Often I am checking if a number variable number has a value with if number but sometimes the number could be zero. So I solve this by if number or number == 0.
Can I do this in a smarter way? I think it's a bit ugly to check if value is zero separately.
I think I could just check if the value is a number with
def is_number(s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
but then I will still need to check with if number and is_number(number).
If number could be None or a number, and you wanted to include 0, filter on None instead:
if number is not None:
If number can be any number of types, test for the type; you can test for just int or a combination of types with a tuple:
if isinstance(number, int): # it is an integer
if isinstance(number, (int, float)): # it is an integer or a float
or perhaps:
from numbers import Number
if isinstance(number, Number):
to allow for integers, floats, complex numbers, Decimal and Fraction objects.
Zero and None both treated as same for if block, below code should work fine.
if number or number==0:
return True
The simpler way:
h = ''
i = None
j = 0
k = 1
print h or i or j or k
Will print 1
print k or j or i or h
Will print 1
if number or number == 0:
return true
this will check "number == 0" even if it is None.
You can check for None and if it's value is 0:
if number and number == 0:
return true
Python checks the conditions from left to right:
You can check if it can be converted to decimal. If yes, then its a number
from decimal import Decimal
def is_number(value):
value = Decimal(value)
return True
return False
print is_number(None) // False
print is_number(0) // True
print is_number(2.3) // True
print is_number('2.3') // True (caveat!)
I'm trying to use a function (dec2bin()) to convert decimal numbers to binary. I see the input number being printed as binary but in the wrong order. What do I need to change? Or do I need to start over?
Here is the code with the function at first then the program:
def dec2bin(value):
if value > 1:
print (value%2, end = '')
invalue_ok = False
invalue = 0
while invalue_ok is False:
invalue = int(input("Give a value: "))
if invalue > 65535:
print ("Wrong. Number too big. Try again.")
elif invalue < 0:
print ("Wrong. Can only handle positive numbers.")
if invalue < 256:
print ("Number", invalue, "fits in one byte and in binary is ", dec2bin(invalue))
print ("Number", invalue, "fits in 16 bytes and in binary is", dec2bin(invalue))`
The output looks like this:
Give a value: 234
1101010Number 234 fits in one byte and in binary is None
What can I do to get it right?
it works with
if value>0:
it's in the good order
There are three easier ways to do it:
The format method:
binary = "{0:b}".format(*number*)
The bin method (this also works with negative numbers):
binary = bin(*number*)
Or a function from this thread:
def intToBin(n):
if(n < 0):
return -1
elif(n == 0):
return str(n)
result = ""
while(n != 0):
result += str(n%2)
n //= 2
return result[::-1]
binary = intToBin(*number*)
So I'm creating a program to show number systems, however I've run into issues at the first hurdle. The program will take a number from the user and then use that number throughout the program in order to explain several computer science concepts.
When explaining my first section, number systems, the program will say what type of number it is. I'm doing this by converting the string into a float number. If the float number only has '.0' after it then it converts it into a integer.
Currently I'm using this code
while CorrectNumber == False:
Number = float(NumberString) - 0
print (Number)
print ("Error! Not a number!")
This is useful as it shows if the user has entered a number or not. However I am unsure how to now check the value after the decimal place to check if I should convert it into a integer or not. Any tips?
If the string is convertable to integer, it should be digits only. It should be noted that this approach, as #cwallenpoole said, does NOT work with negative inputs beacuse of the '-' character. You could do:
if NumberString.isdigit():
Number = int(NumberString)
Number = float(NumberString)
If you already have Number confirmed as a float, you can always use is_integer (works with negatives):
if Number.is_integer():
Number = int(Number)
Not sure I follow the question but here is an idea:
test = ['1.1', '2.1', '3.0', '4', '5', '6.12']
for number in test:
except ValueError:
Here is the method to check,
a = '10'
if a.isdigit():
print "Yes it is Integer"
elif a.replace('.','',1).isdigit() and a.count('.') < 2:
print "Its Float"
print "Its is Neither Integer Nor Float! Something else"
This checks if the fractional-part has any non-zero digits.
def is_int(n):
float_n = float(n)
int_n = int(float_n)
except ValueError:
return False
return float_n == int_n
def is_float(n):
float_n = float(n)
except ValueError:
return False
return True
Testing the functions:
nums = ['12', '12.3', '12.0', '123.002']
for num in nums:
if is_int(num):
print(num, 'can be safely converted to an integer.')
elif is_float(num):
print(num, 'is a float with non-zero digit(s) in the fractional-part.')
It prints:
12 can be safely converted to an integer.
12.3 is a float with non-zero digit(s) in the fractional-part.
12.0 can be safely converted to an integer.
123.002 is a float with non-zero digit(s) in the fractional-part.
Regular expressions are nice for this as they can be custom tailored in case you have some edge-cases. For example:
How do you want to handle padded numbers (numbers with leading zeros). My example here includes this consideration.
Do you need to handle exponents, e.g. 2.3E12 or 2.3e12. This is not handled here.
...in other words, if your implementation doesn't agree with an assumption mine makes, you can change it.
Regular expressions work in all versions of Python (and other languages). They can be compiled for reuse, so should be pretty quick.
# Int is:
# - Only numbers that do NOT start with 0 (protect padded number strings)
# - Exactly 0
re_int = re.compile(r"(^[1-9]+\d*$|^0$)")
# Float is:
# - Only numbers but with exactly 1 dot.
# - The dot must always be followed number numbers
re_float = re.compile(r"(^\d+\.\d+$|^\.\d+$)")
These tests all pass:
def test_re_int(self):
self.assertTrue(re_int.match("0")) # Exactly 0 is good
self.assertFalse(re_int.match("00")) # Ambiguous
self.assertFalse(re_int.match("0012")) # Protect padding
def test_re_float(self):
self.assertFalse(re_float.match("1.0.0")) # Too many dots
Please comment if there are any caveats, missing details or regular expression improvements I can make.
Here's my gist that not only checks for positive & negative ints, but also checks for positive & negative floats. It also checks if the string is just a normal non-number.
def int_float_or_string(string):
int(string) # strict and nice
except ValueError:
if is_strictly_float(string): # float() is too permissive, this is better
return "float"
return "string"
return "int"
def is_strictly_float(string):
if string.startswith("-"):
string = string[1:]
return "." in string and string.replace(".", "", 1).isdecimal()
int() is great for checking an integer, but float() has a problem of being too laid back in what it calls a float.
x=input("Enter a value to check it's type: ")
def checknumber(a):
if int(a)/a==1:
print("This is Integer")
return a
elif a/int(a)>1:
print("This is Float")
return a
except ValueError:
print("This value is String")
return str(a)
I rewrite bin Mohammed's answer as follows (number also may be negative):
from numpy import nan, isnan
def is_valid_number(s):
if (s.find('-') <= 0) and s.replace('-', '', 1).isdigit():
if (s.count('-') == 0):
s_type = 'Positive Integer'
s_type = 'Negative Integer'
elif (s.find('-') <= 0) and (s.count('.') < 2) and \
(s.replace('-', '', 1).replace('.', '', 1).isdigit()):
if (s.count('-') == 0):
s_type = 'Positive Float'
s_type = 'Negative Float'
s_type = "Not alphanumeric!"
return('{}\t is {}'.format(s, s_type))
nums = ['12', '-34', '12.3', '-12.0', '123.0-02', '12!','5-6', '3.45.67']
for num in nums:
12 is Positive Integer
-34 is Negative Integer
12.3 is Positive Float
-12.0 is Negative Float
123.0-02 is Not alphanumeric!
12! is Not alphanumeric!
5-6 is Not alphanumeric!
3.45.67 is Not alphanumeric!
minimal code:
from numpy import nan, isnan
def str2num(s):
if (s.find('-') <= 0) and s.replace('-', '', 1).isdigit():
elif (s.find('-') <= 0) and (s.count('.') < 2) and \
(s.replace('-', '', 1).replace('.', '', 1).isdigit()):
nums = ['12', '-34', '12.3', '-12.0', '123.0-02', '12!','5-6', '3.45.67']
for num in nums:
x = str2num(num)
if not isnan(x):
print('x =', x) # .... or do something else
x = 12
x = -34
x = 12.3
x = -12.0
How can I pick one of the digits from an Integer like: 97723
and choose (for example) the number 2 from that number and check if its an odd or an even number?
Also, can I print only the odd numbers from an Integer directly? (Is there any default function for that already?)
Thanks in advance
2 is the 4th digit.
You can get the digits of a number using this construct.
digits = [int(_) for _ in str(97723)]
This expression will be true if the 4th digit is even.
digits[3] % 2 == 0
# choose a digit (by index)
integer = 97723
digit_3 = str(integer)[3]
# check if even:
if int(digit_3) % 2 == 0:
print(digit_3, "is even")
# get all odd numbers directly
odd_digits = [digit for digit in str(integer) if int(digit) % 2 == 1]
even = lambda integer: int("".join([num for num in str(integer) if int(num) % 2 == 0]))
def even(integer):
result = ""
integer = str(integer)
for num in integer:
if int(num) % 2 == 0:
result += num
result = int(result)
If you want to "parse" a number the easiest way to do this is to convert it to string. You can convert an int to string like this s = string(500). Then use string index to get character that you want. For example if you want first character (number) then use this string_name[0], for second character (number) use string_name[1] . To get length of your string (number) use len(string). And to check if number is odd or even mod it with 2.
# Converting int to string
int_to_sting = str(97723)
# Getting number of characters in your string (in this case number)
n_of_numbers = len(int_to_sting)
# Example usage of string index
print("First number in your number is: ",int_to_sting[0])
print("Second number in your number is: ",int_to_sting[1])
# We need to check for every number, and since the first number is int_to_sting[0] and len(int_to_sting) returns actual length of string we need to reduce it by 1
for i in range(n_of_numbers-1):
if int_to_sting[i]%2==0:
print(int_to_sting[i]," is even")
print(int_to_sting[i]," is odd")
I want to check if the input is a number(float with 0,one or two decimals) and greater than 0
def getnumber():
print ( "write a number: \n")
isValid = False
while not isValid:
number = float(raw_input().replace(",","."))
if number >= 0:
print ("Number not valid")
isValid = False
print ("Number not valid")
return number
I have the following problems:
1- I don't know how to check if there are only two decimals
2- The code doesn't return the number if first I introduce a negative number
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Thanks a lot
The reason why your code isn't working with negative numbers is because the function calls itself recursively when the number is negative, but the value of isValid is always false after that call, so the loop repeats.
There isn't really any need for the Boolean variable.
That leaves you with the issue of detecting two decimal places. In order to be able to do that at string level you would have to retain the string that you converted to a floating-point number. Supposing you store it as s you could use some test like len(s) > 3 and s[-3] == '.'` to verify it.
This would give you a solution like:
def getnumber():
while True:
s = raw_input("Write a number:").replace(",",".")
number = float(s)
if number >= 0 and len(s) > 3 and s[-3] ==".":
return number
print("Negative or not two decimal places")
except Exception:
print("Invalid number")
I'm trying to get the function to work, it is suppose to convert Decimal to Binary but all it gives me different numbers instead. Like if I enter 12, it would give me 2. I'm not sure where in the code my issue is located. Any help would be great, thank you!
def decimalToBinary(value):
if value < 0: #Base case if number is a negative
return 'Not positive'
elif value == 0: #Base case if number is zero
return 0
return decimalToBinary(value//2) + (value%2)
This may also work
def DecimalToBinary(number):
#This function uses recursion to convert & print decimal to binary number
if number > 1:
print(number % 2,end = '')
# decimal number
decimal = 34
#it will show output as 110100
You faced error because you adding numbers and not iterables but want to get bits sequences...,so you have to convert values you are adding to tuples or strings (or lists), see code below:
def decimalToBinary(value):
if value < 0: #Base case if number is a negative
return 'Not positive'
elif value == 0: #Base case if number is zero
return (0,)
return decimalToBinary(value//2) + (value%2,)
print decimalToBinary(12)
I've replaced (value%2) to (value%2,) to create tuple(, matter, for python it's mean creating a tuple, braces aren't do it... ) and return 0 to return (0,). However you can convert it to string too. For that replace (value%2) to str(value%2 and 0 to str(0).
Note that you can use built-int bin function ti get binary decimal:
print bin(12) # 'ob1100'
Good luck in your practice !
What about bin?
>>> bin(12)
>>> bin(0)
>>> bin(-1)
You should use bin(), a built-in python function
Your problem is that you're adding up the digits of your result in decimal. So if your result was going to be 01100, your function is outputting 0+1+1+0+0 which is equal to 2. If you want your digits to stack up, then convert your results to string and concatenate:
def decimalToBinary(value):
if value < 0: #Base case if number is a negative
return 'Not positive'
elif value == 0: #Base case if number is zero
return 0
return str(decimalToBinary(value//2)) + str((value%2))
print decimalToBinary(12) # prints '01100
I am assuming you're doing this for practice, and that you're aware of python's built in function bin() that already does that for you.
As an exercice, two way :
with strings:
def decimalToBinary(value):
if value < 0: #Base case if number is a negative
return 'Not positive'
elif value == 0: #Base case if number is zero
return ''
return decimalToBinary(value//2) + str(value%2)
with ints:
def decimalToBinary(value):
if value < 0: #Base case if number is a negative
return 'Not positive'
elif value == 0: #Base case if number is zero
return 0
return 10*decimalToBinary(value//2) + value%2
In this case, you obtain a decimal whose digits are only 1 or 0.
I would take another aproach:
def decimalToBinary(number):
if number<0:
return 'Not positive'
i = 0
result = ''
while number>>i:
result = ('1' if number>>i&1 else '0') + result
i += 1
return result