I have a simple Python server to verify Google oauth2 id_tokens. When this code executes it throws the error AppIdentityError: Wrong recipient:
def verify():
id_token = request.form['id_token']
status = {}
if id_token is not None:
jwt = verify_id_token(id_token, config['google']['clientId'])
status['valid'] = True
status['jwt'] = jwt
except AppIdentityError:
status['valid'] = False
status['message'] = "Invalid id token"
response = make_response(json.dumps(status))
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
return response
What does AppIdentityError: Wrong recipient mean and how can I address it?
The JWT that you are trying to verify includes an audience (aud) value. The error is the result of the aud value being mismatched with what is expected.
I'm not certain which library you're using, but in the identity-toolkit-python-client package the VerifyGitTotken function looks at the project_id and client_id values that are provided to verify the JWT.
When I encountered this error, it turned out that my gitkit-server-config.json file mismatched what was provided by the Google developers console. The values are provided on the API Manager >> Overview >> Identity Toolkit API page.
I corrected my json file, and the error went away.
So a follow up on this question, where I still have the same code: to start working with some live data, I switched from sandbox to individual key, and started getting this error with code that did work in sandbox mode:
HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: https://apisb.etrade.com/v1/market/optionexpiredate?symbol=NFLX&expiryType=ALL
Here's the authentication code, in case I messed up here:
consumer_key = "[key, double checked]"
consumer_secret = "[secret, double checked]"
def authenticate():
#get the auth UIL
oauth = pyetrade.ETradeOAuth(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
#ask the user to put the verification code in to get tokens
verifier_code = input("Enter verification code: ")
global tokens
tokens = oauth.get_access_token(verifier_code)
#Setting up the object used for Access Management
global authManager
authManager = pyetrade.authorization.ETradeAccessManager(
And this is the code that returns the error:
q = market.get_option_expire_date(thisSymbol,resp_format='xml')
expiration_dates = option_expire_dates_from_xml(q)
raise Exception("Rip, get date not working")
I'm not sure why this is happening :( any help would be super appreciated!
I'm having an issue retrieving an Azure Managed Identity access token from my Function App. The function gets a token then accesses a Mysql database using that token as the password.
I am getting this response from the function:
9103 (HY000): An error occurred while validating the access token. Please acquire a new token and retry.
import logging
import mysql.connector
import requests
import azure.functions as func
def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
def get_access_token():
URL = "<client_id>"
headers = {"Metadata":"true"}
req = requests.get(URL, headers=headers)
except Exception as e:
return str(e)
password = req.json()["access_token"]
return password
def get_mysql_connection(password):
Get a Mysql Connection.
con = mysql.connector.connect(
database = 'materials_db',
except Exception as e:
return str(e)
return "Connected to DB!"
password = get_access_token()
return func.HttpResponse(get_mysql_connection(password))
Running a modified version of this code on a VM with my managed identity works. It seems that the Function App is not allowed to get an access token. Any help would be appreciated.
Note: I have previously logged in as AzureAD Manager to the DB and created this user with all privileges to this DB.
Edit: No longer calling endpoint for VMs.
def get_access_token():
identity_endpoint = os.environ["IDENTITY_ENDPOINT"] # Env var provided by Azure. Local to service doing the requesting.
identity_header = os.environ["IDENTITY_HEADER"] # Env var provided by Azure. Local to service doing the requesting.
api_version = "2019-08-01" # "2018-02-01" #"2019-03-01" #"2019-08-01"
CLIENT_ID = "<client_id>"
resource_requested = "https%3A%2F%2Fossrdbms-aad.database.windows.net"
# resource_requested = "https://ossrdbms-aad.database.windows.net"
URL = f"{identity_endpoint}?api-version={api_version}&resource={resource_requested}&client_id={CLIENT_ID}"
headers = {"X-IDENTITY-HEADER":identity_header}
req = requests.get(URL, headers=headers)
except Exception as e:
return str(e)
password = req.json()["access_token"]
password = str(req.text)
return password
But now I am getting this Error:
{"error":{"code":"UnsupportedApiVersion","message":"The HTTP resource that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:8081/msi/token?api-version=2019-08-01&resource=https%3A%2F%2Fossrdbms-aad.database.windows.net&client_id=<client_idxxxxx>' does not support the API version '2019-08-01'.","innerError":null}}
Upon inspection this seems to be a general error. This error message is propagated even if it's not the underlying issue. Noted several times in Github.
Is my endpoint correct now?
For this problem, it was caused by the wrong endpoint you request for the access token. We can just use the endpoint in azure VM, but if in azure function we can not use it.
In azure function, we need to get the IDENTITY_ENDPOINT from the environment.
identity_endpoint = os.environ["IDENTITY_ENDPOINT"]
The endpoint is like:
You can refer to this tutorial about it, you can also find the python code sample in the tutorial.
In my function code, I also add the client id of the managed identity I created in the token_auth_uri but I'm not sure if the client_id is necessary here (In my case, I use user-assigned identity but not system-assigned identity).
token_auth_uri = f"{identity_endpoint}?resource={resource_uri}&api-version=2019-08-01&client_id={client_id}"
#r "Newtonsoft.Json"
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
string resource="https://ossrdbms-aad.database.windows.net";
string clientId="xxxxxxxx";
log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(String.Format("{0}/?resource={1}&api-version=2019-08-01&client_id={2}", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("IDENTITY_ENDPOINT"), resource,clientId));
request.Headers["X-IDENTITY-HEADER"] = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("IDENTITY_HEADER");
request.Method = "GET";
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
StreamReader streamResponse = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
string stringResponse = streamResponse.ReadToEnd();
string name = req.Query["name"];
string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
name = name ?? data?.name;
return name != null
? (ActionResult)new OkObjectResult($"Hello, {name}")
: new BadRequestObjectResult("Please pass a name on the query string or in the request body");
For your latest issue, where you are seeing UnsupportedApiVersion, it is probably this issue: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/issues/53726
Here are a couple of options that worked for me:
I am assuming you are hosting the Function app on Linux. I noticed that ApiVersion 2017-09-01 works, but you need to make additional changes (instead of "X-IDENTITY-HEADER", use "secret" header). And also use a system-assigned managed identity for your function app, and not a user assigned identity.
When I hosted the function app on Windows, I didn't have the same issues. So if you want to use an user-assigned managed identity, you can try this option instead. (with the api-version=2019-08-01, and X-IDENTITY-HEADER.
I am working in a project and I am trying to get the access token to use the DocuSign API, but the call to get the oauth userinfo does not work.
Authentication type: JWT Grant
Python SDK: docusign-python-client
The code:
class BaseDocusign:
api_client = None
_token_received = False
expiresTimestamp = 0
account = None
def __init__(self):
BaseDocusign.api_client = ApiClient()
def token_is_expired(self):
current_time = int(round(time.time()))
return (current_time + DOCUSIGN_EXPIRE_TIME - 10) > BaseDocusign.expiresTimestamp
def check_token(self):
if not BaseDocusign._token_received or self.token_is_expired():
def update_token(self):
client = BaseDocusign.api_client
if BaseDocusign.account is None:
account = self.get_account_info(client)
print account
BaseDocusign._token_received = True
BaseDocusign.expiresTimestamp = (int(round(time.time())) + DOCUSIGN_EXPIRE_TIME)
def get_account_info(self, client):
response = client.call_api("/oauth/userinfo", "GET", response_type="object")
if len(response) > 1 and 200 > response[1] > 300:
raise Exception("can not get user info: %d".format(response[1]))
accounts = response[0]['accounts']
target = target_account_id
if target is None or target == "FALSE":
# Look for default
for acct in accounts:
if acct['is_default']:
return acct
# Look for specific account
for acct in accounts:
if acct['account_id'] == target:
return acct
raise Exception("User does not have access to account {target}\n")
When I run it:
a = BaseDocusign()
The access token is generated:
But when try to get the account info, the call fails:
To do this, I call to the get_account_info function and it calls to the endpoint oauth/userinfo, but the call fails.
response = client.call_api("/oauth/userinfo", "GET", response_type="object")
# Response: {"error":"internal_server_error","reference_id":"f20e360c-185d-463e-9f0b-ce95f38fe711"}
To do this example, I need the variable account_id and according to this example, the get_account_info function gets it.
I have also tried to do what the web says (step4) to get user information and the answer is:
curl --request GET https://account-d.docusign.com/oauth/userinfo--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJNVCIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiNjgxODVmZjEtNGU1MS00Y2U5LWFmMWMtNjg5ODEyMjAzMzE3In0.AQoAAAABAAUABwAAYWSFlJrXSAgAAMko55ya10gCAP-ftnA70YROvfpqFSh7j7kVAAEAAAAYAAEAAAAFAAAADQAkAAAAZjczYjYxMmMtOGI3Ny00YjRjLWFkZTQtZTI0ZWEyYjY4MTEwIgAkAAAAZjczYjYxMmMtOGI3Ny00YjRjLWFkZTQtZTI0ZWEyYjY4MTEwEgABAAAABgAAAGp3dF9iciMAJAAAAGY3M2I2MTJjLThiNzctNGI0Yy1hZGU0LWUyNGVhMmI2ODExMA.YHFoD2mQbwh8rdiPi8swg9kO9srlDyJcpqUo8XI5tdZki2I_Nla-qb9VaD4gAy8tSXVSY7unRjfClFDAqC8Ur73caHuZo7tN5tIKmXi6C3VzPWPGFJtsceKNEGMqwznw6OBVuPQG0IGlRjXK37Ur1nILLUWKb7w6O5Uz6y0e5uR8sxzZWh1adm2zHqd6khiQuAFB9vG2sS3jaudtck1qV6HRB_kARvUie1zglvHydc42Nc_o5GtIm3sGrqW7rio3YpHVX39nTKM-28kjOvPSNwzXp3IlZtaxuB6EdexrECH19nIaNbCe29LrdpzreRMyjEwwM309bOaKJ1KV82NbTQ"
# Response
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to here.</h2>
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
Thanks for all :)
Just looking into the code, the return is "acct", a dictionary. So you need to use account['account_id']
I found this full example: https://github.com/docusign/eg-01-python-jwt
And in here: https://github.com/docusign/eg-01-python-jwt/blob/master/example_base.py#L44
you see how they are passing the account_id
Hopefully this helps. good luck
You must use request_jwt_user_token not request_jwt_application_token
See the code example: https://github.com/docusign/eg-01-python-jwt/blob/master/example_base.py#L34
request_jwt_application_token is only for some of the DocuSign organization APIs.
From the comment:
I have changed the call to request_jwt_user_token and I get another token, but it still fails. The response is {"error":"internal_server_error","reference_id":"846114d0-1bcd-47a6-ba23-317049b54d00"}
You're calling the /oauth/userinfo API method. But the Authorization header was not included.
One way is to set the Authorization explicitly:
client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + ds_access_token)
In your case, the SDK is supposed to set it for you. It could be that you're using a new client object, an older SDK version, or some other issue.
I just downloaded the eg-01-python-jwt code example repo and it worked fine. I suggest that you download the example app and get it running first, then update the app to your needs.
Also, check the version of the Python SDK you're using:
pip3 show docusign_esign
Name: docusign-esign
Version: 3.0.0
Summary: DocuSign REST API
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages
This error can be also caused by using an expired token (use the refresh end point to get a new one)
I'm using foursquare API python client from mLewisLogic code from Github.
Honestly i don't understand about access token in foursquare API. It's only valid for 1 request?
Here's my code
import json
def setup():
client = foursquare.Foursquare(client_id='CLIENT_ID', client_secret='CLIENT_SECRET', redirect_uri='http://localhost')
auth_uri = client.oauth.auth_url()
code = "CODE"
user_access_token = client.oauth.get_token(code)
return client
if __name__ == '__main__':
client = setup()
file = open('dataHasil.json', 'wb')
abc = json.dumps(client.users.search(params={'twitter': 'dindaasusanti'}))
Code above works, but if i add 2 more lines.
abcd = json.dumps(client.users.search(params={'twitter': 'path'}))
It produce error
Response format invalid , missing meta property. data: {'error':'invalid_grant'}
please help me, i want to search many user account's information
note : i paste the CODE manually following instruction from https://developer.foursquare.com/overview/auth#access
I just updated to Twython 2.3.4, but now my Twitter auth stops working. It fails on the ' auth_props = twitter.get_authentication_tokens()' line. Any idea what went wrong? Thanks in advance!
The python code to do Twitter auth using Twython is below:
def begin_auth(request):
twitter = Twython(
twitter_token = TWITTER_KEY,
twitter_secret = TWITTER_SECRET,
callback_url = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('portnoy.views.thanks'))
# Request an authorization url to send the user to...
auth_props = twitter.get_authentication_tokens()
I have the following error on the line above: TwythonAuthError: "Seems something couldn't be verified with your OAuth junk. Error: 401, Message: Failed to validate oauth signature and token"
# Then send them over there, durh.
request.session['request_token'] = auth_props
return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_props['auth_url'])
def thanks(request, redirect_url='/'):
c = RequestContext(request)
# for permanent ones and store them...
twitter = Twython(
twitter_token = TWITTER_KEY,
twitter_secret = TWITTER_SECRET,
oauth_token = request.session['request_token']['oauth_token'],
oauth_token_secret = request.session['request_token']['oauth_token_secret']
# Retrieve the tokens we want...
authorized_tokens = twitter.get_authorized_tokens()
request.session['request_tokens'] = authorized_tokens
debug('thanks', request.session['request_tokens'])
user = User.objects.filter(username=authorized_tokens['screen_name'])
if user.exists():
user = user[0]
return render_to_response('twitter_register.html', c)
return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
I'm the author of Twython.
What version of Requests are you running under the hood? There was recently an issue where people kept running into various OAuth-related errors due to an upstream bug. Curious if it's related to that...
I ran into the same problem myself.
It doesn't seem to work if you are testing locally.
Here's what I did to fix it:
Edit your hosts file (on OSX its located at /private/etc/hosts). Add the line: myapp.com
Goto your Twitter App Settings and click on the "Settings" tab. Set your callback URL to:
Make sure you set the port number and url correctly.
Hope that helps!