Log stack trace for python warning - python

A package that I'm using in my python program is throwing a warning that I'd like to understand the exact cause of. I've set logging.captureWarning(True) and am capturing the warning in my logging, but still have no idea where it is coming from. How do I also log the stack trace so I can see where in my code the warning is coming from? Do I use traceback?

I've ended up going with the below:
import warnings
import traceback
_formatwarning = warnings.formatwarning
def formatwarning_tb(*args, **kwargs):
s = _formatwarning(*args, **kwargs)
tb = traceback.format_stack()
s += ''.join(tb[:-1])
return s
warnings.formatwarning = formatwarning_tb

It's a little hackish, but you can monkeypatch the warnings.warn method to this:
import traceback
import warnings
def g():
warnings.warn("foo", Warning)
def f():
warnings.warn("bar", Warning)
_old_warn = warnings.warn
def warn(*args, **kwargs):
tb = traceback.extract_stack()
_old_warn(*args, **kwargs)
warnings.warn = warn
This is the output:
/tmp/test.py:14: Warning: foo
_old_warn(*args, **kwargs)
File "/tmp/test.py", line 17, in <module>
File "/tmp/test.py", line 8, in f
File "/tmp/test.py", line 5, in g
warnings.warn("foo", Warning)
/tmp/test.py:14: Warning: bar
_old_warn(*args, **kwargs)
File "/tmp/test.py", line 17, in <module>
File "/tmp/test.py", line 9, in f
warnings.warn("bar", Warning)
See that calling the original warnings.warn function does not report the line you'd want, bu the stack trace is indeed correct (you could print the warning message yourself).

If you do not know what data/instruction is causing the warning throw, you can use tools like the standard Python Debugger.
The documentation is really good and detailed, but some quickly examples that may help should be:
Without modifying source code: invoking the debbugger as script:
$ python -m pdb myscript.py
Modifying source code: you can make use of calls to pdb.set_trace(), that work like breakpoints; For example, consider I have the following example code:
x = 2
x = x * 10 * 100
y = x + 3 + y
return y
And I would like to know what value does x and y have before the return, or what does the stack contains, I would add the following line between those statements:
And I will be promted to the (Pdb) prompt, that will allow you to go through the code line by line. Useful commands for the (Pdb) prompt are:
n: executes the next statement.
q: quits the whole program.
c: quits the (Pdb) prompt and stops debugging.
p varname: prints the value of varname
As you do not provide more information, I do not know if that should be enough, but I think that at least, it may be a good start.
Based on this answer, I have found there is a nice and friendly GUI debugging tool, that you can simply install by:
$ pip install pudb
And run the debugger with your script with:
$ python -m pudb.run myscript.py
EDIT: Adding the postmortem debugging
If we do not even know if the code is going to crash or not, we can enter in postmortem debugging if there has been a crash. From the Pbd documentation:
The typical usage to inspect a crashed program is:
>>> import pdb
>>> import mymodule
>>> mymodule.test()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "./mymodule.py", line 4, in test
File "./mymodule.py", line 3, in test2
print spam
NameError: spam
>>> pdb.pm()
> ./mymodule.py(3)test2()
-> print spam
As postmortem looks at sys.last_traceback, to enter only if there is a traceback (and so on, a warning or crash):
if sys.last_traceback:

You can turn warnings into exceptions, which means you will get a stack trace automatically:
See https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/warnings.html#the-warnings-filter

If it was me, I'd go with #LluĂ­s Vilanova's quick & dirty hack, just to find something. But if that's not an option...
If you really want a "logging" solution, you could try something like this (fully working source).
Basic steps are:
Create a custom logging.Formatter subclass that includes the current stack where the logging record is formatted
Use that formatter on the class of the warning
The meat of the code is the custom formatter:
class Formatter(logging.Formatter):
def format(self, record):
record.stack_info = ''.join(traceback.format_stack())
return super().format(record)
Per the docs:
New in version 3.2: The stack_info parameter was added.

For python 3.2 and above, using the optional stack_info keyword argument is the easiest way to get stack trace info along with the log message.
In the example below, "Server.py" is using "lib2.py", which is in turn using "lib.py".
On enabling the stack_info argument the complete trace back is logged along with every logging.log() call. This works the same with logging.info() and other convenience methods as well.
Usage :-
logging.log(DEBUG, "RWL [{}] : acquire_read()".format(self._ownerName), stack_info=True)
Output :-
2018-10-06 10:59:55,726|DEBUG|MainThread|lib.py|acquire_read|RWL [Cache] : acquire_read()
Stack (most recent call last):
File "./Server.py", line 41, in <module>
logging.info("Found {} requests for simulation".format(simdata.count()))
File "<Path>\lib2.py", line 199, in count
with basics.ReadRWLock(self.cacheLock):
File "<Path>\lib.py", line 89, in __enter__
File "<Path>\lib.py", line 34, in acquire_read
logging.log(DEBUG, "RWL [{}] : acquire_read()".format(self._ownerName), stack_info=True)


Not allowing the developer to use the print method

I have developed a python framework that is being used by others. In order to print any data to the output, the developer should use a Log class (Log.print(...)) and should not use the print() method directly. Is there any ways to force this rule throughout the code? For example, by throwing an error when a developer uses the print method directly like this:
Error: print method cannot be called directly. Please use Log.print().
Suppressing print (as discussed here) is not a good idea as the developer might get confused.
Actullay, below two line code are the same:
so, you can redirect sys.stdout to a class which raise a exception at calling print.
import sys
class BlockPrint():
call_print_exception = Exception('Error: print method cannot be called directly. Please use Log.print().')
def write(self, str):
raise self.call_print_exception
bp = BlockPrint()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "p.py", line 12, in <module>
File "p.py", line 7, in write
raise self.call_print_exception
Exception: Error: print method cannot be called directly. Please use Log.print().

PyCharm output error messages interspersed with console output. How to fix this?

I'm running PyCharm Community Edition 4.0.4
Does anyone know why the error messages don't display after the console output?
C:\Python27\python.exe "F:/Google Drive/code/python_scripts/leetcode/lc_127_word_ladder.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:/Google Drive/code/python_scripts/leetcode/lc_127_word_ladder.py", line 68, in <module>
print sol.ladderLength('talk', 'tail', set)
File "F:/Google Drive/code/python_scripts/leetcode/lc_127_word_ladder.py", line 54, in ladderLength
hall ['fall']
for item in graph[node[0]]:
fall ['hall']
KeyError: 'talk'
End Graph:
Visited = {'talk': 0}
Node = ['talk', 0]
Queue Before = deque([])
Process finished with exit code 1
If you'll notice, print statements such as START, Graph:, hall ['fall'], up to Queue Before = deque([]) all happen within the functioning part of my code. The Error messages should appear after all this.
This is caused by PyCharm mixing print statements from stdout and stderr. There's a fix if you add the following line to your idea.properties file:
Get to idea.properties via Help | Edit Custom Properties.
might just be an issue with the stdout.
a workaround would be to use sys.flush.stdout() after your print statements.
import sys
print("Your print statement")
I'm new to pycharm, so not sure if there's a clean way to do this. But as a workaround, you could replace your print function with a custom one that sleeps quickly after printing, then your traceback should appear after your outputs.
import time
print = (lambda p: lambda *args,**kwargs: [p(*args,**kwargs), time.sleep(.01)])(print)
# the above is just a one liner equivalent to this decorator
def add_sleep(p):
def new_p(*args, **kwargs):
return new_p
print = add_sleep(print)

How to set breakpoint in another module (don't set it on function definition line, if you want to break when function starts being executed)

I'm trying to debug a module "main", which calls a function "broken_function" at line 356 of "another_module". I'm having an error in that function and want to put a breakpoint at its start. Below is the listing. Am I doing something wrong? Cause, the breakpoint doesn't work:
$ python -m pdb main
(Pdb) import sys
(Pdb) sys.path.append("/home/user/path/to/another/module")
(Pdb) import another_module
(Pdb) b another_module:356
Breakpoint 1 at /home/user/path/to/another/module/another_module.py:356
(Pdb) c
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/path/to/another/module/another_module.py", line 383, in broken_function
f=open("../jobs/temptree.tre", "r")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../jobs/temptree.tre'
Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debugging
You are setting the breakpoint correctly. I imagine it is not stopping because the line of code you are breaking on is not called. Put the break on line 383.
You can also set the breakpoint directly with the file and line number, without having to import either sys or another_module.
(Pdb) b /home/user/path/to/another/module/another_module.py:383
Breakpoint 1 at /home/user/path/to/another/module/another_module.py:383
Note that /home/user/path/to/another/module/another_module.py needs to be imported and line 383 needs executable and in the path of execution for it to break, as others have pointed out.
For more help, type help b (or for that matter help followed by any other command) to get more information on that command.

How do I disable and then re-enable a warning?

I'm writing some unit tests for a Python library and would like certain warnings to be raised as exceptions, which I can easily do with the simplefilter function. However, for one test I'd like to disable the warning, run the test, then re-enable the warning.
I'm using Python 2.6, so I'm supposed to be able to do that with the catch_warnings context manager, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Even failing that, I should also be able to call resetwarnings and then re-set my filter.
Here's a simple example which illustrates the problem:
>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.simplefilter("error", UserWarning)
>>> def f():
... warnings.warn("Boo!", UserWarning)
>>> f() # raises UserWarning as an exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 2, in f
UserWarning: Boo!
>>> f() # still raises the exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 2, in f
UserWarning: Boo!
>>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
... warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
... f() # no warning is raised or printed
>>> f() # this should raise the warning as an exception, but doesn't
>>> warnings.resetwarnings()
>>> warnings.simplefilter("error", UserWarning)
>>> f() # even after resetting, I'm still getting nothing
Can someone explain how I can accomplish this?
EDIT: Apparently this is a known bug: http://bugs.python.org/issue4180
Reading through the docs and few times and poking around the source and shell I think I've figured it out. The docs could probably improve to make clearer what the behavior is.
The warnings module keeps a registry at __warningsregistry__ to keep track of which warnings have been shown. If a warning (message) is not listed in the registry before the 'error' filter is set, any calls to warn() will not result in the message being added to the registry. Also, the warning registry does not appear to be created until the first call to warn:
>>> import warnings
>>> __warningregistry__
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython console>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name '__warningregistry__' is not defined
>>> warnings.simplefilter('error')
>>> __warningregistry__
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython console>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name '__warningregistry__' is not defined
>>> warnings.warn('asdf')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython console>", line 1, in <module>
UserWarning: asdf
>>> __warningregistry__
Now if we ignore warnings, they will get added to the warnings registry:
>>> warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
>>> warnings.warn('asdf')
>>> __warningregistry__
{('asdf', <type 'exceptions.UserWarning'>, 1): True}
>>> warnings.simplefilter("error")
>>> warnings.warn('asdf')
>>> warnings.warn('qwerty')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython console>", line 1, in <module>
UserWarning: qwerty
So the error filter will only apply to warnings that aren't already in the warnings registry. To make your code work you'll need to clear the appropriate entries out of the warnings registry when you're done with the context manager (or in general any time after you've used the ignore filter and want a prev. used message to be picked up the error filter). Seems a bit unintuitive...
Brian Luft is correct about __warningregistry__ being the cause of the problem. But I wanted to clarify one thing: the way the warnings module appears to work is that it sets module.__warningregistry__ for each module where warn() is called. Complicating things even more, the stacklevel option to warnings causes the attribute to be set for the module the warning was issued "in the name of", not necessarily the one where warn() was called... and that's dependent on the call stack at the time the warning was issued.
This means you may have a lot of different modules where the __warningregistry__ attribute is present, and depending on your application, they may all need clearing before you'll see the warnings again. I've been relying on the following snippet of code to accomplish this... it clears the warnings registry for all modules whose name matches the regexp (which defaults to everything):
def reset_warning_registry(pattern=".*"):
"clear warning registry for all match modules"
import re
import sys
key = "__warningregistry__"
for mod in sys.modules.values():
if hasattr(mod, key) and re.match(pattern, mod.__name__):
getattr(mod, key).clear()
Update: CPython issue 21724 addresses issue that resetwarnings() doesn't clear warning state. I attached an expanded "context manager" version to this issue, it can be downloaded from reset_warning_registry.py.
Brian is spot on about the __warningregistry__. So you need to extend catch_warnings to save/restore the global __warningregistry__ too
Something like this may work
class catch_warnings_plus(warnings.catch_warnings):
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
Following on from Eli Collins' helpful clarification, here is a modified version of the catch_warnings context manager that clears the warnings registry in a given sequence of modules when entering the context manager, and restores the registry on exit:
from warnings import catch_warnings
class catch_warn_reset(catch_warnings):
""" Version of ``catch_warnings`` class that resets warning registry
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.modules = kwargs.pop('modules', [])
self._warnreg_copies = {}
super(catch_warn_reset, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
for mod in self.modules:
if hasattr(mod, '__warningregistry__'):
mod_reg = mod.__warningregistry__
self._warnreg_copies[mod] = mod_reg.copy()
return super(catch_warn_reset, self).__enter__()
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
super(catch_warn_reset, self).__exit__(*exc_info)
for mod in self.modules:
if hasattr(mod, '__warningregistry__'):
if mod in self._warnreg_copies:
Use with something like:
import my_module_raising_warnings
with catch_warn_reset(modules=[my_module_raising_warnings]):
# Whatever you'd normally do inside ``catch_warnings``
I've run into the same issues, and while all of the other answers are valid I choose a different route. I don't want to test the warnings module, nor know about it's inner workings. So I just mocked it instead:
import warnings
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
from unittest.mock import call
class WarningTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_warnings(self, fake_warn):
[call("You've been warned."),
call("This is your second warning.")])
def warn_once():
warnings.warn("You've been warned.")
def warn_twice():
warnings.warn("This is your second warning.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
This code is Python 3, for 2.6 you need the use an external mocking library as unittest.mock was only added in 2.7.

Print current call stack from a method in code

In Python, how can I print the current call stack from within a method (for debugging purposes).
Here's an example of getting the stack via the traceback module, and printing it:
import traceback
def f():
def g():
for line in traceback.format_stack():
# Prints:
# File "so-stack.py", line 10, in <module>
# f()
# File "so-stack.py", line 4, in f
# g()
# File "so-stack.py", line 7, in g
# for line in traceback.format_stack():
If you really only want to print the stack to stderr, you can use:
Or to print to stdout (useful if want to keep redirected output together), use:
But getting it via traceback.format_stack() lets you do whatever you like with it.
import traceback
for those who need to print the call stack while using pdb, just do
(Pdb) where
inspect.stack() returns the current stack rather than the exception traceback:
import inspect
print inspect.stack()
See https://gist.github.com/FredLoney/5454553 for a log_stack utility function.
If you use python debugger, not only interactive probing of variables but you can get the call stack with the "where" command or "w".
So at the top of your program
import pdb
Then in the code where you want to see what is happening
and you get dropped into a prompt
Here's a variation of #RichieHindle's excellent answer which implements a decorator that can be selectively applied to functions as desired. Works with Python 2.7.14 and 3.6.4.
from __future__ import print_function
import functools
import traceback
import sys
INDENT = 4*' '
def stacktrace(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwds):
# Get all but last line returned by traceback.format_stack()
# which is the line below.
callstack = '\n'.join([INDENT+line.strip() for line in traceback.format_stack()][:-1])
print('{}() called:'.format(func.__name__))
return func(*args, **kwds)
return wrapped
def test_func():
return 42
Output from sample:
test_func() called:
File "stacktrace_decorator.py", line 28, in <module>
Install Inspect-it
pip3 install inspect-it --user
import inspect;print(*['{:40}| {}:{}\n'.format(x.function, x.filename, x.lineno) for x in inspect.stack()])
you can Make a snippet of this line
it will show you a list of the function call stack with a filename and line number
list from start to where you put this line

