrect version of Python but I'm installing python 3.7.* version against which PostgreSQL is compiled as specified in doc\installation-notes.html inside the install directory.
Any help will be appreciated.
Even if you use the EDB installer's Stack Builder to install Python, you still have to follow the instructions to "ensure they are included in the PATH variable under which the database server will be started". I had to do this at the system level, as I can't find a way to set the PATH for individual services.
And then you also need to set PYTHONPATH as well, which seems to be undocumented.
So I ended up adding c:\edb\languagepack\v1\Python-3.7 to PATH and creating PYTHONPATH with c:\edb\languagepack\v1\Python-3.7\Lib.
I had to add directory containing plpython3.dll do system/user variables (windows).
I was trying the same. Though I am no expert and my errors were a bit different, here are a few things to check:
under share\extension\, there should be plpython3u.control and plpython3u--1.0.sql to be able to do CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u;
ensure you are not having any typo in the command above.
under lib\, there should be a plpython3.dll. This one is possibly created after the above step.
make sure lib\ is in your PATH.
PYTHONHOME should be set in either system/user environment, or should be set before the server start. It seems the version is not as much important as having this name set. plpython3.dll seems to look for a python39.dll but I could use it with a 3.8 installation.
I used a zipped version of Postgres, so the following is my way to run the server.
set PATH=%PATH%;d:\pgsql\bin\;d:\pgsql\lib\
set PYTHONHOME=c:\DevTools\Python\Python38
pg_ctl -D d:\pgsql\pgdata -l logfile start
PS: without PYTHONHOME, the server crashes. the server itself or psql restarts the server but I am not sure about pgAdmin.
Sorry in advance if this question has been asked before,
So after some time, I wanted to start a new python project. My previous computer (on which my python files were) died. I had saved my projects in my Dropbox. Now I installed python (3.8, there is also an anaconda installation, but it should not interfere with the python installation) on my new PC, and I cannot import any library to those files.
The python shell can find the imported packages (imported using pip), but even when I move the files to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Scripts (single user installation). It doesn't work.
I have tried uninstalling and re-installing pygame (in this example. Any library is unusable) using pip, pip3 and even pip3.8, I have added the .whl file by hand, it all didn't work. I have tried a virtual environment, but I can't get that to work either.
I run Windows 10 on a 64-bit computer.
first be sure you know which python installation you use with which import files etc.
you can copy your files not in scripts, but in lib somewhere in site-packages dir.
add your scripts to the python path! sys.path.add(.....) Otherwise python is blind and can't see them
I am trying to reinstall Python, so I go control panel > uninstall > Python 3.6.2. It succeeds, but when I try to download 3.6.*, it says that I can't download because there is already a version of Python3 installed.
I tried to clean the registry, deleted all files named "Python", but still see the error. I even deleted the path Python in PATH.
This may be a silly solution, but for me the issue was the Python Launcher still listed in the apps list after the uninstall. Uninstalled it separately, afterwards reinstalled Python without the error.
The installer/uninstaller does not do a good job of cleaning up after itself (and that's being generous). What worked for me:
Remove all python binary folders from Program Files and Users\<username>\AppData
Clean the PATH of any and all mentions of python
Search the registry in Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Features for any values with python, then delete the containing key. The key names are things like "03CEBFB8CC334B3148F9B330F67264A6" (that's an example, not an actual one, since the actuals I deleted)
#3 is the one that actually got it past the hurdle, but #1 and #2 should be done anyway.
My issue persisted despite all the above. If you're still having issues:
I realized the Python installer shows a log file link... wish I had noticed it sooner. Click to open that log, search for "Detected". Find all lines with "Detected related package". These lines are specifically what's tripping the installer. Notice the version numbers are higher than the version you're installing, along with the "Operation: Downgrade"s).
Once you find these GUIDs in your log, you'll need to search each of them in the registry. I use a free registry tool called Resplendence Registry Registrar Manager (I have no connection with them), which searches the registry blazingly fast and will show everywhere it finds something. But you can also just use Windows' native RegEdit, as well.
When you find one of these GUIDs in the registry, rename the key by adding an underscore to it, like below. This is the equivalent of "deleting" them -- as far as the Python installer can tell -- but without actually deleting them. You can easily revert them if needed.
Re-run the Python installer and it should now install just fine.
Delete all the files of the old version python and try to re-install to uninstall the older version you can do it from control panel
Install another version. For example, if you are installing a 64-bit installation, then try to install 32-bit.
Download zip file from below URL.
Copy all the contents to the python folder which is registered in the environment.
I managed to fix all this Python cringe by doing this:
Download newest version of Python for your version after the first point. In this case it's Python 3.6, so I downloaded the latest available - 3.6.8:
Run it.
Check the checkbox "Add Python to Path":
Press on the Custom Installation button:
Press Next:
It should install. Now go to Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features, press RMB and uninstall:
Now run your wanted Python 3.6.X installation again.
If it still gives you the "A newer version of the Python launcher is already installed", run the latest installer again as in all the previous steps, but instead, check the "Install for All Users" checkbox:
Then uninstall this latest version again.
And then install your wanted Python 3.6.X installation again.
I'm throwing hands in the air, personally
I had to do it just now for 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 versions because I had problems with uninstalling and installing with errors "no python installation was detected" and "A newer version of the Python launcher is already installed". Why do I have all these different versions of Python? Because different programs want different versions of Python installed and refuse to work with any other(lmao).
World would be a better place without Python.
For me, the solution to the problem (a newer version of the python launcher is already installed) was to install it via the web installer from the website (https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/)
Download the Windows x86-64 web installer. The installer took for his series (3.7). Oddly enough, it worked the first time. Previously, the registry was cleaned, and the removal of possible traces of the program - all to no avail.
I'm trying to make Django's SQLite3 accept spatial queries. This tutorial suggests that I add this to settings:
SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH = 'mod_spatialite'
Which produces this error:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Unable to load the
SpatiaLite library extension "mod_spatialite" because: The specified
module could not be found.
I also tried doing this :
SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH = r'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Spatialite\\mod_spatialite-4.3.0a-win-x86\\mod_spatialite-4.3.0a-win-x86\\mod_spatialite.dll'
If I don't add this variable I receive this error when I migrate:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Unable to locate the
SpatiaLite library. Make sure it is in your library path, or set
Thank you..
Amusingly enough 5 days later I'm having the same issue. After a little bit of poking around I got it working:
SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH = 'mod_spatialite'
and extract ALL the DLL files from the mod_spatialite-x.x.x-win-x86.7z to your Python installation directory. The dll's apparently need to be in the same folder with python.exe. Also I imagine the mod_spatialite package needs to 32/64 bit according to your python installation. If you're missing some dll's, you get the same error "specified module not found" regardless of what dll file is missing, so it's a bit misleading.
Downloaded from http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/
I used mod_spatialite stable version 4.3.0a x86 with Python 3.5.2 32-bit.
Other threads on the same issue with all sorts of answers:
Use spatialite extension for SQLite on Windows
Getting a working SpatiaLite + SQLite system for x64 c#
On Ubuntu18.04,
adding SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH = 'mod_spatialite.so'
with libsqlite3-mod-spatialite installed worked for me.
Note: The answer has mod_spatialite, while for me mod_spatialite.so worked.
This is how to install SpatiaLite (almost) inside virtualenv for Python 3:
Download cyqlite a special SQLite build with R-Tree enabled. It is required by GoeDjango.
Download mod_spatialite (Windows binaries are in the pink box at the bottom of the page) i.e. mod_spatialite-[version]-win-x86.7z
Unzip mod_spatialite files (flatten the tree and ignore the folder in the archive) into the virtuelenv Scripts folder.
This part I don't like but I not could find a workable solution without touching main Python3 installation.
Rename or otherwise backup c:\Python35\DLLs\sqlite3.dll
From cyqlite uznip sqlite3.dll file into the c:\Python35\DLLs\
Kudos: https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/169979/84121
I ran into this problem when trying to deploy GeoDjango on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Turns out I needed to set SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH = 'mod_spatialite.so' to SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH = 'libspatialite.so' (installed at /user/lib64/libspatialite.so after running sudo yum install libspatialite and sudo yum install libspatialite-devel from my .ebextensions).
I hope my answer will come to the safety of my developer friends who use Sqlite delivered by default in django to manage their geographic data by the spatialite link which is an extension also delivered by default in python (3 or +). I'm starting from the fact that you have a preconfigured virtual environment. The first thing to do is to download two zip: sqlite-dll-win32-x86-[version].zip and mod_spatialite-[version]-win-x86.7z and unzipp this in the same directory(overwrite if there are any conflicts)
Copy all previously unzipped files into your directory and paste them into your Scripts directory of your virtual environment
It all restart your pc if necessary, deactivate and reactivate your virtual environnement and code...