Scraping table contents using Requests and Beautiful Soup - python

Python/Webscraping Beginner so please bear with me. I'm trying to grab all product names from this URL
Unfortunately, nothing gets returned when I run my code. The same code works fine for most other sites but I've tried dozens of variations and I can't make it work for this site.
Is this URL even scrapable using Bsoup? Any feedback is appreciated.
import bs4
import requests
url = ''
payload = {'q': 'Python',}
r = requests.get(url % payload)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text)
titles = [a.attrs.get('href') for a in soup.findAll('div.productscontainer a[href^=/prod]')]
for t in titles:
import bs4
import requests
url = ''
r = requests.get(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text)
titles = [td.text for td in soup.findAll('td', attrs={'class': 'searchlist'})]
for t in titles:
If this formatting is correct, is the JS for sure preventing me from pulling anything?

First of all, your string formatting likely is wrong. Look at this:
>>> url = ''
>>> payload = {'q': 'Python',}
>>> url % payload
I guess that's not what you want. You should look up how string formatting works in Python, and then come up with a proper way to construct your URL.
Secondly, that "search engine" makes heavy use of JavaScript. Probably you will not be able to retrieve the information you want by just looking at the initially retrieved HTML content.


How do I log data from a live website using beautiful soup

Hello I am trying to use beautiful soup and requests to log the data coming from an anemometer which updates live every second. The link to this website here:
The piece of data I want to scrape is highlighted in purple in the image :
from inspection of the html in my browser.
I have written the code bellow in to try to print out the data however when I run the code it prints: None. I think this means that the soup object doesnt infact contain the whole html page? Upon printing soup.prettify() I cannot find the same id=js-2-text I find when inspecting the html in my browser. If anyone has any ideas why this might be or how to fix it I would be most grateful.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
r = requests.get(wind_url)
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'lxml')
All the best,
The data is loaded from external URL, so beautifulsoup doesn't need it. You can try to use API URL the page is connecting to:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
api_url = ""
data = {"input_id": "1"}
soup = BeautifulSoup(, data=data).content, "html.parser")
_, direction, metres_per_second, *_ = soup.csv.text.split(",")
knots = float(metres_per_second) * 1.9438445
print(direction, metres_per_second, knots)
210 006.58 12.79049681

How to read link from beautifulsoup output python

I am trying to pass a link I extracted from beautifulsoup.
import requests
r = requests.get('')
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
links = [item['href'] if item.get('href') is not None else item['src'] for item in'[href^="http"], [src^="http"]') ]
This is the link I am wanting.
Now I am trying to pass this link through so I can download the contents.
# make a folder if it doesn't already exist
if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
# pass the url
url = r'link from beautifulsoup result needs to go here'
response = requests.get(url, stream = True)
# extract contents
with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content)) as zf:
for elem in zf.namelist():
zf.extract(elem, '../data')
My overall goal is trying to take the link that I webscraped and place it in the url variable because the link is always changing on this website. I want to make it dynamic so I don't have to manually search for this link and change it when its changing and instead it changes dynamically. I hope this makes sense and appreciate any help I can get.
If I manually enter my code as the following I know it works
url = r''
If I can get my code to pass that exactly I know it'll work I'm just stuck with how to accomplish this.
I think you can do it with the find_all() method in Beautiful Soup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content)
for a in soup.find_all('a'):
url = a.get('href')

How to get CData from html using beautiful soup

I am trying to get a value from a webpage. In the source code of the webpage, the data is in CDATA format and also comes from a jQuery. I have managed to write the below code which gets a large amount of text, where the index 21 contains the information I need. However, this output is large and not in a format I understand. Within the output I need to isolate and output "redshift":"0.06" but dont know how. what is the best way to solve this.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
link = ""
html = requests.get(link).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
res = soup.findAll('b')
print soup.find_all('script')[21]
It can be done using the current approach you have. However, I'd advise against it. There's a neater way to do it by observing that the redshift value is present in a few convenient places on the page itself.
The following approach should work for you. It looks for tables on the page with the class "atreps-results-table" -- of which there are two. We take the second such table and look for the table cell with the class "cell-redshift". Then, we just print out its text content.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
link = ''
html = requests.get(link).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
tab = soup.find_all('table', {'class': 'atreps-results-table'})[1]
redshift = tab.find('td', {'class': 'cell-redshift'})
Try simply:
soup.select_one('div.field-redshift > div.value>b').text
If you view the Page Source of the URL, you will find that there are two script elements that are having CDATA. But the script element in which you are interested has jQuery in it. So you have to select the script element based on this knowledge. After that, you need to do some cleaning to get rid of CDATA tags and jQuery. Then with the help of json library, convert JSON data to Python Dictionary.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
page = requests.get('')
htmlpage = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
scriptelements = htmlpage.find_all('script')
for script in scriptelements:
if 'CDATA' in script.text and 'jQuery' in script.text:
scriptcontent = script.text.replace('<!--//--><![CDATA[//>', '').replace('<!--', '').replace('//--><!]]>', '').replace('jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings,', '').replace(');', '')
jsondata = json.loads(scriptcontent)

While I use bs4 to parse site

I want to parse the price information in Bitmex using bs4.
(The site url is '')
So, I wrote down the code like this
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
url = ''
bitmex = requests.get(url)
if bitmex.status_code == 200:
bitmex_html = bitmex.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(bitmex_html , 'lxml' )
price = soup.find_all("span", {"class": "price"})
And, the result is like this
Why '[]' poped up? and To bring the price text like '6065.5', what should I do?
The text I want to parse is
<span class="price">6065.5</span>
and the selector is
content > div > div.tickerBar.overflown > div > span.instruments.tickerBarSection > span:nth-child(1) > span.price
I just study Python, so question can seems to be odd to pro...sorry
You were pretty close. Give the following a try and see if it's more what you wanted. Perhaps the format you seeing or retrieving is not quite what you expect. Hope this is helpful.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import sys
import json
url = ''
bitmex = requests.get(url)
if bitmex.status_code == 200:
bitmex_html = bitmex.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(bitmex_html , 'lxml' )
# extract the json text from the returned page
price = soup.find_all("script", {"id": "initialData"})
price = price.pop()
# parse json text
d = json.loads(price.text)
# pull out the order book and then each price listed in the order book
order_book = d['orderBook']
prices = [v['price'] for v in order_book]
Example output:
[6045, 6044.5, 6044, 6043.5, 6043, 6042.5, 6042, 6041.5, 6041, 6040.5, 6040, 6039.5, 6039, 6038.5, 6038, 6037.5, 6037, 6036.5, 6036, 6035.5, 6035, 6034.5, 6034, 6033.5, 6033, 6032.5, 6032, 6031.5, 6031, 6030.5, 6030, 6029.5, 6029, 6028.5, 6028, 6027.5, 6027, 6026.5, 6026, 6025.5, 6025, 6024.5, 6024, 6023.5, 6023, 6022.5, 6022, 6021.5, 6021, 6020.5]
Your problem is that the page doesn't contain those span elements in first place. If you check the response tab in your browser developer tools (press F12 in firefox) you can see that the page is composed of script tags with some code written in javascript that creates the elements dynamically when executed.
Since BeautifulSoup can't execute Javascript, you can't extract the elements directly with it. You have two alternatives:
Use something like selenium that allows you to drive a browser from python - that means javascript will be executed because you're using a real browser - however the performance suffers.
Read the javascript code, understand it and write python code to simulate it. This usually is harder but luckly for you this seem very simple for the page you want:
import requests
import lxml.html
r = requests.get('')
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(r.text)
data = json.loads(doc.xpath("//script[#id='initialData']/text()")[0])
As you can see the data is in json format inside the page. After loading the data variable you can use it to access the infomation you want:
for row in data['orderBook']:
print(row['symbol'], row['price'], row['side'])
Will print:
('XBTUSD', 6051.5, 'Sell')
('XBTUSD', 6051, 'Sell')
('XBTUSD', 6050.5, 'Sell')
('XBTUSD', 6050, 'Sell')

Getting the top wallpaper from reddit

I am trying to get the hottest Wallpaper from Reddit's wallpaper subreddit.
I am using beautiful soup to get the HTML layout of the first wallpaper And then regex to get the URL from the anchor tag. But more than often I get a URL that's not matched by my regex. Here's the code I am using:
r = requests.get("")
if r.status_code == 200:
print r.status_code
text = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser")
search_string = str(soup.find('a', {'class':'title'}))
photo_url = str('[htps:/]{7,8}[a-zA-Z0-9._/:.]+[a-zA-Z0-9./:.-]+', search_string).group())
Is there any way around it?
Here's a better way to do it:
Adding .json to the end of url in Reddit returns a json object instead of HTML.
For example will provide HTML content but will give you a json object which you can easily exploit using json module in python
Here's the same program of getting the hottest wallpaper:
>>> import urllib
>>> import json
>>> data = urllib.urlopen('')
>>> wallpaper_dict = json.loads(
>>> wallpaper_dict['data']['children'][1]['data']['url']
>>> wallpaper_dict['data']['children'][1]['data']['title']
u'Space Shuttle'
>>> wallpaper_dict['data']['children'][1]['data']['domain']
Not only it's much more cleaner, it'll also prevent you from a headache if reddit changes it's HTML layout or someone posts a URL that your regex can't handle.As a thumb rule it's generally smarter to use json instead of scraping the HTML
PS: The list inside the [children] is the wallpaper number. The first one is the topmost, the second one is the second one and so on.
Therefore ['data']['children'][2]['data']['url'] will give you the link for the second hottest wallpaper. you get the gist? :)
PPS: What's more is that with this method you can use the default urllib module. Generally when you're scraping Reddit you'd have to create fake User-Agent header and pass it while requesting(or it gives you a 429 response code but that's not the case with this method.
Here is the correct way to do it your method, but Jarwins method is better. You should not be using regex when working with HTML. You simply had to reference the href attribute to get the URL
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
r = requests.get("")
if r.status_code == 200:
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
url = str(soup.find_all('a', {'class':'title'})[1]["href"])
print url

