Python - Returning variable from function trouble - python

I'm currently learning Python and am creating a maths quiz.
I have created a function that loops, first creating a random maths sum, asks for the answer and then compares the input to the actual answer; if a question is wrong the player loses a point - vice versa. At the end a score is calculated, this is what I'm trying to return at the end of the function and print in the file where I receive a NameError 'score' is not defined.
I have racked my head on trying to figure this out. Any help / suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
`def generate(lives, maxNum):
import random
score= 0
questionNumber = 1
while questionNumber <=10:
ops = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
num1 = random.randint(0,(maxNum))
num2 = random.randint(0,10)
operation = random.choice(ops)
question = (str(num1) + operation + str(num2))
print ('Question', questionNumber)
print (question)
maths = eval(str(num1) + operation + str(num2))
answer=float(input("What is the answer? "))
except ValueError:
print ('Please enter a number.')
if answer == maths:
print ('Correct')
score = score + 1
questionNumber = questionNumber + 1
print ('Score:', score)
print ('Lives:', lives)
elif lives == 1:
print ('You died!')
print ('Wrong answer. The answer was actually', maths)
lives = lives - 1
questionNumber = questionNumber + 1
print ('Score:', score)
print ('Lives:', lives)
if questionNumber == 0:
print ('All done!')
return score
My main file
import random
from generateQuestion import generate
#Welcome message and name input.
print ('Welcome, yes! This is maths!')
name = input("What is your name: ")
print("Hello there",name,"!" )
#difficulty prompt
while True:
#if input is not 1, 2 or 3, re-prompts.
difficulty = int (input(' Enter difficulty (1. Easy, 2. Medium, 3. Hard): '))
except ValueError:
print ('Please enter a number between 1 to 3.')
if difficulty < 4:
print ('Between 1-3 please.')
#if correct number is inputted (1, 2 or 3).
if difficulty == 1:
print ('You chose Easy')
lives = int(3)
maxNum = int(10)
if difficulty == 2:
print ('You chose Medium')
lives = int(2)
maxNum = int(25)
if difficulty == 3:
print ('You chose Hard')
lives = int(1)
maxNum = int(50)
print ('You have a life count of', lives)
print ('Please answer: ')
generate(lives, maxNum)
print (score)
#not printing^^
I have tried a different method just using the function files (without the main) and have narrowed it down to the problem being the returning of the score variable, this code is:
def generate(lives, maxNum):
import random
questionNumber = 1
score= 0
lives= 0
maxNum= 10
#evalualates question to find answer (maths = answer)
while questionNumber <=10:
ops = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
num1 = random.randint(0,(maxNum))
num2 = random.randint(0,10)
operation = random.choice(ops)
question = (str(num1) + operation + str(num2))
print ('Question', questionNumber)
print (question)
maths = eval(str(num1) + operation + str(num2))
answer=float(input("What is the answer? "))
except ValueError:
print ('Please enter a number.')
if answer == maths:
print ('Correct')
score = score + 1
questionNumber = questionNumber + 1
print ('Score:', score)
print ('Lives:', lives)
elif lives == 1:
print ('You died!')
print ('Wrong answer. The answer was actually', maths)
lives = lives - 1
questionNumber = questionNumber + 1
print ('Score:', score)
print ('Lives:', lives)
if questionNumber == 0:
return score
def scoreCount():
print (score)

I think the problem is with these last lines in main:
print ('Please answer: ')
generate(lives, maxNum)
print ('score')
You are not receiving the returned value. It should be changed to:
print ('Please answer: ')
score = generate(lives, maxNum) #not generate(lives, maxNum)
print (score) # not print('score')
This will work.

The way it works is not:
def a():
score = 3
return score
def b():
(And print('score') will simply print the word 'score'.)
It works like this:
def a():
score = 3
return score
def b():


Python guessing game code keeps crashing after 1 guess. How would i fix this?

My code keeps crashing after I put in the 1st guess I make. I've looked at syntax and dont think that's a problem how do I make it so it goes past the 1st guess and executes it. When I put the guess in it just puts in all the prompts at once, and how do I call the function properly at the end? Any help would be appreciated.
Import time,os,random
def get_int(message):
while True:
user_input = input(message)
user_input = int(user_input)
print('Thats an integer!')
print('That does not work we need an integer!')
return user_input
def game_loop():
fin = False
while not fin:
a = get_int('give me a lower bound:')
b = get_int('give me a upper bound:')
if a < 0:
print("that doesn't work")
if a > b:
a, b = b, a
print("The number you guess has to be between " + str(a) + "and " + str(b) + '.')
num_guesses = 0
target = random.randint(a,b)
time_in = time.time()
while True:
print('You have guessed ' + str(num_guesses) + " times.")
guess_input = get_int('guess a number')
if guess_input == target:
print("Congrats! You guessed the number!")
time_uin = time.time()
elif guess_input < a or guess_input > b:
print("guess was out of range... + 1 guess")
elif guess_input < target:
print("Your guess was too low")
print("Your guess was to high")
num_guesses = num_guesses + 1
if num_guesses<3:
print('you should be sorry')
time_t = time_uin - time_in
print('it took' + str(time_t) + 'seconds for you to guess a number')
time_average = time_t / (num_guesses+1)
print('It took an average of' + str(time_average)+"seconds per question")
while True:
play_again = input ('Type y to play again or n to stop')
if play_again == 'n':
fin = True
print('Thank God')
elif play_again == 'y':
print('here we go again')
If guess_input != target on the first iteration of the loop, time_uin is referenced before assignment. Hence the error:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'time_uin' referenced before assignment
Solution is to run the following only if guess_input == target.
if num_guesses<3:
print('you should be sorry')
time_t = time_uin - time_in
print('it took' + str(time_t) + 'seconds for you to guess a number')
time_average = time_t / (num_guesses+1)
print('It took an average of' + str(time_average)+"seconds per question")
Please follow coppereyecat's link to learn how to debug a basic Python program.

How do you keep track of a global variable in python

I want to keep track of the variable TOTAL_TRI. TOTAL_TRI contains the number of correctly answered questions from the game. I need to save that value and pass it to the function statistics when statistics is called. Essentially, the player will play the game py_game, TOTAL_TRI will hold the number of questions they got right, and when the player calls the function statistics, it will display the number of questions they got right? I've been toying with this for a while with no significant progress. Any ideas?
The other games in the menu are not yet implemented, but they'll do the same play-save correct number of questions-and let the player call to statistics kind of thing.
import random
from random import choice
from random import randint
def py_game():
for k in range (1,3):
print('\nPractice Problem', k, 'of 2')
min_pyramid_size = 3
max_pyramid_size = 5
total_chars = 0
num_rows = random.randint(min_pyramid_size, max_pyramid_size)
for i in range(num_rows):
x = ''.join(str(random.choice('*%')) for j in range(2*i+1))
print(' ' * (num_rows - i) + x)
total_chars = total_chars + x.count('%')
user_answer = int(input('Enter the number of % characters' + \
' in the pyramid: '))
user_answer = print()
if user_answer == total_chars:
print('You are correct!')
print("Sorry that's not the correct answer")
points = 0
for k in range (1,11):
print('\nProblem', k, 'of 10')
min_pyramid_size = 3
max_pyramid_size = 5
total_chars = 0
num_rows = random.randint(min_pyramid_size, max_pyramid_size)
for i in range(num_rows):
x = ''.join(str(random.choice('*%')) for j in range(2*i+1))
print(' ' * (num_rows - i) + x)
total_chars = total_chars + x.count('%')
user_answer = int(input('Enter the number of % characters' + \
' in the pyramid: '))
user_answer = print()
if user_answer == total_chars:
print('You are correct!')
points +=1
print("Sorry that's not the correct answer")
TOTAL_TRI = points
def statistics(points):
print('\nPyramid Game---------------------------')
incorrect = 10 - (points)
print ('You answered', points, 'questions correctly')
print ('You answered', incorrect, 'questions incorrectly')
#Main Menu--------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main_menu():
calculation_game = print("Enter 1 for the game 'Calculation'")
bin_reader = print("Enter 2 for the game 'Binary Reader'")
trifacto_game = print("Enter 3 for the game 'Trifacto'")
statistics = print("Enter 4 to view your statistics")
display_data = print("Enter 5 to display data")
save_game = print("Enter 5 to save your progress")
user_input = int(input('Make your selection: '))
if user_input == 1:
if user_input == 2:
if user_input == 3:
if user_input == 4:
if user_input == 5:
if user_input != 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
print('invalid input')
Using globals is code smell just waiting to happen. Pass your variable as an argument to your function. That's all.

How could I use the except function with a for loop

When there is a wrong answer, I would like a preset message for all the operators to be displayed.
Maybe something like this:
while True:
user_ans = int(input())
except ValueError:
print ("That is not a valid answer")
but in a for loop.
My aim is to ask numerical questions then save to a file.
First, I need to ask the user what maths class they are in, then ask 10 randomly generated questions.
import random
from time import sleep
#List & Definitions#
operators = ("-","+","X")
score = 0
QA = 0
print ("Hello and Welcome")
print ("What is your name?")
name = input ()
print ("Do you want to Play (Yes/No)?")
choice = input()
if choice =="Yes":
print ("Excellent")
if choice == "No":
print ("Okey, bye...")
print ("Please input your class")
cn = input ()
print ("Let's start the quiz!")
#Asking Questions
for QA in range (0, 10):
numb1 = random.randint(1,10)
numb2 = random.randint(1,10)
randOp = random.choice(operators)
if randOp == "+" :
print (str(numb1) + "+" + str(numb2))
answer = numb1 + numb2
print ("Please input your answer")
UserAns = int(input ())
if UserAns == answer :
print ("well done that was correct")
score = score + 1
if UserAns != answer:
print("that's wrong")
print ("Oops! That was no valid number. Try again...")
if randOp == "-" :
if numb2 > numb1 :
print (str(numb2) + "-" + str(numb1))
answer = numb2 - numb1
print ("Please input your answer")
UserAns = int(input ())
if UserAns == answer :
print ("woah again Correct")
if UserAns != answer:
print("that's wrong")
score = score + 1
elif numb1 > numb2 :
print(str(numb1) + "-" + str(numb2))
answer = numb1 - numb2
print ("Please input your answer")
UserAns = int(input ())
if UserAns == answer :
print ("Correct :) ")
score = score + 1
if UserAns != answer:
print("that's wrong")
if randOp == "*" :
print (str(numb1) + "X" + str(numb2))
ans = numb1 * numb2
print ("Please input your answer")
UserAns = int(input ())
if ans == UserAns :
print ("Correct")
score = score + 1
if UserAns != answer:
print("that's wrong")
#Displaying Score
QA = QA + 1
if QA == 10 :
print ("Your score is " + str(score) + " out of ten")
#Saving & Writing to File
savePath = "Results\Class " + str(cn) + "\\" + name.lower() +".txt"
file = open(savePath, "a")
file = open(savePath, "r")
if == "":
file = open(savePath, "a")
file.write(name + "\n\n")
file = open(savePath, "a")
Just make better input functions..
def input_with_choices(prompt, choices):
while True:
choice = input('{} (choices are: {}) '.format(prompt, ','.join(choices)))
if choice in choices:
return choice
print("That's not a valid choice.")
def input_int(prompt):
while True:
return int(input(prompt))
except ValueError:
print("That's not an integer.")
Then you can use those to validate your input in the for loop.
Your question isn't very understandable, however, what I think you are looking for is this:
accepted = False
while not accepted:
UserAns = int(input())
accepted = True

Loop in a loop python [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
is there a way to add a second loop to a code. So the question says to create a quiz which I've done however, for the last hour I've being trying to add a second loop so the quiz does it three times:
import random
score = 0
questions = 0
loop = 0
classnumber = ("1", "2", "3")
name = input("Enter Your Username: ")
print("Hello, " + name + ". Welcome to the Arithmetic Quiz")
classno = input("What class are you in?")
while classno not in classnumber:
"Enter a valid class. The classes you could be in are 1, 2 or 3.")
classno = input("What class are you in?")
while questions < 10:
for i in range(10):
number1 = random.randint(1, 10)
number2 = random.randint(1, 10)
op = random.choice("*-+")
multiply = number1*number2
subtract = number1-number2
addition = number1+number2
if op == "-":
print("Please enter your answer.")
questions += 1
print(" Question", questions, "/10")
uinput = input(str(number1)+" - "+str(number2)+"=")
if uinput == str(subtract):
score += 1
print("Correct, your score is: ", score,)
print("Incorrect, the answer is: " + str(subtract))
score += 0
if op == "+":
print("Please enter your answer.")
questions += 1
print(" Question", questions, "/10")
uinput = input(str(number1)+" + "+str(number2)+"=")
if uinput == str(addition):
score += 1
print(" Correct, your score is: ", score,)
print(" Incorrect, the answer is: " + str(addition))
score += 0
if op == "*":
print("Please enter your answer.")
questions += 1
print(" Question", questions, "/10")
uinput = input(str(number1)+" * "+str(number2)+"=")
if uinput == str(multiply):
score += 1
print(" Correct, your score is: ", score,)
print(" Incorrect, the answer is: " + str(multiply))
score += 0
First, please consider using functions in your code. Functions make everything neater and functions help make code reusable.
Second, there are a lot of areas where the code is superfluous. It is performing unnecessary checks in spots and several sections of the code could be rearranged to reduce the overall length and increase readability.
Nonetheless, here's a revised version of your code with some of those suggestions implemented:
import random
def RunQuiz():
name = input("Enter Your Username: ")
print("Hello, " + name + ". Welcome to the Arithmetic Quiz")
score = 0
questions = 0
loop = 0
classnumber = ("1", "2", "3")
classno = input("What class are you in?")
while classno not in classnumber:
print("Enter a valid class. The classes you could be in are 1, 2 or 3.")
classno = input("What class are you in?\n>>> ")
# End while input
# Run the 10 question quiz
for questions in range(1,11):
number1 = random.randint(1, 10)
number2 = random.randint(1, 10)
op = random.choice("*-+")
multiply = number1*number2
subtract = number1-number2
addition = number1+number2
print("Please enter your answer.")
print(" Question" + str(questions) "/10")
if( op == "-"):
# Subtraction
uinput = input(str(number1)+" - "+str(number2)+"=")
# Make it an int for proper comparison
uinput = int(uinput)
if uinput == subtract:
score += 1
print("Correct, your score is: %d" %(score,))
print("Incorrect, the answer is: " + str(subtract))
score += 0
elif( op == "+"):
# Addition
uinput = input(str(number1)+" + "+str(number2)+"=")
uinput = int(uinput)
if uinput == addition:
score += 1
print(" Correct, your score is: %d" % (score,))
print(" Incorrect, the answer is: " + str(addition))
score += 0
elif( op == "*" ):
# Multiplication
uinput = input(str(number1)+" * "+str(number2)+"=")
uinput = int(uinput)
if uinput == multiply:
score += 1
print(" Correct, your score is: %d" % (score,))
print(" Incorrect, the answer is: " + str(multiply))
score += 0
# End if( op )
# End For 10 questions
print("\nFinal Score: %d/10" % (score,))
# End RunQuiz()
def main():
# Run the quiz 10 times
for RunCount in range(3):
print("Running quiz #%d\n" % (RunCount,))
# End For
# End main
# Call main on script execution
Obviously you can rearrange the code to suit your needs. (For example, I did not know if you want the name & class number to be entered every time).
If you want the whole thing to run 3 times then put for i in xrange(3): above the first lines of the quiz then indent the rest of the code to the loop. If that is what you actually want. Good luck!

python - ask random mathematical questions not quite working

I need help with this program that I'm writing. It asks random mathematical questions. It chooses between +, - and x. Here's my code
import random
def questions():
name=input("What is your name: ")
print("Hello there",name,"!")
choice = random.choice("+-x")
finish = False
questionnumber = 0
correctquestions = 0
while finish == False:
if questionnumber < 10 | questionnumber >= 0:
number1 = random.randrange(1,10)
number2 = random.randrange(1,10)
answer=int(input("What is the answer?"))
questionnumber = questionnumber + 1
if choice==("+"):
realanswer = number1+number2
if answer==realanswer:
print("That's the correct answer")
correctquestions = correctquestions + 1
print("Wrong answer, the answer was",realanswer,"!")
if choice==("x"):
realanswer = number1*number2
if answer==realanswer:
print("That's the correct answer")
correctquestions = correctquestions + 1
print("Wrong answer, the answer was",realanswer,"!")
elif choice==("-"):
realanswer = number1-number2
if answer==realanswer:
print("That's the correct answer")
correctquestions = correctquestions + 1
print("Wrong answer, the answer was",realanswer,"!")
finish = True
print("Good job",name,"! You have finished the quiz")
print("You scored " + str(correctquestions) + "/10 questions.")
The output:
What is your name: s
Hello there s !
6 - 9
What is the answer?-3
That's the correct answer
9 - 8
What is the answer?1
That's the correct answer
9 - 7
What is the answer?2
That's the correct answer
8 - 3
What is the answer?4
Wrong answer, the answer was 5 !
5 - 6
What is the answer?1
Wrong answer, the answer was -1 !
8 - 7
What is the answer?1
That's the correct answer
3 - 5
What is the answer?2
Wrong answer, the answer was -2 !
4 - 5
What is the answer?1
Wrong answer, the answer was -1 !
7 - 2
What is the answer?5
That's the correct answer
7 - 1
What is the answer?6
That's the correct answer
Good job s ! You have finished the quiz
You scored 6/10 questions.
Now the program is running fine but it asks the questions with the same operator (+, -, x) every time I start the program a different operator questions happen but I want to run it so it actually asks different adding, subtracting, multiplication questions inside the program so all the questions that it asks it will be different questions like x, + and - every different question.
It should help if you move the choice part inside the loop:
while not finish: # better than finish == False
choice = random.choice("+-x")
# etc
import random
correct = 0
name = input("Please enter your name: ")
for count in range(10):
num1 = ranom.randint(1, 100)
num2 = radom.randint(1, 100)
symbol = rndom.choice(["+", "-", "*"])
print("Please solve:\n", num1, symbol, num2)
user = int(input(""))
if symbol == "+":
answer = num1 + num2
elif symbol == "-":
answer = num1 - num2
elif symbol == "*":
answer = num1 * num2
if user == answer:
print("Wong u wetard")
correct = correct + 1
print(name, ", You Got", correct, "Out Of 10")
After while finish == false put this !
choice = random.choice("+-x")
I have attempted the same problem that you face, and after looking at your code I made the changes detailed below. the code works and it is (relatively) neat and concise.
def name_enter():
global name
name = ""
while name == "" or len(name) > 25 or not re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$', name):
name = input("Please enter your name: ")
def enter_class():
global class_choice
class_choice = None
while class_choice not in ["1","3","2"]:
class_choice = input("Please enter you class (1, 2, 3): ")
print("\nClass entered was " + class_choice)
def mathsquestion():
global qa, score
qa, score = 0, 0
for qa in range(0,10):
qa = qa + 1
print("The question you are currently on is: ", qa)
n1, n2, userans = random.randrange(12), random.randrange(12), ""
opu = random.choice(["-","+","x"])
if opu == "+":
while userans == "" or not re.match(r'^[0-9,-]*$', userans):
userans = input("Please solve this: %d" % (n1) + " + %d" % (n2) + " = ")
prod = n1 + n2
elif opu == "-":
while userans == "" or not re.match(r'^[0-9,-]*$', userans):
userans = input("Please solve this: %d" % (n1) + " - %d" % (n2) + " = ")
prod = n1 - n2
while userans == "" or not re.match(r'^[0-9,-]*$', userans):
userans = input("Please solve this: %d" % (n1) + " x %d" % (n2) + " = ")
prod = n1 * n2
userans = int(userans)
prod = int(prod)
if prod == userans:
score = score + 1
print("Well done, you have got the question correct. Your score is now: %d" % (score))
print("Unfortunatly that is incorrect. The answer you entered was %d" % (userans) + " and the answer is actually %d" % (prod))
print("Your final score is: %d" % (score))
This is a very different code but should do the same thing. It's also much shorter and neater.
import random
correct = 0
name = input("Please enter your name: ")
for count in range(10):
num1 = random.randint(1, 100)
num2 = random.randint(1, 100)
symbol = random.choice(["+", "-", "*"])
print("Please solve:\n", num1, symbol, num2)
user = int(input(""))
if symbol == "+":
answer = num1 + num2
elif symbol == "-":
answer = num1 - num2
elif symbol == "*":
answer = num1 * num2
if user == answer:
correct = correct + 1
print(name, ", You Got", correct, "Out Of 10")

