I have a pandas dataframe with example data:
idx price lookback
0 5
1 7 1
2 4 2
3 3 1
4 7 3
5 6 1
Lookback can be positive or negative but I want to take the absolute value of it for how many rows back to take the value from.
I am trying to create a new column that contains the value of price from lookback + 1 rows ago, for example:
idx price lookback lb_price
0 5 NaN NaN
1 7 1 NaN
2 4 2 NaN
3 3 1 7
4 7 3 5
5 6 1 3
I started with what felt like the most obvious way, this did not work:
df['sbc'] = df['price'].shift(dataframe['lb'].abs() + 1)
I then tried using a lambda, this did not work but I probably did it wrong:
sbc = lambda c, x: pd.Series(zip(*[c.shift(x+1)]))
df['sbc'] = sbc(df['price'], df['lb'].abs())
I also tried a loop (which was extremely slow, but worked) but I am sure there is a better way:
lookback = np.nan
for i in range(len(df)):
if df.loc[i, 'lookback']:
if not np.isnan(df.loc[i, 'lookback']):
lookback = abs(int(df.loc[i, 'lookback']))
if not np.isnan(lookback) and (lookback + 1) < i:
df.loc[i, 'lb_price'] = df.loc[i - (lookback + 1), 'price']
I have seen examples using lambda, df.apply, and perhaps Series.map but they are not clear to me as I am quite a novice with Python and Pandas.
I am looking for the fastest way I can do this, if there is a way without using a loop.
Also, for what its worth, I plan to use this computed column to create yet another column, which I can do as follows:
df['streak-roc'] = 100 * (df['price'] - df['lb_price']) / df['lb_price']
But if I can combine all of it into one really efficient way of doing it, that would be ideal.
Several provided solutions worked great (thank you!) but all needed some small tweaks to deal with my potential for negative numbers and that it was a lookback + 1 not - 1 and so I felt it was prudent to post my modifications here.
All of them were significantly faster than my original loop which took 5m 26s to process my dataset.
I marked the one I observed to be the fastest as accepted as I improving the speed of my loop was the main objective.
Edited Solutions
From Manas Sambare - 41 seconds
df['lb_price'] = df.apply(
lambda x: df['price'][x.name - (abs(int(x['lookback'])) + 1)]
if not np.isnan(x['lookback']) and x.name >= (abs(int(x['lookback'])) + 1)
else np.nan,
From mannh - 43 seconds
def get_lb_price(row, df):
if not np.isnan(row['lookback']):
lb_idx = row.name - (abs(int(row['lookback'])) + 1)
if lb_idx >= 0:
return df.loc[lb_idx, 'price']
return np.nan
df['lb_price'] = dataframe.apply(get_lb_price, axis=1 ,args=(df,))
From Bill - 18 seconds
lookup_idxs = df.index.values - (abs(df['lookback'].values) + 1)
valid_lookups = lookup_idxs >= 0
df['lb_price'] = np.nan
df.loc[valid_lookups, 'lb_price'] = df['price'].to_numpy()[lookup_idxs[valid_lookups].astype(int)]
By getting the row's index inside of the df.apply() call using row.name, you can generate the 'lb_price' data relative to which row you are currently on.
lambda x: df['price'][x.name - int(x['lookback'] + 1)]
if not np.isnan(x['lookback']) and x.name >= x['lookback'] + 1
else np.nan,
# > CPU times: user 2 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 2 µs
# > Wall time: 4.05 µs
FYI: There is an error in your example as idx[5]'s lb_price should be 3 and not 7.
Here is an example which uses a regular function
def get_lb_price(row, df):
lb_idx = row.name - abs(row['lookback']) - 1
if lb_idx >= 0:
return df.loc[lb_idx, 'price']
return np.nan
df['lb_price'] = df.apply(get_lb_price, axis=1 ,args=(df,))
Here's a vectorized version (i.e. no for loops) using numpy array indexing.
lookup_idxs = df.index.values - df['lookback'].values - 1
valid_lookups = lookup_idxs >= 0
df['lb_price'] = np.nan
df.loc[valid_lookups, 'lb_price'] = df.price.to_numpy()[lookup_idxs[valid_lookups].astype(int)]
price lookback lb_price
0 5 NaN NaN
1 7 1.0 NaN
2 4 2.0 NaN
3 3 1.0 7.0
4 7 3.0 5.0
5 6 1.0 3.0
This solution loops of the values ot the column lockback and calculates the index of the wanted value in the column price which I store as a list.
The rule it, that the lockback value has to be a number and that the wanted index is not smaller than 0.
new = np.zeros(df.shape[0])
price = df.price.values
for i, lookback in enumerate(df.lookback.values):
# lookback has to be a number and the index is not allowed to be less than 0
# 0<i-lookback is equivalent to 0<=i-(lookback+1)
if lookback!=np.nan and 0<i-lookback:
new[i] = price[int(i-(lookback+1))]
new[i] = np.nan
df['lb_price'] = new
Hard to describe this one, but for every column in a dataframe, create a new column that contains the mean of the current column vs the one next to it, then get the mean of that first column vs the next one down the line. Running Python 3.6.
For Example, given this dataframe:
I would like to get this output:
That exact order of the added columns at the end isn't important, but it needs to be able to handle every possible combination of means between all columns, with a depth of 2 (i.e. compare one column to another). Ideally, I would like to have the depth set as a separate variable, so I could have a depth of 3, where it would do this but compare 3 columns to one another.
Ideas? Thanks!
I got this to work, but wondering if there's a more computationally fast way of doing it. I basically just created 2 of the same loops (loop within a loop) to compare 1 column vs the rest, skipping the same column comparisons:
eng_features = pd.DataFrame()
for col in df.columns:
for col2 in df.columns:
# Don't compare same columns, or inversed same columns
if col == col2 or (str(col2) + '_' + str(col)) in eng_features:
eng_features[str(col) + '_' + str(col2)] = df[[col, col2]].mean(axis=1)
df = pd.concat([df, eng_features], axis=1)
Use itertools, a python built in utility package for iterators:
from itertools import permutations
for col1, col2 in permutations(df.columns, r=2):
df[f'Mean_of_{col1}-{col2}'] = df[[col1,col2]].mean(axis=1)
and you will get what you need:
a b c Mean_of_a-b Mean_of_a-c Mean_of_b-a Mean_of_b-c Mean_of_c-a \
0 1 1 0 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5
1 0 1 0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0
2 1 1 0 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5
0 0.5
1 0.5
2 0.5
I presume similar questions exist, but could not locate them. I have Pandas 0.19.2 installed. I have a large dataframe, and for each row value I want to carry over the previous row's value for the same column based on some logical condition.
Below is a brute-force double for loop solution for a small example. What is the most efficient way to implement this? Is it possible to solve this in a vectorised manner?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.uniform(low=-0.2, high=0.2, size=(10,2) ))
for col in df.columns:
prev = None
for i,r in df.iterrows():
if prev is not None:
if (df[col].loc[i]<= prev*1.5) and (df[col].loc[i]>= prev*0.5):
df[col].loc[i] = prev
prev = df[col].loc[i]
0 1
0 0.108528 -0.191699
1 0.053459 0.099522
2 -0.000597 -0.110081
3 -0.120775 0.104212
4 -0.132356 -0.164664
5 0.074144 0.181357
6 -0.198421 0.004877
7 0.125048 0.045010
8 0.125048 -0.083250
9 0.125048 0.085830
EDIT: Please note one value can be carried over multiple times, so long as it satisfies the logical condition.
prev = df.shift()
replace_mask = (0.5 * prev <= df) & (df <= 1.5 * prev)
df = df.where(~replace_mask, prev)
I came up with this:
keep_going = True
while keep_going:
df = df.mask((df.diff(1) / df.shift(1)<0.5) & (df.diff(1) / df.shift(1)> -0.5) & (df.diff(1) / df.shift(1)!= 0)).ffill()
trimming_to_do = ((df.diff(1) / df.shift(1)<0.5) & (df.diff(1) / df.shift(1)> -0.5) & (df.diff(1) / df.shift(1)!= 0)).values.any()
if not trimming_to_do:
keep_going= False
which gives the desired result (at least for this case):
0 1
0 0.108528 -0.191699
1 0.053459 0.099522
2 -0.000597 -0.110081
3 -0.120775 0.104212
4 -0.120775 -0.164664
5 0.074144 0.181357
6 -0.198421 0.004877
7 0.125048 0.045010
8 0.125048 -0.083250
9 0.125048 0.085830
def fuzzy_clean(i, dfr, merge_list, key):
for col in range(0,len(merge_list)):
if col == 0:
scaled_down = dfr[dfr[merge_list[col]]==i[merge_list[col]]]
scaled_down = scaled_down[scaled_down[merge_list[col]]==i[merge_list[col]]]
if len(scaled_down)>0:
if i[key] in scaled_down[key].values.tolist():
return i[key]
return pd.to_datetime(scaled_down[key][min(abs([scaled_down[key]-i[key]])).index].values[0])
return i[key]
df[key]=df.apply(lambda i: fuzzy_clean(i,dfr,merge_list,key), axis=1)
I'm trying to eventually merge together two dataframes, dfr and df. The issue I have is that I need to merge on about 9 columns, one of which being a timestamp that doesn't quite match up between the two dataframes where sometimes it is slightly lagging, sometimes leading. I wrote a function that works when using the following; however, in practice it is just too slow running through hundreds of thousands of rows.
merge_list is a list of columns that each dataframe share that match up 100%
key is a string of a column, 'timestamp', that each share, which is what doesn't match up too well
Any suggestions in speeding this up would be greatly appreciated!
The data looks like the following:
timestamp A B C
0 100 x y z
1 101 y i u
2 102 r a e
3 103 q w e
timestamp A B C
0 100.01 x y z
1 100.99 y i u
2 101.05 y i u
3 102 r a e
4 103.01 q w e
5 103.20 q w e
I want df to look like the following:
timestamp A B C
0 100.01 x y z
1 100.99 y i u
2 102 r a e
3 103.01 q w e
Adding the final merge for reference:
def fuzzy_merge(df_left, df_right, on, key, how='outer'):
df_right[key]=df_right.apply(lambda i: fuzzy_clean(i,df_left,on,key), axis=1)
return pd.merge(df_left, df_right, on=on+[key], how=how, indicator=True).sort_values(key)
I've found a solution that I believe works. Pandas has a merge_asof that follows, still verifying possible double counting but seemed to do a decent job.
pd.merge_asof(left_df, right_df, on='timestamp', by=merge_list, direction='nearest')
So I have two pandas dataframes, A and B.
A is 1000 rows x 500 columns, filled with binary values indicating either presence or absence.
B is 1024 rows x 10 columns, and is a full iteration of 0's and 1's, hence having 1024 rows.
I am trying to find which rows in A, at a particular 10 columns of A, correspond with a given row in B. I need the whole row to match up, rather than element by element.
For example, I would want
To return something that rows (3,5,8,11,15) in A match up with that (1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0) row of B at those particular columns (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
And I want to do this over every row in B.
The best way I could figure out to do this was:
import numpy as np
for i in B:
B_array = np.array(i)
Matching_Rows = A[(A.ix[:,(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)] == B_array).all(axis=1)]
Matching_Rows_Index = Matching_Rows.index
This isn't terrible for one instance, but I use it in a while loop that runs around 20,000 times; therefore, it slows it down quite a bit.
I have been messing around with DataFrame.apply to no avail. Could map work better?
I was just hoping someone saw something obviously more efficient as I am fairly new to python.
Thanks and best regards!
We can abuse the fact that both dataframes have binary values 0 or 1 by collapsing the relevant columns from A and all columns from B into 1D arrays each, when considering each row as a sequence of binary numbers that could be converted to decimal number equivalents. This should reduce the problem set considerably, which would help with performance. Now, after getting those 1D arrays, we can use np.in1d to look for matches from B in A and finally np.where on it to get the matching indices.
Thus, we would have an implementation like so -
# Setup 1D arrays corresponding to selected cols from A and entire B
S = 2**np.arange(10)
A_ID = np.dot(A[range(1,11)],S)
B_ID = np.dot(B,S)
# Look for matches that exist from B_ID in A_ID, whose indices
# would be desired row indices that have matched from B
out_row_idx = np.where(np.in1d(A_ID,B_ID))[0]
Sample run -
In [157]: # Setup dataframes A and B with rows 0, 4 in A having matches from B
...: A_arr = np.random.randint(0,2,(10,14))
...: B_arr = np.random.randint(0,2,(7,10))
...: B_arr[2] = A_arr[4,1:11]
...: B_arr[4] = A_arr[4,1:11]
...: B_arr[5] = A_arr[0,1:11]
...: A = pd.DataFrame(A_arr)
...: B = pd.DataFrame(B_arr)
In [158]: S = 2**np.arange(10)
...: A_ID = np.dot(A[range(1,11)],S)
...: B_ID = np.dot(B,S)
...: out_row_idx = np.where(np.in1d(A_ID,B_ID))[0]
In [159]: out_row_idx
Out[159]: array([0, 4])
You can use merge with reset_index - output are indexes of B which are equal in A in custom columns:
A = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,0,1,1],
print (A)
0 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 0
3 1 1 1 0 1
B = pd.DataFrame({'0':[1,0,1],
print (B)
0 1 2
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
2 1 1 0
print (pd.merge(B.reset_index(),
index_B 0 1 2 index_A A B C D E
0 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 1
2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
print (pd.merge(B.reset_index(),
index_B index_A
0 0 2
1 0 3
2 1 1
You can do it in pandas by using loc or ix and telling it to find the rows where the ten columns are all equal. Like this:
A.loc[(A[1]==B[1]) & (A[2]==B[2]) & (A[3]==B[3]) & A[4]==B[4]) & (A[5]==B[5]) & (A[6]==B[6]) & (A[7]==B[7]) & (A[8]==B[8]) & (A[9]==B[9]) & (A[10]==B[10])]
This is quite ugly in my opinion but it will work and gets rid of the loop so it should be significantly faster. I wouldn't be surprised if someone could come up with a more elegant way of coding the same operation.
In this special case, your rows of 10 zeros and ones can be interpreted as 10 digit binaries. If B is in order, then it can be interpreted as a range from 0 to 1023. In this case, all we need to do is take A's rows in 10 column chunks and calculate what its binary equivalent is.
I'll start by defining a range of powers of two so I can do matrix multiplication with it.
twos = pd.Series(np.power(2, np.arange(10)))
Next, I'll relabel A's columns into a MultiIndex and stack to get my chunks of 10.
A = pd.DataFrame(np.random.binomial(1, .5, (1000, 500)))
A.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(zip((A.columns / 10).tolist(), (A.columns % 10).tolist()))
A_ = A.stack(0)
Finally, I'll multiply A_ with twos to get integer representation of each row and unstack.
This is now a 1000 x 50 DataFrame where each cell represents which of B's rows we matched for that particular 10 column chunk for that particular row of A. There isn't even a need for B.