Update a Joined Table with SQLAlchemy Core - python

I have a MySQL db with tables set up like this:
Table1 Table2
------ ------
id id, fk to Table1.id
name name
I want to update Table1 and set Table1.id = Table2.id if Table1.name = Table2.name. Or, in SQL:
UPDATE table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2
ON t1.name = t2.name
SET t1.id = t2.id;
How can I accomplish an equivalent statement using the SQLAlchemy Core API?
I can call table1.join(table2, table1.c.name == table2.c.name) to create the join, but how can I update this joined table?

upd = table1.update()\
.where(table1.c.name == table2.c.name)
should do it, but if you really have all those foreign keys, you might get errors doing such updates.


Convert sql query to SQLALCHEMY. Problem in "as" keyword in "join" query

I want to convert this sql query to SQLALCHEMY:
SELECT * FROM dbcloud.client_feedback as a
join (select distinct(max(submitted_on)) sub,pb_channel_id pb, mail_thread_id mail from client_feedback group by pb_channel_id, mail_thread_id) as b
where (a.submitted_on = b.sub and a.pb_channel_id = b.pb) or ( a.submitted_on = b.sub and a.mail_thread_id = b.mail )
I can't find as keyword in SQLALCHEMY
I think that what you may be looking for is .label(name).
Assuming you have a model
class MyModel(db.Model):
id = db.Column(primary_key=True)
name = db.Column()
here is an example of how .label(name) can be used
query = db.session.query(MyModel.name.label('a'))
will produce the SQL
SELECT my_model.name as a FROM my_model

SQLite3 - cross table SELECT queries

What I would like returned is all the seat_ids in the performance table that have a booking_id that matches all the booking_ids where night = 1 in the booking table - is an INNER JOIN the best way to do it?
Or is it more along the lines of """SELECT seat_id FROM performance WHERE booking_id=(SELECT * FROM booking WHERE night = ?""", (night_number))
With the above I get sqlite3.OperationalError: incomplete input error.
connection = sqlite3.connect('collyers_booking_system.db')
cursor = connection.cursor()
booking_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
booking_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
customer_id INTEGER,
night INTEGER,
cost REAL,
FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customer(customer_id)
performance_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
performance_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
seat_id TEXT,
booking_id INTEGER,
FOREIGN KEY (seat_id) REFERENCES seat(seat_id),
FOREIGN KEY (booking_id) REFERENCES booking(booking_id),
night_number = 1
cursor.execute("""SELECT seat_id FROM performance INNER JOIN booking ON night=?""", (night_number))
booked_seats = cursor.fetchall()
With this I get ValueError: parameters are of unsupported type error.
First, if this is your actual code, there is a typo in the CREATE statement of the table performance.
You must remove the , at the end of:
FOREIGN KEY (booking_id) REFERENCES booking(booking_id),
Then, here:
cursor.execute("""SELECT seat_id FROM performance WHERE booking_id=(SELECT * FROM booking WHERE night = ?""", (night_number))
you missed a closing parenthesis for the sql statement and the subquery may return more than 1 rows, so instead of = you should use IN.
Also, the parameter night_number should passed as a tuple and not just a number, by adding a , inside the paraentheses:
cursor.execute("""SELECT seat_id FROM performance WHERE booking_id IN (SELECT * FROM booking WHERE night = ?)""", (night_number,))
For the join you need a proper ON clause, that links the tables and a , to create the tuple for night_number:
sql = """
SELECT p.seat_id
FROM performance p INNER JOIN booking b
ON b.booking_id = p. booking_id
WHERE b.night=?
cursor.execute(sql, (night_number,))
Both ways, the operator IN and the join will work.
There is another option which sometimes performs better and this is EXISTS:
sql = """
SELECT p.seat_id
FROM performance p
SELECT 1 FROM booking b
WHERE b.night=? AND b.booking_id = p.booking_id
cursor.execute(sql, (night_number,))
You are comparing a list result with an integer.
this SELECT * FROM booking WHERE night = ? => returns an N rows
and you are wating for an Integer SELECT seat_id FROM performance WHERE booking_id=?.
You have to use something like this :
SELECT seat_id FROM performance WHERE booking_id in (SELECT * FROM booking WHERE night = ?""", (night_number))

sqlalchemy python select and insert

i have following:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine1 = create_engine('mysql://user:password#host1/schema', echo=True)
engine2 = create_engine('mysql://user:password#host2/schema')
connection1 = engine1.connect()
connection2 = engine2.connect()
table1 = connection1.execute("select * from table1")
table2 = connection2.execute("select * from table2")
Now i want to insert all entries from this table1 into an identical empty table table2 in connection2.
How can i achive that?
I could also create a dict out of table1 and insert it then into table2. As i learned from the documentation of sqlalchemy there is a way to do that, but the examples there assume that you create a whole new table in order to insert into it with new_table.insert(). It doesnt work for my existing tables.

Sqlalchemy: subquery in FROM must have an alias

How can I structure this sqlalchemy query so that it does the right thing?
I've given everything I can think of an alias, but I'm still getting:
ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) subquery in FROM must have an alias
LINE 4: FROM (SELECT foo.id AS foo_id, foo.version AS ...
Also, as IMSoP pointed out, it seems to be trying to turn it into a cross join, but I just want it to join a table with a group by subquery on that same table.
Here is the sqlalchemy:
(Note: I've rewritten it to be a standalone file that is as complete as possible and can be run from a python shell)
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, func, select
from sqlalchemy import Column, BigInteger, DateTime, Integer, String, SmallInteger
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
engine = create_engine('postgresql://postgres:########localhost:5435/foo1234')
session = sessionmaker()
session = session()
Base = declarative_base()
class Foo(Base):
__tablename__ = 'foo'
__table_args__ = {'schema': 'public'}
id = Column('id', BigInteger, primary_key=True)
time = Column('time', DateTime(timezone=True))
version = Column('version', String)
revision = Column('revision', SmallInteger)
foo_max_time_q = select([
foo_q = select([
]).join(foo_max_time_q, foo_max_time_q.c.foo_id == Foo.id
thing = session.query(foo_q).all()
print thing
generated sql:
SELECT foo_id AS foo_id,
foo_version AS foo_version,
foo_revision AS foo_revision,
foo_max_time AS foo_max_time,
foo_max_time_q.foo_max_time AS foo_max_time_q_foo_max_time,
foo_max_time_q.foo_id AS foo_max_time_q_foo_id
FROM (SELECT id AS foo_id,
version AS foo_version,
revision AS foo_revision,
foo_max_time_q.foo_max_time AS foo_max_time
FROM (SELECT max(time) AS foo_max_time,
id AS foo_id GROUP BY id
) AS foo_max_time_q)
JOIN (SELECT max(time) AS foo_max_time,
id AS foo_id GROUP BY id
) AS foo_max_time_q
ON foo_max_time_q.foo_id = id
and here is the toy table:
id bigint ,
time timestamp with time zone,
version character varying(32),
revision smallint
The SQL was I expecting to get (desired SQL) would be something like this:
SELECT foo.id AS foo_id,
foo.version AS foo_version,
foo.revision AS foo_revision,
foo_max_time_q.foo_max_time AS foo_max_time
FROM foo
JOIN (SELECT max(time) AS foo_max_time,
id AS foo_id GROUP BY id
) AS foo_max_time_q
ON foo_max_time_q.foo_id = foo.id
Final note:
I'm hoping to get an answer using select() instead of session.query() if possible. Thank you
You are almost there. Make a "selectable" subquery and join it with the main query via join():
foo_max_time_q = select([func.max(Foo.time).label('foo_max_time'),
foo_q = session.query(
foo_max_time_q.c.foo_id == Foo.id)
Prints (prettified manually):
foo.id AS foo_id,
foo.version AS foo_version,
foo.revision AS foo_revision,
foo_max_time_q.foo_max_time AS foo_max_time
max(foo.time) AS foo_max_time,
foo.id AS foo_id
GROUP BY foo.id) AS foo_max_time_q
foo_max_time_q.foo_id = foo.id
The complete working code is available in this gist.
subquery in FROM must have an alias
This error means the subquery (on which we're trying to perform a join) has no alias.
Even if we .alias('t') it just to satisfy this requirement, we will then get the next error:
missing FROM-clause entry for table "foo"
That's because the join on clause (... == Foo.id) is not familiar with Foo.
It only knows the "left" and "right" tables: t (the subquery) and foo_max_time_q.
Instead, select_from a join of Foo and foo_max_time_q.
Method 1
Replace .join(B, on_clause) with .select_from(B.join(A, on_clause):
]).join(foo_max_time_q, foo_max_time_q.c.foo_id == Foo.id
]).select_from(foo_max_time_q.join(Foo, foo_max_time_q.c.foo_id == Foo.id)
This works here because A INNER JOIN B is equivalent to B INNER JOIN A.
Method 2
To preserve the order of joined tables:
from sqlalchemy import join
and replace .join(B, on_clause) with .select_from(join(A, B, on_clause)):
]).join(foo_max_time_q, foo_max_time_q.c.foo_id == Foo.id
]).select_from(join(Foo, foo_max_time_q, foo_max_time_q.c.foo_id == Foo.id)
Alternatives to session.query() can be found here.

sqlalchemy exists() - how to avoid extra From

exists() containing another exists() results in extra From clause.
filter(~ exists().\
where(~ exists().\
this is generating:
SELECT table1.id AS table1_id FROM table1
WHERE table2.table1_id = table1.id
AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table3, table1
WHERE table3.contract_id = table2.contract_id
AND table3.session_id = table1.session_id))))
Here, "FROM table1" in the last "exists" is not required because table1 is already in the topmost query. How can I force sqlalchemy not to add this extra "FROM table1"?
What I really want is:
SELECT table1.id AS table1_id FROM table1
WHERE table2.table1_id = table1.id
WHERE table3.contract_id = table2.contract_id
AND table3.session_id = table1.session_id))))
I wonder how to achieve that.
Can somebody help me please?
Using SQLAlchemy 0.7.9.
q = (session.query(Table1.id)
.where(Table2.table1_id == Table1.id)
# changing exists to be implicit enables the 'important' below
.where(Table3.contract_id == Table2.contract_id)
.where(Table3.session_id == Table1.session_id)
# this is important

