here is my Django code
print request.user.role
print request.user.role is "Super"
print request.user.role == "Super"
print "Super" is "Super"
and the output on console is
I am wondering why it is not matching the exact string
It is because request.user.role is not a string. As a result, comparing it with a string "Super" will return false, as there is no implicit type comparison. You must convert it to a string if you want to compare it to one. To convert to a string, you can try this:
Your last print returns true because you are just comparing the string "Super" to itself, evidently. Also as a side note, you only want to use is when comparing identities, not values.
Please do not use string comparison to check for user roles. This approach is error prone, may use more memory for new created strings and is dangerous overall. For example if value that represents role is not it's name you will have to keep track of name-value mapping yourself. Or if library will change it's mind and swap names to integers etc.
All libraries that provide such functionality has roles enum lying somewhere with all the values for roles. So, for example, in django-user-roles you can do
user.role.is_super # maybe role.is_Super
# or
from userroles import roles
user.role == roles.super # maybe roles.Super
This is much more readable and safer aproach.
I am using the python library cerberus ( and I want to check if a JSON field is a number (integer) or an empty string.
I tried using the condition:
{"empty": True, "type": "intenger"}
But when the field is an empty string, for example: (""), I get the following error.
'must be of integer type'
Is there a way of using the basic validation rules so it detects also an empty string in a numeric field?, I know it can be done by using extended validation functions but I want to avoid that solution for the moment.
Try something like this:
I would advise to not overcomplicate schemas. 1) Multiple types can be declared for the type rule. 2) The empty rule is only applied to sizable values, so it would ignore any given integer. Hence this is the simplest possible rules set for your constraints:
{'type': ('integer', 'string'),
'empty': True}
Mind that this doesn't enforce the value to be an empty string, but allows it to be, vulgo: a non-empty string would also pass. You may want to use the max_lengh rule w/ 0 as constraint instead.
What is the right way to check if element does not exist in Python ?
The element is expected to be present most of the time, and if it is empty it is not an "error" and need to be processed normally:
def checkElement(self, x, y):
if not ([x][y]):[x][y] = 'element {}:{}'.format(x, y)
Your own code together with triplee's answer cover the common cases. I want to point out ambiguity in your question. How you check for "empty" very much depends on what your definition of empty is.
This is a tricky question because the semantics of "empty" are not exactly clear. Assuming that the data structure is a nested dict as could be inferred from your example, then it could be the case that empty means the inner/outer key is not contained in the dictionary. In that case you'd want to go with what triplee suggests. Similarly if the container is a nested list, but instead of KeyError you'd catch IndexError.
Alternatively, it could also be the case that "empty" means both the inner and outer keys are in the dictionary (or list) but the value at that position is some signifier for "empty". In this case the most natural "empty" in Python would be None, so you'd want to check if the value under those keys is None. None evaluates to False in boolean expressions so your code would work just fine.
However, depending on how your application defines empty these are not the only alternatives. If you're loading json data and the producer of said json has been prudent, empty values are null in json and map to None when loaded into Python. More often than not the producer of the json has not been prudent and empty values are actually just empty strings {firstName:''}, this happens more often than one would like. It turns out that if not[x][y] works in this case as well because an empty string also evaluates to False, same applies to an empty list, an empty set and an empty dict.
We can generalise the meaning of empty further and say that "empty" is any value that is not recognised as actionable or valid content by the application and should therefore be considered "empty" - but you can already see how this is completely dependent on what the application is. Would {firstName: ' '} a string that only contains white space be empty, is a partially filled in email address empty?
The Best way to check if any object (Lists, Dicts, etc) exist or not is to wrap it within a try...except Block. Your checkElement Function could be re-written thus:
def checkElement
# HANDLE THE CASE WHERE[x][y] ISN'T SET...[x][y] = 'element {}:{}'.format(x, y)
The answer to what you seem to be asking is simply
result =[x][y]
except KeyError:
result = 'element {}:{}'.format(x, y)[x][y] = result
return result
Of course, if[x] might also not exist, you have to apply something similar to that; or perhaps redefine it to be a defaultdict() instead, or perhaps something else entirely, depending on what sort of structure this is.
KeyError makes sense for a dict; if self[x] is a list, probably trap IndexError instead.
I tried many diffrent way but not success, i want to use string variable while running function. But if i use a string which is converted from a list member it is not succeeded, if i define a str variable i can do, when check type of variables both of them is str.
mylist=['upl1', 'upl2', 'upl3']
#if i define it like this , not success
#if i define it like this , success
if'%s' % ara_ci, IFAL):
ara_ci=str(ara_ci) is the sytax for type-casting something to str. Note (..) instead of [..].
something[i] is the syntax for accessing ith index of something list OR, value of i key from something dict.
Also, it is not good practice to over-ride python keywords (based on ara_ci=list[3]). list is data-type in Python
is there a way of passing a field of an array of collections into a function so that it can still be used to access a element in the collection in python?. i am attempting to search through an array of collections to locate a particular item by comparing it with an identifier. this identifier and field being compared will change as the function is called in different stages of the program. is there a way of passing up the field to the function, to access the required element for comparison?
this is the code that i have tried thus far:
code ...
In your code, M_work is a list. Lists are accessed using an index and this syntax: myList[index]. So that would translate to M_work[place] in your case. Then you say that M_work stores objects which have fields, and you want to access one of these fields by name. To do that, use getattr like this: getattr(M_work[place], field). You can compare the return value to identifier.
Other mistakes in the code you show:
place is misspelled pace at one point.
True is misspelled true at one point.
The body of your loop always returns at the first iteration: there is a return in both the if found == True and else branches. I don't think this is what you want.
You could improve your code by:
noticing that if found == True is equivalent to if found.
finding how you don't actually need the found variable.
looking at Python's loop.
I'm fairly new to python and have found that I need to query a list about whether it contains a certain item.
The majority of the postings I have seen on various websites (including this similar stackoverflow question) have all suggested something along the lines of
for i in list
if i == thingIAmLookingFor
return True
However, I have also found from one lone forum that
if thingIAmLookingFor in list
# do work
I am wondering if the if thing in list method is shorthand for the for i in list method, or if it is implemented differently.
I would also like to which, if either, is more preferred.
In your simple example it is of course better to use in.
However... in the question you link to, in doesn't work (at least not directly) because the OP does not want to find an object that is equal to something, but an object whose attribute n is equal to something.
One answer does mention using in on a list comprehension, though I'm not sure why a generator expression wasn't used instead:
if 5 in (data.n for data in myList):
print "Found it"
But this is hardly much of an improvement over the other approaches, such as this one using any:
if any(data.n == 5 for data in myList):
print "Found it"
the "if x in thing:" format is strongly preferred, not just because it takes less code, but it also works on other data types and is (to me) easier to read.
I'm not sure how it's implemented, but I'd expect it to be quite a lot more efficient on datatypes that are stored in a more searchable form. eg. sets or dictionary keys.
The if thing in somelist is the preferred and fastest way.
Under-the-hood that use of the in-operator translates to somelist.__contains__(thing) whose implementation is equivalent to: any((x is thing or x == thing) for x in somelist).
Note the condition tests identity and then equality.
for i in list
if i == thingIAmLookingFor
return True
The above is a terrible way to test whether an item exists in a collection. It returns True from the function, so if you need the test as part of some code you'd need to move this into a separate utility function, or add thingWasFound = False before the loop and set it to True in the if statement (and then break), either of which is several lines of boilerplate for what could be a simple expression.
Plus, if you just use thingIAmLookingFor in list, this might execute more efficiently by doing fewer Python level operations (it'll need to do the same operations, but maybe in C, as list is a builtin type). But even more importantly, if list is actually bound to some other collection like a set or a dictionary thingIAmLookingFor in list will use the hash lookup mechanism such types support and be much more efficient, while using a for loop will force Python to go through every item in turn.
Obligatory post-script: list is a terrible name for a variable that contains a list as it shadows the list builtin, which can confuse you or anyone who reads your code. You're much better off naming it something that tells you something about what it means.