Use Flask XML-RPC with HTTPAuth? - python

I am using the Flask XML-RPC extension and everything is working well. Now I want to protect the XML-RPC endpoint with a basic HTTP authentication using Flask HTTPAuth extension.
This extension is usually used with routes, but the XML-RPC endpoint is not defined as a route:
handler = XMLRPCHandler('xmlrpc')
handler.connect(app, '/xml-rpc')
def hello_word():
return "Hello"
How can I use HTTP authentication with Flask-XML-RPC so that any caller of /xml-rpc has to authenticate?

You'll have to subclass the XMLRPCHandler() class; each call through /xml-rpc is handled by the XMLRPCHandler.handle_request() method, you can decorate that to handle authentication:
class HTTPAuthXMLRPCHandler(XMLRPCHandler):
def handle_request(self):
return XMLRPCHandler.handle_request(self)
handler = HTTPAuthXMLRPCHandler('xmlrpc')
handler.connect(app, '/xml-rpc')


Request context in FastAPI?

In Flask, the request is available to any function that's down the call-path, so it doesn't have to be passed explicitly.
Is there anything similar in FastAPI?
Basically, I want to allow, within the same app, a request to be "real" or "dummy", where the dummy will not actually carry out some actions, just emit them (yes, I know that checking it down the stack is not nice, but I don't have control over all the code).
let's say I have"/someurl")
def my_response():
def func1():
def func2():
# access some part of the request
I.e. where I don't need to pass the request as a param all the way down to func2.
In Flask, I'd just access the request directly, but I don't know how to do it in FastAPI.
For example, in Flask I could do
def func2():
x = request.my_variable
# do somethinh with x
Request here is local to the specific URL call, so if there are two concurrent execution of the func2 (with whatever URL), they will get the correct request.
FastAPI uses Starlette for this.
(Code from docs)
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
app = FastAPI()
def read_root(item_id: str, request: Request):
client_host =
return {"client_host": client_host, "item_id": item_id}
Using Request Directly
I do not think this is something FastAPI provides out of the box. Starlette also doesn't seem to, but there is this project which adds context middleware to Starlette which should be easy to integrate into a FastAPI app.
Starlette Context
I provided an answer that may be of help, here. It leverages ContextVars and Starlette middleware (used in FastAPI) to make request object information globally available. It doesn't make the entire request object globally available -- but if you have some specific data you need from the request object, this solution may help!

How to test python/flask app with third-party http lib?

I have a purest suite for my flask app that works great. However, I want to test some of my code that uses a third-party library (Qt) to send http requests. How is this possible? I see flask-testing has the live_server fixture which accomplishes this along with flask.url_for(), but it takes too much time to start up the server in the fixture.
Is there a faster way to send an http request from a third-party http lib to a flask app?
Turns out you can do this by manually converting the third-party request to the FlaskClient request, using a monkeypatch for whatever "send" method the third-party lib uses, then convert the flask.Response response back to a third-party reply object. All this occurs without using a TCP port.
Here is the fixture I wrote to bridge Qt http requests to the flask app:
def qnam(qApp, client, monkeypatch):
def sendCustomRequest(request, verb, data):
# Qt -> Flask
headers = []
for name in request.rawHeaderList():
key = bytes(name).decode('utf-8')
value = bytes(request.rawHeader(name)).decode('utf-8')
headers.append((key, value))
query_string = None
if request.url().hasQuery():
query_string = request.url().query()
# method = request.attribute(QNetworkRequest.CustomVerbAttribute).decode('utf-8')
# send
response =,
# Flask -> Qt
class NetworkReply(QNetworkReply):
def abort(self):
reply = NetworkReply()
reply.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute, response.status_code)
for key, value in response.headers:
reply.setRawHeader(key.encode('utf-8'), value.encode('utf-8'))
QTimer.singleShot(10, reply.finished.emit) # after return
return reply
qnam = QNetworkAccessManager.instance() # or wherever you get your instance
monkeypatch.setattr(qnam, 'sendCustomRequest', sendCustomRequest)
return ret

Setup custom request context with flask

I have a complex service that runs flask queries asynchronously. So the flask app accepts requests and submits them to a queue and returns a handle to the caller. Then an async service picks up these requests and runs them and then submits the response to a data-store. The caller would continuously poll the flask endpoint to check if the data is available. Currently, this asynchronous feature is only available for a single flask endpoint. But I want to extend this to multiple flask endpoints. As such, I am putting in the code that submits the request to the queue in a python decorator. So that this decorator can be applied to any flask endpoint and then it would support this asynchronous feature.
But to achieve this seamlessly, I have the need to setup a custom request context for flask. This is because the flask endpoints use request.args, request.json, jsonify from flask. And the async service just calls the functions associated with the flask endpoints.
I tried using app.test_request_context() but this doesn't allow me to assign to request.json.
with app.test_request_context() as req:
req.request.json = json.dump(args)
The above doesn't work and throws the below error
AttributeError: can't set attribute
How can I achieve this?
Answer is
builder = EnvironBuilder(path='/',
query_string=urllib.urlencode(query_options), method='POST', data=json.dumps(post_payload),
env = builder.get_environ()
with app.request_context(env):
func_to_call(*args, **kwargs)

Writing an HTTP serrver with context in python

I'm trying to write an HTTP server in python 2.7. I'm trying to use ready-made classes to simplify the job (such as SimpleHTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler, etc.).
The server should listen for GET requests, and once it gets one - parse the request (the path and the arguments), and interact with an already initialized object (which accesses a DB, counts number of requests, etc.) - let's call it the 'handler', and return a response.
I understand that the RequestHandler class (e.g. BaseHTTPRequestHandler) will be constructed for each request. How can I pass the 'handler' to the handling routines, so that they could call its methods?
Use a framework to further simplify your job. Here is an example in flask:
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
app = Flask(__name__)
your_handler = SomeHandlerClass()
def index():
return your_handler.do_something_with(request)
if __name__ == "__main__":
request is a proxy object that holds all the incoming request data.

Make Flask's url_for use the 'https' scheme in an AWS load balancer without messing with SSLify

I've recently added a SSL certificate to my webapp. It's deployed on Amazon Web Services uses load balancers. The load balancers work as reverse proxies, handling external HTTPS and sending internal HTTP. So all traffic to my Flask app is HTTP, not HTTPS, despite being a secure connection.
Because the site was already online before the HTTPS migration, I used SSLify to send 301 PERMANENT REDIRECTS to HTTP connections. It works despite all connections being HTTP because the reverse proxy sets the X-Forwarded-Proto request header with the original protocol.
The problem
url_for doesn't care about X-Forwarded-Proto. It will use the my_flask_app.config['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'] when a scheme isn't available, but during a request a scheme is available. The HTTP scheme of the connection with the reverse proxy.
So when someone connects to, it connects to the load balancer, which then connects to Flask using Flask sees the http and assumes the scheme is HTTP, not HTTPS as it originally was.
That isn't a problem in most url_for used in templates, but any url_for with _external=True will use http instead of https. Personally, I use _external=True for rel=canonical since I heard it was recommended practice. Besides that, using Flask.redirect will prepend non-_external urls with, since the redirect header must be a fully qualified URL.
If you redirect on a form post for example, this is what would happen.
Client posts
Server issues a 303 SEE OTHER to
SSLify then issues a 301 PERMANENT REDIRECT to
Every redirect becomes 2 redirects because of SSLify.
Attempted solutions
my_flask_app.config['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'] = 'https'
Doesn't work because there is a scheme during a request, and that one is used instead. See
Wrapping a middleware to mock HTTPS
def _force_https(app):
def wrapper(environ, start_response):
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
return app(environ, start_response)
return wrapper
app = Flask(...)
app = _force_https(app)
As is, this didn't work because I needed that app later. So I used wsgi_app instead.
def _force_https(wsgi_app):
def wrapper(environ, start_response):
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
return wsgi_app(environ, start_response)
return wrapper
app = Flask(...)
app.wsgi_app = _force_https(app.wsgi_app)
Because wsgi_app is called before any app.before_request handlers, doing this makes SSLify think the app is already behind a secure request and then it won't do any HTTP-to-HTTPS redirects.
Patching url_for
(I can't even find where I got this one from)
from functools import partial
import Flask
Flask.url_for = partial(Flask.url_for, _scheme='https')
This could work, but Flask will give an error if you set _scheme but not _external. Since most of my app url_for are internal, it doesn't work at all.
I was having these same issues with `redirect(url_for('URL'))' behind an AWS Elastic Load Balancer recently & I solved it this using the werkzeug.contrib.fixers.ProxyFix
call in my code.
from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix
app = Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)
The ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) adds HTTP proxy support to an application that was not designed with HTTP proxies in mind. It sets REMOTE_ADDR, HTTP_HOST from X-Forwarded headers.
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
# App is behind one proxy that sets the -For and -Host headers.
app = ProxyFix(app, x_for=1, x_host=1)
Digging around Flask source code, I found out that url_for uses the when there is a request context.
The url_adapter.scheme defines the scheme used. To make the _scheme parameter work, url_for will swap the url_adapter.scheme temporarily and then set it back before the function returns.
(this behavior has been discussed on github as to whether it should be the previous value or PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME)
Basically, what I did was set url_adapter.scheme to https with a before_request handler. This way doesn't mess with the request itself, only with the thing generating the urls.
def _force_https():
# my local dev is set on debug, but on AWS it's not (obviously)
# I don't need HTTPS on local, change this to whatever condition you want.
if not app.debug:
from flask import _request_ctx_stack
if _request_ctx_stack is not None:
reqctx =
reqctx.url_adapter.url_scheme = 'https'

