As far i have following code to force an ods to recalc all values in spred sheet and save it that into several formats.
But i can not find the filter for XLS.
Has anyone an idea how to find it out?
import uno
from import PropertyValue
def _toProperties(**args):
props = []
for key in args:
prop = PropertyValue()
prop.Name = key
prop.Value = args[key]
return tuple(props)
# start first
# libreoffice --headless --accept="socket,host=0,port=8001,tcpNoDelay=1;urp"
inputFile = 'file:///home/user/Downloads/in.ods'
outputFile = 'file:///home/user/Downloads/out.xls'
# import the OpenOffice component context
local = uno.getComponentContext()
# access the UnoUrlResolver service - this will allow to connect to program
resolver = local.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("", local)
# load the context and you are now connected - you can access OpenOffice via its API mechanism
context = resolver.resolve("uno:socket,host=localhost,port=8001;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager")
remoteContext = context.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext")
# service responsible for the current document called desktop
desktop = context.createInstanceWithContext("", remoteContext)
document = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
# load, calculateAll(), save
document = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(inputFile, "_blank", 0, ())
# ods
# document.storeAsURL(outputFile, ())
# pds
#document.storeToURL(outputFile, _toProperties(FilterName="calc_pdf_Export"))
# csv
#document.storeToURL(outputFile, _toProperties(FilterName="Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"))
# xls
document.storeToURL(outputFile, _toProperties(FilterName="calc_MS_Excel_40"))
# xlsx
#document.storeToURL(outputFile, _toProperties(FilterName="Calc Office Open XML"))
Use the following basic macro to get a list of all available filter names
' DannyB Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:49 am
Sub writer_dumpFilterNames
oFF = createUnoService( "" )
oFilterNames = oFF.getElementNames()
' Now print the filter names.
' For i = LBound( oFilterNames ) To UBound( oFilterNames )
' Print oFilterNames(i)
' Next
' Create a Writer doc and save the filter names to it.
oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() )
oText = oDoc.getText()
oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()
oCursor.gotoEnd( False )
' Print the filter names into a Writer document.
For i = LBound( oFilterNames ) To UBound( oFilterNames )
oText.insertString( oCursor, oFilterNames(i), False )
oText.insertControlCharacter( oCursor,, False )
End Sub
The code will create a new Writer document and put the names there (originally only printed the names, line 8-10)
Does this help you?
I have tried this code, but this is for validation. I want a code to create a new drop down menu.
app = xw.App(visible=True)
wb ='Test.xlsx')
sht = wb.sheets['Sheet1']
dv = sht.range('A1').api.Validation.Formula1
I have tried using openpyxl it is working but it doesn't save a file when the file is open.
xlwings is a wrapper of win32com, which is similar to VBA. With recording VBA macro for reference, the following code should work.
import xlwings as xw
app = xw.App(visible=True)
wb ='Test.xlsx')
sht = wb.sheets['Sheet1']
Formula1='Dog,Cat,Bat' # remove the redundant "
# set up validation
sht.range('A1').api.Validation.Add(Type=3, Formula1=Formula1)
The exploring steps:
Record a macro for the default steps to create a list type data validation:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="Dog,Cat,Bat"
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.ErrorTitle = ""
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = ""
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
End Sub
Indeed, we did only two key steps and kept the rest default:
select List from validation criteria dropdown list
type the source for list
So, the above code should be simplified as
Range("A1").Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, Formula1:="Dog,Cat,Bat"
Please note, this is a self answered question for reference.
Most of the references to refer to Date as being a :: com :: sun :: star :: util :: reference but no end of fiddling about with the contents will actually create an annotation with a date.
Setting Date.Year, Date.Month and Date.Day will appear successful but the annotation itself still appears without a date i.e.
anno = model.createInstance("")
anno.Content = "this is my annotation/comment"
anno.Author = doc.DocumentProperties.Author
anno.Date.Year = 2020
anno.Date.Month = 5
anno.Date.Day = 18
The documentation is not always complete, or is not obvious, depending upon where you look.
For LibreOffice 6.0
The Annotation.idl is described as:
service com::sun::star::text::TextField;
[property]string Author;
[optional, property]string Initials;
[optional, property]string Name;
[property]string Content;
[property]com::sun::star::util::Date Date;
[optional, property]com::sun::star::util::DateTime DateTimeValue;
The key here is the optional DateTimeValue which it would appear is the item that needs to be set to provide the Annotation with a Date and Time.
DateTimeValue structure is from
To create an annotation (with a date and time) in a writer document using a python script, use the following as a template.
from uno import createUnoStruct
import time
def fs_Annotation(*args):
#get the doc from the scripting context which is made available to all scripts
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
text = model.Text
# The macro has been called externally but LibreOffice was not running at the time
return None
tRange = text.End
cursor = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
# you cannot insert simple text and text into a table with the same method
# so we have to know if we are in a table or not.
# oTable and oCurCell will be null if we are not in a table
oTable = cursor.TextTable
oCurCell = cursor.Cell
anno = model.createInstance("")
anno.Content = "this is my annotation/comment"
#Use documents author
#anno.Author = doc.DocumentProperties.Author
#Use hardcoded text
anno.Author = "Joe Bloggs"
t = time.localtime()
dtv.Year = t.tm_year
dtv.Month = t.tm_mon
dtv.Day = t.tm_mday
dtv.Hours = t.tm_hour
dtv.Minutes= t.tm_min
dtv.Seconds = t.tm_sec
dtv.NanoSeconds = 0
anno.DateTimeValue = dtv
if oCurCell == None: # Inserting into text
text.insertTextContent(cursor, anno, True)
else: # Inserting into a table
oCurCell.insertTextContent(cursor, anno, False)
return None
Section 7.7.2 of Andrew's macro document gives the following, although I have not tested it.
Sub AddNoteAtCursor
Dim vDoc, vViewCursor, oCurs, vTextField
Dim s$
'Lets lie and say that this was added ten days ago!'
Dim aDate As New
With aDate
.Day = Day(Now - 10)
.Month = Month(Now - 10)
.Year = Year(Now - 10)
End With
vDoc = ThisComponent
vViewCursor = vDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
s = ""
vTextField = vDoc.createInstance(s)
With vTextField
.Author = "AP"
.Content = "It sure is fun to insert notes into my document"
'Ommit the date and it defaults to today!'
.Date = aDate
End With
vDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oCurs, vTextField, False)
End Sub
The API docs contain the same information as the IDL file but are somewhat easier to read.
I use the blogger2wordpress python script that Google released back in 2010 (, to convert a 95mb blogger export file to wordpress wxr format.
However, the script has this code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os.path
import logging
import re
import sys
import time
from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape
import BeautifulSoup
import gdata
from gdata import atom
import iso8601
import wordpress
__author__ = 'JJ Lueck ('
# Constants
YOUTUBE_RE = re.compile('[^&]+)&?.*')
YOUTUBE_FMT = r'[youtube=\1]'
GOOGLEVIDEO_RE = re.compile('(*)')
GOOGLEVIDEO_FMT = r'[googlevideo=\1]'
DAILYMOTION_RE = re.compile('*)')
DAILYMOTION_FMT = r'[dailymotion id=\1]'
# Translation class
class Blogger2Wordpress(object):
"""Performs the translation of a Blogger export document to WordPress WXR."""
def __init__(self, doc):
"""Constructs a translator for a Blogger export file.
doc: The WXR file as a string
# Ensure UTF8 chars get through correctly by ensuring we have a
# compliant UTF8 input doc.
self.doc = doc.decode('utf-8', 'replace').encode('utf-8')
# Read the incoming document as a GData Atom feed.
self.feed = atom.FeedFromString(self.doc)
self.next_id = 1
def Translate(self):
"""Performs the actual translation to WordPress WXR export format.
A WordPress WXR export document as a string, or None on error.
# Create the top-level document and the channel associated with it.
channel = wordpress.Channel(
title = self.feed.title.text,
link = self.feed.GetAlternateLink().href,
base_blog_url = self.feed.GetAlternateLink().href,
pubDate = self._ConvertPubDate(self.feed.updated.text))
posts_map = {}
for entry in self.feed.entry:
# Grab the information about the entry kind
entry_kind = ""
for category in entry.category:
if category.scheme == KIND_SCHEME:
entry_kind = category.term
if entry_kind.endswith("#comment"):
# This entry will be a comment, grab the post that it goes to
in_reply_to = entry.FindExtensions('in-reply-to')
post_item = None
# Check to see that the comment has a corresponding post entry
if in_reply_to:
post_id = self._ParsePostId(in_reply_to[0].attributes['ref'])
post_item = posts_map.get(post_id, None)
# Found the post for the comment, add the commment to it
if post_item:
# The author email may not be included in the file
author_email = ''
author_email =[0].email.text
# Same for the the author's url
author_url = ''
author_url =[0].uri.text
comment_id = self._GetNextId(),
author =[0].name.text,
author_email = author_email,
author_url = author_url,
date = self._ConvertDate(entry.published.text),
content = self._ConvertContent(entry.content.text)))
elif entry_kind.endswith('#post'):
# This entry will be a post
post_item = self._ConvertEntry(entry, False)
posts_map[self._ParsePostId(] = post_item
elif entry_kind.endswith('#page'):
# This entry will be a static page
page_item = self._ConvertEntry(entry, True)
posts_map[self._ParsePageId(] = page_item
wxr = wordpress.WordPressWxr(channel=channel)
return wxr.WriteXml()
def _ConvertEntry(self, entry, is_page):
"""Converts the contents of an Atom entry into a WXR post Item element."""
# A post may have an empty title, in which case the text element is None.
title = ''
if entry.title.text:
title = entry.title.text
# Check here to see if the entry points to a draft or regular post
status = 'publish'
if entry.control and entry.control.draft:
status = 'draft'
# If no link is present in the Blogger entry, just link
if entry.GetAlternateLink():
link = entry.GetAlternateLink().href
# Declare whether this is a post of a page
post_type = 'post'
if is_page:
post_type = 'page'
blogger_blog = ''
blogger_permalink = ''
if entry.GetAlternateLink():
blogger_path_full = entry.GetAlternateLink().href.replace('http://', '')
blogger_blog = blogger_path_full.split('/')[0]
blogger_permalink = blogger_path_full[len(blogger_blog):]
# Create the actual item element
post_item = wordpress.Item(
title = title,
link = link,
pubDate = self._ConvertPubDate(entry.published.text),
creator =[0].name.text,
content = self._ConvertContent(entry.content.text),
post_id = self._GetNextId(),
post_date = self._ConvertDate(entry.published.text),
status = status,
post_type = post_type,
blogger_blog = blogger_blog,
blogger_permalink = blogger_permalink,
blogger_author =[0].name.text)
# Convert the categories which specify labels into wordpress labels
for category in entry.category:
if category.scheme == BLOGGER_NS:
return post_item
def _ConvertContent(self, text):
"""Unescapes the post/comment text body and replaces video content.
All <object> and <embed> tags in the post that relate to video must be
changed into the WordPress tags for embedding video,
e.g. [youtube=]
If no text is provided, the empty string is returned.
if not text:
return ''
# First unescape all XML tags as they'll be escaped by the XML emitter
content = unescape(text)
# Use an HTML parser on the body to look for video content
content_tree = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(content)
# Find the object tag
objs = content_tree.findAll('object')
for obj_tag in objs:
# Find the param tag within which contains the URL to the movie
param_tag = obj_tag.find('param', { 'name': 'movie' })
if not param_tag:
# Get the video URL
video = param_tag.attrMap.get('value', None)
if not video:
# Convert the video URL if necessary
video = YOUTUBE_RE.subn(YOUTUBE_FMT, video)[0]
video = GOOGLEVIDEO_RE.subn(GOOGLEVIDEO_FMT, video)[0]
video = DAILYMOTION_RE.subn(DAILYMOTION_FMT, video)[0]
# Replace the portion of the contents with the video
return str(content_tree)
def _ConvertPubDate(self, date):
"""Translates to a pubDate element's time/date format."""
date_tuple = iso8601.parse_date(date)
return date_tuple.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
def _ConvertDate(self, date):
"""Translates to a wordpress date element's time/date format."""
date_tuple = iso8601.parse_date(date)
return date_tuple.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def _GetNextId(self):
"""Returns the next identifier to use in the export document as a string."""
next_id = self.next_id;
self.next_id += 1
return str(next_id)
def _ParsePostId(self, text):
"""Extracts the post identifier from a Blogger entry ID."""
matcher = re.compile('post-(\d+)')
matches =
def _ParsePageId(self, text):
"""Extracts the page identifier from a Blogger entry ID."""
matcher = re.compile('page-(\d+)')
matches =
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
print 'Usage: %s <blogger_export_file>' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
print ' Outputs the converted WordPress export file to standard out.'
wp_xml_file = open(sys.argv[1])
wp_xml_doc =
translator = Blogger2Wordpress(wp_xml_doc)
print translator.Translate()
This scripts outputs the wxr file in the terminal window which is useless for me when the import file has tons of entries.
As I am not familiar with python, how can I modify the script to output the data into a .xml file?
I did changed the end of the script to:
wp_xml_file = open(sys.argv[1])
wp_xml_doc =
translator = Blogger2Wordpress(wp_xml_doc)
print translator.Translate()
fh = open("testoutput.xml", "w")
But the produced file is an "invalid wxr file" :/
Can anybody help? Thanks!
Quick and dirty answer:
Output to the stdout is normal behaviour.
You might want to redirect it to a file for instance:
python2 blogger2wordpress your_blogger_export_file > backup
The output will be saved in the file named backup.
Or you can replace print translator.Translate() by
with open('output_file', 'w') as fd:
This should do the trick (haven't tried).
I'd like to identify a method to attain the Worksheet ID within the URL for each of the worksheets within a Google Spreadsheet Workbook. For example, the worksheet id for 'sheet2' of this workbook is '1244369280' , since it's url is
One method I've found is to pull the XML of a Google Spreadsheet, since according to this question, the only way to get the Worksheet ID is to stream down the XML of a worksheet, but the example is in Javascript and I need to do this in Python
This is the Javascript Code that I'd like to execute in Python:
Dim worksheetFeed As WorksheetFeed
Dim query As WorksheetQuery
Dim worksheet As WorksheetEntry
Dim output As New MemoryStream
Dim xml As String
Dim gid As String = String.Empty
_service = New Spreadsheets.SpreadsheetsService("ServiceName")
_service.setUserCredentials(UserId, Password)
query = New WorksheetQuery(feedUrl)
worksheetFeed = _service.Query(query)
worksheet = worksheetFeed.Entries(0)
' Save worksheet feed to memory stream so we can
' get the xml returned from the feed url and look for
' the gid. Gid allows us to download the specific worksheet tab
Using output
End Using
xml = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(output.ToArray())
It seems that the best way to get the XML from a Google Spreadsheet is using Gdata, so I've downloaded GData and tried the Google Spreadsheet example with my credentials.
See below
# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
__author__ = ' (Laura Beth Lincoln)'
from xml.etree import ElementTree
except ImportError:
from elementtree import ElementTree
import gdata.spreadsheet.service
import gdata.service
import atom.service
import gdata.spreadsheet
import atom
import getopt
import sys
import string
class SimpleCRUD:
def __init__(self, email, password):
self.gd_client = gdata.spreadsheet.service.SpreadsheetsService() = ''
self.gd_client.password = 'jkjkdioerzumawya'
self.gd_client.source = 'Spreadsheets GData Sample'
self.curr_key = ''
self.curr_wksht_id = ''
self.list_feed = None
def _PromptForSpreadsheet(self):
# Get the list of spreadsheets
feed = self.gd_client.GetSpreadsheetsFeed()
input = raw_input('\nSelection: ')
id_parts = feed.entry[string.atoi(input)].id.text.split('/')
self.curr_key = id_parts[len(id_parts) - 1]
def _PromptForWorksheet(self):
# Get the list of worksheets
feed = self.gd_client.GetWorksheetsFeed(self.curr_key)
input = raw_input('\nSelection: ')
id_parts = feed.entry[string.atoi(input)].id.text.split('/')
self.curr_wksht_id = id_parts[len(id_parts) - 1]
def _PromptForCellsAction(self):
print ('dump\n'
'update {row} {col} {input_value}\n'
input = raw_input('Command: ')
command = input.split(' ', 1)
if command[0] == 'dump':
elif command[0] == 'update':
parsed = command[1].split(' ', 2)
if len(parsed) == 3:
self._CellsUpdateAction(parsed[0], parsed[1], parsed[2])
self._CellsUpdateAction(parsed[0], parsed[1], '')
def _PromptForListAction(self):
print ('dump\n'
'insert {row_data} (example: insert label=content)\n'
'update {row_index} {row_data}\n'
'delete {row_index}\n'
'Note: No uppercase letters in column names!\n'
input = raw_input('Command: ')
command = input.split(' ' , 1)
if command[0] == 'dump':
elif command[0] == 'insert':
elif command[0] == 'update':
parsed = command[1].split(' ', 1)
self._ListUpdateAction(parsed[0], parsed[1])
elif command[0] == 'delete':
def _CellsGetAction(self):
# Get the feed of cells
feed = self.gd_client.GetCellsFeed(self.curr_key, self.curr_wksht_id)
def _CellsUpdateAction(self, row, col, inputValue):
entry = self.gd_client.UpdateCell(row=row, col=col, inputValue=inputValue,
key=self.curr_key, wksht_id=self.curr_wksht_id)
if isinstance(entry, gdata.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetsCell):
print 'Updated!'
def _ListGetAction(self):
# Get the list feed
self.list_feed = self.gd_client.GetListFeed(self.curr_key, self.curr_wksht_id)
def _ListInsertAction(self, row_data):
entry = self.gd_client.InsertRow(self._StringToDictionary(row_data),
self.curr_key, self.curr_wksht_id)
if isinstance(entry, gdata.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetsList):
print 'Inserted!'
def _ListUpdateAction(self, index, row_data):
self.list_feed = self.gd_client.GetListFeed(self.curr_key, self.curr_wksht_id)
entry = self.gd_client.UpdateRow(
if isinstance(entry, gdata.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetsList):
print 'Updated!'
def _ListDeleteAction(self, index):
self.list_feed = self.gd_client.GetListFeed(self.curr_key, self.curr_wksht_id)
print 'Deleted!'
def _StringToDictionary(self, row_data):
dict = {}
for param in row_data.split():
temp = param.split('=')
dict[temp[0]] = temp[1]
return dict
def _PrintFeed(self, feed):
for i, entry in enumerate(feed.entry):
if isinstance(feed, gdata.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetsCellsFeed):
print '%s %s\n' % (entry.title.text, entry.content.text)
elif isinstance(feed, gdata.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetsListFeed):
print '%s %s %s' % (i, entry.title.text, entry.content.text)
# Print this row's value for each column (the custom dictionary is
# built using the gsx: elements in the entry.)
print 'Contents:'
for key in entry.custom:
print ' %s: %s' % (key, entry.custom[key].text)
print '\n',
print '%s %s\n' % (i, entry.title.text)
def _InvalidCommandError(self, input):
print 'Invalid input: %s\n' % (input)
def Run(self):
input = raw_input('cells or list? ')
if input == 'cells':
while True:
elif input == 'list':
while True:
def main():
# parse command line options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ["user=", "pw="])
except getopt.error, msg:
print 'python --user [username] --pw [password] '
user = ''
pw = 'fakepassword'
key = ''
# Process options
for o, a in opts:
if o == "--user":
user = a
elif o == "--pw":
pw = a
if user == '' or pw == '':
print 'python --user [username] --pw [password] '
sample = SimpleCRUD(user, pw)
if __name__ == '__main__':
However this returns the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Chris/Desktop/", line 200, in <module>
File "/Users/Chris/Desktop/", line 196, in main
File "/Users/Chris/Desktop/", line 162, in Run
File "/Users/Chris/Desktop/", line 49, in _PromptForSpreadsheet
feed = self.gd_client.GetSpreadsheetsFeed()
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gdata/spreadsheet/", line 99, in GetSpreadsheetsFeed
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gdata/", line 1074, in Get
return converter(result_body)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gdata/spreadsheet/", line 395, in SpreadsheetsSpreadsheetsFeedFromString
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/atom/", line 93, in optional_warn_function
return f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/atom/", line 127, in CreateClassFromXMLString
tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string)
File "<string>", line 125, in XML
cElementTree.ParseError: no element found: line 1, column 0
[Finished in 0.3s with exit code 1]
[shell_cmd: python -u "/Users/Chris/Desktop/"]
[dir: /Users/Chris/Desktop]
[path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin]
I should also mention that I've been using Gspread as a method to interact with Google Spreadsheets, but when I run the below code, I get the gid, but I need to have the worksheet id.
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
sh = gc.open_by_url('google_spreadsheet_url')
>> {'spreadsheet_id': '1BgCEn-3Nor7UxOEPwD-qv8qXe7CaveJBrn9_Lcpo4W4','worksheet_id': 'oqitk0d'}
See the self.gd_client.ProgrammaticLogin() call - this is causing the major problem since it uses the "ClientLogin" authorization method which was first deprecated and later removed on April 20, 2015.
I would actually look into the more fresh and actively developed gspread module instead.
Here is a, somewhat insane, example demonstrating how to extract the actual "gid" value for a given spreadsheet and worksheet name. Note that you would first need to generate the JSON file with the OAuth credentials (I'm assuming you've already done that).
The code (added comments that would hopefully help to understand it):
import urlparse
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
SPREADSHEET_NAME = 'My Test Spreadsheet'
PATH_TO_JSON_KEYFILE = '/path/to/json/key/file.json'
NAMESPACES = {'ns0': ''}
SCOPES = ['']
# log in
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(PATH_TO_JSON_KEYFILE, SCOPES)
gss_client = gspread.authorize(credentials)
# open spreadsheet
gss =
# extract the full feed url
root = gss._feed_entry
full_feed_url = next(elm.attrib["href"] for elm in root.findall("ns0:link", namespaces=NAMESPACES) if "full" in elm.attrib["href"])
# get the feed and extract the gid value for a given sheet name
response = gss_client.session.get(full_feed_url)
root = ET.fromstring(response.content)
sheet_entry = next(elm for elm in root.findall("ns0:entry", namespaces=NAMESPACES)
if elm.find("ns0:title", namespaces=NAMESPACES).text == WORKSHEET_NAME)
link = next(elm.attrib["href"] for elm in sheet_entry.findall("ns0:link", namespaces=NAMESPACES)
if "gid=" in elm.attrib["href"])
# extract "gid" from URL
gid = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(link).query)["gid"][0]
It also looks like there is a way to convert the worksheet ID to a gid value, see:
How to convert Google spreadsheet's worksheet string id to integer index (GID)?
Jan 2017
You can use the new google spreadsheet api v4. You could take look at pygsheets library which uses api v4.
import pygsheets
#authorize the pygsheets
gc = pygsheets.authorize()
#open the spreadsheet
sh ='my new ssheet')
# get the worksheet and its id
print sh.worksheet_by_title("my test sheet").id
this seems to work for me using gspread
given a spreadsheet's worksheet url named 'mysheet1' that looks like this:
this could be use to retrieve the gid value (aka: worksheet id or sheetid)
ss_key = xxxxxf435454xxkjkjk23232325
wks_name = mysheet1
I'd like to know if it's possible to create a standard file dialog to save a pdf via a python macro. I've tried to write some code based on this outdated documentation: but LibreOffice crashes after execution:
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
def file_dialog():
oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
oServiceManager = oCtx.getServiceManager()
oFilePicker = oServiceManager.createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext(
oFilePicker.Title = 'Export as'
#oDisp = oFilePicker.Text
#oDisp = traceback.format_exc(sys.exc_info()[2])
At the end I need to pass the selected path to write the document, but oDisp = oFilePicker.Text returns: (<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>. Moreover is there a way to set the file type?
Does anyone have experience with it?
I used Xray on the oFilePicker object. There are a couple of interesting methods called setCurrentFilter and appendFilterGroup. Just based on the names, they might be used to filter what file types are visible. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to use them.
Also with Xray, I determined that Text is not a method or property of the oFilePicker object. I'm not sure what the code snippet is trying to do there? If retrieve the filepath, 1) that needs to be done after the .execute and 2) the selected filepath is stored as an array of strings, so the path has to be pulled out of the array. Most of my work in OpenOffice is in StarBasic; below is a working example in Basic of printing the filepath selected by the user:
Sub TestFilePicker
oFilePickerDlg = createUnoService( "" )
oFilePickerDlg.setTitle("My test title")
If oFilePickerDlg.execute() > 0 Then
Print ConvertFromURL(oFilePickerDlg.Files(0))
End If
End Sub
Answer given and accepted (because the question was cross posted!) here:
import uno
from import PropertyValue
createUnoService = (
def pypdf_test():
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
doc = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
# filter data
fdata = []
fdata1 = PropertyValue()
fdata1.Name = "SelectPdfVersion"
fdata1.Value = 1
fdata2 = PropertyValue()
fdata2.Name = "Quality"
fdata2.Value = 100
args = []
arg1 = PropertyValue()
arg1.Name = "FilterName"
arg1.Value = "writer_web_pdf_Export"
arg2 = PropertyValue()
arg2.Name = "FilterData"
arg2.Value = uno.Any("[]", tuple(fdata) )
fileurl = FilePicker()
if fileurl:
doc.storeToURL( fileurl, tuple(args) )
def FilePicker(path=None, mode=1):
Datei öffnen: `mode in (0, 6, 7, 8, 9)`
Datei Schreiben `mode in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10)`
see: ('''
dialogs_1_1TemplateDescription.html''' )
filepicker = createUnoService( "" )
if path:
filepicker.setDisplayDirectory(path )
filepicker.initialize( ( mode,) )
if filepicker.execute():
return filepicker.getFiles()[0]