python efficient 3d voronoi diagram using voxels - python

I am trying to create a Voronoi diagram using a 3d array representing voxels where the coordinates are represented by the indices of the array.
For example:
points = np.random.random([10,3])
vox_len = 0.1
lx = ly = lz = 11
for i in range(lx):
for j in range(ly):
for k in range(lz):
coord = np.array([i,j,k]).astype(float)*vox_len
diff = points - coord
dist = np.sqrt(diff[:,0]**2 + diff[:,1]**2 + diff[:,2]**2)
closest = np.argmin(dist)
The problem is that with larger arrays the code is very slow. I've also tried:
grid = np.indices((lx,ly,lz)).astype(float)*vox_len
hull_space = np.ones([lx,ly,lz],dtype=np.int16)
closest_dist = np.ones(hull_space.shape)
for index,point in enumerate(points):
dist2 = (grid[0]-point[0])**2 + (grid[1]-point[1])**2 + (grid[2]-point[2])**2
hull_space[dist2 < closest_dist]=index
closest_dist[dist2 < closest_dist]=dist2[dist2 < closest_dist]
But results were even worse. I am aware of scipy's voronoi diagram methods but I need to build a voxel image in order to do distance transforms of the edges of the voronoi regions. My goal is to create an image of an entangled fibrous structure to use in a pore network model and the voxel approach is useful for getting pore volumes.
Any help making the algorithm run faster would be appreciated. For a 300x300x300 diagram with 500 points it takes about 50 minutes on my machine

You can try to sort the points. Treat the co-ordinate as a binary and interleave it. Then sort it both ways. In fact Cgal uses the same algorithm.


How can I rotate a 2d image using a target image, landmark coordinates, the least squares approach, and a rotation matrix?

I have two 2d images, one is the source image and the other is a target image; I need to rotate the source image to match the target image using python (scikit & numpy). I have 3 landmark coordinates for each image, as follows:
image1_points = [(12,16),(7,4),(25,20)]
image2_points = [(15,22),(1,22),(25,10)]
I believe the following steps are what's needed:
Create rotation matrix using least squares approach using the 3 landmark coordinates
Use the rotation matrix to get theta
Convert theta to degrees (for the angle)
Use the apply_angle method with the angle to rotate the image
I've been trying to use these points and the least squares approach to compute a linear transformation matrix that transforms points from the source to the target image.
I know I need to create a rotation matrix, but having never taken algebra I'm a bit lost. I've done lots of reading, and tried using scipy's built-in procrustes to do an affine transformation below (which may be all wrong).
m1, m2, d = scipy.spatial.procrustes(target_points, source_points)
a =, m2, out=None) / norm(m1)**2
#separate x and y for the sake of convenience
ref_x = m2[::2]
ref_y = m2[1::2]
x = m1[::2]
y = m1[1::2]
b = np.sum(x*ref_y - ref_x*y) / norm(m1)**2
scale = np.sqrt(a**2+b**2)
theta = atan(b / max(a.all(), 10**-10)) #avoid dividing by 0
degrees = cos(radians(theta))
apply_angle(source_img, degrees)
However, this is not giving me the result I would expect. It's giving me a degree around 1, where I would expect a degree around 72. I suspect that the degree is what's needed to rotate the image as the angle parameter.
Any help would be hugely appreciated. Thank you!

Inverse FFT returns negative values when it should not

I have several points (x,y,z coordinates) in a 3D box with associated masses. I want to draw an histogram of the mass-density that is found in spheres of a given radius R.
I have written a code that, providing I did not make any errors which I think I may have, works in the following way:
My "real" data is something huge thus I wrote a little code to generate non overlapping points randomly with arbitrary mass in a box.
I compute a 3D histogram (weighted by mass) with a binning about 10 times smaller than the radius of my spheres.
I take the FFT of my histogram, compute the wave-modes (kx, ky and kz) and use them to multiply my histogram in Fourier space by the analytic expression of the 3D top-hat window (sphere filtering) function in Fourier space.
I inverse FFT my newly computed grid.
Thus drawing a 1D-histogram of the values on each bin would give me what I want.
My issue is the following: given what I do there should not be any negative values in my inverted FFT grid (step 4), but I get some, and with values much higher that the numerical error.
If I run my code on a small box (300x300x300 cm3 and the points of separated by at least 1 cm) I do not get the issue. I do get it for 600x600x600 cm3 though.
If I set all the masses to 0, thus working on an empty grid, I do get back my 0 without any noted issues.
I here give my code in a full block so that it is easily copied.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
from numba import njit
# 1. Generate a bunch of points with masses from 1 to 3 separated by a radius of 1 cm
radius = 1
rangeX = (0, 100)
rangeY = (0, 100)
rangeZ = (0, 100)
rangem = (1,3)
qty = 20000 # or however many points you want
# Generate a set of all points within 1 of the origin, to be used as offsets later
deltas = set()
for x in range(-radius, radius+1):
for y in range(-radius, radius+1):
for z in range(-radius, radius+1):
if x*x + y*y + z*z<= radius*radius:
X = []
Y = []
Z = []
M = []
excluded = set()
for i in range(qty):
x = random.randrange(*rangeX)
y = random.randrange(*rangeY)
z = random.randrange(*rangeZ)
m = random.uniform(*rangem)
if (x,y,z) in excluded: continue
excluded.update((x+dx, y+dy, z+dz) for (dx,dy,dz) in deltas)
print("There is ",len(X)," points in the box")
# Compute the 3D histogram
a = np.vstack((X, Y, Z)).T
b = 200
H, edges = np.histogramdd(a, weights=M, bins = b)
# Compute the FFT of the grid
Fh = np.fft.fftn(H, axes=(-3,-2, -1))
# Compute the different wave-modes
kx = 2*np.pi*np.fft.fftfreq(len(edges[0][:-1]))*len(edges[0][:-1])/(np.amax(X)-np.amin(X))
ky = 2*np.pi*np.fft.fftfreq(len(edges[1][:-1]))*len(edges[1][:-1])/(np.amax(Y)-np.amin(Y))
kz = 2*np.pi*np.fft.fftfreq(len(edges[2][:-1]))*len(edges[2][:-1])/(np.amax(Z)-np.amin(Z))
# I create a matrix containing the values of the filter in each point of the grid in Fourier space
R = 5
Kh = np.empty((len(kx),len(ky),len(kz)))
def func_njit(kx, ky, kz, Kh):
for i in range(len(kx)):
for j in range(len(ky)):
for k in range(len(kz)):
if np.sqrt(kx[i]**2+ky[j]**2+kz[k]**2) != 0:
Kh[i][j][k] = (np.sin((np.sqrt(kx[i]**2+ky[j]**2+kz[k]**2))*R)-(np.sqrt(kx[i]**2+ky[j]**2+kz[k]**2))*R*np.cos((np.sqrt(kx[i]**2+ky[j]**2+kz[k]**2))*R))*3/((np.sqrt(kx[i]**2+ky[j]**2+kz[k]**2))*R)**3
Kh[i][j][k] = 1
return Kh
Kh = func_njit(kx, ky, kz, Kh)
# I multiply each point of my grid by the associated value of the filter (multiplication in Fourier space = convolution in real space)
Gh = np.multiply(Fh, Kh)
# I take the inverse FFT of my filtered grid. I take the real part to get back floats but there should only be zeros for the imaginary part.
Density = np.real(np.fft.ifftn(Gh,axes=(-3,-2, -1)))
# Here it shows if there are negative values the magnitude of the error
D = Density.flatten()
N = np.mean(D)
# I then compute the histogram I want
hist, bins = np.histogram(D/N, bins='auto', density=True)
bin_centers = (bins[1:]+bins[:-1])*0.5
plt.plot(bin_centers, hist)
Do you know why I'm getting these negative values? Do you think there is a simpler way to proceed?
Sorry if this is a very long post, I tried to make it very clear and will edit it with your comments, thanks a lot!
A follow-up question on the issue can be found [here].1
The filter you create in the frequency domain is only an approximation to the filter you want to create. The problem is that we are dealing with the DFT here, not the continuous-domain FT (with its infinite frequencies). The Fourier transform of a ball is indeed the function you describe, however this function is infinitely large -- it is not band-limited!
By sampling this function only within a window, you are effectively multiplying it with an ideal low-pass filter (the rectangle of the domain). This low-pass filter, in the spatial domain, has negative values. Therefore, the filter you create also has negative values in the spatial domain.
This is a slice through the origin of the inverse transform of Kh (after I applied fftshift to move the origin to the middle of the image, for better display):
As you can tell here, there is some ringing that leads to negative values.
One way to overcome this ringing is to apply a windowing function in the frequency domain. Another option is to generate a ball in the spatial domain, and compute its Fourier transform. This second option would be the simplest to achieve. Do remember that the kernel in the spatial domain must also have the origin at the top-left pixel to obtain a correct FFT.
A windowing function is typically applied in the spatial domain to avoid issues with the image border when computing the FFT. Here, I propose to apply such a window in the frequency domain to avoid similar issues when computing the IFFT. Note, however, that this will always further reduce the bandwidth of the kernel (the windowing function would work as a low-pass filter after all), and therefore yield a smoother transition of foreground to background in the spatial domain (i.e. the spatial domain kernel will not have as sharp a transition as you might like). The best known windowing functions are Hamming and Hann windows, but there are many others worth trying out.
Unsolicited advice:
I simplified your code to compute Kh to the following:
kr = np.sqrt(kx[:,None,None]**2 + ky[None,:,None]**2 + kz[None,None,:]**2)
kr *= R
Kh = (np.sin(kr)-kr*np.cos(kr))*3/(kr)**3
Kh[0,0,0] = 1
I find this easier to read than the nested loops. It should also be significantly faster, and avoid the need for njit. Note that you were computing the same distance (what I call kr here) 5 times. Factoring out such computation is not only faster, but yields more readable code.
Just a guess:
Where do you get the idea that the imaginary part MUST be zero? Have you ever tried to take the absolute values (sqrt(re^2 + im^2)) and forget about the phase instead of just taking the real part? Just something that came to my mind.

Ellipsoid equation containing numerous points

I have a large quantity of pixel colors (96 thousands different colors):
And I want to get some kind of a mathematically-defined probability region like in this question:
The main obstacle I see right now – all methods on Google are mainly about visualisations and about two-dimensional spaces, yet there is no algorithm for finding coefficients of an equation like:
a1x2 + b1y2 + c1y2 + a2xy + b2xz + c2yz + a3x + b3y + c3z = 0
And this paper is too difficult for me to implement it in python. :(
Anyway, what I just want is to determine if some pixel is more-or-less lies within the diapason I have.
I tried making it using scikit clustering, but I failed due to having only one
set of data, probably. And creating an array 2563 elements
representing each pixel color seems a wrong way.
I wonder if there is an easy way to determine boundaries of this point cluster?
Or, maybe I'm just overthinking it and there is something like OpenCV
cv2.inRange() function?
this can be solved by optimization and fitting of the ellipsoid polynomial. However I would start with geometrical approach which is much faster:
find avg point position
that will be the center of your ellipsoid
p0 = sum (p[i]) / n // average
i = { 0,1,2,3,...,n-1 } // of all points
If your point density is not homogenuous then it is safer to use bounding box center instead. So find xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax and the middle between them is your center.
find most distant point to center
that will give you main semi axis
pa = p[j];
|p[j]-p0| >= |p[i]-p0| // max
i = { 0,1,2,3,...,n-1 } // of all points
find second semi-axises
so vector pa-p0 is normal to plane in which the other semi-axises should be. So find most distant point to p0 from that plane:
pb = p[j];
|p[j]-p0| >= |p[i]-p0| // max
dot(pa-p0,p[j]-p0) == 0 // but inly if inside plane
i = { 0,1,2,3,...,n-1 } // from all points
beware that the result of dot product may not be precisely zero so it is better to test against something like this:
|dot(pa-p0,p[j]-p0)| <= 1e-3
You can use any threshold you want (should be based on the ellipsoid size).
find last semi-axis
So we know that last semi-axis should be perpendicular to both
(pa-p0) AND (pb-p0)
So find point such that:
pc = p[j];
|p[j]-p0| >= |p[i]-p0| // max
dot(pa-p0,p[j]-p0) == 0 // but inly if inside plane
dot(pb-p0,p[j]-p0) == 0 // and perpendicular also to b semi-axis
i = { 0,1,2,3,...,n-1 } // from all points
Now you have all the parameters you need to form your ellipsoid. vectors
are the basis vectors of your ellipsoid (you can make them perpendicular by using cross product). Their size gives you the radiuses. And p0 is the center. You can also use this parametric equation:
p(u,v) = p0 + a*cos(u)*cos(v)
+ b*cos(u)*sin(v)
+ c*sin(u);
u = < -0.5*PI , +0.5*PI >
v = < 0.0 , 2.0*PI >
This whole process is just O(n) and the results can be used as start point for both optimization and fitting to speed them up without the loss of accuracy. If you want to further improve accuracy See:
How approximation search works
The sub links shows you examples of fitting ...
You can also take a look at this:
Algorithms: Ellipse matching
which is basically similar to your task but only in 2D still may bring you some ideas.
Here is unstrict solution with fast and simple random search approach*. Best side - no heavy linear algebra library required**. Seems it worked fine for mesh collision detection.
Is assumes that ellipsoid center matches cloud center and then uses some sort of mirrored average to search for main axis.
Full working code is slightly bigger and placed on git, idea of main axis search is here:
pts_len = len(pts)
pt_average = np.sum(pts, axis = 0) / pts_len
vec_major = pt_average * 0
minor_max, major_max = 0, 0
# may be improved with overlapped pass,
for pt_cur in pts:
vec_cur = pt_cur - pt_average
proj_len, rej_len = proj_length(vec_cur, vec_major)
if proj_len < 0:
vec_cur = -vec_cur
vec_major += (vec_cur - vec_major) / pts_len
major_max = max(major_max, abs(proj_len))
minor_max = max(minor_max, rej_len)
It can be improved/optimized even more at some points. Examples what it will produce:
And full experiment code with plots
*i.e. adjusting code lines randomly until they work
**was actually reason to figure out this solution

Straighten B-Spline

I've interpolated a spline to fit pixel data from an image with a curve that I would like to straighten. I'm not sure what tools are appropriate to solve this problem. Can someone recommend an approach?
Here's how I'm getting my spline:
import numpy as np
from skimage import io
from scipy import interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import networkx as nx
# Read a skeletonized image, return an array of points on the skeleton, and divide them into x and y coordinates
skeleton = io.imread('skeleton.png')
curvepoints = np.where(skeleton==False)
xpoints = curvepoints[1]
ypoints = -curvepoints[0]
# reformats x and y coordinates into a 2-dimensional array
inputarray = np.c_[xpoints, ypoints]
# runs a nearest neighbors algorithm on the coordinate array
clf = NearestNeighbors(2).fit(inputarray)
G = clf.kneighbors_graph()
T = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(G)
# sorts coordinates according to their nearest neighbors order
order = list(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(T, 0))
xx = xpoints[order]
yy = ypoints[order]
# Loops over all points in the coordinate array as origin, determining which results in the shortest path
paths = [list(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(T, i)) for i in range(len(inputarray))]
mindist = np.inf
minidx = 0
for i in range(len(inputarray)):
p = paths[i] # order of nodes
ordered = inputarray[p] # ordered nodes
# find cost of that order by the sum of euclidean distances between points (i) and (i+1)
cost = (((ordered[:-1] - ordered[1:])**2).sum(1)).sum()
if cost < mindist:
mindist = cost
minidx = i
opt_order = paths[minidx]
xxx = xpoints[opt_order]
yyy = ypoints[opt_order]
# fits a spline to the ordered coordinates
tckp, u = interpolate.splprep([xxx, yyy], s=3, k=2, nest=-1)
xpointsnew, ypointsnew = interpolate.splev(np.linspace(0,1,270), tckp)
# prints spline variables
# plots the spline
plt.plot(xpointsnew, ypointsnew, 'r-')
My broader project is to follow the approach outlined in A novel method for straightening curved text-lines in stylistic documents. That article is reasonably detailed in finding the line that describes curved text, but much less so where straightening the curve is concerned. I have trouble visualizing the only reference to straightening that I see is in the abstract:
find the angle between the normal at a point on the curve and the vertical line, and finally visit each point on the text and rotate by their corresponding angles.
I also found Geometric warp of image in python, which seems promising. If I could rectify the spline, I think that would allow me to set a range of target points for the affine transform to map to. Unfortunately, I haven't found an approach to rectify my spline and test it.
Finally, this program implements an algorithm to straighten splines, but the paper on the algorithm is behind a pay wall and I can't make sense of the javascript.
Basically, I'm lost and in need of pointers.
The affine transformation was the only approach I had any idea how to start exploring, so I've been working on that since I posted. I generated a set of destination coordinates by performing an approximate rectification of the curve based on the euclidean distance between points on my b-spline.
From where the last code block left off:
# calculate euclidian distances between adjacent points on the curve
newcoordinates = np.c_[xpointsnew, ypointsnew]
l = len(newcoordinates) - 1
pointsteps = []
for index, obj in enumerate(newcoordinates):
if index < l:
ord1 = np.c_[newcoordinates[index][0], newcoordinates[index][1]]
ord2 = np.c_[newcoordinates[index + 1][0], newcoordinates[index + 1][1]]
length = spatial.distance.cdist(ord1, ord2)
# calculate euclidian distance between first point and each consecutive point
xpositions = np.asarray(pointsteps).cumsum()
# compose target coordinates for the line after the transform
targetcoordinates = [(0,0),]
for element in xpositions:
targetcoordinates.append((element, 0))
# perform affine transformation with newcoordinates as control points and targetcoordinates as target coordinates
tform = PiecewiseAffineTransform()
tform.estimate(newcoordinates, targetcoordinates)
I'm presently hung up on errors with the affine transform (scipy.spatial.qhull.QhullError: QH6154 Qhull precision error: Initial simplex is flat (facet 1 is coplanar with the interior point)
), but I'm not sure whether it's because of a problem with how I'm feeding the data in, or because I'm abusing the transform to do my projection.
I got the same error with you when using scipy.spatial.ConvexHull.
First, let me explain my project: what i wanted to do is to segment the people from its background(image matting). In my code, first I read an image and a trimap, then according to the trimap, I segment the original image to foreground, bakground and unknown pixels. Here is part of the coed:
img = scipy.misc.imread('sweater_black.png') #color_image
trimap = scipy.misc.imread('sw_trimap.png', flatten='True') #trimap
bg = trimap == 0 #background
fg = trimap == 255 #foreground
unknown = True ^ np.logical_or(fg,bg) #unknown pixels
fg_px = img[fg] #here i got the rgb value of the foreground pixels,then send them to the ConvexHull
fg_hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(fg_px)
But i got an error here.So I check the Array of fg_px and then I found this array is n*4. which means every scalar i send to ConvexHull has four values. Howerver, the input of ConvexHUll should be 3 dimension.
I source my error and found that the input color image is 32bits(rgb channel and alpha channel) which means it has an alpha channel. After transferring the image to 24 bit (which means only rgb channels), the code works.
In one sentence, the input of ConvexHull should be b*4, so check your input data! Hope this works for you~

Using numpy to find all possible distance vectors in a coordinate grid

I'm trying to implement Fabian Timm's pupil tracking algorithm [] and the equation requires that I find all possible distance vectors within a coordinate grid. My implementation isn't working correctly, and I think it's because of this step. I know I should speed up my implementation using broadcasting, but any insight into other possible improvements would be appreciated. I would also be curious to know any tricks to testing code like this. Did I do this right?
eye_len = np.arange(eye.shape[0]) # this is usually in the range of 30-40
xx,yy = np.meshgrid(eye_len,eye_len) # coordinates of every point in the eye image
X1,X2 = np.meshgrid(xx.ravel(),xx.ravel())
Y1,Y2 = np.meshgrid(yy.ravel(),yy.ravel())
Dx,Dy = [X1-X2,Y1-Y2]
Dlen = np.sqrt(Dx**2+Dy**2)
Dx,Dy = [Dx/Dlen, Dy/Dlen] #normalized

