Python AttributeError: property cannot overwrite inherited attribute? - python

I still don't fully understand when and how to use properties. Here I have a class SpecialCar which is inheriting Car. The variable summer_tire should basically be equivalent to tire, except for the name. So whenever I am asking for either of those two, I want to get summer_tire.
Using #property results in an error. Deleting the #property line will print 0, but I want to get 2.
class Car():
def __init__(self):
self.tire = 0
class SpecialCar(Car):
def __init__(self):
self.summer_tire = 2
self.winter_tire = 5
def tire(self):
return self.summer_tire
i = SpecialCar()

You declared a property that doesn't have a setter, thus self.tire = 0 in Car.__init__ fails.
You could give your new property a setter:
class SpecialCar(Car):
def __init__(self):
self.summer_tire = 2
self.winter_tire = 5
def tire(self):
return self.summer_tire
def tire(self, new_tire):
self.summer_tire = new_tire
or you could avoid calling Car.__init__ altogether, or make Car.tire a class attribute, set as part of the class and replaced with the property in subclasses.


Prevent user of changing variable type in python

I have main class with a lot of attributes that are initially defined as an object of a Prop class. This Prop class has two attributes: its value and the options, which is a list of acceptable values for the attribute.
class Prop():
def __init__(self, value, *options):
self.value = value
self.options = options
class Main():
def __init__(self):
self._prop1 = Prop(None)
self._prop2 = Prop(None)
The first important thing here is that _propx has to be an instance variable, since I will create more than one instance of Main.
The values of a Prop instance can either be a string or an integer, but the problem with this code is that I have to be sure that the user will do something like main._prop1.value = 1 and not main._prop1 = 1 otherwise it would break my code when doing _prop1.options. I don't want to use traits, thus I decided to make each _propx instance a kind of property, but I'm talking about a lot of instances and I don't want to define each setter especially because they will be all the same.
I found two solutions to solve this problem, the first is by using the same setter to all properties:
class Main():
def __init__(self):
self._prop1 = Prop(None)
self._prop2 = Prop(None)
def set_prop(attr):
def set_value(self, value):
self.__dict__[attr].value = value
return set_value
prop1 = property(fset=set_prop('_prop1'))
prop2 = property(fset=set_prop('_prop2'))
The second is by using an auxiliary class and redefine its __set__:
class Aux():
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
self.public_name = name
self.private_name = '_' + name
def __set__(self, obj, value):
print(self, obj, value, self.private_name)
obj.__dict__[self.private_name].value = value
class Main():
def __init__(self):
self._prop1 = Prop(None)
self._prop2 = Prop(None)
prop1 = Aux()
prop2 = Aux()
the first on seems cleaner, but I have to pass the private name of each variable and I have to write the setter in the Main which I don't like because I would it to be as clean as possible. By other hand, in the second I have to use an auxiliary class.
My question is: is there a way of defining the setter in the Prop class? The reason why I couldn't find a way of doing this is that the Aux.__set__ seems to work only when I create an Aux instance as a class variable (static variable). This is also why I have to create a private and a public variable for each property. Is there a way of using __set__ to an instance (non-static) variable?

Unable to Set Python #Property

I am creating a python class out of raw data as follows:
Class Test:
def __init__(self, raw_number):
self._raw_number = raw_number
I am then computing _raw_number as a property to return the actual number I would like to have:
def number(self):
return self._raw_number[0]
However, when trying to set this property on a Test object using
t = Test([1, 2, 3]) # this will set the number property to 1
t.number = 5 # this is supposed to set the number property to 5
I am running into an error that says property number cannot be set.
I am wondering why I can solve this?
#property by itself (at least, when used as shown) only provides a getter. Unless you provide a setter as well, the property is read-only.
class Test:
def __init__(self, raw_number):
self.number = raw_number
def number(self):
return self._raw_number[0]
def number(self, value):
self._raw_number = value
Keep in mind that the setter should be responsible for ensuring that the value of _raw_number is, in fact, indexable. Also, the __init__ method can make use
of the setter in initializing the property; only the getter and setter themselves should be accessing the underlying _raw_number attribute.
property can be used to set the getter and setter simultaneously.
class Test:
def __init__(self, raw_number):
self.number = raw_number
def _getter(self):
return self._raw_number[0]
def _setter(self, value):
except IndexError:
raise TypeError("Value must be indexable")
self._raw_number = value
number = property(_getter, _setter)
# Clean up the namespace before creating the class
del _getter
del _setter

Can't call static method inside class

I am trying to call a static method inside a class to populate the class variable.
import sys
import os
from HelpingData import *
class Inventory(object):
shipping_cost = 400.0
total_stock = calculate_total_stock.__func__()
def __init__(self, attributes={}):
self.inventory = {}
if attributes is None:
self.inventory = {}
for key in attributes:
self.inventory[key] = attributes[key]
def getValue(self,attribute):
return self.inventory[attribute]
def setValue(self,attribute,value):
def calculate_total_stock():
total_stock = dict((item, 0) for item in product_names)
for nation in product_stock:
for item in nation:
total_stock[item] += nation[item]
return total_stock
And this is the error I am getting:
total_stock = calculate_total_stock.__func__()
NameError: name'calculate_total_stock' is not defined
What am I missing here?
You really don't need any workaround here, just give the calling method an additional level of direction.
In the example below you can call the PrintThis() method both internal and external to its defining class.
Call as you normally would
You must add self or the containing class
To produce the error:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.MyValue = 0
def IncrementValue(self):
self.MyValue += 1
PrintThis(f'From MyClass {self.MyValue}')
def PrintThis(arg):
print(f'My Value: {arg}')
The Fix:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.MyValue = 0
def IncrementValue(self):
self.MyValue += 1
self.PrintThis(f'From MyClass {self.MyValue}')
def PrintThis(arg):
print(f'My Value: {arg}')
Run It
class Run:
def __init__(self):
mc = MyClass()
MyClass.PrintThis('From Outside')
My Value: From Outside
My Value: From MyClass 1
My Value: From MyClass 2
I'm not sure :-)
The only thing I noticed is that the static method (PrintThis) is a function, while the non-static method is a bound method.
I am sure there is some explanation to this behavior in Pythons documentation. Please share if you look it up :-)
I know this question is a few years old at this point, however it was the first hit when I googled the fault.
The code at the top level of the Inventory definition (i.e. class attributes and method definitions) runs before the name Inventory exists, so you can't call its own methods within the definition. As you have a #staticmethod, which doesn't require any class or instance argument, why not move it outside?
def calculate_total_stock(product_names, product_stock):
total_stock = dict((item, 0) for item in product_names)
for nation in product_stock:
for item in nation:
total_stock[item] += nation[item]
return total_stock
class Inventory(object):
TOTAL_STOCK = calculate_total_stock(product_names, product_stock)
def __init__(self, attributes=None):
self.inventory = {}
if attributes is not None:
for key in attributes:
self.inventory[key] = attributes[key]
def get_value(self, attribute):
return self.inventory[attribute]
def set_value(self, attribute, value):
self.inventory[attribute] = value
Note that I have done some tidying up, particularly in terms of style and making the explicit arguments to calculate_total_stock.

Creating an object with a reference to the object that created it

I have a program where an object creates another object. However, the second object that gets created needs to be able to access the first. Is this possible?
EG (pseudocode)
class parentObject():
parentVar = 1
# Create Child
x = childObject()
class childObject():
#Assign Var to the Var of the childs parent
childVar = parent.parentVar
>>> x.childVar = 1
is there a straitforward way to do this?
I don't want to inheret the class, I need to be able to access the actual object that created it, as each object created from that class has different values.
Why not inherit the class?
class parentObject():
parentVar = 1
class childObject(parentObject):
childVar = parentObject.parentVar
>>> x = childObject()
>>> print(x.childVar)
If you are going to have different instances of the class, you should do it as this instead:
class parentObject(object):
def __init__(self):
self.parentVar = 1
class childObject(parentObject):
def __init__(self):
super(childObject, self).__init__()
self.childVar = self.parentVar
>>> x = childObject()
>>> print(x.childVar)
If you want a reference to the "parent" class, but inheritance is illogical, consider sending self in to the constructor:
class Room:
def __init__(self, name): = name = []
def add_chair(self):
def __str__(self):
return '{} with {}'.format(,
class Chair:
def __init__(self, room): = room
def __str__(self):
return 'Chair in {}'.format(
r = Room('Kitchen')
print r
Kitchen with [<__main__.Chair instance at 0x01F45F58>, <__main__.Chair instance at 0x01F45F80>]
Chair in Kitchen

Can I iterate over a class in Python?

I have a class that keeps track of its instances in a class variable, something like this:
class Foo:
by_id = {}
def __init__(self, id): = id
self.by_id[id] = self
What I'd like to be able to do is iterate over the existing instances of the class. I can do this with:
for foo in Foo.by_id.values():
but it would look neater like this:
for foo in Foo:
is this possible? I tried defining a classmethod __iter__, but that didn't work.
If you want to iterate over the class, you have to define a metaclass which supports iteration.
class it(type):
def __iter__(self):
# Wanna iterate over a class? Then ask that class for iterator.
return self.classiter()
class Foo:
__metaclass__ = it # We need that meta class...
by_id = {} # Store the stuff here...
def __init__(self, id): # new isntance of class = id # do we need that?
self.by_id[id] = self # register istance
def classiter(cls): # iterate over class by giving all instances which have been instantiated
return iter(cls.by_id.values())
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Foo(123)
print list(Foo)
del a
print list(Foo)
As you can see in the end, deleting an instance will not have any effect on the object itself, because it stays in the by_id dict. You can cope with that using weakrefs when you
import weakref
and then do
by_id = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
. This way the values will only kept as long as there is a "strong" reference keeping it, such as a in this case. After del a, there are only weak references pointing to the object, so they can be gc'ed.
Due to the warning concerning WeakValueDictionary()s, I suggest to use the following:
self.by_id[id] = weakref.ref(self)
def classiter(cls):
# return all class instances which are still alive according to their weakref pointing to them
return (i for i in (i() for i in cls.by_id.values()) if i is not None)
Looks a bit complicated, but makes sure that you get the objects and not a weakref object.
Magic methods are always looked up on the class, so adding __iter__ to the class won't make it iterable. However the class is an instance of its metaclass, so the metaclass is the correct place to define the __iter__ method.
class FooMeta(type):
def __iter__(self):
return self.by_id.iteritems()
class Foo:
__metaclass__ = FooMeta
Try this:
You can create a list with a global scope, define a list in the main module as follows:
fooList = []
Then add:
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
to the init of the foo class
Then everytime you create an instance of the Foo class it will be added to the fooList list.
Now all you have to do is iterate through the array of objects like this
for f in fooList:
You can create a comprehension list and then call member methods as follows:
class PeopleManager:
def __init__(self):
self.People = []
def Add(self, person):
class Person:
def __init__(self,name,age):
self.Name = name
self.Age = age
m = PeopleManager()
[[t.Name,t.Age] for t in m.People]
call to fill the object list:
m = PeopleManager()
m.Add( Person("Andy",38))
m.Add( Person("Brian",76))
You can create a class list and then call append in the init method as follows:
class Planet:
planets_list = []
def __init__(self, name): = name
p1 = Planet("earth")
p2 = Planet("uranus")
for i in Planet.planets_list:

