I'm new to tkinter and am running python 3.4.2 with Tk version 8.5.17 using IDLE 3.4.2 under Yosemite. This is a modified demo from Liang's book Introduction to Programming Using Python 3. I was expecting the following code to display four buttons:
from tkinter import *
class ButtonsDemo:
def __init__(self):
window = Tk()
window.title("Buttons Demo")
frame0 = Frame(window)
plusImage = PhotoImage(file = "image/plus.gif")
minusImage = PhotoImage(file = "image/minus.gif")
timesImage = PhotoImage(file = "image/times.gif")
divideImage = PhotoImage(file = "image/divide.gif")
Button(frame0, image = plusImage, command =
self.add).grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = W)
Button(frame0, image = minusImage, command =
self.subtract).grid(row = 1, column =2)
Button(frame0, image = timesImage, command =
self.multiply).grid(row = 1, column = 3)
Button(frame0, image = divideImage, command =
self.divide).grid(row = 1, column = 4)
def add(self):
print("add pressed")
def subtract(self):
print("subtract pressed")
def multiply(self):
print("multiply pressed")
def divide(self):
print("divide pressed")
When I run the code, only the first three buttons are displayed. The button with divideImage on it does not appear.
If I click where the divide button should be, I do get the message "divide pressed". It's as if the button is there, but it's invisible.
I see the same behavior running the program from the command line
instead of from IDLE.
There's nothing wrong with the gif. If I use divide.gif for plusImage, I can see divide.gif in the first button position. Also, when I put text = "Divide" on the divide button instead of image = DivideImage, the button becomes visible.
Why is the divide button invisible when I use an image? How can I fix it?
EDIT: Here's the code with everything moved to the main program. I think this should have fixed a garbage collection problem if there were one. Is this correct?
from tkinter import *
def add():
print("add pressed")
def subtract():
print("subtract pressed")
def multiply():
print("multiply pressed")
def divide():
print("divide pressed")
window = Tk()
window.title("Buttons Demo")
frame0 = Frame(window)
plusImage = PhotoImage(file = "image/plus.gif")
minusImage = PhotoImage(file = "image/minus.gif")
timesImage = PhotoImage(file = "image/times.gif")
divideImage = PhotoImage(file = "image/divide.gif")
Button(frame0, image = plusImage, command =
add).grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = W)
Button(frame0, image = minusImage, command =
subtract).grid(row = 0, column = 1)
Button(frame0, image = timesImage, command =
multiply).grid(row = 0, column = 2)
Button(frame0, image = divideImage, command =
divide).grid(row = 0, column = 3)
I'm trying to create a button with an image icon on top of it which should switch icons to an image specified in a function the button calls when its clicked. The button however just stays as it is with the original image when hit with no error messages, is there something I'm missing out on?
from tkinter import *
sampleW = Tk()
sampleW.title("god help me")
def imageSwitch():
icon1Directory == PhotoImage(file = r"C:\Users\txvpa\OneDrive\Desktop\hentai\Atom Projects\The Bread Exchange\bread man.png") # new image directory
print("button has been pressed")
icon1Directory = PhotoImage(file = r"C:\Users\txvpa\OneDrive\Desktop\hentai\Atom Projects\The Bread Exchange\plus_black.png") # original image directory
icon1_photoImage = icon1Directory.subsample(7, 7)
button = Button(sampleW, relief = "ridge", padx = 70, pady = 5,image = icon1_photoImage, command = imageSwitch)
button.grid(column = 0, row = 0)
first of all, in your code, this part causes errors:
icon1Directory == PhotoImage(file = r"C:\Users\txvpa\OneDrive\Desktop\hentai\Atom Projects\The Bread Exchange\bread man.png") # new image directory
the == operation is for comparison.
then about your function. after you create a button(or something else in tkinter), you should use .config to change some properties of it.
you can code this to change the icon:
from tkinter import *
sampleW = Tk()
sampleW.title("god help me")
def imageSwitch():
icon2 = PhotoImage(file=r'C:\Users\txvpa\OneDrive\Desktop\hentai\Atom Projects\The Bread Exchange\bread man.png')
button.image = icon2
icon = PhotoImage(file=r'C:\Users\txvpa\OneDrive\Desktop\hentai\Atom Projects\The Bread Exchange\plus_black.png')
button = Button(sampleW, relief = "ridge", padx = 70, pady = 5,image = icon, command = imageSwitch)
button.grid(column = 0, row = 0)
I think you should change this line in the function:
icon1Directory == PhotoImage(file = r"C:\Users\txvpa\OneDrive\Desktop\hentai\Atom Projects\The Bread Exchange\bread man.png")
You wrote == but you should write =.
Your syntax means that you are making a statement with False return and not a variable deceleration.
I'm building a flashcard app and want a label to pop up when the user gets the answer correct. I was wondering how to make it so that both labels are hidden until one of the buttons is pressed and then only one would show up(and preferably disappear when the next button is pressed). My code so far is below.
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
from random import randint
import random
root = Tk()
root.title('Chemistry Flashcards')
def balancing():
balancing_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=1)
global show_balancing
show_balancing = Label(balancing_frame)
global balancing_list
balancing_list = ['balanced1', 'balanced2', 'balanced3', 'balanced4', 'balanced5', 'unbalanced1', 'unbalanced2', 'unbalanced3', 'unbalanced4', 'unbalanced5']
global balanced_list
balanced_list = balancing_list[:5]
global unbalanced_list
unbalanced_list = balancing_list[5:10]
global rando_image
rando_image = random.choice(balancing_list)
global balancing_image
balancing1 = "C:/Users/Kisitu/Desktop/project/balancing/" + rando_image + ".png"
balancing_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(balancing1))
global balanced_button
balanced_button = Button(balancing_frame, text = 'balanced', command = balancing_answer).pack()
global unbalanced_button
unbalanced_button = Button(balancing_frame, text = 'unbalanced', command = balancing_answer).pack()
global balanced_label
balanced_label = Label(balancing_frame, text='It was balanced', font=("Helvetica",18), bg='#B3FDFF')
global unbalanced_label
unbalanced_label = Label(balancing_frame, text='It was unbalanced', font=("Helvetica",18), bg='#B3FDFF')
def hide_all_frames():
for widget in balancing_frame.winfo_children():
balancing_frame = Frame(root, width=500, height=500, )
my_menu = Menu(root)
root.config(menu=my_menu, bg='#B7F7BB')
#menu options(elements and compound)
lesson_menu = Menu(my_menu)
my_menu.add_cascade(label="Lesson", menu=lesson_menu)
lesson_menu.add_command(label="balancing", command=balancing)
lesson_menu.add_command(label="Exit", command=root.quit)
add functions to both buttons
def balancing_answer(): #this will make the label to show and hide
def unbalancing_answer(): #this will make the label to show and hide
global balanced_button
balanced_button = Button(balancing_frame, text = 'balanced', command = balancing_answer).pack()
global unbalanced_button
unbalanced_button = Button(balancing_frame, text = 'unbalanced', command = unbalancing_answer).pack() # change the command to unbalancing_answer
global balanced_label
balanced_label = Label(balancing_frame, text='It was balanced', font=("Helvetica",18), bg='#B3FDFF')
global unbalanced_label
unbalanced_label = Label(balancing_frame, text='It was unbalanced', font=("Helvetica",18), bg='#B3FDFF')
# balancing() # no need for this
If I get your question correctly; this will make the labels to pop up and disappear.
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
from random import randint
import random
root = Tk()
root.title('Chemistry Flashcards')
def balancing_answer():
def unbalancing_answer():
#two frames-unbalancing frame and balancing frame
balancing_frame = Frame(root)
#this is the show balancing frame
show_balancing = Label(balancing_frame)
#only one image is specified. there can be no random images.but the image will flash up at a click and disappear at another click
img = Image.open('p.jpg').convert("RGBA")
w, h = img.size
left = w/5
right = 3*w/5
upper = h/5
lower = 3*h/5
img2 = img.crop([ left, upper, right, lower]) #this part is used to crop the image. you can choose to ignore
balancing_image= ImageTk.PhotoImage(img2)
#two buttons to click
balanced_button = Button(unbalancing_frame, text = 'balanced', command = balancing_answer).pack()
unbalanced_button = Button(unbalancing_frame, text = 'unbalanced', command = unbalancing_answer).pack()
#the two labels balanced and unbalanced
balanced_label = Label(balancing_frame, text="it was balanced", font=("Helvetica",9), bg='#B3FDFF')
unbalanced_label = Label(unbalancing_frame, text='It was unbalanced', font=("Helvetica",9), bg='#B3FDFF')
#when the user click balancing.. a new frame appear
def balancing():
#========the menu=========
my_menu = Menu(root)
root.config(menu=my_menu, bg='#B7F7BB')
#menu options(elements and compound)
lesson_menu = Menu(my_menu)
my_menu.add_cascade(label="Lesson", menu=lesson_menu)
lesson_menu.add_command(label="balancing", command=balancing)
lesson_menu.add_command(label="Exit", command=root.quit)
Recently I've changed the layout of my program to include a multi-page window similar to what is in the provided example.
In the original, two-window configuration I had a binding set on each window to highlight all of the text in the Entry widget, based on a condition (no condition present in the example). This was fine.
Upon upgrading to a multi-page window, I tried to combine the callback to highlight text by passing the relevant widget and calling widget.select_range(0, END) as it is done in the example. Now I can't seem to highlight any text on mouse-click.
In addition to this, I've also tested my example code with having a separate callback for each Entry; even this would not highlight the text in the Entry upon clicking on it.
Could this have something to do with lifting frames & where the focus lies? As a test I've added a similar callback for "submitting" the Entry value, and this is working fine. At this point I'm confused as to why this wouldn't work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I forgot that to solve the highlighting problem, I've needed to include a return "break" line in the callback that is used to highlight the text.
Now, with this included, I have some very strange behavior with the Entry widgets. I can't click on them unless they have been focused using the tab key.
Is there any way to work around this problem?
Here is the example code I have been playing with (with the updated return statement):
from Tkinter import *
class Window():
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
self.s1 = StringVar()
self.s2 = StringVar()
# Frame 1
self.f1 = Frame(root, width = 50, height = 25)
self.f1.grid(column = 0, row = 1, columnspan = 2)
self.page1 = Label(self.f1, text = "This is the first page's entry: ")
self.page1.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = W)
self.page1.grid_columnconfigure(index = 0, minsize = 90)
self.val1 = Label(self.f1, text = self.s1.get(), textvariable = self.s1)
self.val1.grid(column = 1, row = 0, sticky = E)
self.l1 = Label(self.f1, text = "Frame 1 Label")
self.l1.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = W)
self.e1 = Entry(self.f1, width = 25)
self.e1.grid(column = 1, row = 1, sticky = E)
self.e1.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: self.event(self.e1))
self.e1.bind("<Return>", lambda event: self.submit(self.e1, self.s1))
# Frame 2
self.f2 = Frame(root, width = 50, height = 25)
self.f2.grid(column = 0, row = 1, columnspan = 2)
self.page2 = Label(self.f2, text = "This is the 2nd page's entry: ")
self.page2.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = W)
self.page2.grid_columnconfigure(index = 0, minsize = 90)
self.val2 = Label(self.f2, text = self.s2.get(), textvariable = self.s2)
self.val2.grid(column = 1, row = 0, sticky = E)
self.l2 = Label(self.f2, text = "Frame 2 Label")
self.l2.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = W)
self.e2 = Entry(self.f2, width = 25)
self.e2.grid(column = 1, row = 1, sticky = E)
self.e2.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: self.event(self.e2))
self.e2.bind("<Return>", lambda event: self.submit(self.e2, self.s2))
self.b1 = Button(root, width = 15, text = "Page 1", command = lambda: self.page(1), relief = SUNKEN)
self.b1.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = E)
# Buttons
self.b2 = Button(root, width = 15, text = "Page 2", command = lambda: self.page(2))
self.b2.grid(column = 1, row = 0, sticky = W)
# Start with Frame 1 lifted
def page(self, val):
self.b1.config(relief = RAISED)
self.b2.config(relief = RAISED)
if val == 1:
self.b1.config(relief = SUNKEN)
self.b2.config(relief = SUNKEN)
def event(self, widget):
widget.select_range(0, END)
return "break"
def submit(self, widget, target):
root = Tk()
w = Window(root)
Well, this has been a productive question. If anyone in the future is doing something similar to this and needs a reference for how to solve the problem:
I was able to work around the problem by forcing the Entry widgets into focus every time I switch frames, and using the return "break" statement that I mention in the question's update.
This isn't ideal, as every time a page is changed you automatically focus on the Entry widget, but once the widget is in focus it's behavior is exactly what I would expect so this isn't of great concern. In my program, if you are changing pages it is quite likely you will use the Entry widget anyway (it is a search entry).
Here's the final changes required to make the code work correctly:
# .... some code ....
def page(self, val):
self.b1.config(relief = RAISED)
self.b2.config(relief = RAISED)
if val == 1:
self.b1.config(relief = SUNKEN)
self.b2.config(relief = SUNKEN)
def event(self, widget):
widget.select_range(0, END)
return "break"
# .... more code ....
I am new to python and Tkinter and I need some help. I try to write a program which will show toplevel window with message on defined time. I introduce date, hour and text to program. Press "START" button and wait until toplevel window with message appear.
Program work when I do not use thread, but main window "freeze" until loop is done. Then new toplevel window appear with text.
What I would like to do is to get rid of "freezing" main window. My idea was to use thread for loop executing. But it does not work. When loop is finished in a thread it should call function which cause to Toplevel window appear. But it does not. Moreover program freeze.
I know that I should not use thread within tkinter mainloop but I can not figure out how in other way I can get rid of "freezing" main window.
thank you for all your answers.
here is my program:
from Tkinter import *
import time
import calendar
import datetime
import thread
class Okienka(object):
def __init__(self, master):
self.rok = Label(master, text = "Podaj rok: ")
self.rok.grid(row = 0, sticky = E)
self.miesiac = Label(master, text = "Podaj miesiac w formacie XX: ")
self.miesiac.grid(row = 1, sticky = E)
self.dzien = Label(master, text = "Podaj dzien w formacie XX: ")
self.dzien.grid(row = 2, sticky = E)
self.godzina = Label(master, text = "Podaj godzine w formacie XX:XX: ")
self.godzina.grid(row = 3, sticky = E)
self.przyp = Label(master, text = "Tekst przypomnienia: ")
self.przyp.grid(columnspan = 2)
self.erok = Entry(master, width = 4)
self.erok.grid(row = 0 ,column = 1)
self.emiesiac = Entry(master, width = 2)
self.emiesiac.grid(row = 1 ,column = 1)
self.edzien = Entry(master, width = 2)
self.edzien.grid(row = 2 ,column = 1)
self.egodzina = Entry(master, width = 5)
self.egodzina.grid(row = 3 ,column = 1)
self.eprzyp = Text(master, width = 50, heigh = 10, font = ("Helvetica",10))
self.eprzyp.grid(columnspan = 2)
self.button1 = Button(master, text = "START", fg = "red", command = watek)
self.button1.grid(columnspan = 2)
def watek():
def Czas():
data = "{0}-{1}-{2} {3}".format(c.erok.get(), c.emiesiac.get(), c.edzien.get(), c.egodzina.get())
while True:
aktualny_czas = datetime.datetime.today()
czas_str = time.strftime(str(aktualny_czas))
czas_str = czas_str[:16]
print czas_str
if data == czas_str:
def okienko():
komunikat = c.eprzyp.get("1.0","end-1c")
top = Toplevel()
msg = Message(top, text = komunikat)
root = Tk()
c = Okienka(root)
Destroying the root window in a Tkinter application actually means destroying (freezing) the whole application, not only the root window. The root window is the main
window for the application; it is the first to pop up and must be the last to
go. If I understand correctly, your application does not have an actual main
window: if a second window is opened from the initial window, closing the
initial window should not quit the application. Am I right?
If I am, the way to do that with Tkinter (or tcl/tk) is to create a fake root
window and hide it. This window will only be used to quit the application when
the last window is closed:
I'm trying to implement simple image viewer, where you can choose from 2 pictures. I have one menubutton which offers these pictures. After choosing one of the images, the program creates 3 or 5 buttons. I would like to append to each of these buttons different images, so the first button would have one image and the second button would have another image and so on. I've created a function with for loop to create these buttons, but can't move on from that point. I can append one image to all of them, but can't do that one by one with different images.
Thanks for help
import Tkinter as tk
except ImportError:
import tkinter as tk
from functools import partial
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
class Halabala():
def __init__(self):
self.master = tk.Tk()
self.lists_labels = []
self.rbutton = tk.Menubutton(self.master, text = "Choose picture")
self.picks2 = tk.Menu(self.rbutton)
self.picks2.add_command(label = "Spider", command = partial(self.create_labels,3))
self.picks2.add_command(label = "Sugar", command = partial(self.create_labels,5))
self.rbutton.config(width = 30, bg = "white", bd = 5, relief = tk.RAISED)
self.rbutton.place(x = 900, y = 30)
def create_labels(self, num):
self.picture = Image.open("blue.gif")
self.tkim = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.picture)
for label in self.lists_labels:
for i in range(num):
but = tk.Button(self.master, image = self.tkim)
but.grid(row = i + 1, column = 0)
myapp = Halabala()
This is the code relevant for your question:
class Halabala():
def __init__(self):
self.pictures = ["pavuk1", "pavuk2", "pavuk3"]
self.lists_labels = []
self.lists_images = []
def init_image_list(self):
for i in self.pictures:
picture = Image.open(i)
picture.thumbnail((130, 130))
def create_labels(self, num):
for label in self.lists_labels:
for i in range(num):
but = tk.Button(self.master, image = self.lists_images[i])
but.grid(row = i + 1, column = 0)